Gundam Pirates Part 5

The five boys walk down the hallway. Duo at the back so he knew no one was going to touch him. Heero walk beside him. The other three just ahead of them. They stopped outside a room and look straight at the four girls from the lab. Dorothy, Relena, Catherine and Hilde arrived at the same time as the boys. They just stared at each other.

Fightra came up to the group from behind the girls. "All right kids into the room and line up at the back. I'll tell you where you sit before we begin." All nine of them moved into the room and stood at the back of the room. Fightra walked in and looked the room over. She took in the two person tables and one large desk at the front. She noticed Duo standing a little off from the others.

"Heero, Duo you sit in the back table to you left. Hilde, Catherine you sit up front on the right. Relena, Dorothy you sit at the back right. Trowa, Quatre, you sit in the middle. And Wufei you get front left all to yourself." Fightra sat down at the teacher's desk. She looked at the kids and studied them. "As you know you have to also train your minds. You are all very bright. So we won't mess around with stuff that will bore you or have no basis for your training."


"Having problems?" A female voice asked.

Miima calmly looked up from the file she was reading. Her clear white eyes meet deep almost black brown eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be at the temple teaching or something?"

The other smiled and glided into the office. Her hair was pulled up high on her head and braided down to her butt. She wore a brown skirt, the slit up both legs to her hips, it was low riding. Miima often wondered how it stayed on. The front and back were kept together by two pieces of cloth. She had on a bikini-like top that was red. She had a crossing slash tattoo on her left shoulder and a slash tattoo on her right check. Her left eye was also tattooed by two triangles at the top of her eye and below. She sat down in the chair in front of Miima.

"You have a problem." It was statement not a question.

"Using the back doors into my mind, sister?" Miima's eyes narrowed. "I had a vision." Was the answer.

Miima thought for a minute. Visions from her sister were rare sometimes. Especially the one Miima didn't know about. "And what was the vision, Shama?"

"The Feline in your care. I did some checking I thought you'd like the information."

"And what might that be?"

"Felines are very touchy feeling race. Young Felines get usually coddled and held for most of the first four years of life. It is rare for one not to be so. Around the age of five they begin to be assigned their life postings. A job, for the simple minded." Miima glared and shot a telepathic hit. "OW! That hurt!"

"So what you're telling me is that since Duo was orphaned at such a young age he is now feeling the effects. He wasn't held so now he doesn't want to be touched."

"Yes. He probably doesn't know why he acts that way."

"Are you done now?"

Shama raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"You annoy me."

"And you point is?"

"My eyes hurt from looking at you."

"Have you heard from any other sisters?"

"You're changing the subject."

"Yes I am. I hear Ama had another.... Um accident."

"Of course she did, she TWO! Two-year-olds aren't suppose to have that much power."

"I think one of your charges did. Quatre I think his name is."

"Oh leave him out of this. He's doing just fine. No criminal intents, he's fine."

"Protective aren't you?"

"Shut up and go away. Why do little sisters have to be so annoying?"

"It's in the job description."




"Bitch." Shama got up and walked to the door.

~Thank you, Sha.~

~Anytime sister.~ Shama left the office.


"What are you reading?" Trowa looked up at the blond hair boy standing next to him. Trowa showed him the cover. "Oh um I don't think I've read that one." Quatre looked at the cover closer. The words made little sense to him. "Is it all in that language?" Trowa shook his head no. "Um... Trowa... I was uh... I was wondering if um by you would... um like to go with me to town and... uh go shopping?" Trowa look closely at the boy and then nodded.

"Really, you would? That's great umm how about we leave in an hour?" Trowa nodded again and Quatre beamed.


Duo sat under a tree and stared off. The field just beyond the trees was beautiful. Wild flowers and tall grass swayed slightly from a small breeze that past by. It looked perfect for hiding in. No one would find him in there. Duo's ear twitched at a sound from behind him. He sniffed the air and growled. Hilde was coming.

"Hi!" Hilde plopped down next to him. Duo glared at her and growled. "Isn't it pretty? Want to go play out there?" Hilde leaned closer to him.

"NO! Leave me alone!" Duo growled.

"Oh come on Duo, we are the only two Felines here. We should stick together."


"Bu....ahhhhh!!!" Hilde was picked up by the back of her shirt and thrown a few feet away. She looked to see who threw her and hissed. "Stay out of this."

"Perhaps you should listen to him." Heero said. Hilde glared some more then left. Heero sat down next to Duo.

Duo was quiet for a few minutes. "So, you know Firemind?"

"Hn." Heero didn't look at him.

"Isn't she like some sort of child of gods?"




"So... um how do you know her?"

"We met before."


"Before the tank. She sent the doctor to free me."


