Kyuuketsuki Duo: The Movie
Sanguis Draconis Part 7

The end of the disputed territories and the beginning of the neutral zone snuck up quickly on them. It was between one blink and the next that Duo recognized the transition. It was simply a minor sensation in the back of his mind that clued him in. It felt like he took a step in one direction, and his power tried to take a step in another. He jerked it back to himself with a firm tug and a sharp reprimand. His power settled only after a burp of discontent, and he realized that it was humming in response to the free power roaming this area. The unclaimed energy broadcast a signal to his own chaotic power, inviting it out to play.

Duo would not, could not let that happen. The power would stay his, one way or another. Preferrably one way and not the other. 'Keep it together', he chanted to himself harshly. 'I will not let this beat me. This place will not break me.' He cast a glance at the long fall of platinum hair adorning the demon strolling along in front of him. 'If for no other reason than that it would please -her-,' he thought grimly. He added a better motivation to the end of that. 'Because Heero expects me to be here when he gets back.'

Control. He needed to reassert his control, and he turned to Quatre to help him do that. "We're in the neutral territories now," he said with a deliberately conversational tone.

Beside him, Quatre perked up, happy that Duo was speaking to him when he didn't strictly have to. He'd seemed unnaturally withdrawn and resistant to earlier attempts to engage him. "So, what does that mean, exactly?"

"A lot of things." Duo conversed directly with the spiritualist, but he cast his voice so that all the following humans would hear. "The free power is unrestrained, unstructured. It lacks order, and since the landscape is shaped by the power, the landscape will lack order as well."

"What do you mean? This place looks about the same as it did a while back."

"To your physical sense of sight, perhaps. But, for instance, if you were to walk very carefully in a straight line, with one foot precisely in front of the other, you would find that, say, after a hundred paces, you might look back, if you placed some sort of landmark, and you could find yourself hundred paces off that way." He gestured to the right of the direction they were facing. "Or you might find yourself two hundred paces that way, even. The land here is not necessarily linear." Yes, explanations were good. Explanations were ordered, and lent order to his thoughts. He had only had the slightest, slightest inclination to mess with the boy's mind with false answers.

"How does that work physically?" Quatre asked, his logician's mind trying to make sense of the problem.

Duo's thoughts started wandering down wild tangents as he began pondering the idea, but there would be no order from disorder. With a blink, he cut off the digression to focus again and shrugged. "Don't think too hard about it. It just does."

"Why has no one claimed this land?" Meiran asked curiously. "It's just sitting here, after all. From what you've said, it seems like demons are disputing other lands. Why don't they just move here?" Walking in silence next to her, Wufei listened attentively for any information that might give him an edge over his enemies, but otherwise declined to participate in the conversation, as he had for most of their trip.

"It takes some small upkeep to lay claim to a chunk of land here, depending on how thoroughly you want to claim it. And the disputes aren't really over land, but power. Besides, even if someone did claim these lands, the unclaimed lands would still be here."

"Do I even want to ask?" Quatre asked with a certain sense of resignation.

Duo smiled tolerantly at him, reinforcing the idea in his mind that he took pleasure in human foibles, and in having them himself. That managed to drown out the little tendril of thought that wanted to sneer at the stupid mortal. "This land is here because the dragons willed it into existence. They wanted their lands to be remote and isolated, therefore something like this had to spring into existence to accommodate them. If there were ten miles between here and there, and some enterprising demon decided to establish a foothold here for one mile of it, then there would still be ten miles of unclaimed territory, even though he had his one, so long as the dragons don't perceive that one mile as a loss of area or distance. If they think that the demon has gotten one mile closer to their lands, then there will be nine miles left. Otherwise, if the dragons still believe that they're ten miles away, then they'll still be ten miles away."

"What if the enterprising demon believed that he was now nine miles away from the dragons?"

"Then it would probably come down to whoever had the stronger will. I'd bet on the dragons."

"I don't like this place," Quatre declared.

"I don't even like this place," Hilde reassured him.

Meiran was finding it interesting, though. "What if the dragons believed it was ten miles away, but the demon believed it was nine? Could it actually end up so that it was ten for the dragons and nine for the demon?" They were making a distinction between dragons and demons again, but mostly for convenience's sake.

