Author's Note: Bet you didn't see this coming! Oh, I had fun with this chapter!

Duo's POV

The Wedding Planner Part 22
Ice Cream and Introspection

I left the bar with a whole new appreciation for Heero Yuy. He had a great sense of humor to go with those steamy good looks, and pretty good taste in friends as well. While Wufei was a little uptight, he was also smart as a whip, with a keen eye for observation and a dry, biting wit. I liked a challenge. And verbal sparring with Wufei had been challenging. I kind of hoped to do it again sometime.

I don't know what possessed me to ask Yuy some of the things I'd asked him. Sex on the beach? I guess that was just a test--to see if he'd really tell me personal shit you only share with your friends. And despite my intentions of staying out of the middle of his battles with Relena, I'd as much as said I was on his side. Of course, that's only because I was. I sort of wished I could have asked him more about what kind of wedding he envisioned. But it really would have been talking shop when we were supposed to be doing the "friendship" thing, and I could tell my questions had unsettled him. So I backed off and let it drop.

He'd said I looked nice. Now why did that stand out in my mind? And why the hell did it matter if a straight guy thought I looked nice? It's not like he had a vested interest in complimenting me. Right?

So what was it about Heero Yuy's deep blue eyes and rare smile that so enchanted me? Fuck, but I was jealous of Relena! I swear if I'd seen Yuy first, I'd have stolen him right out from under her...or is that over? And do I have a dirty mind, or what?

Of course, his being straight was really a wet blanket to thoughts like that. No matter how attractive I'd noticed he was, there was nothing I could do about it...ever. He couldn't be anything more than a friend, albeit a hot, good-looking one. I had a few of those, so I guessed I could handle one more.

About the time I'd run through all those random thoughts, I was pulling into the parking lot by Howard's ice cream stand. There's nothing like a few scoops of mocha chip ice cream smothered in hot fudge and whipped cream to still persistent thoughts. And it being summertime, the place was open pretty late for folks who liked to walk on the beach.

Howard looked up with a smile upon seeing me walking over from the car. "Well, aren't we the perfect little slut tonight, eh Maxwell?"

"Stow it, Howie."

"Naw, look at ya, kid! Totally hot. What'd you do tonight, and why are you alone?"

"I went out with friends," I said stiffly, watching him start making my favorite dish. "I'm alone because I wasn't looking for a quick fuck."

"You sure dressed for it, though."

God! What was with everyone and the way I was dressed?

Howard saw the expression on my face, and cut me some slack. "Hey, kid. Lighten up. I just haven't seen you dress in leather since you used to go out clubbing. Thought maybe you were back in circulation."

I shook my head, taking the ice cream and leaning against the side of the booth to eat it. "As a matter of fact, Howie, Quatre's got me thinking about whether there might be a point to romance after all."

"Finally hooked up with the handsome bartender you told me he was ogling?"

"Yeah--but he says it's 'love,'" I sighed, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. "God, I miss that."

"Miss what?"

"Feeling like a room lights up when someone walks into it...getting butterflies in my stomach every time the phone rings, hoping it's him calling...feeling like my skin's on fire when his hand just brushes mine."

"And you say you're not a 'romantic' any more," chided Howard, smiling warmly. "Admit it, Duo. You want someone to share your life with. You don't want a quick fuck, or a one-night stand."

"Ah, but Quatre's taken now," I joked.

"He's not your type. Never was," Howard said wisely. "If he were, you'd have hooked up a long time ago. Sounds like he's found his soulmate. Are you ready to start looking for yours?"

"I had it!" I cried, allowing a hint of my anger and frustration into my voice. I'd had love, lust and friendship, all rolled into one with first Solo and then Alex.

"I know, kid," Howard agreed. "And after Solo, you thought there could never be anyone else for you. But there was. So now, after Alex, what makes you think there's not another soul out there in all this pathetic world that could be right for you?"

I shrugged. I had no answer for that, because he was right.

I pushed off from the wall and started walking out along the dark beach, letting the soothing wash of the waves calm my nerves.

I had thought Solo was my soulmate. And when he died, I thought I'd die with him--or at the very least that I'd never love again. But I did. And in some ways, Alex was even better for me than Solo. I was older when I met him, and a little wiser about what I needed from life. He suited me perfectly--and I gave him the fun and laughter his serious lifestyle had kept him from finding on his own. We completed each other. And now I was supposed to hope there was a third man out there who was made for me? I've never been too gullible--and that idea was a serious stretch for me. But Howard had a valid point. If I'd found love twice, could I find it again?

