The Princes' Choice sequel Part 6

The two weeks went by fast. Duo spent his time in the tree or looking around the castle with Trowa. Heero was doing his royal duties as was Quatre, even though he was away from home. Trowa however noticed a certain princess kept following them around. Even he could tell she didn't like Duo. Which was one reason Duo liked the tree, it kept Relena away.

Twice the tree bated her away from the trunk. One time the vines went down and picked her up and dropped her ten feet away. Trowa had been watching from a window. He thought it was odd. The tree never kept people away from it, just out of it. But Relena was different. The tree went to keeping her away from the trunk and as far away as possible.

Trowa noticed that Quatre had taken up going to the tree and sitting at the base. He wouldn't do anything other than sit, maybe read. Quatre would get this calm look on his face. Something about the tree relaxed the blond prince.

Quatre sat under the tree when Duo came out. He carefully walked up and sat down next to the blond. Duo looked at him and saw his eyes were closed. Duo touched the tree, it pulsed with energy. Duo didn't notice at first that the blond was looking at him.

"Am I keeping you from the tree?" Quatre asked quietly.

Duo looked down surprised. "No. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"It is your tree. If anything I am the one disturbing."

Duo shook his head. "No you're wrong. Nothing is disturbed." Duo sat down next to Quatre. "I was wondering something."


"Why do you sit here. I know why I come and why Heero comes. I even know that Trowa comes. But you... the tree won't say."

"The tree talks to you?"

"Yes, all living things talk to me."

"Must be hard." Quatre looked away.

"Sometimes. But I learned to block it out. The tree and my mom taught me to only listen to certain things."

"Wish I could do that."

"Knowing what others are thinking is very overwhelming. But I'm sure if you taught yourself you could block a lot of it."

"Yeah ri...." Quatre looked back at Duo. "You know?"

"The tree talks. I think I know why you come here, now. It blocks the emotions from others. Right?"

"Yes, it's a lot like being with Trowa."

Duo giggled. "Wait 'til you're bonded. The tree says things will be easier for you."

"Really?" Duo nodded. "Well then I can't wait to get home."

Duo awoke quickly when morning hit. It was the day of the Bonding Ceremony. When the day is done he would be bonded to Heero for life. Not to mention he would be the new... queen? Or was it king? Oh well he didn't really care as long as Heero was in his life forever. Besides with him being bonded to Heero, Relena would be going home, and out of their lives.

Duo was startled as a maid entered his room and began laying out his bonding clothes. The maid left quickly. Duo scrunched up his nose at the clothes. He had already decided to wear what he thought was a prefect blend of elf and pixie clothing. He also decided that he was going to do his hair extra special.

He ate his breakfast in his room. Something to do with the Queen saying it was bad luck to see the bride before the bonding. Duo shrugged it off. He didn't mind. It gave him time to conserve his life-energy. He would need it later on. Or at least that's what the tree had told him.

Heero sat at the table eating breakfast and glancing at the seat that Duo usually sat in. It was empty, and Heero wasn't pleased. He had woken up with out the other next to him and he hated it. He missed Duo. Missed his smile and violet eyes. And his cheerfulness.

"Eat your food son, you'll need the energy." Heero looked over at his father.

Trowa and Quatre had heard and looked at Heero. "Especially with Duo." Trowa committed.

Heero looked over at Trowa. "Why do you say that?"

"You're not bonding with a human, Heero. Your going to bond with a magical being, do you have any idea what that means?"

"No. But I take it you do." Heero raised an eyebrow.

"Talia told me once that bonding is different for magical being."

"How so?"

"Talia said that with magical being they are not only bonding themselves to each other but also combining their magic as well." Trowa looked around the table. Everyone was watching him. "Talia said that that was one of the reasons why the tree fought against Dolane, when they wished to be bonded. Two different types of magic can create something evil. Talia and Dolane were lucky. The tree, the pixies and the elves all agreed that Duo was no harm to them or to others. So they let him live.

"Talia said that if a magical being bonds with a human willingly then they will be sharing life-energy. There's something else, Heero. But I would prefer to tell you that in private."

"How do you know this, Trowa?" The Queen was quite intrigued.

"Talia knew her son would be bonded outside of his species. She thought maybe I would bond with him. So she thought it would be wise to prepare me for the worse."



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