Battlestar Andromeda Part 16

Battlestar Andromeda
Space Club Bar

Quatre sat in a dark corner of the bar watching the dancers out on the dance floor. His eyes however kept straying back to one particular dancer, the one that he dreamed about every night. He sighed as he watched Trowa whisper something into the ear of the girl he was dancing with. He wondered why he tortured himself like this. He knew that his feelings would never be returned by the gorgeous green eyed pilot. He had falling in love with Trowa from the moment he laid eyes on the tall pilot. However, he had soon learned exactly where Trowa's sexual preferences fell when they had first come to this bar together. Trowa had started flirting with a girl and soon was out on the dance floor with her. When Quatre watched them leave the bar together he knew from that moment he didn't stand a chance with Trowa. It was from that moment that Quatre made the decision to never tell the pilot of his feelings.

So far it had worked. For the past two years Quatre had been able to keep his feelings for Trowa hidden, acting like his best friend and in some instances his matchmaker. It was only at times like this, when he could sit and watch Trowa without the other man's knowledge, that he could let the love he felt rise to the surface. He longed to be the one in Trowa's arms, starring into those gorgeous eyes..... He closed his eyes and blocked out the vision before him. He really needed to stop living in his fantasies. It was time for him to push the love he had for Trowa into a small locked place in his heart and to find someone to love for himself.

Suddenly Quatre grabbed his chest. Someone near him was giving off some very strong emotions. He looked around the bar to see if he could find out whose emotions he was feeling. It was then that he spotted Zechs heading towards the bar like the devil himself was chasing him. He had never seen his childhood friend looking so rattled. He walked over towards Zechs and heard him order a bottle of whiskey and one glass.

"Zechs?" Quatre asked. He watched as Zechs downed a shot glass of whiskey and then poured another. "What's wrong? I have never seen you like this before."

Zechs downed his second glass and then said softly, "I...I don't know if I can."

Quatre grabbed the bottle sitting on the bar with one hand and with the other grabbed Zechs hand. "Come on, I have a table over in the corner. Let's go over there where we can talk and drink."


Out on the dance floor Trowa watched Quatre walked back to their table with the captain in tow. He faltered a bit as he saw the two holding hands. 'Why was Quatre holding hands with the captain?' he thought.

"They look cute together, don't they?" his dance partner said interrupting his thoughts.

"Who?" Trowa asked.

"Captain Merquise and Lt. Winner of course. It is so wonderful to see Lt. Winner finally dating."

"What do you mean finally? Quatre has dated...." Trowa stopped speaking as he realized that his date was right. He hadn't seen Quatre date anyone since they had known each other. In fact Quatre had helped set Trowa up on dates when he had been too nervous to ask. He frowned as he looked over once more and saw the two of them with their heads close together. Quatre seemed to be rubbing the captains back in a very loving way. Trowa had the sudden urge to go over to the table and wrench the two apart. His frown deepened as he wondered where that sudden urge came from.


Trowa looked down once again at his date and realized that while he had been deep in thought they had stopped dancing. Suddenly he wished to leave the bar unable to watch Quatre and the captain together while these strange emotions were flooding his mind. "How about we go back to my quarters?" he asked. The smile on his dates face was enough of an answer and soon they were wending their way towards the exit.


Quatre watched as Trowa left with his date. He knew where they were headed, the same place he always took his dates, back to his quarters. How he wished it was he that was being held in those strong arms not some girl that he would soon tire of. Maybe it was for the best that Trowa never showed any intentions towards him. He wasn't sure he could have handled being one of many in Trowa's life.

"You're in love with him." Zechs stated.

Quatre turned startled eyes towards Zechs. "How did you know?" he asked.

"It doesn't take an empathic heart to know that the look on your face is love." Zechs said with a slight smile.

"It doesn't matter however, since as you can see he likes women."

"Doesn't make the pain any less though."

Quatre gave a small sigh then said, "Well I am happy just being his friend. If I can't have him as a lover then I can still be near him as a fellow pilot."

Zechs gave a snort as he downed his third glass of whiskey. "Go ahead and keep telling yourself that."

"Yeah well enough about me. Would you care to explain why you are on your way to a good hard drunk?"

"It's complicated."

"Does this have anything to do with Wufei?" At Zechs stiffening shoulders Quatre knew that he was on the right track.

"He is such a beautiful man." started Zechs. "But he has had such a hard life. He was stolen from his family when he was just a young boy. Stolen by slave masters who turned him into a pleasure slave. When his family tried to get him back they killed his entire clan."

"Oh my. No!" exclaimed Quatre, sadness filling him over the young man that Zechs took charge of.

"Yeah. The problem is that he still thinks that I am his master. I have tried to tell him that he is free but..."

"Tell me what happened Zechs?" asked Quatre gently.

"He... he got so scared. It was like I was tearing his world apart. I tried to explain to him that we don't own slaves. But the more I tried to explain the worse he got. Oh Quatre, you should have seen him. The tears running down his face and that look of horror over not being my slave, I didn't know what to do. I told him that I was not leaving him, that I would stay with him until such a time as he could take care of himself." Zechs stopped talking and downed another shot of whiskey.

