Author: T-shirt

Pairing: (past 1x2, 3x4) 5x2, 3x2

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Deathfic, Malicious manipulation!! BWA HA HA HAAAAA!!


Author's notes: "Mikey! (my turbo turtle!) Strap yer hat on! It's gonna get hairy before it's over!"

Enjoy :)


Is it perhaps my own insatiable desire that prevents me from seeing past the fruition of my goal where Duo is concerned? It took fourteen months, fourteen long fucking months to bring the former hero of the world down and clear the path to his heart. And his bed. It's not easy to alter Preventer files and getting Hilde implicated in a drug smuggling deal was no mean feat either. The girl is anally particular about her shipments. It took every bit of cunning I possess and a rather large monetary investment to get the drugs planted successfully aboard one of her barges. The fact that this particular shipment had been stolen from a particularly ruthless drug lord assured the presence of some decidedly nasty company on the deal. Company that would be determined to recover their goods at any cost. It's ironic. If sweet little Quatre had any idea what I was doing with his money he'd roll over in his grave. Of course, if he had had any idea, he wouldn't have allowed me to kill him.

When the time came everything fell into place as easily as if dropping a stone. There was no way Heero would allow Duo's best friend to take a fall. A well timed file coming to light while Duo was away put the ex Wing Pilot on the trail of the would be target of an internal leak. It took no more than a frantic call to Hilde claiming Duo was in trouble aboard the barge to set the girl's feet in the right direction. A tip off to the original owners of the drugs and all was smoothly in place. Heero stepped in and took the hit without a second thought. Ever the hero that one and he died in the same way that he had lived. I knew I could count on him.

For the first few weeks there was no getting anywhere near Duo but that was expected after Heero's sudden death. He would need time to grieve no doubt and I had no reason to rush him. He would need someone to lean on eventually and I had every intention of being that someone. I would finally reap the sweet rewards his grieving would no doubt bare, however, I had not foreseen the possibility of yet another obstacle barring my path.

It had been a major slap in the face when I walked in one day to find Duo in Wufei's arms. Looking back I suppose it was my own single minded determination to rid the path of Heero's presence that blinded me to the possibility that Duo might turn to his best friend for comfort. Nevertheless, I found it extremely... irritating. I had expended a good deal of time and effort over the past two years placing myself in a position that would put Duo in the position Wufei was now enjoying and I wasn't about to wait another damn year to take him for my own.

I considered just putting a hit out on Wufei. Do it the old fashioned way, make it look like a hate crime but come on... this was Chang Wufei. Who would I hire that could defeat him? No. It would take more ingenuity than that to eradicate the elegant fighter. It came to me one night during a dinner I was being forced to endure with the new couple. Duo insisted I join them regularly for get togethers like this claiming we were all we three had left in the world. I cannot tell you how very... annoying it was having to watch them coddle and coo at each other. Wufei appeared to be as taken with him as any of the rest of us. It made me wonder how I'd never seen it before and infuriated me that he was getting what was rightfully mine!

Oddly enough, Wufei's current condition and permanent residency at St. Michael's Hospital was a direct result of Duo's own actions. I was not present when the gift box arrived nor did I witness the convulsive fit that fried Chang's neural net when he unknowingly ate a tid bit from Duo's fingers that was loaded with Red Savina peppers. It took me hours to get the recipe right and disguise them to look like Chinese dumpling's. Something I know without a doubt Duo absolutely hates. Just as I knew, as one of his best friends, that Wufei is highly allergic to the harsh Savina pepper. He will live out his days a mindless vegetable, however, the end result was inevitable.

Duo and I have been together for three months now. Three of the most amazing months of my life. He is everything I ever imagined and more. Our days are filled with excitement, our nights with endless passion. He is vibrant and full of life and I find myself more in love with him every day. We are never stagnant as that endless energy of his keeps us on the move. This weekend it's skydiving. I have to say my favorite outing with him so far was the week we spent in the Australian outback just after Wufei's unfortunate accident. He needed to get away, I needed unlimited access to that beautiful body of his so it worked out very well. Our having lost three lovers in the past two years has given him an even more insatiable appetite for life. Sometimes it's all I can do just to keep up with him.

I will never forget the first time he came to me. It was during that trip in Australia. The first night after we'd made camp. I'd had every intention of seducing him that night so it was a very pleasant surprise when he willingly came to me seeking my comfort.

