Tenshi Child, Dragon Child Part 5

Duo raced through the shadow lands evading Zechs' enraged swings. The scenery surrounding them raced by the fighters as both moved faster then possible for the naked eye to track. Every time Duo tried to lose Zechs by jumping through the little gaps in the dimensional fabric, which made up this world, Zechs was right behind him. He didn't want to lead the Tenshi king out to the side Wufei held open. Imagine the damage he could cause in the Dragon kingdom, but he didn't have a choice. Heero was becoming more and more agitated by the lunges moving desperately in Duo's arms. If he would have had time to talk, to tell Heero it would all be okay, he would have, but he was too busy trying to elude that Tenshi.

Up ahead he saw the exit start to fade. They had been here too long and Wufei's power was giving out. If they missed it they would be trapped here forever. Even if Wufei managed to open the gate again the shadow lands were too ephemeral to stay in one place too long. He would never find them again.

In one last desperate move he threw himself through his body curled protectively around Heero. The pressure surrounding his body as he was pulled through the portal held him still unable to dodge as the sword followed him in a silver arc. The painful meld of metal and strength that sought to steal his life. It stole something far more precious.

Seeing the razor sharp blade moving too fast for Duo to dodge, Heero made a lightning fast decision. One he couldn't regret. This boy had been saving him from the very first, now it was his chance to save Duo. Pushing hard with his legs he launched himself from the future Shinigami's embrace into that of deaths.


As they slipped through the other side Wufei could only stare in shock as his one time lover's sword sheered through the flesh of what could only be called a Tenshi Dragonling. Disbelief filling his eyes as the ground was anointed with sparkling drops of ruby. A scream too painful to listen too was drawn from a tortured soul. Had he finally found their child alive only to watch him be killed again by the one sworn to protect him?


Zechs saw the eyes of the Dragonling a second too late. Eyes too much like his own to be mistaken, he saw the wings he never noticed during the chase flare out a little too late. And as his Dragon slayer missed the Akuma but pierced the flesh of the little one it had been trying to shield, Zechs understood, too late.


Duo felt the scream tear itself from his throat as he watched, unable to do anything, as Heero pushed him back. He could feel the smile that he couldn't see on Heero's lips caress his soul with the fervent wishes of a benediction as his little Hee-baby used his body to protect Duo's. The gleaming blade dealt a deathblow all too quickly and the battered form started to fall from the sky...


Heero's body never hit the ground.

He stopped mid way and started to glow, the ruby like blood hardening then a brilliant flash of white blinded the stunned watchers. When they could see again in his place where two youths. A Dragon Heero with short blonde hair and leathery white wings laid still in the arms of a Tenshi Heero with long ebony hair, white feathered wings and black eyes. The Dragon youth was still his expression peaceful even with the huge gaping wound in his chest. The Tenshi youth's face was contorted in pain at losing half of his soul. Without both sides there would be no Heero Yuy.

Voice stolen by rage, he screamed silently his wings flaring out. A Light began to engulf both bodies and for a second, Zechs swore he saw Relena's slight figure emerge and smile. Some how he knew his sister was finally free. Her disappearance triggering the release of Heero's true power. Power began to pulse through the boys, surrounding them with multi colored streams of light drawn from the earth that gave Dragons power and the sky that gave Tenshi's power. Combining to create something unheard of, the power to bring a god back to life.

It surrounded them in an impenetrable shell and slowly the Dragon Heero opened bright blue eyes. The two boys smiled in relief. With a soft caress the Tenshi Heero caressed his twin's cheek and kissed it softly before closing his eyes and falling forward to disappear within the other youth again. All watched in amazement as blond curls lengthened and darkened into chocolate brown locks and bright blue eyes deepen to cobalt. They had combined to form Heero Yuy once again.


Duo watched the entire display with something akin to pride and related to awe. His Hee-baby was wonderful. Realizing that the slim form was no longer floating gracefully but hurtling to the ground. Four inky black wings erupted from his back as he flew up to catch the unconscious form of his love. All gods had two sets of wings.

Even unconscious Heero's body curled toward Duo trying to cling to the most important thing in his world. Looking at the sweet smile on his beloved's lips, Duo had to admit silently that his beloved's human form took his breath away. Still looking at the precious burden in his arms, he spoke to the two kings watching him.

"I met Heero yesterday, but I know without a doubt that I love him beyond anything I ever thought possible. I will spend the rest of eternity giving him the love he was so wrongly denied his entire life. I never intend to be separated from him again. I will make it my mission to protect him. It's been proved exactly who he is without a doubt and I would like to formally ask your permission as his parents to bond with him."

"No!" Wufei shouted

"What?!" Duo replied enraged and the Dragon king fell out giggling, "That's what you get for sprinkling my sword with pixy dust, brat! Actually I approve of you far more then some Onna. I happen to know even if you're a brat, you're also strong and honorable. I cannot speak for his other father though." Sparkling dark eyes looked at the stunned blonde man who stood off to the side. Some time during the whole scene, Zechs had dropped his bloodstained sword and was staring brokenly at his hands. Duo gave Wufei a look and nodded toward the silently sobbing man.

Walking over to the man who still held his heart after all these years Wufei looked uncertain but gathering his courage, he took the last step and wrapped Zechs in his arms.

"It's over, too many things have been done through the years to forget, but not to forgive. We have our son back. He is fully healed it is time we heal our kingdoms and each other."


See, I told you a deathfic could be a good thing! Just one more part to go...


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