Now there was a thought. Duo was surprised he hadn't thought it up for himself. It sounded like the sort of thing that he would delight in asking of Heero. He formed the image of that happening in his mind and held onto it tightly, somewhat relieved when he found he could easily picture Heero's expression as he answered, the tone of his words, the flavor of his thoughts. A very faint smile landed on his lips. The image wasn't as good as the real thing, but it was better than nothing. He'd take what he could get. "I don't know. What do you think, Hil?"

"It would probably only work to a certain extent, although that's only assuming that, say, the dragons would eventually notice it if this demon could enter their realm with barely any effort."

Meiran continued to theorize, much to Quatre's dismay. Although not as logically motivated as Quatre, she had quite an intellectual curiosity about non-earthly matters. "I wonder if it's possible for a person -- or a demon, I suppose -- to turn this to their advantage. What if a demon could believe that an invader had to traverse a ten mile expanse in order to get to his lands, but that he only needed to go a few yards to get out of his lands and into the invader's?"

"Can't ten miles at least be internally consistent?" Quatre bemoaned softly to himself.

"You'd probably need a fairly sophisticated demon for that, to be able to believe something that complicated," Duo proposed. "Someone once said that genius is the ability to hold two opposing thoughts in one's head at once."

"Or a very stupid demon," Hilde added. "Believe me, I've seen some very stupid creatures accomplish the impossible, merely by not knowing that it was impossible."

That thought gave Quatre pause. "Hey, wait a minute. Isn't that the principle you and Heero were following when you were first training me, Duo? Didn't you say that you didn't want to fill me with too many rules and pre-conceptions so my thinking wouldn't be limited by the assumptions of others?"

The pleasant scrap of imagination that Duo had been holding onto suddenly transformed itself into a sharp pang of longing for his absent partner. Reflexively, he reached out with his mind to his lifelong companion, only to run up painfully against reality a fraction of a moment later. Being on two entirely different planes of existence had imposed some barriers on the link between the two of them. Communication could still pass through, but not as freely and casually as before. Not nearly how he needed it.

When Duo automatically shifted his balance to lean upon his partner, only to find that the solid presence he had expected was not there, he stumbled a bit mentally and tried to compensate.

The others thought that his silence meant affirmation of Quatre's statement, but it was Duo reaching out to steady himself with the only thing readily available to him at the time. He needed something to govern the unruly mass of his power, not to mention his sanity along with it. He was only relieved that there were practically no impressions upon the ether here to confuse him. Energy imprints were swept away with the churning tides of free power, which unfortunately still had the ability to sweep him along with them.

The cool mask of the guardian slid over his thoughts with the impression of 'finally!' before his power had the chance to get out and frolic with its spiritual brethren of this wild realm. Meanwhile, his human side struggled to recover its composure after the shock it should have known was coming.

When his softer side was ready, however, his harder side was not so willing and eager to go back into the bag, and with a deeply internal sigh, he managed to force himself into caring enough to begin the process of rebuilding the rapport with the humans again. And he had been doing so well, too.


As a great hunter, Heero was gifted with an extraordinary patience when it came to the stalking of his prey, and he now exercised that patience to great effect. One of the main differences this time around, however, was that he was waiting for his quarry to stalk him.

His being filled with an edgy anticipation that he did not let show as he played his part. Heero slid smoothly back into the role he had filled for years before meeting the guardian. It was, perhaps, a little too effortless, but the time spent with Duo had not left him complacent or dull. Nevertheless, the taste of this danger and excitement was just somehow different from the activity he had shared with his partner.

He spent several days simply continuing as if he had not met up with Odin and received information from him. The only difference was that now he gave no thought to hiding his presence in the East. He did not announce it as he frequented certain hot spots and gathered information, for that would have been far too out of character from someone of his reputation, but he went to no great lengths to be discreet. And all the better if he could manage to gather any useful information from alternate sources. He would be more than happy to abandon his open invitation if he could find his answers elsewhere.

As he expected, however, there was little useful information to be found amongst the plebian crowds.

He had not established a usual haunt. There was no table at which he could be found, no corner, no shadow. Despite the fact that he was waiting to be approached, he refused to establish a pattern. He had his pride, after all. Besides, if things went as expected, his reputation would likely play a large role in the following events.

He was eventually tracked down while he was in transit between one point and the next. The shadows thickened around him, impeding his forward movement for a moment. He went immediately on guard, but let no sharp edge show, only the calm, collected cool of someone that was secure in his power and the fact that whatever or whoever this was couldn't harm him.

