Iia Disera Sequel Part 3

"Why isn't it working?!"

"Calm down, Shina."

"Calm?!" A moment later there was a crash as Shina slammed Duo against the wall. "How the hell do I calm down? Kohru's gone, he's gone!"

Heero tried to pull the two of them apart, resisting Shina's attempts to shove him away. "Shina, if you don't calm down then you can't use your brain!"

After another moment of struggling, Shina released Duo and drew his hand over his face. "Why can't we bring him back?"

"Kohru obviously gave this process some thought before," Duo said slowly. "He must have altered the program in some way to recall the virtual him, which would dissolve the solid hologram, which is why he vanished."

"Heero!" Shina took Heero by the shoulders. "Kohru has most of your memories. He should think like you! What would you have done to the program? How can we bring him back?"

Heero clasped Shina's wrists. "Shina, we're all thinking. Yes, Kohru has my memories, but I'm not that familiar with Arian technology..."

"You gave him the ability to talk with me! You alone, gave him your memories..."

"By merely duplicating the process Duo completed with you," Heero explained.

Shina hugged himself. "I want Kohru back. Something has gone terribly wrong and I...I need to fix it!"

"We'll bring him back," Duo said, tapping away at the computer. "We just need some time to see what he did, and to reverse it."

Shina suddenly kicked the wall.

"Destroying Leo won't help get him back," Heero said quietly. "Calm, Shina. Your being angry will not help us think."

Shina sighed. "I'm trying, okay?"

"Go the lounge and do some exercise," Duo commanded. "Come back when you feel a little better."

Shina left, grumbling under his breath.

"Duo?" Heero touched his other's shoulder. "Can you bring him back?"

"I think so. Might not be fast, but eventually I should be able to."

"I'll go get Wufei," Heero said. "He's the mainframe right? Maybe Shina is hiding somewhere in the mainframe."

"Okay," Duo answered softly, looking up at Heero. He caught Heero's wrist. "Heero...I'm going to try hard. I don't want Kohru...to go through what you did."

Heero nodded. "Then let's get to work."

It didn't take long for the three systems to be updated on what had happened; although Heero skimmed over the details leading up to Kohru's vanishing.

Wufei hooked himself up to the computers so that he could access Leo's entire mainframe. Knowing it would take him a while to search the entire complex, Trowa decided to search downstairs for any clues that Kohru may have left behind.

Quatre frowned. "Why would Kohru do something like that?" he asked Heero. "It doesn't seem like him. He and Shina must have had some sort of big disagreement for him to react the way he did...not to mention the fact that this seems like a fairly well planned get away."

"It's safe to say that this disagreement was big, and that it was bound to come up sooner or later," Duo commented. "Okay," he added, giving the computer another tap. "It's going to automatically run through any out-of-place code that came up within the last few cycles. This might take a while."

"I'm getting a glitch," Wufei announced, catching their attention. "I think Kohru is hiding in the mainframe. But every time I counter the glitch, it either vanishes, or I get booted to another layer of the mainframe."

"So, the program running Kohru is still running, although it's feeding a negative response to access," Duo mused. "Okay. Wufei, you can disengage for now. Until we find some code, we don't have anywhere else to start. There must be some code."

"But haven't you been using the computers too, Duo?" Quatre asked. "What were you making? Won't those codes also come up?"

Duo shook his head. "I was tinkering around in here, yes, but not making anything. I didn't use the computer in that way." He stood. "We'll receive a signal when it finds something. Until then, there's no point in sitting here waiting." Taking Heero's hand, he dragged his other out of the room.

Quatre helped Wufei unhook from the computers as Trowa returned. "Anything, Trowa?" Wufei asked.

"No," Trowa answered. "How about here? Where did Duo and Heero go?"

"Duo's running a tracer on the computer and until he finds something there, he's unsure how to proceed." Quatre sighed. "Is it just me, or are those two having some problems?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ultimately..." Quatre said slowly. "Kohru and Shina were made from Duo and Heero. They didn't start existing on their own until they began to generate their own memories over the last one hundred rotations or so. The majority of their mental make up is still very much Heero and Duo."

