The Chibi Problem Part 21

We went back to the motel and I changed out of my "fancies" and into jeans and a t-shirt. I got rid of my make-up also, since I tend to forget when I'm wearing mascara and rub my eyes. I wind up looking like a raccoon.

We headed out to do some tourist shopping; all my little angels perched on or around my person.

I picked up some things for Mike, Shawn, and the chibis at home -- can't buy for one without buying for all, ya know. BabyDoll spotted a Beanie Baby-type of toy cowboy (it looked something like Woody from "Toy Story") and fell in love, so I had to buy it. The juveniles made noises over the other stuffed toys, and eyed me uncertainly.

See what you started? I muttered to BabyDoll, but he just chirped in my ear and kissed my face, all the while hugging his new cowboy.

I ended up buying one each stuffed tarantula, armadillo, roadrunner, owl and kangaroo rat. I'll leave it to you to figure out who got what. We also had to pick out toys for the husbands at home. Angel would be getting another cowboy, this one all in black, and Killer would be the recipient of a dancehall girl. Hopefully, he wouldn't use it for target practice. I bought myself a white straw goat roper hat with a fancy feather band and long purple and green feather tails. Yeah, I know, but I never got to have one when everyone else was wearing them, so now it's my turn.

We spent a couple of hours walking around the park, checking out the courthouse, the infamous O.K. corral, and the other historical remains. Looks just like a TV western town.

It was getting dark when we headed back to the motel. I planned to be on the road early the next morning, so we were going to bed early.

I stopped at a pizza place and they were nice enough not to give me a hard time about the chibis, so we ate "in." The flyers were very good about staying on the ground. Some people have a high startle reflex, and just aren't comfortable with strange little creatures fluttering over their heads when they're eating.

We went with the all-cholesterol pizza, and added breadsticks and salad. I even had a glass of wine, which I had to share with BabyDoll. Teach me to let a chibi learn to like alcohol. Justy was much better behaved this time. He used his dam dao to cut the breadsticks into chibi-sized pieces and handed them around to his friends, and passed the pizza slices to everyone else before accepting one for himself.

I praised him for being so civilized, and petted his sleek head. He turned a violent shade of red and made an interesting huffing sound before burying his face in the pizza. Holy spontaneous combustion, Batman!

You're being almost suspiciously good, I said to him. Is there an ulterior motive going on here?

He tried to look innocent, but that's hard to do when you're glaring like a thousand-watt bulb.

Does this have anything to do with Aunt Millicent, hmm? I asked, eyeing him.

He snorted, but his face reddened again. "Kisama..." he muttered under his breath.

I sat back, surprised. You really hit it off with her, didn't you?

He gave a tiny shrug, and ducked his head.

Well, well, well... I see I'll have to do some thinking.

He shot me a hopeful glance, but said nothing.

I'll have to talk to her some more. See if she might be interested in a pair of chibis... I petted him again. And you wouldn't be going until you have a mate, anyway.

He straightened up, munching on a bit of breadstick and looking quite thoughtful. "Injustice!" he trilled, and I almost dropped my glass. I've never heard a wufei trill!

The other chibis paused to stare at him.

I looked at BabyDoll; he looked at me, eyes wide. Then he launched into a string of chirps, coos and word-sounds. At the conclusion, I was left with the feeling that Justy was already attached to Aunt Millicent, after only an hour of conversation at the reception.

Well. I guess that took care of that. I sure hope Aunt Millicent was ready.

The chibis went back to eating. After a few minutes, so did I. But I couldn't stop my mind from trundling along on its self-appointed rounds.

Just great. Now, I was thinking about a proper mate for the little grump. What if Aunt Millicent didn't want a pair of chibis? Even a pair of well-mannered, well-trained, disgustingly adorable chibis. What if Justy couldn't find a mate? What if the mate he chose was unsuitable for life with an elderly woman? Can my life possibly get any more complicated?

No, don't say it; I already know the answer.



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