I'd finished my ice cream during my long, introspective walk, and found myself standing on the moonlit beach looking at my beloved cottage and the familiar, weathered "for sale" sign. Thank God it wasn't sold yet. At least if I couldn't have it, I knew no one else did.

And I started thinking about how last time I was there, I'd been glad that "my" cottage was still on the market, closed up and silent, waiting for someone to fall in love with it...someone who could afford the cost. It sort of hit me all at once that I was just like that damned place. I'd closed my heart up a long time ago. And I wasn't at all sure I could open it up again, and wait for someone to fall in love with me, knowing the cost. I wasn't just thinking of the cost to them, but the cost to me, if I lost yet another lover. Was it really worth that kind of risk?

It might be. Talking to Howard had made me remember what it felt like to fall in love. God knew I'd tried to forget that feeling, as wonderful as it was, because in the end it could be so painful.

Nights like these made me wonder why I'd given up drinking. I'd have traded my eye teeth for a bottle of scotch about then, and the delicious oblivion of passing out. Instead I had an empty ice cream dish and a long walk back to my car along a dark, empty beach. Talk about your metaphors...I was just surrounded by them.

But I walked up to that stupid real estate sign, tapping it on my way past, and headed back down the beach.


The next morning I was a little sorry for the extra time I'd spent getting ice cream and a philosophy lesson. I was loathe to drag myself out of bed and into the shower. But by the time I dressed and grabbed a cup of coffee, I was much more alert and ready to take on my strong-willed client.

Relena was waiting on the veranda, and I firmly reminded myself that Heero didn't want me to interfere in their disagreement, before I walked over and took her hand. I kissed it and smiled up at her, catching a wary, but relieved look from the blue eyes.

"Well, good morning, Duo!" she said brightly.

"So far so good," I replied, giving her a saucy wink and settling into the chair across from her. "Are you up for a bit of driving today? You never did get that ride in the Jag."

She lit up at the very idea. "Sounds perfect."

"Is Heero coming?" I asked carefully, looking down at the plate of pastries instead of at her face.

"No," came a short, flat reply. "He's--away." She put a hand on top of one of mine. "I've gotten the feeling there's a little tension between you two, and I think it'll be much more enjoyable if you and I take care of the rest of the wedding plans."

I looked up at her then, frowning a little. "Look, 'Lena...there's no problem with Heero and me. Maybe there was at first. But we took care of our issues."

"Yes, and I can imagine how that went," she said dryly. "He can be an awful bully at times."

"Hey, nobody bullies me!" I said firmly. "Not even Heero. I'm telling you--I can handle anything he dishes out. And he needs to help with the wedding plans. It's not just your day; it's his, too."

She waved a hand airily. "Heero couldn't care less about the wedding," she assured me. "Really. He'd have been content with a small, private ceremony and a cookout on the lawn of the estate, for heaven's sake."

I raised an eyebrow, recalling that Solo and I had planned something exactly along those lines, except that the cookout would have been on the beach, instead of at a posh estate. "Sometimes simple is better," I shrugged.

"Not for me," she insisted. "Duo, I have a very important place in the social world. I'm an international diplomat. If I had a small, private wedding, it would be a scandal!"

I sighed in frustration. There was no convincing her this wedding was anything less than a social coup. But I wondered why she'd chosen a computer security specialist instead of someone with greater ties to the diplomatic world.

Who was I kidding? I knew why she picked Heero. He was drool-worthy. Remember I said I hadn't met any Gods lately? Well, he was damn close. And what he lacked in social etiquette, I was sure he made up for in bed. I mean, damn! The guy had a body that wouldn't quit. And if I were being honest, the reason I wanted to see him spar Wufei wasn't just to see his fighting skills. It was to see if he looked as hot in a tank top and sweats as he did in a suit and tie. But I kind of thought I already knew the answer to that.


I looked up sharply, realizing I'd tuned out for a moment. "Oh--sorry. Late night," I said with a wan smile.

Relena gave me a coy look. "Who was she?"

For an instant I looked blankly back, and then caught on. "Oh. No. It's not like that," I said, blushing slightly. "I was out with friends." And your fiancé.

"Ah. But there must be a special lady in your life," she hinted.

"No," I said quickly. "No one." I stood up, uncomfortable with the line of questioning. "Shall we get going?"


We spent the day touring vineyards and sampling wines. Well, that is to say, Relena sampled wines. I more or less tasted enough to give an opinion, without breaking my promise to Quatre. He knew there were times I'd help a client choose the champagne or wine for their event. But when tasting wines, it's just as acceptable to roll it on your tongue and spit it out into the container provided as it is to swig down half a glass. So I got by without actually drinking much at all.