Out of the shadows coalesced a figure. His robes were still pitch dark, yet gave the impression somehow of being off-black, and he had more than enough power and skill to maintain a fairly average human male's face with full articulation and detail. Of course, he had had years of opportunity to study and emulate Heero's natural humanity.

"You would dare show your face here again?"

A voice suspiciously like Duo's in tone snidely remarked within the depths of his skull that he had not shown his face, only a mask, but he kept the remark to himself and said nothing. He did not feel the need to dignify the accusation with a response, nor was he particularly known for his conversational skills. But behind the mask, his eyes carefully tracked the Shinma's movements.

"Where is your little master?" the creature sneered.

Well, if Heero wanted to get anything done, he would have to say something. Might as well start now, although he felt that this, too, required no answer. ::I serve no one.:: This was starting to sound similar to the conversation he had had with Odin. ::And you, Otto? Running errands for your master, still?::

There was the slightest hesitation in the Shinma's speech, as if he had been about to say that he served no one, except that Heero had already laid claim to that answer. Heero felt a small, deliciously petty surge of smugness. He'd never liked Otto. Well, he'd never liked any of them, but Otto had been exceedingly supercilious.

Otto laughed disdainfully, thus bypassing the need for a direct answer by dismissing the question arrogantly. "So the puppy thinks he's sprouted some teeth, does he?" Heero snorted silently to himself. He could take Otto. He'd just never had any interest in doing so. Then again, his Shinma superiors had never quite treated him and his power with the respect they deserved. "What is your business here?"

::I serve no one,:: Heero repeated calmly. ::That includes you.:: Let him make of that what he would, either that Heero considered himself free of his former masters, or simply that he did not take orders from someone so low in the pecking order. Both were insulting, both were quite satisfying to say, and both would interest the Shinma enough for him to be given the attention he wanted.

"You may say it all you like. That won't make it true. You were created to be nothing more than a lap dog, after all. A warrior, bred to take the orders of others. You will never win free of your lowly beginnings."

What, did the Shinma think to prey on his supposed insecurities about his roots? He had never been ashamed of the way he had come into this world. There had been nothing he could do about it, after all. He had done as he was told because he was complacent and knew nothing else, not because he believed himself inferior.

::Why do you interfere in my affairs, Otto?:: he asked, quite deliberately using his name. It made them equals of a sort. ::Are the Shinma so bored that they've nothing else to do? Or have they fallen so far that they must hunt up yesterday's weapons for tomorrow's wars?::

"What use could we possibly have for you? You, who still bear the mark of your binding and punishment for turning your back on us so many years ago."

::Yes,:: he agreed, not bothering to correct the mistaken impression. ::I turned my back on you. And I do so again.:: He flexed his power and shattered the light binding of shadows encircling them. Otto's gaze burned across Heero's senses as he continued unworriedly on his way. The look was cold, but calculating. The Shinma would return to brief his compatriots, and then they would be back for him again. Heero's show of power would amuse them, if nothing else, and they would come. In some ways, they were even worse, and much more predictable, than Dorothy.


"Do you mind if I walk with you for a bit?"

Startled from her mental wanderings on the nature of non-linear physical realms, Meiran looked up to find a demon matching her steps. "Uh, yeah, sure." She still found these demons in such deceptively human forms to be disconcerting. It was very easy to forget what they truly were.

"Thanks." Hilde dimpled cutely at her and gestured off at the menfolk. "They're being such bores. I can't hang out with Duo all the time, and there's no way I'd willingly want to keep Dorothy company. That Trowa gives me the willies, and Duo's forbidden me from playing with your charming spiritualist, and that Wufei of yours... well, I'm sure I don't need to go into that."

That stirred both a chuckle and a defensive reaction from the Chinese girl. "Oh, never mind Wufei. He's not always like that. He just has a lot on his mind right now."

"Well, of course, but that's no reason to excuse his behavior. You should never let a man walk all over you. He'll take off with that control and never look back."

"What are you talking about? I'm not letting Wufei walk all over me," she said pridefully.

"Well, I never said you were. You're a strong girl. I can tell. I admire that. I'm sure he admires it, too, although he'd probably slit his own throat before saying as much. I know his type. You just stand beside him through thick and thin, and eventually he'll notice you're there."

Something inside of her puzzled over what the succubus seemed to be implying, but something else decided to change the subject before she could figure it out. "Is that what you're doing?"

"How's that?"

