'...' thoughts
/.../ telepathy

Daystar's Prophecy Part 10

After they escaped from the palace, the six riders and one sleeping fairy traveled for a day and a half straight. Stopping only to rest the horses for brief periods before starting out once again since Solo feared that the council would send guards after them and knew that the further they were from the palace the more likely the guards would give up and go back. Unfortunately, neither man nor beast can take that kind of punishment for long without feeling the strain and during one of the stops they made on the morning of the second day, the strain began to show as exhaustion and bad tempers gripped the group.

"Solo?" Quatre asked as he collapsed to the ground at Trowa's feet. The green-eyed boy was soon to follow as he pulled the smaller boy close. "How much further do we have to go?"

"For now, not much further. We're nearly far enough away to make following us more trouble than it's worth." Solo said. "Eventually though, we still have quite a ways to go. A friend of ours that lives in the mountains to the south undoubtedly will be expecting us by now and he'll have a place for us to stay."

"What about the control stone? Can it be removed now?" Heero asked, earning him some rather confused looks from his fellow pilots since there had not been enough time yet to explain the events that occurred in the council chambers.

"No. We have to wait until we get to my friend's place first."

"But you're not going to tell us where or who that is, are you." Wufei said.

"It's best if you don't know anymore than is absolutely necessary right now." Solo said before turning and walking back to where the horsed were drinking from a small stream. Hilde watched him go and a small pit of worry began to grow in her stomach at the way he was acting.

A short while afterwards, Solo once again called for them to mount up. Grumbling softly to themselves they nonetheless climbed to their feet and headed for the horses. Heero was approaching Malikai with Trowa following behind to give him a hand with Duo when Solo stopped them.

"I'll take Duo now." Solo demanded, earning him a glare from both pilots as the blue-eyed boy tightened his grip on the longhaired fairy. Seeing the possessive gesture, the elf was preparing to take the braided boy by force if necessary when Hilde stepped between them.

"Let Heero carry him, Solo. You know very well that if we have to fight, it would be best if you weren't holding him." she said and for a moment, she honest believed her husband was not going to listen. Then, still glaring at the human holding his brother, Solo nodded sharply before marching to his horse and mounting quickly. Breathing a silent sigh of relief, Hilde turned to face the two boys. "Please understand that Duo is very important to him."

"And you think he's not important to us?" Trowa asked softly.

"I didn't say that." she clarified as she reached out and brushed her fingertips down the small fairy's cheek. "I'm just saying that his over-protectiveness does have a reason. I don't want you to think badly of him because he's trying to take care of someone he considers his baby brother."

"Hn." Heero nodded after which Hilde turned and left.

"This could be a problem." Trowa said softly.

"Only if we allow it to be." Heero said as he looked down at the boy resting safely in his arms. Then turning to Trowa, he handed Duo to the boy before mounting his horse. Once settled, Trowa returned the fairy and Heero settled him in his lap comfortably. A few minutes later, they were once again traveling south.

It was just passed noon before Solo felt they had traveled far enough to allow them to rest for the rest of the day and as soon as the announcement was made, Quatre immediately collapsed beside Duo and promptly fell asleep, much to the amusement of the others, Solo included. Knowing it would take another week to reach their destination; Solo announced that, beginning that night, they would be sleeping during the day while traveling at night thus lessening the chance that they would be seen. Surprisingly to the elf, he received no complaint from the three boys who were still awake.


Their destination turned out to be a pass deep in the mountains and upon seeing it, the four boys were convinced the elf had lost his mind, as there was nothing there but high cliff walls and bare rock floors. However, as they reached the entrance to the pass, a group of riders appeared from around a bend and began to approach them causing the four pilots to tense instantly. Sensing their unease, Hilde turned to them.

"It's ok; they're the people we've come to meet."

"How can you be so sure from here?" Wufei asked.

"Elves have very good eyesight, besides I'd know that dwarf in the front anywhere." Solo answered and spurred his horse forward, forcing the others to follow. When the elf was nearly abreast of the other riders, he called out to the one in front who was smiling broadly at him. "Hey Howie, it's good to see you again."

"Good to see you, too. To bad it's not under different circumstances." The dwarf said as the smile suddenly fell from his face and he looked around at the newcomers. "Where's the kid?"

With a scowl, Solo waved his hand toward Heero who was still holding the braided fairy in his arms. "I had to put him under a sleep spell, Howie. They left the damn thing active."

