This is for klingonpoo, who asked for pumpkin cheesecake. hugs*
Halloween Drabble 45
Duo didn't even look up as the door to his office swung open. "I don't want to hear it," he said, his fingers flying over his keyboard. "I don't care what emergency has popped up now. I already have three reports to write, one rookie to visit in the MedCenter, and I owe Davis for a new bulletproof vest since I have apparently managed to go through my allotment for the year in the space of 24 hours. I'm supposed to be helping carve pumpkins and going trick or treating with my niece and I'm stuck here on emergency duty. She's never going to forgive me."
"She'll forgive you," Duo turned towards the door in surprise. Heero stood there, a little smile curving his lips, with a white box in one hand. "Trowa heard about your day and he invited Wufei, Sally and Mei to the circus' celebration tonight."
Duo sighed in relief. "I owe him one for that. If she gets to hang around the lions, she'll forgive me deserting her tonight. But why are you here? I heard about your morning- why didn't you escape when you could?"
"I did escape." Heero rolled his eyes and perched on the edge of Duo's desk, dropping the white box in the middle of Duo's papers. "The minute the embassy was declared safe, I left before anyone could stick me with body guarding duty."
"Why did you come here? If anyone official sees you, they'll try to assign you something."
"I'll take that risk." Heero nudged the box at Duo. "I had to bring you this."
Duo's eyebrows lifted. "What is it?"
"Duo, it's Halloween." Heero lifted an eyebrow. "Don't you remember last year?"
"You didn't...." Duo reached for the box and took a quick peek inside. "You remembered!"
"How could I forget? It was a rather.... memorable event."
Duo smiled back. "It's really tempting to lock the office door and do it again..." He sighed. "But with my luck, something will happen and..."
"Then let's go home."
"I can't! I have these reports- and I'm on emergency duty-"
"The reports can wait until tomorrow- and Noin is covering for you."
"How did you swing that?"
"I got her one of these too." Heero tapped the box. "Amazing what you can get in return for a pumpkin cheesecake."
"You didn't volunteer to be her plate did you?"
Heero laughed. "No. The only person who gets to eat off of me is you."
"In that case," Duo shut the computer down and stood up, grabbing the box and Heero. "Let's go home and eat..."
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