gen50: Goku and Sanzo in the MvG universe.

Note from Amy: This one, along with the next drabble are crossover with Saiyuki. Since it's in the Mage vs. Guard universe, I still put them on the site. ^__^

Mage vs. Guard Halloween Drabble 3

The door swung open at his knock. No one stood on the other side, but that sort of thing was to be expected in a mage school, Goku supposed. He stepped inside the room cautiously. "Mage Sanzo?"

"Who are you?"

Turning, he discovered the mage he'd been sent to guard lounging in a window seat, a notebook on his lap and a cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Your new guard. Son Goku."

"I told Chang I didn't want another one," the mage said, without looking up from his notebook.

"He knew you'd say that and told me to tell you that he respectfully disagrees."

"Even after the last one quit? Did he tell you about that?"

"Showed me the resignation letter himself. I have to say I'd learned all sort of new swear words."

"And yet you still said yes?" Sanzo looked up and frowned. "How old are you?"

"Older than I look."

"I doubt it." The mage got to his feet, putting the notebook down and straightening his robes. "First job?"

"Hardly. I worked at another mage school in the East. Their mages didn't wear pink robes though."

"It's light red." One of Sanzo's eyebrows rose.

"Whatever you say." Goku smiled sweetly. "Anyway, I am old enough to work, fight and fuck without getting anyone in trouble."

"Bet that looks good on your application. I'll keep all those things in mind."

"You do that." Goku unbuttoned the top part of his collar. "I am completely at your service."

"Don't tempt me now, I have class."

"I could tell that by looking at you."

"I meant the kind with students." Sanzo crushed out his cigarette. "Come along. If I'm late they'll wreck my workroom."

Goku suppressed a smile and held the door open for his mage.

This job was going to be a hell of a lot of fun.



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