The Chibi Problem Part 17

I called my work, explaining that I fell out of a patio chair and hit my head. They were sympathetic and told me to take as long as I needed. Head injuries, said my boss, could be tricky things, and I shouldn't take any chances.

That was all I had energy for. I wandered into the bedroom to have a lie-down. Gradually, I accumulated a crowd. BabyDoll and the chibits took over the pillow next to me, and an assortment of adults, juveniles and chibits from the gundam settled around the room.

I dozed off and on; got up a few times to walk around, go to the bathroom, refill my iced tea; listened to the radio. I tried reading, but the words on the page were intent on eluding me, so I gave that up before it gave me an even worse headache.

Angel and Killer came off their shift of guard duty and drifted in to check on BabyDoll and the chibits. They also seemed to feel a need to check on me.

Angel patted my cheek until I opened my eyes. He glared at me, then smirked, and retired to cuddle with his family. Killer sat on my pillow until I acknowledged him, then huffed and grumbled at me before joining the family.

They're just cute. I don't have kids, but I think I care as much for my chibis as normal people care for their kids.

I lay there for a while watching Angel and Killer pay their court to BabyDoll. Other pairs cuddled together, some sleeping, some making soft conversational noises. To my surprise, BabyDoll took his braid down. The alphas played with his hair eagerly, as if he'd handed them a wondrous toy.

Then I noticed that the other duos were also letting their hair down, even the juveniles and the chibits. Chills ran up my back, and I knew I was seeing something that breeders had never seen. The mated duos, even the dominants, offered up their acres of copper, chestnut, cinnamon -- a million different shades of red -- for their partners' attention. The unmated adults, juveniles and chibits moved among their peers, being preened and fussed over.

I kept my mouth shut and tried to be as small and as still as I could manage. What was happening was so beyond anything I'd ever heard of, if it had been just BabyDoll, I probably wouldn't have thought twice about it. As it was, I was enthralled.

And then when I thought it couldn't get more amazing, it did. A juvenile wound his way through the groups to stand on the bed in front of me. He combed his fingers through his red-gold mane, fluttered his long lashes and "oooooiii"-ed at me. I recognised him as Happy, the duo who had kept me company when BabyDoll had gone UA with the gundam.

He waited expectantly for a few seconds, then "oooooiii"-ed again.

I didn't know what he wanted and I hesitated to ask and disturb the lazy, companionable atmosphere, but his wobbly-eyed expression wrenched it out of me.

What do you need, sweetie? I asked in a whisper.

He tugged on my hand and shook his head to swirl his hair and "oooooiii"-ed a third time.

This time I got it. He wanted to be petted by me.

I glanced at BabyDoll. He was wrapped up -- literally -- in Angel and Killer, so I figured it wouldn't bother him. I stroked the little duo's head with one finger, and he purred softly, leaning into the caress.

Don't you want to play with the others? I asked softly.

He shook his head and nuzzled my chin.

I had an "awwww..." moment, and decided to leave the happy little campers to their... whatever. Happy and I crept carefully out of the bedroom and onto the front patio. The back yard was full of chibis; the living room was full of chibis.

I don't use the front patio much, because the street is only about ten feet away. I keep a plastic chair with some large potted plants around the edge just to add some color and to soften the front of the house.

I lowered myself gingerly into the chair -- it was a brother of the one that had tossed me -- and Happy settled on my shoulder. He nuzzled my hair, and I petted him, combing my fingers through his long hair, and he purred and thrummed. It was soothing. It could even be described as hypnotic.

I drowsed a bit, waking with a start when a voice called my name. I looked up, blinking in the suddenly strong light. Happy gave a cautionary hiss.

Mike stopped a few feet away. Damn, he said, and I thought we'd decided to be friends. He looked at Happy, who was behaving like my protector.

Huh? I said intelligently. Oh. This isn't BabyDoll. This is Happy, one of the juveniles from the gundam.

He looked more closely. Oh, yeah. This one is brighter-colored. He sat down on the step. Doesn't look too happy right now, he smirked.

We were having a cuddle.

I saw. How're you feeling? You look a little better.

I feel a little better.

Hungry? I was going to order pizza for Shawn and I; would you like to join us?

The offer was tempting, but I couldn't have pizza without sharing with my babies, and I doubted if Mike wanted to feed them too.

Aaaah... I think I'd better pass. I've got some sweet and sour meatballs and rice in the freezer.

Mike shook his head. Okay. Not that I understand anyone turning down a free meal, but if you don't feel like it, that's okay.

I opened my mouth to explain about BabyDoll and his babies, and suddenly the whole front yard was filled with chibis. A number of them regarded Mike with silent suspicion.

Mike looked around carefully. I'm glad the enemy doesn't use these guys in battle, he muttered.

Hey, I said. Don't be getting warlike ideas about my guys.

I'm not, he protested. Just glad no one else has.

We chatted for a few minutes, then he had to go. I went back into the house, surrounded by my own little Imperial Guard.

BabyDoll fluttered to my shoulder, giving Happy a speculative look.

You're not being replaced, I reminded quietly. He laid his head against my cheek and crooned softly in acknowledgment.



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