Author's Notes: Akira looks like Squall from FF8 except with black hair and eyes. Gorgeous yet evil, as any good anime villain should be. LMN
Mail Order Heero Arc 2 Part 4
As they rode back to the apartment Heero tried to ignore the feeling of danger that being next to Akira always brought. Sure this was the guy that had tried to jump him in the shower, the garden, the supermarket and the middle of his parents' funeral, but people changed. Right?
It didn't matter anyway, nothing mattered now that Duo didn't love him. Heero felt like screaming at himself. One week and he was so completely in love, so completely attached that now he wasn't sure how he would go on. He had lived sixteen years without Duo but now just the thought of tomorrow without his beloved made him feel physically sick.
Pushing his own emotions to the side he tried to put on the impassive face his Aunt had taught him so well. If Duo would be happy with that girl there was no way he would destroy it. Ruthlessly crushing that small voice yelling at him to fight for what was his. He sighed, he wasn't good enough for Duo. He had known that from the start. Hadn't Aunt Mariko told him how worthless he was?
"What Onna?"
"Don't call me that!"
"Sorry Meiran."
"Stop fooling around and look at the screens!"
He glanced at the screens, slightly irritated at being interrupted. Then he did a double take. On the monitors surveying the area surrounding their building and secret headquarters was a very disagreeable sight. Wufei had been hoping patrol duty would be boring today. That way they would have a little naughty time, but no. This looked serious.
Because there was Duo's new bride walking up the stairs in the arms of a very handsome man in an expensive suit.
Grabbing the phone he dialed the emergency extension immediately.
"We have a situation here."
"Well 02's new beauty just came home with a suit."
"Yeah, better find out what's up before 02 gets back."
As they headed up the stairs, Heero stopped suddenly noticing Quatre leave his apartment. Tugging on Akira's sleeve he whispered, "That's our neighbour."
Akira looked at the petite little blonde with an appraising eye. Cute, but still not as sweet as his Heero. "Excuse me are you a neighbour of Mr. Maxwell's?"
"Let me introduce myself I am Akira Yuy. I came to fetch my cousin, Heero, home."
"Excuse me?"
"I wanted to apologize to him for the trouble our family has caused him. I would appreciate if you would give him this envelope. It has the annulment papers and a check to reimburse him for the mix up. That way Heero and I won't miss the shuttle home."
"Annulment? But Heero is Duo's wife. Right Heero?" Quatre asked and tried to meet Heero's eyes, but Heero avoided his gaze.
"You're wrong Quatre. I'm not Duo's anything. Please tell him I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for him. Gomen." With a choked reply Heero bowed and ran back to the cab.
Akira just handed Quatre the envelope and rushed after his cousin.
In the cab no one noticed that their driver was slightly different.
"To the Shuttle port."
Half way there Heero shouted to the cabbie, "Stop!"
Akira sat up, "Heero? Are you okay?"
"I can't do this! I have to go back. I won't let anybody take Duo from..."
Heero went silent as Akira slipped the empty syringe out of his slumped over cousin's prone body. Pulling his unconscious cousin closer he whispered in Japanese, "You don't think I would ever let you go did you Heero? With your marriage annulled and you back in my mother's guardianship, the Yuy fortune and that delicious body of yours are both under my control."
In the front seat, green eyes sparked angrily from under brown bangs.
Let me know if you liked it and want more!
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