Author: Merula

Pairings: 1x2

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, OOC, post EW, Duo POV....

Disclaimer: GW is not mine.

Deliveryman Three Christmas Drabble

Duo is still sleeping, curled up tight under the blankets, safe and sound. Just as he had been when I looked in on him ten minutes ago. It was silly to be checking again, I knew it...

But this is Duo. He can get into a lot of trouble in ten minutes. Consider this summer...

He will not do it again. He will be safe.

Rubbing my forehead, I will the voices in my head to be still. Couldn't they give me one day of peace? This day? I want today to be a good day. A normal day.

It is never a normal day. And we cannot drop our guard for a moment. You know that. What if the doctors...

It is not safe.


Duo will wake up soon. I need to be ready. Moving quickly away from the door, I head towards the kitchen. It will take some time to make breakfast.

A run would be warming. Running in the snow, feeling the cool air...

But what if Duo woke up and found himself alone? He doesn't like it.

Ignoring the voices, I focus on getting breakfast ready.

"Heero?" I turn to find Duo in the doorway a few minutes later, the comforter wrapped around him, still sleep rumpled. "Whatcha doing?"

"Making breakfast."

He shuffles over and peers around my shoulder. "Cinnamon rolls? Need help?"

"If you'd like to, of course." He slides into the seat across from me and shrugs the comforter off his shoulders.

"It's warm. Have you been up for a while?"

"A little while. Lit the fire, turned the tree on."

He glances over his shoulder and smiles. "Right. Almost forgot." Carefully balancing himself, he stands up on the legs of the chair and leans over the counter. "Merry Christmas."

His mouth is warm and for a moment I am tempted to forget about breakfast.

I want him.

He'll be hungry. Feed him first.

He leans away and grins at me. "Hurry! I want to get to the present part!"

We finish the cinnamon rolls quickly and put them in the oven. Duo makes coffee while I clean up and then he grabs my arm to pull me over to the tree.

"I thought you wanted to wait until after dinner." I tease and he grins.

"I think we should just open one ever so often today." He picks up a small box and tosses it in my lap. "There's your first."

I lean over and snag one of his. "Then you start with this."

His fingers slide under the wrapping paper and I slowly follow his lead. I wonder how he's going to react to this present- the online store I used had several, but this one was the closest I could find.

The moment the box is open he bursts into laughter. "You didn't!" Dangling from his fingertips is a small stuffed bear.

"I did. That is as close as you are to get to a real one from now on."

I will not let you do that again.

His smile lights his face. "That's fine with me! I never want to be that close to anything that dangerous again!"

And yet, you live with me...

As if he somehow knows my thoughts, Duo leans over and brushes his lips against mine. "Open yours."

Inside the small white box is a shining metal necklace, the tags hanging from it very similar to the ones I had to turn in when I left the Preventers. Instead of my name and badge number, they have my name- and Duo's.

"I know it's a kind of silly gift, but you mentioned one time that you missed yours, so I thought..."

It's my turn to lean over and kiss him. "I like it." Sliding the necklace over my head, the tags are a familiar and welcome weight around my neck. "Thank you."

Duo's fingers brush over the tags and his smile is oddly shy. "Thought they might be a little reminder too," he says softly as the oven timer dings. He gets to his feet and heads towards the kitchen.

He is worried still.

He doesn't want to be alone again.

As if I could forget that I belonged to him.

Always have. Always will.

And he belongs to me...



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