Quatre gently took the bottle away from Zechs. "I don't think you need anymore of this." he said. "I know that all of this has been hard on you but there is something you are not telling me. You are too strong of a man to let the tears of a young man drive you to drink. I have seen you handle life and death situations with a cool calm head. I mean, you were shot just a week ago and you were up and about your duties in no time. So tell me, what is the real reason that you are here drinking like you are?"

Zechs was quiet for a moment before he said, "Wufei, like I said did not take the news that I was giving him his freedom very well. He told me that he still wanted to serve me like he was meant to. Before I knew what was happening, he had grabbed me and started kissing me." Zechs went quiet again, looking at the bottle by Quatre longingly.

"And?" Quatre asked.

Zechs gave a little shrug. "It was wonderful. The best kiss I have ever had. I knew that I should pull away but I ... I just couldn't. Then when I pulled him closer..." He turned to look at Quatre, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "He wasn't even aroused Quatre. It was like he was doing his duty towards me. I just don't understand. Is it that he isn't aroused by men? Or is it me?"

"I don't know Zechs."

"This isn't the first time that he has tried to have sex with me. Right after he was given to me I went to sleep and he woke me up out of a very good dream. I won't tell you what he was doing but I think you can use your imagination. I tried to let him know then that he didn't have to have sex with me out of obligation but I just don't think he understands."

"Do you think it will help if I talk to him?" asked Quatre.

Zechs thought for a moment and then shook his head. "No. I don't think he would understand why you were talking to him about this problem. He seems to be a person who doesn't talk about his personal problems with just anybody. He keeps things close to himself. I wouldn't have known about his past if it hadn't been for the King's consort."

"Well maybe if he has some friends that will help him to get used to life here on the ship. It may help him to open up more. And who knows if he doesn't like men maybe he will find a nice girl here on ship. There are plenty of single girl's who would love to go out with a man as handsome as Wufei."

For some reason that statement caused Zechs stomach to clench. Just the thought of Wufei with another person, whether a man or a woman, hit Zechs hard. Regardless of what happened tonight he still wanted to take care of the young man. A part of him wanted to keep Wufei all to himself and never let him out around other people who could steal him away. However, the rational part of him knew that sooner or later Wufei would need to meet others and to make friends of him own. "Maybe that would be for the best. Why don't you stop by in a few days and introduce him to some people here. I need to take him to Dr. Po and get him a physical as soon as possible but she has been so busy with the Commander that I haven't had a chance to speak to her about an appointment. Now if you will excuse me I really should get to my quarters. It has been awhile since I have drank so much and I think I need to lay down." Zechs stood up and immediately grabbed the table as the whole bar started swimming.

"Whoa there Zechs." Quatre said standing up to grab Zechs. "Here let me help you to your quarters. I wouldn't want you to fall down or anything on the way."

Ten minutes later found Quatre holding up a very drunk Zechs in front of his quarters. Sighing he realized that Zechs has set the lock on his door and he didn't know the combination. "Zechs...Zechs I need you to unlock your door so I can get you inside." He watched as Zechs put in the combination and the door slid quietly open. Struggling to hold the tall man upright, he proceeded to walk into the silent room. He yelped when he felt Zechs hand land on his rear.

"Zechs!" Quatre exclaimed. "What are you doing?!"

"Just trying to show you some love." Zechs said drunkenly.

"Yeah well... let's get you to your bedroom. I think you really need to sleep this off."

"You know I love you." Zechs said trying to pat Quatre's face.

"I love you too Zechs." said Quatre. He looked up when he heard a small sound in front of him.

Wufei had woken up when he heard the door slide open and leapt off the couch to welcome his master home. What he saw caused a pain in his heart. There was his master hanging all over a small blond man proclaiming his love for blond. Walking towards the two he noticed that his master seemed to be quite drunk.

"Hi. You must be Wufei; I'm Quatre a friend of Zechs. I'm afraid he has had too much to drink so I wanted to get him to his bed to sleep it off."

"Thank you for bringing my master back. I can take it from here." Wufei said as he grabbed Zechs free arm.

"I'll help get him to his room and then you can take it from there." replied Quatre. With some struggle they got Zechs to his room and onto his bed. Quatre rubbed his chest at the strong emotions coming from Wufei. "Thanks for your help. Zechs does not normally get drunk like this but when he does well..."

"I will finish putting him to bed." replied Wufei coolly.

Quatre looked down at his friend and knew that he would be in good hands, nodding he walked towards the door to leave stopping only to say. "If you need any help just call me. There's a button here that will connect you to the operator on board and ask for Lt. Winner." With that said he then left the quarters.

Wufei looked down at his master and sighed. Carefully he pulled off his master's boots and jacket but left the rest of his clothes on. Pulling the blanket up over his master he crawled into bed beside him. He was surprised when his master turned over and pulled him close. Enjoying the feel of his master against his back he settled down sleep once again.



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