Meiran realized that she had perhaps unthinkingly voiced a rather personal question and nearly blushed, until she remembered that she was speaking to a demon of lust and other desires of the flesh. How much personal modesty could she have? She hadn't hesitated to turn the tips of Quatre's ears red with her effortless insinuations. "Are you standing behind your man right now?"

"Hmm? Oh, Duo, you mean?" Hilde laughed, and it was a low, throaty sort of sound. "Oh, dear me, not at all! I'm standing behind him, certainly, but he's hardly my man. It takes an unusual kind of succubus to settle down into commitment, and I'm definitely not one of them. He may be one of the yummiest beings I've ever known, but he is definitely not mine."

"Yummy...? Does that mean that you two--" She broke off suddenly, deciding that she really didn't want to know.

Hilde laughed again. "No, no, I don't ply my trade on him, if that's what you mean. It wouldn't be nearly as sweet anyway. I get my kicks out of him in other ways."

"Oh." Meiran chewed on that for a little bit. "Is he a good friend of yours, or..."

"Or am I just a groupie? Or maybe just someone like Dorothy? No, I like to think we've a little more substance between us than that."

"Well, that's... that's good." It wasn't something that she had thought about before this conversation, but it struck her nevertheless as the truth. "I mean, what with his job and all, I imagine it must get... sort of lonely sometimes."

"Well, I'm sure it would, but Duo's not alone." Hilde smiled. "And neither is your Wufei."

Meiran held in her sputtering denials in favor of quiet dignity that admitted nothing. Who knew what the succubus could read off of the ether? She ignored the growing heat in her face and redirected the conversation again. "Is Duo okay? I mean, maybe he needs to be reminded or something. He just seems... shut off."

Hilde glanced over to the guardian, a concern in her eye that she did not express. "Much like your Wufei of late?"

She broke just a little. "Will you stop calling him my Wufei?" she hissed, anxious that the others not hear. God, she felt funny even saying that.

Hilde heard the request, but didn't acknowledge it. "It's amazing how similar they are in some ways. But as you said, never mind him. He's not always like that. He just has a lot on his mind these days." She declined to speak any further on Duo's state of mind. If he wanted to enlighten everyone, then that would be his decision. Personally, she thought the details were none of their business, but clearly the others were noticing the change in his demeanor.

Meiran endeavored to keep the topic firmly fixed on something not involving her. "Why are you here, Hilde? I mean, you don't have a stake in this, do you?"

"No, I don't. But Duo's my friend. I'm following him to hell and back, and right now, I'm just keeping him company in lieu of another."

"Who, Heero? No offense, Hilde, but if it comes down to a fight, I'd much rather have Heero by my side than you."

"So would I," Hilde agreed with good humor. "So would I. But we've already explained, Heero is busy elsewhere at the moment, working on the other half of our little puzzle. Besides, you shouldn't discount the two of us. We're more than just decorative."

Meiran made an exasperated sound. "Why does everything I say have to relate back to me and-- well, me?"

The succubus shrugged carelessly and declared the question rhetorical. She'd sensed a satisfying whiff of Wufei in that response. "We may not have the muscle and brute force of the others, but we are not without our own weapons and tools."

"What are you talking about now?"

Hilde tsked. This woman was a good match for her man. "Don't you wonder what purpose you serve here? Surely it has not escaped your notice that you are in the company of powerful men. You must have asked yourself just what you can contribute to this group. You may or may not have found an answer yet, but let me assure you, that there is something. Man cannot survive on brawn alone."

The wily demoness was hitting a little close to home. She did feel a little something like a groupie. She didn't know what she would do if something attacked them, nor did she know what she would do when they finally found the one they were going to attack. She did know that she refused to be a burden on this journey, and that she hadn't questioned the necessity of her coming. She simply had to. There was no way she could have let Wufei go to fulfil his familial obligations alone, even if he refused to let her help him. She didn't question this drive; it merely was. Still, that yielded her no answers as to her purpose here, and it unsettled her, so she went on the conversational offensive again. "You don't mean to say that you think there will be some point at which you'll have to seduce a demon into submission?"

"I certainly hope not," Hilde answered with a deliberate shudder. "I don't think we'll be running into any demons I'd want to get close enough to seduce. But like I said, we have other skills at our disposal besides the obvious, Meiran. We have a purpose here, and we are serving it. Remember that."

Meiran blinked as Hilde drifted away to wander back to Duo's side and latch onto his arm again. She'd just gotten a pep talk from a succubus. How bizarre.



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