A collective gasp traveled through the group of assembled dwarves and Howard's eyes suddenly darkened dangerously. "Dammit, we didn't make them to be used like this."

"I know Howie." Solo said softly. "It's not your fault."

"Yeah, well, tell that to the kid." Howard grumbled then turned his horse around. "Come on, let's get the lot of you inside, and then see about getting that thing out of his neck."

A few minutes later, the group rounded the same bend that Howard and his dwarves had come from and the boys came face to face with the tallest set of stone doors they had ever seen. However, what was even more unbelievable was the fact that the doors seemed to be for a tunnel that lead straight into the mountain.

"Um." Quatre started, swallowing nervously. "are we going in there?"

"Where else do you expect dwarves to live?" Howard asked, a wide grin plastered on his face.

"He's only teasing you, Quatre." Hilde said while throwing a glare at the grinning dwarf. "While there are some dwarves who live in caves, the majority live in cities and towns around here."

"Aw, Hil, you're no fun." Howard pouted, but the effect was ruined by the smile that was shining in his eyes.

"I think they're confused enough with this world without you adding to it." Hilde said seriously.

"So the rumors are true then," the dwarf said, sobering instantly. "they're Visitors and I bet the kid thinks they're the ones."

"That's because they are." Solo said softly, but with a hint of disgust in his voice. Howard immediately turned and looked at him, the dwarf's eyes narrowing dangerously. "They've been accepted by the three spirits that Duo's found; the two at the palace and the one he got in the cave. In fact, I'm pretty sure they were called to this world when they were to save him from Gaison."

"Well, I'll be damned." the dwarf breathed.

"Yes, old man, you probably will be; along with the rest of us as well."

"Old man!" Howard billowed. "Old man! I'll have you know I'm a couple hundred years younger than you and just because you look younger doesn't..." The rest of Howard's rant echoed within the tunnel as they passed through the stone doorway.


"You can put him in here." Howard said as he led Heero to a room not far from the center of the stronghold. "This is his room anyway when he comes to stay."

To say that the four human boys had been shocked at seeing the inside of the dwarf's stronghold would be an understatement. Once they had exited the long tunnel, they immediately found themselves in a large open area lit by the same glowing orbs that they had seen in the tunnel. When Quatre inquired as to what they were, Hilde informed him that while dwarves did not have magic of their own, they did have great knowledge at building things. The orb lights, as he quickly learned, were in fact high-powered solar lights that only needed to be recharged every other month.

As they were led across the open area toward what they soon recognized as a stable, the boys also noticed an area that appeared to be for training. There were several dwarves practicing with swords at one end while a few others were using bows for target practice at the other. Determining to take a closer look at that area later, the four followed their dwarf guides to the stable. Once they had stabled the horses and left what they learned was called the quad, they entered the hold proper and the surroundings became simpler with a far smaller scale. Rugs covered the stone floors while tapestries were used on the walls to block most of the cold from entering the living areas, which consisted of sleeping quarters, eating facilities or cafeterias, and recreation centers. It was impossible to tell exactly how large the hold was from the small area they had seen, but Heero guessed that it must take up at least fifteen or sixteen acres and every bit of it underground.

After they had entered the living area, Solo had left saying he had some business to take care off, but not before shooting one last glare at Heero. Once he was gone, Hilde had offered to take the others on a short tour before visiting one of the cafeterias for dinner while Howard informed Heero he would show him where he could put Duo.

"When can the stone be removed?" Heero asked as he looked down at the small boy on the bed.

"We'll do it now." Solo said as he strode into the room and moved to stand beside Duo, effectively pushing Heero away from the boy. "You should leave."

"Hn." Heero grunted before walking to the foot of the bed where he stopped and turned to face Solo; crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the elf. Solo matched him glare for glare and was ready to fight the boy if that was what he wanted but Howard finally snapped before either could taking it any further.

"Ok you two, if you wanna fight it out that's just fine with me, but do it outside and after the stone's out; right now the kid comes first. Now, either knock it off or I'll do it for you." he growled.

"Fine, he can stay." Solo growled after a few more seconds then turned back to the bed and the small figure laying there before gently rolling the fairy onto his side and raising his braid to reveal the small, black stone.

"Damn, you weren't kidding." Howard whistled as he appraised the stone. "But why would they leave it active for so long? Don't they know what kinda damage that can do?"

