Song Bird Part 6

The door opened before him and Duo stood frozen, his eyes meeting with the old room. Zechs stood behind him, waiting for him to step into the room where they had once both lived. But for some reason Duo couldn't make himself step forward. He didn't want to be back here. He didn't want to live with Zechs again. He wanted to go back to Heero where he'd been happy.


Taking a deep breath he stepped forward into the room, enough for Zechs to shut the door behind them and lock it securely. Duo felt a chill creep down his spine at the sound of that click but he knew he had to do this. He had to do it to protect Heero. And he didn't have any other choice... no where else to go...

Duo watched timidly, still clutching tightly to Heero's cloak, as Zechs crossed the room and pocketed the keys. Taking a large fluffy towel from the bathroom he returned to Duo and reached out toward him, using the towel to dab away at Duo's face. Duo suddenly realized he'd been crying. The tears were still falling down his face and he watched in wonderment as Zechs gently wiped them away.

The tall blond man took the towel away and gently slid his hand down the side of Duo's face in a caring gesture, only further confusing the longhaired boy. "Duo... I'm truly sorry about all of this," he said softly.

Duo bit his lower lip, his mind getting confused. The way Zechs was acting... it was like before... before when he used to be happy living with the blond man. Before he'd... But why? Why was Zechs acting this way now? Did he really mean what he said?

Zechs sighed softly and frowned. "There's something I must show you... It's time I explain. I know you don't understand why I want you to stay in this room so much. Why I can't let you leave my side, but please believe me, I'm doing this for your protection."

Duo swallowed. "He wanted to protect me too," he whispered softly, without even realizing he'd said it out loud. A second later he realized it and stepped back, placing his hand over his mouth in fear.

But Zechs only flashed Duo a sad look and turned away, walking over to his bed. The blond man sat down on the large mattress and opened a drawer in the bedside table with a small silver key. He pulled out a small ornate box, covered with intricate carvings and designs. Frowning he set the box in his lap.

"It's time I showed you this."

Duo blinked in confusion and took a step forward. Hesitating for a moment he let Heero's coat slide off his shoulders and left it sitting at the door to his cage. With careful steps he approached the bed and timidly sat down next to Zechs. All the time his eyes were on that box. It looked so familiar but he couldn't remember where he'd seen it before...

Zechs placed the box on Duo's lap and nodded to him, indicating for him to open it.

Duo realized his hands were shaking as he grasped the sides of the box. Taking a deep breath he touched the lid and began to lift it.

The heavy wooden lid moved easily, the small joints squeaking just a bit. He lifted the top and opened the box completely to peer inside and that's when it hit him.

The force of it slammed into him and Duo jumped up from where he sat, the box clattering to the floor, spilling its contents to the ground. His legs trembled and he collapsed to the ground, his entire body shaking uncontrollably. His limps hurt, his throat releasing hoarse cries as his head spun with images...


Make it stop!

It hurt!

A second later the feelings were gone and Duo found himself curled on the floor, trembling and crying. Zechs knelt beside him, the box in his hands. Whatever had been inside was once again closed away. The blond man set the box away, out of reach and tenderly gathered Duo in his arms, holding the boy tightly.

Duo followed his first instinct and latched onto Zechs, just needing something to hold on to. He buried his head in Zechs' chest as the tears streamed down his face and he tried to regain control of his trembling body. But the images wouldn't stop. He couldn't stop seeing them in his mind. True, they weren't as painfully clear as they had been a moment ago, but they were still burned into his mind and he could never forget them.


Zechs held the longhaired beauty close and rubbed his back, trying to help calm him, all the while speaking a soft voice. "I'm so sorry Duo, I didn't want to show you that. I thought you could be happy without knowing, but I messed that up. It's my fault. This was the only way to show you... you can't ever live out there. If they knew what you were... He couldn't keep you safe, no matter how much he wanted to. You can only be safe here. Only I know the truth, and it's better that way."

The blond man wrapped his arms tightly around Duo. "Please believe me I never intended to hurt you. Only to keep you safe. Do you understand why you can't live out there now, Duo?"

Duo swallowed and sniffled as he wiped away his tears. Slowly he nodded.

And he knew he would never leave the room... or the club, again.


Heero groaned and rolled over in bed. His head throbbed something horrible and his arms burned from cuts and scraps.

Wait... bed?

He blinked open his eyes and glanced around, willing his head to stop spinning and pounding. How in the world had he ended up back in his room? The last thing he remembered was-

"Good, you're finally awake. I was afraid I was going to have to call Health Services or something."

Heero blinked and slowly sat up, latching onto the wall with a death grip to keep his balance. He frowned at his roommate and held his head with his other arm, wincing at the wounds up and down his arms. "What... happened?"

Heero's roommate turned around in his desk chair, straddling it, and gave him a bewildered look. "That's what I was going to ask you, man. Last night, just as I'm getting to the best part in one of my games there's a knock on the door, pretty angry too. And I open the door to find you being carried by your Prof.! I mean the one you work for at the library. He was actually carrying you and you were completely unconscious, like you'd gotten into a huge fight or something.

"He dropped you on your bed and then left. He wouldn't tell me a thing! Only that I'm supposed to tell you to look for a new job when you wake up. But what the hell happened to you? You look like shit!"

Heero groaned and dropped back to lying down, his head resting against the pillow. Rolling over he turned his back to his roommate, who didn't seem at all pleased.

"Heero! I'm your roommate! You owe me at least some explanation!"

"I don't want to talk about it," he grumbled back.

He heard his roommate let out an exasperated sigh, but then there was a click, followed by the typing of keys. Heero sighed, quite thankful that his roommate wasn't in the mood to push the subject. He didn't need a nosey person demanding explanations right now. He needed to try and remember what had happened to him...

