Author: Sami-pi

Pairing: established 1x2x1 and 3x4x3

Rating: R (for adult situations)

Warnings: none

Timeline: post EW and okay, I'm lazy and I'm setting all 25 (if possible) drabbles into the same timeline/universe/setting. So if you haven't read the previous fics, the line goes like this: Quatre's CEO of WEI, Heero, Duo, Trowa, and Wufei are all Preventers, and they're all around 30ish. the drabbles will not be...interconnected, but you know... ^O^;;;

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing, its characters and its trappings, belong to Bandai, Sotsu, and... I was sure there was someone else in there... sorry! ^^;;; Anyway, this fic is not for profit, just for fun.


"Of all the unlucky times to be trapped in an elevator!" Duo exclaimed. "Why couldn't it be during work hours? This is going to take up my entire lunch break!"

Heero made a sympathetic noise, but refrained from commenting. Instead, he was trying to determine if they ought to: a) break out of the elevator car, shimmy up the cables, force the doors on the floor above, and wander nonchalantly away from the scene; b) try to "hot wire" the elevator car; or c) call for help.

He put the dilemma to Duo.

"Well, I guess we should call for help. The last time we re-wired an elevator, it started to go sideways, remember?"

Heero did remember. That mission in Shanghai had been full of surprises. The least of which was an elevator which could go sideways.

"And if we just walk away... well, who knows, but somebody else might get hurt or trapped in this elevator later. We wouldn't want that," said Duo with a concerned little expression on his face.

Heero loved that crease that Duo got between his brows whenever he was being thoughtful or fretting over the wellbeing of others. It was just so endearing.

And so Heero picked up the emergency phone and patiently waited for the Switchboard to pick up. He explained their situation and the operator told him that the earliest they could get a repairman out was 1:15. Heero explained that Duo might not be too happy with that answer and that an unhappy Agent Maxwell made for an unhappy work environment for All. The operator got back to him with an estimate of thirty minutes.

"Thirty minutes? What are going to do for thirty minutes? Man, if only we'd packed lunch today."

Duo slid down in his corner of the elevator and sulked.

Heero pointed out that no thirty year old man should be sulking, let alone a thirty year old Preventer Agent. Especially not over a little thing such as a thirty minute wait time.

Duo did not deign to answer.

When it became quite apparent that Duo was Intent on sulking, Heero decided that he was going to have to be assertive and take action. After all, if he was going to be trapped in this little confined space with his boyfriend, he'd rather do something other than watching Duo pout. Besides, letting Duo stew like this would only mean bad things for the trainees undergoing his lectures this afternoon.

For the good of the future of the Preventers Organization, Heero was going to have to sacrifice himself.

Heero offered to play Twenty Questions.

Duo still did not deign to answer.

Heero suggested they play charades.

Duo turned to give him an odd look, but froze before he could form any retort.

Both men suddenly realized just how close they were... and just where Duo's head was in relation to Heero's personal anatomy.

Early on in their relationship, it had been clearly established that, while extraordinarily kinky, Heero was no match for Duo. Ten years later, nothing much had changed in that department.

But Duo was relentless and soon had Heero pressed back against a wall, handrail digging uncomfortably into his butt.

"I think we ought to play 'hide the pickle'," said Duo with a wicked grin on his face.

And then he 'went to the deli' as it were.

Heero thought that he could probably do with a bite to eat himself, and managed to stutter something to that effect. It was hard to communicate through traditional means though when Duo was on his knees and sucking his cock. But Heero kind of thought that throwing him down and ripping his pants off got his point across pretty well. If Duo still didn't get what he was trying to say after Heero swallowed him whole, he'd better understand it when Heero offered his own pickle for Duo's consumption.

At 12:38, exactly 32 minutes after the distress call was logged, the doors opened to reveal a slightly disheveled Agent Yuy and a very disheveled Agent Maxwell in the elevator car. The repairman took one look and cowered behind a potted palm, fearing the rumoured wrath of the two ex-Gundam pilots. It was said that Agent Maxwell got very Irritable when he was forced into boredom. Agent Yuy, everyone knew, was just easily frustrated.

"Hey!" Duo peered at the lone, sickly potted palm in the lobby, the one that was trying to hide a three hundred pound, six foot man wearing bright blue coveralls. "You there! Thanks for helping us. And in such a timely fashion too!"

The repairman mumbled some generic phrases of modesty and apologized for making the two Agents late for lunch.

"Aw, it's okay, man. We already ate!"



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