Two Flirting Doves Part 8

Duo laughed suddenly.

"What?" Heero asked.

"Oh, nothing really. Just thought of something."

"Doesn't sound like nothing, then."

"It's just, I thought..." He gestured at the screen. They had just finished up a boss fight and had a moment before the next level. "It's called a bullet hell game, right?"

"Yes," Heero answered dutifully.

"Well, all those bullets they just threw at us... Doesn't that remind you the slightest bit of Trowa and Heavyarms?"

It took Heero only a moment before he chuckled. "Why yes, I believe you may be right about that."

Duo paused the game just as the new level started so he could stretch a bit. In the process, he happened to glance at the time. "Oh, hey, it's already oh-thirty." He muted the TV and listened. "The fireworks have all died down now."

Heero tilted his head thoughtfully. "I didn't even notice them going off in the first place."

"Well, that was the point, so mission accomplished, I guess." Duo turned the volume of the TV back down a notch. "Thanks for coming over and all. Made me feel less like a wuss. Or less like a sourpuss, maybe, since it's not like I'd be otherwise hiding under my blanket right now. The whole thing just sorta sets me on edge, yanno?"

"I don't like the fireworks any more than you do, Duo. I was glad to ignore it all this year, too."

"Yeah, but you had other options available to you, I'm sure..."

"I don't have anywhere else I'd rather be right now."

Duo chewed on that for a moment. "Heh, watch out, man. You know, they say that how you spend your New Year's is indicative of how the rest of your year is gonna be."

"I don't have anywhere else I'd rather be right now."

"...Happy new year, Heero."

"Happy new year, Duo." He picked up his controller. "Shall we play some more?"



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