Author: Merula

Pairings: 1+2

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, drabble

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.

So sunhawk16 asked for something with Tiggers and GW and that sort of thing. I know that somewhere out there is a GW Winnie the Pooh chibi pic- I've SEEN it! I remember it! And I thought there was fic to go with it. Since I couldn't remember and since I didn't want to step on people's toes, I tried to spin a different sort of crossover. At first it was going to be an animal-spirits-possession thing (don't ask), but then it just sort of turned into two old friends in the place they used to play. I stuck as many Winnie the Pooh references in as I could think of (see if you spot them all) and well... ended up with this. I hope it's okay.

Drabble 35

A slight change in the air behind him was all the warning he had. Heero tensed, bracing himself. "Don't you even think about it," he said conversationally to the air. "I just washed this shirt."

"Spoilsport," said a familiar voice and then Duo vaulted over the log, landing beside Heero with a thump. "How did you know I was there?" He pouted a little, his body nearly vibrating with energy, his braid switching back and forth. He wouldn't be sitting here quietly for long, Heero knew.

Heero rolled his eyes and settled himself a little more comfortably against the log. "I parked next to your car," he said, the corner of his mouth twitching.

Duo grinned back. "So much for being sneaky. Why are you out here?"

Heero inclined his head towards the bee tree on the other side of the clearing. "I came to get some honey." Duo made a face and Heero laughed. "I know, I know- not your sort of thing."

"Are you sure the bees won't mind you stealing their honey?"

"They haven't before." Heero tapped the small jar beside him. "See? Already finished- and I didn't get stung once."

"How do you do that? You don't wear a bee suit-" Duo caught one of Heero's red sleeves in between his fingers. "Just a thin shirt and shorts! How come they don't sting you?"

"It's all the power of suggestion. I pretend I'm not a human coming to steal their honey and they believe me."

"What do you pretend to be? A bear?" Duo cast a glance upwards and sprang to his feet. "Tut, tut. It looks like rain-"

A dark cloud was unfurling itself across the sky. "Damn," Heero got to his feet too, the jar of honey still in his hands. "Don't think we'll make it back to the cars before that starts-"

"The old hideout-"

"I'm not even sure where it is-we might get lost trying to find it"

Duo grabbed his hand. "I never get lost! Come on!"

Heero nearly protested that he knew damn well Duo did get lost sometimes- there had been that time years ago when he'd searched what felt like all hundred acres of the wood for Duo- and gotten lost himself in the process. But Duo had set a fast pace, so Heero simply saved his breath and pelted after him.

"There it is!" Duo called and Heero saw the faded sign hanging on the old tree trunk. Raindrops began falling just as they reached it.

"It's stuck," Heero said trying the handle.

"It just needs a push."

"I'll-" Heero started, but before he could finish, Duo gave the door a hard shove. The door opened, tumbling both Heero and Duo into the musty space behind it.

Duo sneezed. "Oops. But at least we landed on something soft."

"You mean you did," Heero gave him a small push. "Get off."

"Ouch!" Duo rubbed his head. "The ceiling is a little shorter than I remember."

"We're older." Heero stretched out on the floor and cast a glance at the door. "Hopefully the shower won't last too long- it is April after all- it shouldn't turn into a storm."

"Or a flood either," Duo made himself comfortable beside him. "Remember when Quatre's fort got flooded that one night?"

"I didn't think our parents would ever let us stay out at night again." Heero smiled at the memory.

"Do you ever miss it?" Duo's eyes were focused on the rain outside, his voice soft and wistful.


"Me too. That's why I was here today. There was nothing to do and no one to go see... and well...the memories are still here..."

Heero reached out a hand and tugged on the end of Duo's braid. "Don't be silly. You know you're always welcome to come and see me."

"Here," Duo gestured at the old tree house. "Here I knew that. In the city? It's harder to remember. There we all have other interests and other friends..."

"But not a Duo." Heero tugged again. "There's only one of you- and I'm always glad to see you."


"Sure," Heero grinned and placed the jar that he'd kept safe in front of him. "You don't eat my honey."



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