Hogwarts Part 12
Making the Cut
Professor Copperbottom looked up as someone stormed into her classroom.
She had been busy grading papers, and was a little annoyed at the intrusion. 'What is it THIS time with him?' She shook her head as Duo approached her. "MISTER Maxwell... what is the meaning..."
"TEN TIMES! I've mentioned this earlier, Professor. You said that you'd do something about it. Now... look at this list and tell me what you see." Duo handed the parchment over. The expression on his face told her that he was TRYING to stay calm.
"Hmmm... oh! I KNOW you put your name up for Quidditch tryouts!" She frowned darkly and met Duo's angry gaze. "I understand. We'll see to this once and for all. Come with me."
Duo followed Professor Copperbottom to Madame Creeper's office.
"Lu... I want you to witness this." She motioned to Duo. "Go ahead, Duo. Even if they do it again, Madame Creeper will know that you signed up."
Madame Creeper came around and watched as Duo wrote his name on the Quidditch tryout list. She smiled as he handed the quill back to Professor Copperbottom. "I take it you've been having problems."
Duo sighed. "This is the eleventh time I've put my name onto that sheet. I mean... I KNOW I balked at the broom the first day, but I don't see why the students would keep me from trying out for the team."
Madame Creeper nodded. "I agree with that. Wizards raised as Muggles tend to be a bit nervous at first."
Professer Copperbottom smiled gently. "Go on back to lunch before that Yuy boy marches in here and drags you out by your hair like he did the other day when you were speaking to me about this." She quirked her lips at the memory of the stoic boy barging into her classroom.
"I don't see why they're taking my name off!" Duo signed his name to the list and sighed. "This is number 8."
Heero burst in looking around frantically before relaxing. "What are you doing?"
Duo grinned. "Hey, Heero! I'm signing up for Quidditch!"
Heero walked over. "AGAIN? This is the eighth time!" He shook his head at Duo's shrug. "Anyway... it's lunchtime, and Quatre was getting worried. I tried telling him that you have a good reason to be late, but you know how Quatre is. You can't say no to him." He grabbed the end of Duo's braid. "Come on!"
Duo yelped as he was forced to walk after Heero. "HEY! My braid is NOT a leash!"
Heero smirked over his shoulder. "Sorry... Quatre's orders!" Then he turned, looking worried. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"
It was Duo's turn to shake his head. "Nah! You just surprised me, that's all."
There was that relieved expression again. "I'm glad. Now come on."
Professor Copperbottom was shocked, to say the least. Never before in the history of the school did students make friends outside of their houses. Then she noted that the level of familiarity between the two boys indicated that they had known each other for a long time. She smiled after them and stood to go hang the list up.
~End Flashback~
Duo sighed and trudged out of the room... leaving the two teachers to discuss whatever it was they wanted to discuss.
-Oh THERE you are! Heero was getting ready to do a search and retrieve on you. I figured it would be better if I found you first.- Shi-chan trotted beside Duo as he walked. -What's wrong? You didn't get in any trouble, did you?-
"My name was erased again." He said more to the person he heard behind him than the cat beside him. There was no mistaking that footfall. A normal person wouldn't have heard it. "How long were you there?" He looked over his shoulder and smiled a little at Heero as he approached.
"Not long." Heero fell into step on Duo's other side. "You've missed half of lunch."
Duo shrugged. "I'll live. YOU'RE not the one erasing my name, are you?" He highly doubted it, but wanted to make sure.
Heero shook his head, understanding Duo's need. "No. If I were against you playing, I would have said so from the start."
Duo nodded. "That's what I thought... Wufei said that no one in Hufflepuff would be that dishonorable, and Quatre said that no one in Ravenclaw has the motive. No one in Slytherin knows me, except for you. By elimination, that leaves someone in Gryffindor. No problem!" He rolled his eyes at his words. Like he could actually ASK everyone in Gryffindor if they erased his name. "Hey Heero? I need to ask you something that's been bugging me for a couple of weeks."