'You're all I have left' he'd whispered as he took me in his arms. It'd been so damn long in the coming. He was so warm. Like sand touched by the midday sun. He enveloped me and caressed every single aspect of my being that night. Repeatedly. It turned into the single most erotic week of my life. I never realized he had such a kinky side to him before that trip but let me tell you. Duo Maxwell knows how to please a man in just about any way imaginable and he's proved those skills time again since then.

He's smiling at me now. I love his smile. So open and carefree. I wonder sometimes, what he would think if he knew the truth. Could he comprehend the complexity of my sins? My need to possess him? Would his smile fade if he discovered the depth of my need? But it doesn't matter. He is mine now and I intend to thoroughly enjoy my prize.

'What's that smile for?' he asks, a coy little smirk playing in the corner of his mouth. Gods he is so sexy when he does that!

'Come're and I'll show you' I purr as I reach for him. At times it's hard for even me to comprehend how much I want him but he won't grant me my wish right now.

'Down Simba' he chuckles teasing me with that promise in his eyes. Yes. Once we're on the ground things will be different. He loves these little flat liner games we play. Taking death by the horns and shaking it until he's on a natural high that has gained me more carnal pleasure than I ever dared dream possible. He rests his palms on his thighs and lets them relax spreading his legs just so. He is mocking me. The anticipation of this weekend is no doubt burning deep in my eyes and he's loving every minute of it.

'Time to strap in!' the pilot calls and Duo moves to slip gracefully in behind me. He's insisted on a tandem jump this time and who am I to deny him? With a little luck and dexterity I should be well on my way to heaven before we ever hit the ground. I can feel the heat contracting inside me just having him this close. He laughs winsomely reveling in my desire as he wriggles and squirms his way into the harness.

'Bet Quat never strapped you in like this' he laughs.

Hn. 'Only you' I grin in a way that I hope coveys to him just how much I would like it if he did it more often. It's odd for him to mention Quatre though; usually we avoid the subject of our deceased teammates.

'Heero would never have done anything like this with me' he tells me as we move into position. Things are heating up now, the doors are open, the wind is ripping at our hair and clothes and the adrenaline is starting to flow freely but I still cant help but wonder at his sudden need to talk about past lovers.

'Why not?' I ask curious as to where this line of thought had come from.

'He was way to scared something might happen to me' he grins. 'Sometimes he could be such an idiot' he laughs and something about it brushes along my spine. I wish I could see his eyes but he is behind me strapped to my back.

'He just loved you a lot' I yell back to him ever the supportive friend though my stomach tightens at the very thought that Duo might be missing Heero for some reason. He is mine. I wont have him pining after a dead man.

'Yea' he returns glancing at his instruments before edging us forward. 'Not like you though' he adds lining us up for the jump. 'No one loves me like you do' he tells me leaning us out a bit. I realized many things in that moment. It's strange how many epiphanies one can come to in the span of only a few minutes. Mine all began to take shape the moment he laughed the words 'Nice touch with the Savina's by the way' just before he pushed us out into the endless sky.

He knew. But for how long? When had he figured me out?

'I used to visit Quat for lunch ya know?' he shouts over the roar of the wind. 'He never could catch a nap!' he laughs.

He knew.

And he'd aided me.

'I have to commend you on how well you played Heero' he yells and the bile turns over in my belly. 'He never could turn his back on the damsel in distress!' he cackles. I've never heard him laugh in quite that way before. It's all starting to come clear now and I feel the sickness of it rise in my throat as his hands move to the buckles that tie us together. 'It's been fun Tro!' he shouts close to my ear, I can see the earth below rising quickly up to meet me. 'No hard feelings huh? But you should've known...' he laughs managing to lick my ear somehow before he cackles once again 'Nobody touches death and lives to tell the tale!' and suddenly I am falling free of him.

It isn't until now, at the end of my life that I truly understand. He has been the game master all along. It was by his will that I killed Quatre. It was his temptation that drove me to set up Heero's death. He'd been playing me all along. Teasing me past the limits of my own sanity until I'd gotten rid of them all and now he'd ended me as well. I managed to turn myself so I could see him in all his demonic glory before I died and he was beauty in the purest sense of the word. I would never have imagined all that time ago that the last moments of my life would be spent basking in the glory of Shinigami but then... like the others before me I couldn't see past that beatific smile. I never truly realized that Duo is and would always be... The God of Death.



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