"I don't think they really care anymore, Howie. Besides, I'm pretty sure they were using it to keep him down while they went after these guys." Solo said with a wave toward Heero.

"How can you tell it's active." Heero asked, ignoring the blatant attempt to blame him and the others for what happened to Duo.

"Because it's black." Solo explained grudgingly. "Normally the stone's clear, but it starts to darken as it's activated; the higher the activation the darker the stone. Now, come on old man, let's just get this thing out of him."

Shaking his head at Solo's attitude toward the blue-eyed boy, Howard reached into one of the many pockets arranged around his person and pulled out a small stone much like the one currently in Duo's neck, only this one was clear. He handed the stone to the elf who placed it in his left palm and covered it with his right before beginning to chant softly, within a few seconds a white glow started emanating from his hands.

"All I could do was make the removal stone." the dwarf explained quietly to Heero. "It took Solo nearly a hundred years to figure out the spell those bastards used to put that one in him; without the spell my stone's worthless."

For several minutes, the human and dwarf watch transfixed as the elf continued to chant the spell into the stone that would remove the one from the small fairy. Finally, Solo removed his right hand and they could see that the stone he held was now glowing brightly. Without a word, he reached forward and placed the stone against the one in Duo's neck before slowly pulling it away from the boy; the control stone following it as it slipped from the fairy's neck.

"Here." Solo said once the stone was completely clear before handed them both to Howard. "Make sure these are destroyed." Then without another word to either of them, he quickly left the room.

"Don't mind him." the dwarf said at seeing the dark look on the blue-eyed boy's face. "This is something he's been dreaming about for a very long time. To see it finally happen, well, it's affecting him pretty strongly."

"I understand." Heero said as he came to stand at the fairy's side again. "How long before he wakes up?"

"More than likely Solo designed that sleep spell to keep him out until he's gotten some real rest, which now that the stone's gone, he can finally do."

"Hn." Heero grunted, trying to keep the disappointment from showing in his voice.

"You don't talk much do you?" Howard smiled.

"Not usually." Heero answered, still looking down at the longhaired fairy's sleeping face, but then just as the dwarf was leaving he stopped him. "What did you and Solo mean when you said that Duo thought we were the ones?"

"I take it you have no idea about the prophecy." Howard stated and when the boy shook his head, he sighed. "I should have known, Solo refuses to accept it and yet at the same time he's doing just about everything he can to stop it. But this isn't just about him anymore, you and your friends are just as much a part of it and you deserve to know as much of the truth as we have. Tell you what, you find your friends and meet us in the large meeting room we passed on our way here while I find Solo. It's time you boys learned the truth about why you're here and about our little Seeker as well."


After leaving Duo's room, Heero quickly searched the immediate area, knowing that the others would not be far and soon found them with Hilde in one of the cafeterias, eating dinner. As soon as the dark-haired boy explained what he knew of the situation, Hilde immediately called to one of the nearby workers and asked that he have dinner brought to the meeting room before quickly leading them out of the cafeteria. The meeting room was empty when they arrived but it was not long before Howard and Solo showed up, although the elf did not look the least bit pleased with being there as he sat rigidly in one of the chairs at the furthest end of the table from the four boys.

"Ok Solo, spill." Howard said, choosing a seat about midways between the two groups just in case things became ugly and scowled darkly at the blonde-haired elf. After a minute had passed and the elf still had not spoken, the dwarf was rapidly losing what little control he had on his temper. "They have a right to know, boy, so either you do it or I will. Since this is your story to tell, I'm giving you a chance here, don't waste it."

Turning to glare at the dwarf, Solo contemplated what reaction he would receive if he simply stood and walked out. However, one thought of the small fairy down the hall caused him instantly to deflate and slump back in his chair as Hilde quickly rushed to his side. Smiling softly at his wife but refusing to look at anyone else at the table, he finally began to speak. "Sometime during the second year of the war, there was this nut..."

"Solo." Howard growled.

"Well, he was Howie." Solo said with a roll of his eyes. "I mean come on, he wouldn't even go by his real name, but had everyone call him Daystar instead for crying out loud."

"Just get on with it." The dwarf said as he banged his head down on the table, his voice full of exasperation.