"You're saying that...whatever problem Kohru and Shina had would either relate to, or stem from Duo and Heero?" Trowa asked.

"I'm only guessing," Quatre shrugged.

"And what do you think that problem is?" Wufei asked.

Quatre shrugged again. "Maybe it has to do with Heero's memories from when he was on Hydro...?"

The three systems stood in silence for a while before Trowa took Quatre by the hand. "Come on, my database," he said softly. "Let's go kill two birds with one stone." He grinned at Wufei.

"Which two birds?" Quatre asked, following Trowa willingly and glancing behind to make sure Wufei was behind him.

"Giving you a reward for having come up with that reasoning, and giving you a system reboot."

Quatre laughed as they stepped into their room, the door sliding shut behind them.

"Then I'd think it were three or four birds," he said, pulling his hand free from Trowa's and reaching for Trowa's shirt. "Allow me to show you the other two," he said with a grin.

Wufei stripped off his own two shirts. "Then let's set a new record of...four birds with one stone."


In Duo's room, Heero was stretched out on the bed, his arms held in place about his head by Duo's hand. The other hand was caressing Heero's body as Duo stared down at his other.

"Duo?" Heero asked, tugging lightly at his hands.

Duo leaned down and rest his head above Heero's chest. "Heero..." he breathed. "I...I can't."

"Can't what?" Heero asked, his heart beginning to race.

"For a moment, I couldn't tell you and Kohru apart. When Kohru began to run, I wanted to chase him. When he vanished, I...I had to grip your hand to know you were at my side."

Heero nodded, unable to do much more to touch Duo.

"Mireh," Duo whispered. "You can't leave me. I...I can't understand it, Heero," Duo raised his head. "I was so angry at Shina for running into you, so angry at Kohru's accusations, and yet when Kohru vanished I was scared."

"It's because we look alike," Heero said. "There's nothing wrong with it. When Shina ran into me and held on to me...it also took me a moment to realize he wasn't you."

"No!" Duo shook his head, braid whipping behind him. "That can't be, Heero! We can't be mixing them up! You're mine, you're my other, only you!"

"I know that, and you know that you alone are my other." Heero managed to pull his hands away from Duo's and he pulled Duo close, letting his other lie on top of him. "Mireh," he said softly.

"Maybe I should...destroy Shina."

"What?" Heero asked, startled.

"Wouldn't that remove all of our problems? We wouldn't have issues with wrong desires, or with these misunderstandings!"

"Duo, you created them. You gave them Arian blood."

"Even when I first created Shina...I would have to tell him that you were mine." Duo nuzzled Heero gently. "What a mess..."

Heero gripped Duo's braid, nuzzling his other in return. "Iia joavu saruow," he whispered. "No one else. Even if I desire Shina for just a moment when I see him...no one can ever replace you."

Duo nodded against him.

"I almost lost you too, Duo," Heero said. "I know what Shina feels right now. You, alone, will always be my other."

"Say it again, Heero," Duo pleaded, voice muffled against Heero's shirt, half of the words slurring into Arian.

"Iia joavu saruow," Heero whispered. "Only you."

"Again." Duo tangled their fingers together.

Heero hugged his other. "Never lose me. Don't let me lose you either."

It was hard for them not to physically desire their other when they lay together the way they did. Heero's hand, still gripping Duo's braid, slid down to press against Duo's backside, encouraging the rubbing and grinding movements of Duo.

Duo hugged Heero to himself, sliding a hand under Heero's neck as he dropped kisses onto what bared skin he could find.

"Mine," Duo said in English as he lifted his head to stare into Heero's eyes. Heero's face was flushed and he was trying to find some leverage to push back against Duo. "Mine," Duo whispered again as he set the pace to let them reach their completion.

He watched as Heero threw his head back, mouth opening in a silent groan. He could feel the movements of Heero's release between them.

Leaning down to kiss Heero as he worked his own way towards climax, Duo spoke against Heero's lips as he began to come.

"Iia joavu saruow...Heero!"


Alone in the lounge, curled in the corner of a couch, Shina buried his face against his knees, gripping his braid tightly in his hands.

Kohru...why was it so easy for you to leave me?



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