Relena, on the other hand, was a little tipsy on the ride home, as I found out when she stumbled getting into the Jag, and threw her arms around my neck for balance.

"Easy, there, 'Lena," I soothed, helping her into the seat and leaning across to carefully buckle her seatbelt. "Just sit back and get some rest."

She giggled a little, looking up at me with wide blue eyes. "You're sweet, Duo."

"I know," I replied matter-of-factly.

I got her back to the estate as quickly as I could, and walked her up to the door, only to realize Walter didn't come to open it. "Relena--d'you have a key?"

"Oh, sure." She fished in her purse and handed me the key. "I f'got," she slurred in a still-tipsy voice. "I gave Walter and Milly the night off to go to their son's graduation."

"I see." I opened the door and ushered her in, making sure she got to the sitting room okay.

She plunked down onto the couch a little too quickly, and I got worried that she might just pass out there.

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"Oh, sure," she said airily. "I've had lots more than that to drink before." Her bright blue eyes met mine. "How'd you stay so sober?"

"I didn't swallow much," I reminded her. "I knew I'd have to drive."

"Oh, right." Her expression clouded a little. "Should've taken the limo. You could have enjoyed yourself."

"I did," I said gently. "You stay here, 'Lena. I'm gonna get you a glass of water. It'll help with the hangover you're liable to have tomorrow." I went to the kitchen and brought her back some water, sitting down beside her to steady her hand while she drank. "Shit, I'm sorry," I said quietly. "I didn't realize how much of each glass you were drinking, or I'd have called a halt much sooner."

"That's okay," she insisted. "I love wine."

"You might not by tomorrow."

She nodded, putting a hand to her head shortly thereafter. "Oh...still a bit woozy."

I laughed at her almost childish tone of voice. "Yeah, well, you're cute when you're woozy."

She blinked owlishly at me. "You're cute when I'm woozy, too."

God--a silly drunk. Just what I needed! "Everybody's cute when you're woozy," I pointed out. "That's one of the reasons I gave up drinking." Yeah, there's nothing like waking up in bed with a total stranger to help you recognize the evils of alcohol.

"But you're cute all the time," she insisted, looking up at me with a sudden warmth in her eyes. She reached up and brushed my bangs back from my face.

I flinched a little, and reached up to catch her hand in mine. "Um, 'Lena--I think you need to go to bed."

She giggled at that. "Sure, Duo. Wanna come along?" Without waiting for an answer, she leaned up and kissed me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing up against me.

Shit, damn and motherfuck!

I edged back until I was against the arm of the couch, and managed to turn my face away enough to break the kiss. "Relena--no!"

"Aw, c'mon," she chided, running a hand down my chest and keeping the other against the back of my head. "I've seen the way you look at me, Duo. I know you're interested." She pressed her lips to mine again, and I took a firm grip on both of her shoulders to push her back.

"'Lena, you're drunk!" I said bluntly. "And maybe you think you want something you really don't."

"I know what I want," she pouted. "But you seem reluctant to give it." A hand dropped towards my lap, and I caught it quickly.

"Miss Peacecraft!"

That got her attention, and her pout deepened. "So formal again, Duo? You let Silvia paw you all she wanted."

"That's different--she's a friend--she knows it doesn't mean anything--that it's not going any further--!"

"Neither is this," Relena assured me. Then she giggled again. "Well, maybe as far as upstairs." She gazed up from half-lidded eyes. "C''ll be fun."

"You've got Heero for that," I said with a frown, recalling his previous admission about her lack of fidelity.

"Yes, and he's about as passionate as a statue." She gave me an almost predatory look with those ice-blue eyes of hers. "He'll never know, Duo. And if he did, he probably wouldn't care."

"Wouldn't care?" I echoed in amazement. Did she not see how jealous he was? "Relena, if he walked in on this, he'd fucking kill me! He's not just the jealous type...he's insanely jealous."

"He's jealous of what he perceives as a trespass on his property," she said with a weary little smile. "Our arrangement is as much business as pleasure."

"A-arrangement?" I stammered. "Love isn't supposed to be an 'arrangement.'"

"For people like me it is," she replied airily. "I'm a diplomat, Duo. For that I have to be calm and cool. Passion has no place in diplomacy."

"It does in marriage!"

She gave a little shrug. "So do things like security and stability. Heero's nothing if not steady. But when it comes to romance..." She slid a little closer, so I was nearly pinned to the arm of the couch. "He can't hold a candle to you in the romance department, Duo." She went for another kiss and I decided there was nothing left but the truth.