Heero shot a glance at Duo before looking ahead. "What is it?"
"Why did the Sorting Hat put you in Slytherin? I doubt I'm the only one who noticed that it almost put you in Gryffindor." Duo shrugged at his line of thinking. "Were... were you trying to avoid me?" He hoped he didn't sound as fearful of the answer as he actually was.
Heero was expecting this question. "No, but I'm still the soldier. No matter what, the mission still comes first. I demanded to be put into Slytherin... the hat only agreed to let me be in that house because I promised to request a transfer when I felt I could move past my training." He smiled a little at Duo. "I'm not ready yet... but I'm closer than I was when I got here."
Duo nodded. It made sense in a sad sort of way. Heero wanted to move past his training, but had to be someplace where he could wean himself. "I understand."
"Good. I had hoped you would." Heero grabbed Duo's hand. "Come on... before you don't get a chance to eat." With that, he broke into a run with Duo in tow.
Two days later, Duo was heading to the Quidditch field beside Heero. He was stopped by several students from Gryffindor. He didn't know any of them by name, but he never got along with anyone in his house.
"You didn't sign up!" The student in question held up the list. Sure enough, Duo's name was gone yet again. There was a satisfied smirk on the student's face.
Madame Creeper walked forward. "Is there a problem here?"
The boy turned to her and held up the list. "Maxwell didn't sign up! He thinks he can just waltz in here and try out as if he did? The rest of us signed up!"
Madame Creeper frowned. "Oh? I happen to have a copy of the signup sheet right here that I made out two days ago. Maxwell's name is not only on the list, but there are ten other incidences when his name was erased and another name was put in its place. Did YOU have anything to do with it?" The other students looked at each other and backed off with shocked and disappointed expressions as if they hadn't known that Duo's name had been vanishing.
Duo didn't say anything, but he smiled a little at the students who gave him apologetic looks. If they didn't KNOW he'd been signing up, he couldn't hold it against them.
"He doesn't belong out here! He's a loudmouth who balked when he first saw the broom. He..."
Madame Creeper cut the boy off. "Were you the one who erased his name? Answer the question... and I will KNOW if you are lying."
The boy stood tall and raised his chin. "I did."
Madame Creeper gave him a sad look. "You are telling the truth, so I won't have you expelled for your behavior." She raised a hand to stop the boy from continuing. "I WILL however deduct ten points from Gryffindor for EACH time Duo Maxwell's name was erased on the public list." She nodded as a slight commotion started, knowing that the deduction would take them below zero. "I will also ban you from the Quidditch field. I am ashamed of your behavior. If he is incapable of playing, then he will not make the team. To prevent him from even trying is the most voldish (1) thing someone can do." She turned to the rest of the students. "All right... select a broom and get in the air so I can release the balls. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are first up."
One hyper girl ran up to Duo and shoved a broomstick into his hands.
"It's about time he was put in his place! No one wanted to cross him. He's a jerk." She tilted her head at him. "You DO know how to play Quidditch, right?"
Duo shook his head. "No I..."
The girl nodded in understanding. "Best try for the easiest position. Well... KINDA easiest. It can be the hardest, too."
Duo frowned as Madame Creeper instructed everyone to mount and get airborne.
~That was Caitlin. She's got the looks of a Chaser. You, however, should try to be a Seeker... since you're so new to the game.~
Duo blinked and stuck a finger in his ear. 'What the...?'
~Stop clowning around and get airborne now before Madame Creeper pulls you off the field!~
'Yes MA'AM!' Duo pushed off and soared to his starting position. 'Uh... what should I be doing?' He worried about his sanity for a moment. He was talking to a voice in his head.
~Okay... there! See that TINY golden ball? THAT'S what you should be after! That's the Snitch. You get that, and we win. Easy enough, what?~
'Easy... sure. You have GOT to explain this to me because I can't really see what's going on.' Duo grinned at the voice. After the initial shock had worn off, he realized that someone on the field was talking to him telepathically. Someone with a mental Irish accent at that.
