Him to Die Part 3

Heero felt Duo's breath against his ear as his former partner in crime leaned over his shoulder. "Where the hell are we? This looks like the middle of a forest."

"It is the middle of a forest- a game preserve technically."

"Dr J had a lab out here?"

"Yes. We're nearly there." Heero hid a smile.

"Really? It doesn't look like- SHIT!"

Heero had given the wheel a sudden twist, sending them off the road and apparently heading a full tilt for a stream.

"What the hell-?!"

"Relax." Heero reached up and pressed a button on the console. He heard Duo's indrawn breath as one of the large rocks by the stream suddenly heaved itself upwards revealing a dark passageway. Heero braced himself as the van tilted forward and Duo cursed softly as he was flung against the back of Heero's seat. "Brace yourself."

"Yeah, a little earlier warning would've been nice." Duo righted himself and Heero allowed himself a small smile as they headed down the concrete passageway. "Underground bunker? Pretty good place to hide."

"Yes." Heero stopped the van in front of a huge set of double doors. "Here we are."

Duo rolled his eyes and retrieved the laptop from the floor, closing it carefully. "I guess it's too much to expect a hot shower and a decent bed down here?"

"Course not." Heero swung himself out of the van and Duo followed. "There are personnel quarters attached to the lab. Hot water, soft beds, even a supply closet full of extra clothes. All the comforts of home."

"I don't know about that." Duo said as he stepped into the lab. "My hot water only works occasionally."

"Better than home then," Heero said as he hit the power switch. The lab lit up and Duo let out a low whistle.

"Nice. I should've gone into the mad science biz."

Heero scanned the small screen beside the lights. "The security system shows no signs of entry- and no one following us here." He allowed himself a small moment of relief, felt his muscles relax.

"That's good." Duo put the laptop down on an empty desk. "So now what?"

Heero looked away from the screen and met Duo's eyes. He hadn't had a good chance to look at the other man before now- and his heart gave a small skip when he saw how tired Duo looked. "So now, you go take a shower and get some rest. I'll send them the pictures and check those files you tagged."


"The proof. I took them in the van after I knocked you out." Heero pulled out his pocket camera. "See?"

"Don't show them to me," Duo blocked his eyes dramatically. "My ego can't take anymore. At least let me help with the rest while you do that-"

"Duo- you look like you came off a bad case, got knocked on the head and then spent the rest of the night squinting at case files."

Duo snorted. "Funny you should say that because I did...."

"I know. So go get some rest, okay? I can do this part."

Heero watched Duo wander off towards the personnel quarters and heaved a small sigh. Well, that had all gone better than he'd hoped- he'd half expected the other man to haul off and deck him at least...

He went to the equipment he'd added to the lab and powered it on. A little note to the clients to tell them that he had the target- with the pictures- and then he'd take a look through the case files Duo had tagged. Maybe there was something there- he hoped so- otherwise this was going to be a lot more difficult...

At least Duo was as safe as Heero could make him- for the moment.

The computer finished booting up and Heero entered the codes absently. Once he was online he sent a message through the correct channels, informing his employers of Duo's capture. He wondered what their next step would be- they wanted Duo held... He'd have to keep an eye on the news, watch the Preventers, see if any demands or declarations were made...

He hoped the quick picture he'd taken in the van was enough for the proof of capture. They might want a few more- or who knew? They might want something worse... He'd worry about that later, if it happened.

Frowning, he turned his attention to the next item on his mental list. A few coded messages to the other pilots- asking them to take especial care- just in case this was vengeance for something that happened during the wars.

He checked the news feeds. Duo's disappearance shouldn't be noticed yet- but if something had happened to the others- or if the clients had already started something-

Nothing of any connection he could make came up. He logged off of his computer with a sigh. Rubbing his eyes, he reached for the laptop.

"Hey, superman." He turned to find Duo leaning against the door that led to the quarters. Freshly showered, damp and half clothed, the sight of him made Heero's heart do that skip again. "You look like you need some sleep too."

Sleep did sound good, but... "I will- I just want to check-" Duo walked over and pulled the laptop away, the damp towel around his neck brushing Heero's cheek.

"You can check later. When was the last time you slept? Before you found out about the hit on me?"

"Yes," Heero admitted.

"And not since."

"I had to get to you- the deadline- if I'd missed it- they would've sent someone else-"

"I know," Duo pulled him up and out of the chair. "But you didn't miss it and I'm safe now. C'mon."

Heero let Duo lead him out of the lab. "Just a few hours-" He was tired, he admitted to himself- and Duo was right- a few hours wouldn't hurt...

"Course." Duo cast a look at him that Heero couldn't quite understand. "Found your stuff in the second room. Been here long?"

"A few weeks. I move around..."

"Yeah, you never did seem like the settling down type." Duo opened the door to the room Heero had been using and gave him a push towards the bed. "I'd toss you in the shower first, but you're dead on your feet. Get some rest."

Heero sat down on the bed, kicking his boots off. "Did you find everything okay? The-"

"Yes," Duo cut him off, nodding. "Just fine. I put my stuff next door. Don't worry about me."

Exhausted as he was, eyes already starting to close, Heero still managed a snort. "Impossible."



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