"I don't know."

"Oh. Um I should thank you for getting Hilde to leave."


"Thank you."

"Why do you hate her?"

Duo blinked and then looked back out at the field. "She... I don't know, it's just every time she comes around and I want to hide in a corner or kill. When she touches me, my skin crawls. I don't like to be touched." Duo bowed his head at the end.

"You let me touch you."

Duo's head shot up. He didn't know why he let Heero touch him. When Heero had touched him it felt nice. He felt no fear. And what Heero had down the other day felt nice. Very nice. He felt safe. "I don't understand."

Heero nodded and leaned against the tree. Duo watched him and then got close to him. He sat on his knees and faced Heero. His face was but mere inches from Heero's. Heero watched him carefully but never made a move. Duo sniffed at Heero. His smell was wonderful to Duo. Kind of musky and yet there was a scent of something sweet. Duo sniffed more, coming even closer to Heero.

"You shouldn't do that." Heero said softly.

"Why?" Duo moved his closer to Heero's neck.

"You may... regret it."

"You seem to know more about me than I do."

"Hn." Heero closed his eyes. He wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what he was feeling. From the minute he saw Duo he was attracted to him. He thought everything was going well the other day. But he was wrong. Something had happen to Duo that kept him from wanting to touch or be touched.

"What's it like?"

"Hm?" Heero opened his eyes and stared right into deep violet orbs.

"To not be..... not be afraid... of....touch." Duo back away looking anywhere except Heero.

"Nice. Maybe you'll let me teach you that." Heero stood and started to walk away. Duo stared after him in shock. Had Heero really said what he thought he said?


Quatre smiled over at Trowa, who walk beside him. "Thank you for coming with me. I haven't been shopping in a long time. Father thought it would be dangerous for me. I'm not sure if it was my powers or the fact the he's rich." Trowa nodded. "One of my sisters brought me shopping one day along with several bodyguards. I had a great time."

They looked through different shops. Quatre bought some new clothes for himself. While in the bookstore he bought Trowa a couple of books. Then they went to get something to eat. Entering the food court Quatre had to calm himself from the amount of people in such a small place. Or maybe he was just wearing down.

Quatre looked around at the different places. He wasn't sure what Trowa would want. He wasn't even sure what he wanted. He said out load what the choices were watching Trowa for a nod or shake of the head. They were just about to order.

"Trowa?" Trowa and Quatre turned to see Catherine standing behind them with her hands on her hips. "What are you doing here? WHY are you here?"

Trowa stared at his sister for a second and then turned away from her. Catherine was well she was surprised and then angry that he had turned away. Quatre looked back and forth between the two not sure what to do.

"How did you do that?" Catherine asked Quatre.

"Do what?" Quatre looked at her.

"Get him to come out. I can never get him to come out shopping with me. How come you could?"

"I don't know. All I did was ask." Quatre looked at Trowa who was pulling on his sleeve. "Um do you know what you want, Trowa?" Trowa nodded. Catherine's mouth dropped open. "What would you like?" Quatre asked. Trowa pointed to something and Quatre walked up to the counter to order.

Catherine turned to Trowa and glared. "What is up with you? You'll go shopping and doing stuff with blondie but you won't go with ME!?"

Trowa blinked and looked back at Quatre.

"What do you like him?" Trowa looked at her. "Oh oh you do!!

That's why you're doing this." Catherine smiled brightly. "He is kind of cute. Maybe you'll talk for him one day." She turned and walked back to her table.

Quatre came back with the food and looked at Trowa. "Is she really mad at me?" Trowa shook his head no. "I didn't think so but sometimes I'm wrong."


Fightra sighed and took a sip of her drink. Her favorite, warm milk with a touch of blood. So most everybody found it disgusting. But it was her feline genes that demanded the blood be added. After all it wasn't as if she could go out and hunt for it.

Fightra rolled her eyes. Thinking of hunting made her think of other things. Things like what her father had done to get her here. The things he put in her genes. Ah but that was her past. She didn't care anymore. And as the wise Guild has told her many times before. 'She is the Second Protector. The Four Storms made her. Not the madman her father was.'

Fightra took another swig of her drink. Her green eyes narrowed. She wanted to go back to the Destiny, the ship Firemind commanded. It used to be great roaming the universe. Now they have become diplomats and trainers. Hoping with each system they can gain peace and keep the darkness at bay.

For every system they come across they must train those the Four Storms say are worthy. Worthy to protect the innocent of light from the dark. Finding those worthy can take years. Training can take even long. They had been in this system for thirty years already just looking for the trainees.

At least it seemed the trainees would learn fast.

Fightra drained the last of her drink. "I hope they learn fast. We need to move on."


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