Halloween drabble asked by kitana_bradford. Involve the use of rope, deadly nightshade, and some sort of strange effect triggered by blowpops.

Author's Note: *shakes head* Only you Kit! *grin* I think I hit all your points??

Abracadabra Halloween Drabble

I opened the door for Heero and then followed him into our apartment. "That was fun," I said, taking off my coat and shaking it out.

Heero grunted.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. Heero hadn't said much on the way home. I thought the party had been great fun. Quatre really knew how to throw a Halloween party.

Heero turned around and glared at me. "Oh, finally noticing me, are you?"

I blinked. "Heero, what the hell are you talking about?"

Let it be known that while having a magician for a boyfriend can sometimes be fun, at other times it leaves me at a distinct disadvantage. Especially if he's mad.

Apparently, Heero was upset, because a moment later I found myself bound to our recliner, sans my clothes.

I struggled against the ropes. "Heero? Not that this isn't slightly kinky and all, but don't I get more foreplay than this?" Usually humor snaps Heero out of his bad moods.

It didn't work this time. He knelt down beside our coffee table and glowered at me. He waved his hand over the table and a small cauldron popped up, along with a selection of bottles.

Shit. Heero didn't brew potions unless he was doing something major.

"Heero? What are you doing?"

"You flirt with everyone. You let them touch you. You dance with them, lean into them..." He drew in a deep breath. "I had to watch people paw at you all night. I didn't like that at all. I don't like watching them tempt you. You're mine and I intend to see that you stay that way."

"Heero! We were just...mmpg.." Something materialized in my mouth, effectively gagging me. I squinted down and noted the white stick projecting from my mouth. He'd given me one of the blow pops we had been handing out earlier. I tried to spit it out, but he must've spelled it in place since all I managed to do was slobber.

Heero lifted a jar and took out a pinch. "Deadly nightshade," he said and watched my eyes widen. He kept adding pinches of things, most of which had horrible names and looked worse.

I tried to calm my pounding heart. Heero loved me, I knew he did. He knew I loved him- when he wasn't being a jealous idiot. He wouldn't hurt me- right?

He did something that made the cauldron start to bubble and then he produced a glass.

Oh no- I wasn't going to have to drink this- was I?

Apparently I was. Heero filled the glass with the potion- the rotting violet color of which did nothing to soothe my fears, and then straddled my lap.

The blowpop vanished from my mouth and he put the glass against my lips.

"Drink," he murmured and I protested.

"Heero- please! You know I love you! You know I'm yours! Don't..."

"If you love me, you'll drink this," he said and kissed my cheek.

I sighed and let him give me a tiny sip. I was beginning to feel very warm, my blood dancing in my veins, making my cheeks flush and my breath increase.

Another part of my body began to feel very warm as well.... Though that might've just been the fact that Heero was on my lap.

"What... what did that do?" I asked and waited to hear the worst.

Heero smiled and kissed me. "You didn't know and yet you still drank it- for me." He kissed me again, longer and more lingering, leaving me panting when I was done.

"Of course. I love you- and I trust you. I'll prove that however you like. But what did the potion do?"

He looked sheepish. "Well, I just wanted to see if you would drink something for me without knowing what it was."

"So it won't do anything? But I'm..." I squirmed. Certain Things were getting a bit uncomfortable.

"The potion no. But of course you are-" His smile turned depraved as he wiggled on my lap, making me moan. "I gave you an aphrodisiac."


He leaned down to kiss me again. "The blowpop."



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