"Relena, I'm gay!"

That made her sit back and take notice. "You're gay?"

I nodded earnestly. "I'm flattered you're attracted to me, even if you are drunk out of your mind...but, well, I like guys. Sorry."

She shook her head, and then clutched at it rather dizzily. "Oooh...head rush!" She blinked big blue eyes at me. "I don' believe you," she slurred. "You had a fiancée. Alex."


Her eyes got very round, and her mouth mirrored the shape. "Oh."

I smiled gently. "See how it is?"

She nodded and then began to giggle helplessly, flopping back onto the couch. "Ha ha ha! Oh wait until Heero finds out!"

"Um, he already knows," I admitted.

She paused, wiping tears of hilarity from her eyes. "He--? Why that rotten skunk! He never told me!" She struggled back up into a sitting position, this time with a respectable distance between us. "No wonder you two stopped fighting around me."

I decided there was no point in correcting her, so I merely shrugged. "He only found out a couple of days ago. But I guess it put his mind at ease about the possibility that I'd steal you away from him."

She smirked up at me. "You might've had a chance if you were rich enough, as well as drop-dead gorgeous."

I smiled wanly. "I'd have had to be straight, too, 'Lena."

"Oh, yes...that would help." She giggled some more, and then put a hand to her mouth. "I don' feel so good."

Ah shit! I hastily helped her up and rushed her to the bathroom just in time for her to throw up most of the wine she'd consumed that afternoon. Having some experience with the effects of overindulgence, I patiently waited for her to finish, and then got her a cup of water to wash out her mouth, and helped her back to the couch.

Then I stepped out into the hallway and dialed Heero's cell phone.


"Hey, it's me--Duo."

"Don't tell me. You thought up more questions."

I chuckled. "Aw, hell, 'Ro. I could've asked a thousand. You're just that fascinating," I teased.

"You don't get any more answers until I get equal time."

"Much as I'd love to swap more intimate secrets with you," I joked. "That's not why I'm calling. Uh, Relena and I went to a couple of vineyards today to pick out wine for your reception, and--"

"She's drunk," came the flat, somewhat irritable response.

"How'd you know?"

"She loves wine," he sighed.

"Anyhow...looks like she gave the butler and maid the night off, and I'm kinda here with her pukin' up her guts, man. I thought maybe you'd want to know. You wanna come take over?"

There was a long silence on the line...then... "Put her on."

I went over and nudged the groaning woman gently. "Hey, 'Lena, it's Heero on the phone. Talk to him?"

She reached blindly up, taking the phone and putting it to her ear. "Hi, Heero...I'm a little sick." Pause. "No, Duo's taking care of me. I kind of threw up." Another pause. "No...I'm not mad at you any more. Duo's gay."

I put a hand over my mouth to stifle the laughter, wondering what Heero thought of her disjointed rambling.

"Oh," she said, rolling onto her side. "He told me when I tried to--"

I dove over the back of the couch and wrenched the phone from her hand. "Hey, 'Ro! Um--yeah, I think she's gonna hurl again. Don't want my phone to get, y'know, puked on."

"You told her?" he asked with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"I was trying to explain why you don't hate me any more," I said vaguely. "And it just sort of came out." I gave a weak laugh. "At least she won't be worrying that you'll be crazy jealous around me any more."

"So that's why she's not mad at me," he concluded. "Now that she knows you're gay, she's finally willing to believe I didn't pummel you into behaving around her?" I could almost hear him shake his head ruefully. "She could have just taken my word for it."

"I s'pose so." I shifted from one foot to the other, glancing at my watch. "Are you coming to take care of her?"

There was a frustrated sigh. "I'm supposed to be catching a flight to Hong Kong at midnight. But I guess I could come for a few hours...get her to bed at least."

I chuckled. "Don't want to trust me that far, do you?"

"Like I've said's not you I can't trust."

Well he sure as shit had that right! And for a split-second I was tempted to tell him what she'd done. It'd probably be better if he heard it from me, rather than having her blurt it out in a drunken ramble.

But honestly, I didn't want to tell him at all. She was drunk and stupid, and I didn't like the idea of using that to cause a rift between them.

"I'll wait until you get here," I told Heero.

"Thanks, Duo. I really do appreciate this. You could've just left her." Then he paused, and I could hear a smile creep into his voice. "I take that back. There's no way you'd leave her sick and alone. You're a really decent guy."

The warmth in his tone brought an instant blush to my face. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"You deserve it. I'll be there as quick as I can, okay?"

"I'll leave the front light on for ya."



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