Slow and Steady Bonus Scene 2
Heero was tucked in securely with his new elephant friend, but he wasn't falling asleep any time soon. It was the odd paradox of feeling both warm and snug and fuzzy, like he was ready to drift off into a pleasant dreamland, but also tingly and excited and alive, kind of like a kid on Christmas morning, or more accurately, a man who had just been tucked in by the man he'd just been snogging.
There was a soft knock on his door, and it opened carefully before he had a chance to call out. "Heero?"
"Forget something?"
"Yeah." Duo shut the door quietly behind him and sat on the unoccupied side of Heero's bed. "Yeah, I forgot... I'm ooo-fficially your boyfriend now, aren't I?"
"Something like that."
"So that means I can ooo-fficially spend the night with you, right?"
There were many reasons for Duo being allowed to spend the night with him, but that was as good as any. "Sure."
Duo shucked off his hoodie and slid beneath the covers without further ado. There was a brief rush of cold air as he did, but he had them sealed back up tight quickly enough. "I was climbing into my cold, lonely bed upstairs when I remembered that Santa just gave me the bestest bed warmer of all for Christmas."
"Like a hot coal at the bottom of your stocking?"
"A really hot one," Duo agreed cheerfully, snuggling into his side to kiss him a couple more times.
Heero made a small grunting noise in the middle of things, which coincided with Duo bringing his cold feet in contact with Heero's, but he didn't pull away. "Your stockings could use some warming."
"Mmm, cold feet, meet hot coal." He paused in the midst of his unabashed enjoyment of his hot coal. "Well, unless you're only warming my feet for me because you can't move your legs away from me, in which case, well, that would be kind of funny, in a really demented kind of way."
Heero kicked Duo's feet off with a soft snort of amusement. Duo's feet interpreted that as the opening salvo in a game of footsie, which was played only until the first blast of cold air hit them. They promptly settled down and tucked themselves back in after that.
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