"That's what I was trying to do until you interrupted me." Solo said with a glare at the dwarf before finally looked up at the others. "So anyways, this idiot decided that he wanted to be a prophet or something and spent most of his time spouting off nonsense, which even for an elf is a little strange, except that every once in a while he would get something right. Then came the real kicker, on his deathbed no less, he made his final one and to make things even worse, he wrote it in fairy, which hasn't been used in a few thousand years now. I mean, fairies still know and use it among themselves on occasion, but mostly they've taken up elvish just like everyone else."

"I'd been meaning to ask about that." Quatre interrupted sheepishly. "How is it that we can understand each other? Shouldn't there be a language difference?"

"Well, what were speaking now is elvish. What do you call it?" Solo explained.

"English." The blonde answered, looking a little perplexed.

"I'm sure there are probably several languages that are shared between the worlds that have different names." Hilde offered.

"What about fairy." Heero asked.

"I haven't the slightest; I've never been able to make heads or tails of it. Duo can speak and read it just fine but to me it's just gibberish." Solo said but was quick to turn back to the original conversation now that the braided fairy had been brought up. "So anyways, he made this prophecy then croaked and just because he wrote it in fairy, a language he wasn't supposed to know in the first place, everyone thinks it's a definite that it will come to pass."

"Especially Duo." Howard offered, knowing Solo was not going to say it.

"So what is this prophecy exactly?" Wufei asked impatiently, the feeling that they were being led in circles was beginning to try on his nerves.

"Now wait just a second, there's more to it than that." Howard said and raised his hand to stop the questions. "First you need to know a little about Duo's past, right Solo."

Fixing the elf with a pointed glare he waited for the argument he knew was coming. Hilde however, grabbed Solo's face in her hands and forced him to look at her before he could say anything then she leaned in and began whispering fiercely in his ear. The others watched as the elf's face flushed brightly and his eyes became impossibly large as his wife continued to speak to him.

"Duo's already told us quite a lot about his past." Quatre offered, after shaking himself out of his shock.

"Yes, but I'm sure that with his way of explaining things, he left more information out than he actually gave." The dwarf laughed softly at seeing the looks of understanding on the four boys' faces.

"Fine," Solo finally snarled. "I'll tell them, but I still think this is useless."

"Just do it, Solo." Hilde stated as she sat back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. Giving his wife a glare, although a very mild one, he nevertheless continued the story.

"I'm sure Duo's already told you that we grew up together and that it was my family who fostered him." Solo began. "Well, he was always a very curious kid, which with him being the Seeker, is pretty much required. So this one day, my father found us in his study looked through some books, not that he didn't from time to time and usually he didn't mind, but that day Duo had managed to find a book that my father had specifically hidden from him and I thought he was going to freak out. He grabbed the book out of Duo's hands and sent us both out of the room. Up until that day, he'd never raised his voice to us like that and Duo was so upset he locked himself in his room for the rest of the day, refusing even to come out to eat. It was several years later when I found out why my father had reacted that way."

"The book Duo was looking at that day was one of only two copies of the "Book of Fairy" left in existence after the council had them all destroyed about two hundred year before the war ended. But even more importantly, it was the only updated copy available that contained that damn prophecy, in full. You see, after Daystar croaked and his last writing was found, it was rushed to the fairies to be translated. For some unknown reason though, they only translated the middle section, which is the only part that Duo knows. That day in the study, my father was just making sure that Duo didn't learn the whole thing."

"But why keep it from him?" Trowa asked.

"You should probably see it first before I try to explain." Solo said, resignation lining his voice, before getting up and crossing the room to the bookcase spanning the entire back wall. Pulling out a very large book, he brought it back to the table where he opened and flipped through it until he found the page he wanted then turned it to the four boys. "This is the original prophecy and the folded sheet there is our translation."

"This is Japanese." Heero said suddenly, his brow furrowed in confusion at seeing the language printed in the book.

"You can read this?" Howard said with surprise.

"Of course, it's my native language." Heero answered, his brow drawing down even further when he saw the two elves and dwarf share a look. Meanwhile, Trowa had taken the folded sheet of paper and opened it up before scanning it as he quickly compared it to the original in the book.

"Who did this translation?" He asked.

"We had it done by a fairy who lives in this area? Why?" Howard inquired.

"Because it's wrong." The boy said and laid the paper on the table then turned to Heero. "Care to read it or would you like one of us to?"

