Author: SilverLady

Warning: Deathfic

Rating: PG-13


The Means to an End

Trowa was sitting on the couch, browsing the internet. He had hoped there would be something to indicate that his plan had worked.

It had taken months of careful planning and preparation, but he was sure his patience would be paying off very soon. If everything had gone according to plan, his Duo would soon be free. Free for him to love and to cherish, as he should be. Not like that barbarian Yuy did. The man had no clue how to treat someone as wonderful and giving as Duo.

He had begun to think that he wouldn't get an opportunity any time soon to remove Heero quietly from the picture, but luck had decided to give him a break. Heero had gotten himself shot in the line of duty several weeks ago. The gunshot wound hadn't been that serious, but it had become infected soon after, requiring the need for surgery and for a course of antibiotics. That had given Trowa just what he had needed to take care of things.

It hadn't been hard at all to distract the tech at the pharmacy and see that the wrong pills had wound up in Heero's bottle. If anyone discovered the mistake, it would appear to be the fault of the pharmacist. No one would think to look twice at him. He had simply been inquiring into the health of his friend and insuring that everything was all right. And he had never been anywhere near the bottle or the pills, as far as anyone would ever be able to tell.

Heero would surely not notice the mistake, take the pills and go to bed, never to awaken. He would have preferred to arrange it so that Duo would not be the one to discover what had happened, but Trowa had not been able to persuade Duo that Heero could be left alone for the night. Duo had been adamant about staying with his injured lover.

So Duo would find that Heero had overdosed on what was supposed to be antibiotics. Of course, he would be there to comfort the distraught Duo, as Duo had done for him after the loss of his beloved Quatre. And with persistence he would win the heart of the lovely Duo for himself.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Frowning slightly, he rose to his feet. He hadn't been expecting anyone, but perhaps.

Schooling his face into a neutral expression, he opened the door.

Wufei was standing on his doorstep, looking rather upset. "I did not awaken you, did I?"

Trowa shook his head. "No. Is there something wrong?"

Wufei frowned. "May I come in? I do not wish to discuss this on your doorstep."

Trowa stepped back out of the way. "Of course, come in."

Wufei walked into the apartment and looked around. It still seemed strange not to see the gentle blonde come bounding into the room. And now....

He turned to look at Trowa. "I received a phone call a short while ago. There's been an accident. Heero.... He was killed a short while ago. The car he was driving went off the road and struck a tree. He was driving too fast and lost control of the vehicle. With his injured arm, he was apparently unable to regain control."

Trowa tried to look upset at the news, while inside he was dancing for joy. It had worked. Not exactly the way he had planned but none the less it had worked. Heero was now out of the picture.

"And how is Duo taking the news? He does know, doesn't he?"

Wufei looked at him sadly. "Duo was in the car with Heero. The police think Heero was rushing Duo to the hospital. They think Duo might have already been gone before the accident happened."

Trowa sat down in shock. "What?"

Wufei nodded sadly. "The doctor at the hospital said that Duo had apparently died of a drug overdose, not the accident. It appears as if someone got his allergy pills and Heero's pain medication mixed up. You know how powerful the stuff Heero would have to take to even make a dent in his pain. Two of those were way too much for Duo."

Trowa stared blankly ahead in shock. No. No. No. No. No.

Wufei waved his hand in front of Trowa's face. "Trowa. Trowa! What's wrong? Trowa!"

He slapped Trowa across the face but got no response. Snatching up the phone he quickly dialed a number. "Sally. It's Chang. Come over to Barton's place immediately." A pause. "I told him. He's taking it very badly." Another pause. "Thank you."

He turned to look at the silent figure in front of him. Losing Quatre had been hard, but losing his best friends had obviously been the last straw. "I am sorry my friend. I will do my best to see that you are taken care of. It is the least I can do for Quatre."

When Sally came Wufei helped her get the silent pilot out of the apartment and into a waiting car.

But Trowa was unaware of anything. Duo's gone. Not my Duo. Not my Duo. Not my Duo. Not my Duo. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. NO.



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