Heero closed his eyes and tried to trace back his jumbled memories. He remembered seeing Zechs at the library... that he'd tried to sneak Duo out and they'd met up with Zechs and the professor outside the library. He'd been caught off guard, not having any time to fight back... not that he really could have though.

He sighed and cursed himself. He'd never been much of a fighter in life. He was more the stereotypical book worm, much more happy to hide behind his books and ignore the bullies and others who wanted to beat him up. He used his wits to outsmart them, or at least just avoid them in the past. Zechs had kicked his butt because he'd been caught off guard... but even if he had been expecting it the result would have been the same.

The problem was he'd failed Duo! He'd promised to protect the boy, protect him from Zechs, and in the end he'd failed. Now he could perfectly picture the look of fear on Duo's face... the last thing he'd seen since he lost consciousness.

He didn't even care about his job at the library. It didn't matter that he'd lost it.

But losing Duo... failing to protect him... that was unforgivable!

He had to get Duo back! No matter what! He had to protect him from Zechs, like he'd promised.

Gritting his teeth he forced himself to sit up and get out of bed. Completely ignoring the strange looks from his roommate he grabbed his towel and robe and trudged his way to the dorm bathroom. His body protested every step of the way, but he ignored it.

His injuries didn't matter. He'd gotten them purely from his own stupidity. And he needed to ignore them if he was going to get Duo back.

The water from the showerhead burned over his cuts and scrapes, but he tuned it out. Instead he worked at cleaning himself off quickly and trying to clean most of the damage. Taking a shower and drying off afterward was painful, to say the least. Every inch of his body groaned in pain. Still, he was able to make good time and get back to his room to get dressed.

A quick look out the window told him he'd been out for most of the day and it was now approaching night. Perfect timing.

Mindful of his wounds he dressed in loose clothing which hid most of the markings. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, didn't want to show Zechs how much he'd been hurt. He needed all the advantage he could get.

The walk to the club was short and not nearly long enough for Heero to come up with any sort of plan. He tried his best but when he reached the door, he still couldn't think of any other way other then walking up to Zechs and punching him right in the gut before he could react. He knew that plan would fail... horribly.

He would just have to play it by ear.

Duo was the only thing that was important.

The atmosphere of the club was hauntingly familiar as he found a seat off to the side. Smoke filled the air as older men took their seats and spoke amongst themselves. No one seemed to notice him, just like all the other times. Their eyes were trained on the stage, waiting impatiently for the show. Heero frowned.

Was Duo going to sing again already?

It seemed to take an eternity for Duo to step out onto stage and for a while Heero almost thought the boy wouldn't show up. But just as he was about ready to stand up and hunt down Zechs to give him a piece of his mind - and fist - the curtains moved to reveal Duo stepping out onto stage.

How odd. It was like nothing had ever happened. The beauty who stepped onto the stage reminded Heero painfully of those other nights when he'd come to see Duo sing. It was almost as if he'd stepped back in time, to a time before he'd found Duo on the street, shivering from the cold with an injured arm.

The boy on the stage now was dressed back in one of his long traditional style dresses. This one was a deep blue with sparkling purple thread wove in a pattern of feathers and vines up from the bottom. Matching purple strings were woven in with his smooth locks, causing his hair to glint in the light. His eyes also seemed to glow, the purple thread bring out their unique hue for all to see. Duo was truly a beauty on stage, his magnificence plain for all to see.

Heero sat in awe as the boy stepped forward and opened his mouth, the notes floating out over the air. It was like a spell was cast over the entire room, everything growing silent save for Duo's voice. The sound was intoxicating and Heero found himself swept up in it once more, forgetting everything but the beauty on the stage before him, that perfect body swaying lightly with the music.

Duo's shining violet eyes moved over the crowd, like any performer would have done. But when they reached Heero they widened and the notes grew softer. Duo quickly covered for his mistake in the song so no one else would notice, but he kept his eyes locked with Heero's. Heero could tell he was surprised to see him there... but there was another look in those eyes.


All at once Heero knew what he had to do, and he wasn't going to step down. No matter what Zechs might do.

He would keep his promise.

He would protect Duo.


Zechs stood in the corner, leaning against the wall. He watched his beauty on the stage, sway and sing his sweet notes. Duo truly belonged on that stage, it fit him so beautifully. He was a truly amazing creature, and that beauty was something that needed to be shown to others. It wasn't something to lock away, all should see it. Well... at least all in the club should see it.

He noticed the other boy enter the club almost immediately and was further amused when he witnessed Duo's reaction to the boy. He didn't move to intervene, though. He didn't need to. He knew what Duo would do. Still, he did want to see the boy's reaction.

The song ended and Zechs made his way across the room, crossing to step into the back room. He hid himself in the shadows near his own bed to watch the scene. He knew it would be a show to remember.


As soon as the show ended and Duo turned for the exit, Heero was on his feet. Completely oblivious to the others in the club he jumped up onto the stage and followed Duo through the door, closing it behind him so that they were alone in the room.

Duo spun around in surprise and just stared for a moment. Then he jumped forward, wrapping his arms tightly around Heero's body, burying his face against his shoulder.

"You're all right!" The longhaired beauty breathed.

Heero hugged him back tightly. "Are you?" He asked seriously.

At those words Duo let go and pulled away, almost as if he'd suddenly become afraid. Taking a deep breath he swallowed and nodded at Heero.

"Come on, we should leave before he sees us." Heero took Duo's hand and moved toward the door leading to the back alley...

But Duo didn't move.

Heero turned around and glanced back at Duo in question.

Duo shook his head.


Duo slowly pulled his hand away from Heero's grip and shook his head once more.

"I'm sorry Heero, I've decided to stay. Here... With Zechs."



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