"All of you can read that?" Howard exclaimed. "And what do you mean the translations wrong, why would the fairy purposely mess it up?"

"My guess would be for the same reason they didn't translate it completely when the prophecy was first written." Trowa offered quietly. "For whatever reason, they don't think anyone should know the full extent of this, at least now until someone comes along to do the translating for them."

"And as for the rest of us knowing this," Quatre said with a wave at the book. "Japanese is a very prominent language in our world and even though only Heero can claim it as his first language, we've all been taught to read, write, and speak it fluently."

"I'll read it." Heero said quietly before any more discussion could be started.


Excerpt from the "Book of Fairy"

Daystar's Final Written Prophecy
As recorded one month following his departure during the second hundred years of the war to save our people.

When from a lavender breeze
The one who shall find will ascend
To be broken and chained
But never submit and through it made strong
Protected by the four, loved by the fifth
The center shall bind them through
For at the appointed time
The visitors shall appear
To aid those already prepared
As darkness threatens the land
The prince of sand, who shall rule the water
The lone dragon, who shall master the flame
The agile nymph, who shall commune with the earth
And the brother of the heart, who shall move the air
Four shall be called as time draws close
To bind with the spirits and battle the shadows
As the evil within begins to consume
However, the four cannot prevail alone
And two others must come forth as well
The perfect and truehearted warrior
Bound by darkness, must seek the light
And the soul of innocence must find the darkness
For the light cannot live without the dark
Just as the darkness cannot survive without the light
As truer soul mates one could not find
Only once the six have been united
Will the spirits be awoken and the full truth revealed
Then they shall face the betrayers of peace
And only by their combined power
Will true life be found.


When Heero finally finished reading, silence covered the room as everyone present contemplated the words and their meaning. The quiet contemplation was suddenly broken by a knock on the door and suspecting it was their dinner that she had order, Hilde quickly allowed the dwarves to enter. Once the food was laid out and the cafeteria workers had gone Quatre finally voiced the main question on his mind.

"Which part does Duo know?" he asked although he already had his suspicions.

"Only the part that describes the four." Solo said softly, the realization that the translation they had been working from had been more than a little wrong was quite a shock for the green-eyed elf.

"Which is us." Wufei said, thinking of the staff now residing within him.

"No." Howard said and looked squarely at the four boys. "It's the three of you who already have your weapons along with the brother of the heart."

"But that's Heero, right?" Quatre said before turning to look at the dark-haired boy. "He's like a brother to us after all."

"That may be true, but this prophecy was written about one specific person and it's that person who you have to apply it to." Howard said with more than a little sadness in his voice.

"It's Duo." Heero said softly.

"Yes." Howard sighed heavily.

But..." Quatre started.

"Look at the facts, Quatre." Heero said and pointed toward the prophecy in the book once again. "'lavender breeze', Duo said his flower pedals where lavender, 'one who shall find', he's the Seeker, there's no one else it could be talking about." the boy finished, specifically leaving out 'loved by the fifth' since most everyone at the table either already knew or suspected how he felt about the violet-eyed fairy.

"But if Duo's the one it's talking about then that would mean..." Quatre said and turned to look at Solo.

"Yup, I'm the 'brother of the heart'" he said, his face looking completely dejected.

"What about your weapon?" Wufei asked.

"I already have it and have had for a very long time. It was given to my father by the elf who gave him the book and on the day he told me about all this, he gave it to me along with my mission in life."

"Which is?" Heero asked.

"To protect Duo; with my own life if necessary. A mission that Hilde also took up the day we were married." Solo explained as he took his wife's hand and squeezed it gently.

"If you've been protecting him until the time of the prophecy than why are you so against it?" Heero asked.

"I wasn't protecting him for the prophecy, but from it. Did you even pay attention while you were reading it? Dammit, even I could see with our shoddy translation what would happen if this thing plays out to the end and there's no way in hell I'm letting my little brother be turned into a killer." Solo said as he slammed his hand down on the table.

At Solo's words, another part of the prophecy fell into place for Heero. He had already realized that the 'perfect and truehearted warrior' was speaking of him, but now he also realized that the 'soul of innocence' was Duo and if the rest of the prophecy indicated what he thought then... Abruptly he stood and without a word to the others, walked from the room. Stunned eyes watched as he left and Quatre quickly tried to explain his friend's behavior.

"Heero can get like that sometimes, and he just needs space to be alone and think." he explained.

