Author's Notes: Thanks for all the reviews everyone! I'm sorry I wasn't able to reply to everyone but believe me, I love them all!

Mail Order Heero Arc 2 Part 5

As Duo left the restaurant with a smile, he was slightly surprised to see the cab that picked him up was driven by Quatre not Trowa. With a smile he closed the door and settled back.

"Hey Q-man did you guys hear what Cat and I were talking about? Finding 01! What a coup. This has got to be one of the best days ever! And Dorothy said she traced him to a flight coming to L2 is that awesome or what?"

"Or what... definitely."

"I can't wait to meet this Akira guy, think he'll be that hard to find?"

"Not really, he just ran off with your wife."

"Oh that's...What the Fu... Heero?"

"Yup, it turns out Heero is his cousin. He came with some annulment papers and is dragging her back home as we speak."

"Over my dead body! If he lays one hand on my Heero, I'll rip his hands off."

"Well, if he had been looking at Trowa the way he was looking at Heero, I would do the same."


Trowa's visible eye widened as he saw Akira pull the prone body of Heero onto his body, arranging Heero's legs to straddle his body. The Japanese man looked up at Trowa and muttered, "Take the long way to the shuttle port. I don't want to be disturbed."

"But sir,"

"Don't worry about it. I'll make sure to pay you extra for the trouble. Just watch the road."

With that, he began to unbutton the back of Heero's dress. Not knowing what else to do, Trowa took a bottle from his pocket and sprayed the contents into Akira's face. He slumped back, unconscious immediately. Trowa picked up his phone.

"04? 03 here. I got some breathing but unconscious cargo."

"Unconscious?" after Quatre's incredulous words, there was a brief scuffling sound, then Duo's voice came on.

"What do you mean unconscious?"

"Well Heero changed her mind and wanted me to take her back. She seemed concerned that someone else was trying to steal you away."

"Yeah. When hell freezes over."

"Then Akira shot her up with something and she fell unconscious."

"That bastard!"

"Then he pulled her on his lap and started to undress her."

"That's it. I'm going to kill him."

"So, I sprayed him with Sally's special mixture."

"Where are you now?"

"We're heading to the abandoned compound on old plat road."

"We'll meet you there."


Sally looked up from the book she was reading when the intercom crackled on.

"Hey sweet thing."

"Hilde! I was hoping you would call, love."

The purple hair girl smiled at her old friend's response. "Unfortunately, this is business not pleasure. Code blue,"

All laughter gone, her face set in a serious mask, Sally gave a brisk nod. "Situation?"

"Well Duo's new wife was abducted and shot up with something that made her slip into unconsciousness. Unfortunately, when he was spraying her abductor, Trowa got some of your special mixture on her. Now he's reporting erratic breathing and a racing heartbeat."

"Damn! Where are they?"

"In J's old lab."

"I'm on my way."



"Will Heero be okay?"

Her face sad, Sally couldn't quite meet Hilde's eyes. "I don't know."


Let me know if you liked it and want more!


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