Him to Die Part 2

Movement. A hair in his eye. The purr of an engine. He squirmed, trying to reach the hair that was tickling the corner of his eyelid. His arms wouldn't move. Something was holding them down.

Shifting, a pull to the side. Like going around a corner, he thought and then wondered how he could be going around a corner. Wasn't he in bed?

But there was that engine sound...

His head hurt- right behind his ear. Had he hit it on something? Was he in an ambulance?

Cracking his eyes open he could see faint greeny glows around him- some sort of equipment- familiar- but not medical-

He lifted his head- oh, it hurt!- and squinted at himself. Seat belts, two of them, crossed over his torso, holding him in place. What- no, where was he?

Driving home- he remembered that. Someone in his parking spot- a van. He'd dropped his keys- and then...

Inhaling sharply, everything springing into focus, he glared at the front of the van. Only one driver- no one else- what was going on here? It was faintly light outside- just enough to outline the driver- not enough to get any details.

Quietly, carefully, he undid the belts, making sure they didn't clink as they dropped away from his body. He was rather surprised his captor hadn't used something a little more secure- had he not done any research on Duo at all?

He'd have to stay low so he didn't show up in the mirror... hopefully the idiot wouldn't check it in the next minute or so... He slid noiselessly off the seat and moved quietly towards the front of the van.

Closer.... closer....just a foot now-

"Awake at last," said a voice that he knew all too well, and the driver turned his head slightly. Duo drew in his breath in surprise at the familiar profile. "I didn't think I hit you that hard."

Duo's jaw dropped. "Heero?! What the fuck...?"

"Don't sit up here," Heero gestured to the seat behind him. "Sit there. I don't think we're being followed, but we should be careful all the same."

Followed? Careful? Duo gave himself a little shake. He sat down on the seat and leaned close, making sure to stay out of the range of the windows. "Heero, it's good to see you again and all, but do you mind telling me what the hell is going on?"

"Two days ago someone put a contract out on you. I accepted it."

It took a moment to process. "Someone hired you to kill me?"


"Why aren't I dead?"

The exasperated sigh was very familiar. "Do you honestly think I'd kill you?" Heero gave him a quick over the shoulder glare. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"Sorry," Duo huffed. "It's just- well, you don't see a guy for a few years, and then he shows up without warning, knocks you out and ties you up in the back seat of a van-"

"You weren't tied up- and just in case we were being watched I wanted to put on a good show. I thought I'd drag you into the van and explain- but the opportunity to knock you out was just there-"

Duo felt his face turn red. "Were we being watched?" He demanded.

"Not that I could tell- but someone is paying quite a bit to get rid of you. I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted a little insurance."

"Quite a bit? How much am I worth?" Heero told him and Duo's eyes widened. That was more than he made in a year- a lot more. "For that amount I might be tempted to kill myself. Are you sure you aren't just lulling me into a false sense of security?"

"Why would I do that? It'd be easier just to kill you."

He had to admit, Heero had a point. "Too true. It's just- that's a lot of money. I can't think of anyone willing to pay quite that much to get rid of little old me."

Heero sighed. "Damn- I was hoping you would. I couldn't trace the call or the contract." He inclined his head at the slim bag in the seat beside him. "My computer's in there. I took the liberty of copying your files- maybe you could go through them? See if there's something in them that could give us a clue? I used the logins from the last mission we did together."

Duo's jaw dropped again. "You copied my files? How the hell did you get into my apartment? Much less into my computer? My security-"

"You forget- I've watched you set up temporary security systems- I know how you think. It was difficult, but-"

"Right, right," Duo interrupted, sliding a hand out and snagging the case. "Just trying to salvage my pride now, are you? Just for that I'm going to install a hideous worm on your system."

"Fine- but wait until after we've figured out who wants you dead, okay? "

"Deal." Duo popped open the case and took out the computer. "So, how long do I have? Did they tell you how they wanted me- uh- taken care of?"

Heero shook his head. "No. In fact, they wanted me to hold you for a week first- get some proof that you are in fact being held- and then take care of you."

"Hmm," Duo frowned. "So they are obviously planning to do something with that proof... Ransom, maybe? But I can't imagine who they think would pay to get me back-"

"Well, they must think you're important to someone. Aren't you?"

Duo glared at the back of Heero's head. "You know, I appreciate the riding to my rescue and all, but you aren't making me feel real good here. You catch me off guard, give me a hell of a headache, inform me that you cracked my security and now you're making me feel the lack in my personal life. Thanks a lot."

"I am sorry. My interpersonal skills still... how did you describe them...?"

"They still suck."

"That's it." Heero's mouth twitched. Duo decided to move on.

"Maybe I'm being made an example of? Maybe someone is after the pilots?"

"It's possible- but why start with you? Quatre is the most prominent-"

"There you go again- you're doing wonders for my ego today." Duo tapped the keyboard, logging in. "Maybe he's the finale? We should send him- and the others- some sort of warning."

"We can do that once we get settled in."

"Settled in? Where are we going?"

"One of J's old labs. We should be okay there. We're about an hour away still- plenty of time to go through your files and see if anything looks promising."

The computer had finished booting up. Duo's files were all in a folder on the desktop and he rolled his eyes, knowing Heero couldn't see him. How the hell had Heero managed to get through his systems? He'd spent ages making sure his security was damn near perfect- on his home and his computer- and Heero managed to break through it all in a day.

He opened the folder and started scanning the files- sure he'd ticked a few people off over the years, but no one in a position of power- no one who could afford the payment offered on the contract. Maybe the payment was a bluff?

"Did they pay you anything yet?"

"No. First payment will arrive once I have proof of your capture."

"Do you think they might be bluffing?"

Heero shook his head. "Once the contract was offered they had to put the whole payment in a certain account- a third party handles the payments. It's all part of the way the contracts are made."

"Damn." Duo frowned at the computer. "So they have to have the money..."


"I really don't know, Heero- I mean, I'm small-time. Divorce cases, background checks, that sort of thing. Sure, I've made a few people furious- but no one with the sort of money that they're offering."

"Maybe they didn't have that sort of money then- but they do now? Just tag the cases that you remember pissing people off over." A faint smile curved Heero's lips and Duo waited for the next obvious line.

He didn't get it. Huffing softly to himself, he started to scan the files.



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