~Right! Now... that big ball that just remains a ball is the Quaffle. Chasers go after that. Each time one of us puts a Quaffle through one of those hoops, it's worth ten points. LOW BALL!!! Got it!~
Duo looked, but couldn't see who had the Quaffle. It was passed quickly to Caitlin who tossed it through the hoop, bypassing a boy he recognized as being from Hufflepuff.
~Oh good SHOW! That guy is going for Keeper. He's supposed to defend the hoops. Caitlin got past him, though. To tell the truth, she IS smaller and faster than he is.~ There was a mental snicker. ~They're always racing each other in Flying class and he's still pissed that he can't beat her.~
Duo chuckled at that and yelped as someone tugged his braid. "HEY!" He glared at the girl who seemed unfazed by his death glare. "Angel... QUIT that!"
"Stop daydreaming and choose a position, then. What are you going for?" Angel's chocolate brown hair was in a severe French braid that ended just between her shoulderblades.
Duo grinned at her. "I've been told to try for Seeker."
"SEEKER!?!? Probably Christiana, then. She's been mentioning that you have the looks of a Seeker. Not like her to open a conversation, tho." She slapped Duo's braid. "MOVE IT! Keep an eye out for the Snitch and watch out for Bludgers!"
Duo frowned. "BLUDGERS!?!? What are Bludgers?" He yelped and ducked as a ball that sounded like it was growling flew straight at him.
~THAT was a Bludger. Nasty buggers. Oh GOOD BLOCK! There... look to the hoops. That's Keara. She's all right as a Chaser, but she ROCKS as a Keeper. I think you have the basics now.~ There was a pause. ~What are you WAITING for? Do you think the Snitch is just gonna fly up to you and cry 'Catch Me!'?~
Duo grinned a little at that. He didn't know who this girl was, but he kinda liked her attitude. He caught a glimpse of gold and let out an internal whoop as he wove his way to it. 'DAMN! That thing moves faster than a beam cannon shot!'
~DUH! Why did you think it's so valuable, point-wise? Did you think it was for its aesthetic appearance?~
Duo shrugged internally and kept his eyes locked on the Snitch... almost ignoring everything going on except to dodge players or Bludgers.
Duo whipped his head to look over his shoulder. He didn't know who yelled the cry, but he knew who it was directed to. The petite girl who had happily handed him a broom. She looked just in time to get hit in the head with a Bludger. Not even thinking twice, Duo swerved from his course and flew straight at the falling girl. 'This is gonna hurt!' He went into a nosedive and wrapped an arm around Caitlin. He swooped up just in time to keep them from crashing... wincing as the sudden added weight wrenched his arm. 'Yup! I think I JUST dislocated my shoulder. It's worth it though.'
~Great catch! Now use that skill of yours and get the Snitch! I think that move alone got you the position of Seeker, but it's best if you cement your place by getting the Snitch as well.~
Duo swooped low again just long enough to give Caitlin to Madame Creeper and then went up into the playing area. He grinned as he spotted the Snitch again and flew after it... noting that a girl was also after it. 'Fast... but NOT fast enough!' He leaned over the broom to give himself the least wind resistance and shot after the Snitch. He ignored the pain in his shoulder as he felt his heart cheering. He had missed this... missed the feeling of accomplishment that came only while doing something with all his heart. 'Solo, Sister, Father... give me wings!'
His eyes were only on the Snitch. He was so close now. He saw the girl reaching for it. 'Mistake!' Using his slight advantage of speed, he flew past her, grabbed the Snitch without pausing, and gracefully circled towards the ground. He looked over at Heero and grinned wildly as his whole being sang. He blinked as Heero mouthed two words.
"Ninmu Kanryou."
(1) voldish - A very bad thing to do. Taken from Voldemort's name.
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