Fire in the Hole Part 4

Duo learned at lunch that Heero had gone off on a solo mission. It made moving his things to Wufei's room that much easier. Trowa and Quatre exchanged significant glances at the news that Duo would be rooming with Wufei, but said nothing.

Duo did his best to stay out of Wufei's way, and succeeded for the most part, thanks to some short missions and some extra care. There were still occasional tense moments, though....


0221 -- ::What the hell is that noise? Do we have mosquitoes?::

0222 -- ::It's him!::

0224 -- ::But what is that noise?::

0228 -- ::Oh, no..!::

0231 -- Wufei stared at the ceiling in growing irritation. He distinctly said No Snoring. Okay, so it wasn't exactly snoring. It was still a noise generated during Duo's sleep that interfered with his sleep.

0238 -- Wufei got out of bed to stand next to Duo who was making a thrumming sort of noise. He hauled off and whomped him on the shoulder, almost knocking him off the bed. "Maxwell! Shut the hell up! I'm trying to sleep!"

"Huh?!" Duo bounced to his feet and into a defensive crouch. "Wufei... What's up?" he asked in confusion.

"Your snoring is keeping me awake! I told you, NO SNORING!"

"Huh? I don't snore!" He shook his head. "Ask Heero."

"Then what do you call that damned noise?"

"What noise?!" he yelled, then he stopped. "Oh." His face reddened. "Oh, yeah... Um..." He hunched his shoulders. "Heero called it purring..." he said in embarrassment. "He... uh... He liked it..." He turned away. "I'll try not to do it anymore. Sorry, Wufei. If it happens again, just... poke me."

Wufei rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Count on it," he snapped, and got back into bed.


"I didn't sleep well..."


"He snores!"


"Well, whatever the hell you call it, it's noise!"


"Hmph. Did you expect me to look happy?"


"Don't be ridiculous!"


"Oh, for... Then you do it!"




"Why should I?"


"Of course not!"




"You may be right..."


"I said you MAY be right."


"Well, somebody better owe me!"


"Oh, all right..!"


"Yeah, sure..."



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