Author: Kracken
Warning: Male-Male sex, graphic, language, bad Trowa, dead Quatre, Trowa death.
Pairing: 1x2
Disclaimer: I don't own them and I don't make any money off of this.
Note: Sunhawk's Bad Trowa Challenge
One Stormy Night
I began to stop by Preventer Headquarters, under the guise of thinking about a position there. They were eager to accommodate me; giving me passes, tours, and recruitment speeches. I needed something to do, to help me get past Quatre's death. At least, that's what I told them. Getting time to plant my 'evidence' on Heero became ridiculously easy.
People in love didn't need condom packs in their desk drawers, right? People in love didn't carry business cards with hearts and phone numbers written on the backs of them. People in love didn't have receipts from hotel rooms and bar tabs in the glove box of their car. People in love, certainly didn't disappear, giving flimsy excuses when they returned. Heero was surprisingly trusting and Duo was surprisingly possessed of enough low self-esteem to have his doubts already. All that I needed was to pick up the threads and start weaving my lies.
"Let me write you that web address," I said to Duo and leaned over to Heero's nearby desk to fish a pencil and a sticky note out of his drawer.
"Thanks, Tro," he said with a bit of sadness. "I'm glad Quatre's sisters made a memorial website for him. I'd like to leave a few words."
He was standing beside me, of course, hands in his uniform pockets. He had a full view of the inside of Heero's drawer as I pretended embarrassment and poked the condom pack with the pencil. "At work, Duo? Is that how things started between you two?" I chuckled to make it a joke, but his frown told me that I had hit the jackpot.
"No..." he began and then blushed red. "I don't... That's not even..."
I looked uncertain and closed the drawer. "I'm sure it's something left over from before you were a couple," I soothed, but the doubt had been planted.
I made the note of the website. He sat on the edge of his own desk and looked down at it, still frowning. He suddenly looked around. "Where's Heero?"
I had paid someone to call him and ask for his presence at the other end of the very large complex. When the man came back, looking flustered, right on cue, it didn't sound very convincing when he replied to Duo's query, "Wasn't anything." and shrugged as he sat at his desk and greeted me.
My enemy was given a friendly smile by me and some idle chatter. God, I hated him. I could imagine him touching Duo's hard body, sucking those brown nipples, and kissing those smiling lips. Not for much longer, I swore silently. I almost had a hard on, imaging Duo under me, naked and willing, his strong legs lifted and spread apart, and that hair spilling over everything.
"Are you feeling all right?" Heero suddenly asked as he shuffled papers and looked at me over them. "Your face suddenly turned red."
I licked dry lips and smirked. "It's the government's fault for not spending the money on air in this place. I think I'll go to a more hospitable place."
"If you're going to work here, you're going to have to get used to it," Duo chuckled.
"But not until then," I quipped back.
I took my leave of them, giving Duo a charming farewell and Heero a bit of a cold shoulder. My poison would spread without me. I only needed to be there when Duo came to me for comfort afterward.
It took a few days, but, one rainy night, a servant announced his arrival. I had him brought to my study, richly appointed, and full of Quatre's books. I wasn't a reader, but it made me look serious and cultured to be seen with them. Being undercover most of my life had made me well aware of how important appearances were.
He didn't look grief stricken. He didn't look drunk or despondent. Instead, he looked... happy. He gave me a bear hug and then gripped my shoulder as he smiled into my face. "I want to thank you,' he said with all seriousness.
I was at a loss. "For what?" I finally managed.
"For saving my relationship with Heero," he told me.
I stared, went over in my mind my entire plan, and came up empty as to his reasoning. "I didn't realize that it was in any danger."
He left me to flop into a chair. His hair was a bit wet from the rain and he twisted the long braid to get some of the water out. "Life has been pretty crappy to me, Tro, so I didn't trust Heero when he said he cared about me. I kept questioning it. Hell, I even went out on him a few times, trying to pretend we didn't have anything between us. I didn't want to get hurt..." He sighed and looked at me. "Heero says it's all a mistake, but... I saw some signs that he's been stepping out too....I guess because he was getting sick of my shit and sick of me not trusting him. It kind of woke me up. I realized how much I really did care about the guy."
I sat down heavily on the arm of a chair near him, in complete disbelief. "How... How did I help you?"
"By being you," Duo chuckled. "By loving Quatre so much. I guess you gave me faith that two people could stay together and have that between them... that trust. Even now, you haven't been going out with anyone else. You're still devoted to him. I think me and Heero can have something like that too. We worked it out, is what I'm saying, and we're moving in together as soon as we can find a place."
Rational thinking would have had me step back, agree with him, accept his gratitude, and congratulate him. Rational thought, would have had me making plans to permanently remove Heero from the scene and his life. I was beyond rational. That body had to be mine. I was sick of waiting, sick of planning, and sick of being denied it.
I'm larger than Duo and still highly trained. My higher standard of living hadn't made me soft. I took him down with three blows and then leveled a gun at his forehead. His purple eyes were dazed. Sprawled on the floor and his clothes already torn, it wasn't much to overpower him completely. I tasted those nipples and found them salty and just as delectable mouth fulls as I had imagined. I took my time with them, suckling while he panted and tried to regain his senses enough to protest.
"Shut up," I warned. "I killed Quatre for you. I'll kill Heero as well. You're mine now, just as you were meant to be."
"I will," I snickered and bit him. He hissed in pain. I kept the gun to his temple. It made it awkward as I began pulling down his jeans, but I knew how deadly he could be. I wasn't going to make a mistake.
"You killed Quatre?" he said blearily and began to sound distressed. He was getting sharper. Another blow to the temple cured that.
"I'll kill the world to get between your legs," I told him as his head lolled.
I lapped down to his naval. His skin was as smooth, and his waist as flat and as tightly muscled, as I could have wished for. I shivered in anticipation as I breathed hot breath into his naval and then came to the star attraction. He had ginger hair there and a little mole. I licked the mole with a rough tongue and then couldn't hold back any longer to appreciate what was below that. With a groan, I jacked his legs up, intending to just have him as rough and as hard as I had always wanted. The bullet stopped me.
It felt like someone had slapped my forehead, just before blood started pouring down into my face. Wide eyed and dying, I saw Heero striding toward me, looking furious, with a gun in hand.
"Bastard!" Heero shouted as he shoved me off Duo. I sprawled, boneless, my brain dying and my body already dead. With my dying sight, I saw Heero catch Duo up into his arms and rock him in shock and grief.
"I shouldn't have waited outside," Heero was murmuring against Duo's hair. "I always suspected something... but he was your friend."
"He killed Quatre," Duo sobbed.
"Quiet, love," Heero told him. "He's dead. He's paid. Let's get you help."
I died with them together in my fading eyesight. I didn't expect to go to hell for my crimes, that was punishment enough, knowing how badly I had failed, and how they would go on, together, Heero having what I had barely touched. Death was almost welcome rather than endure that.