However, contrary to Quatre's statement, Heero had no intention of being alone at that moment. Instead, immediately upon leaving the meeting room he made his way to Duo's room where he entered and secured the door behind him. Then, walking over to the bed, he sat down beside the fairy and looked down at the beautiful face still peacefully asleep.

'Soul mates?' His mind whirled with the very idea. 'How is it possible to be soul mates with someone who will remain so young while I will grow old and die in just a few short decades?"

Reaching out, Heero gently ran his fingers through the fairy's bangs before letting the hand drift down to cup one tender cheek causing a small smile to spread across Duo's face as the boy leaned into the touch.

"Heero." the fairy whispered, sending a shock through the dark-haired boy at hearing his name whispered from those tempting lips and he quickly jerked his hand back. Sensing the sudden lose, the small fairy frowned and shifted on the bed, then as Heero watched, those wondrous violet eyes blinked open and looked up at him.

"Hey." Duo said softly, the gentle smile back on his face at see the dark-haired boy. However, when Heero simply sat there and stared at him he became worried and carefully levered himself into a sitting position so he was face to face with the boy. "Heero, you ok?"

Heero on the other hand, was feeling anything but ok. The minutes those eyes had opened he felt his mouth go dry, his palms begin to sweat, and his mind could no longer form a coherent thought. Then the boy sat up and with him so close, Heero soon felt sweat begin to bead on his forehead as his pulse rate quickly started to rise.

At seeing the sweat forming on the other boy's face, Duo's worry increased and he reached out to feel the boy's cheek to see if he might have a fever. What he was not expecting was for Heero to suddenly lean forward and press their lips lightly together. At first he froze, not knowing what to do but then a feeling of rightness seemed to fill him and he let his eyes slip closed as he wrapped his arms around the other boy's neck and leaned into the kiss.

The instant Heero felt Duo relax and wrap his arms around him, he wrapped his own around the braided fairy's waist and pulled him closer, effectively deepening the kiss. Running his tongue along the boy's bottom lip, he was elated when the fairy immediately opened up for him and he wasted no time in plunging his tongue deep into the other boy's mouth and tasting the wonderful flavor that was Duo. The taste and feel of the fairy sent his mind reeling, but the small moan that rose from the boy's throat nearly drove him crazy and he found himself gently pushing the boy back to the bed while continuing to plunder those sweet depths.

"Heero?" Duo questioned softly, looking up at the blue-eyed boy when Heero finally broke the kiss as need for air became a problem.

"Shh." Heero said and brushed a small kiss to those now swollen lips before turning his attention to that tempting throat as he slowly ran his lips over the boy's jaw and neck while at the same time his right hand began traveling up the boy's side.

Duo had never felt anything like this before; his skin felt as if it was on fire everywhere Heero's lips touched. Tilting his head back to give the boy better access, he gasped loudly as Heero's mouth latched onto a particularly sensitive spot and started sucking gently. Then when Heero's hand happened to brush over his nipple through his vest, he nearly screamed and his back arched off the bed as tendrils of fire raced through his blood and straight for his groin. However, as he felt the blue-eyed boy's hand begin to undo the ties of his vest he suddenly flashed back to another time when he had been in a similar position and he instantly tense up as fear coursed through him.

Feeling the boy below him tense, Heero immediately stopped and pulled back to look at him. Duo's eyes were wide in fear and even though he appeared to be looking at him, Heero could tell he was not seeing him but something, or more specifically, someone else. Silently cursing himself for not remember the boy's near rape, he quickly gathered the small fairy into his arms and began to whisper in his ear.

"It's ok, Duo, you're safe. It's me, Heero. Gaison's not here, he's never going to hurt you again." He continued speaking soothing to the fairy until he felt the boy finally begin to relax in his arms. Pulling back slightly, he looked down into those beautiful eyes only to find them full of tears as the boy bit his already injured lip to keep them from falling.

"I'm sorry." Duo whispered as one tear managed to escape and make its way done the boy's pale cheek. Ever so gently, Heero brushed a thumb across the cheek and swept the tear away.

"No, Duo, I'm the one who should be sorry; I shouldn't have pushed you so fast. We'll only do this when you're ready." Heero said solemnly before pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead. When he pulled back again, Duo gave him a small smile before laying his head against the taller boy's chest and soon drifted back to sleep.



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