Author: Zazu

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Sap

Pairings: 1x2

Summary: Duo has a problem with Heero's cat and his braid.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, nor do I own the characters. I have borrowed them here for some fun and creativity, and this is not for profit. I do, however, own the plot mentioned here, and any instances that you may find similar to real life events are purely a coincidence. All of the characters depicted in this story are adults.

Note: Beta-ed by Clare, also known as FancyFigures.

Kitty's Toy

Duo frowned and nuzzled Heero. "What time is it?" he mumbled. Heero didn't answer and Duo forced his eyes open, blinking blearily at the digital clock.


Duo cursed silently; he didn't have to get up until 6! What had woken him up?

He felt the tug on his hair and turned before cursing again. The cat was chewing on the tail end of his braid. There were claws on his braid, in his braid.

Heero's cat had seen Heero playing with Duo's braid and thought it was a toy. Since that evening two weeks ago, Duo found himself actively protecting his braid. Duo liked the cat, but the cat had a clear preference for Heero, although even that changed in favour of Duo's braid. Duo petted the cat, hoping to discourage it from the braid, but was stubbornly ignored.

He lay back against his pillow, glaring in the dark. He was going to have to wash his hair now, which meant he'd have to get up at 5. Not to mention, it wasn't likely he'd be able to fall asleep again before then. Turning his head, he glared at his sleeping lover for a brief moment before looking away; as much as he wanted to blame Heero for this problem, he didn't want his lover to wake up and he knew that if he stared long enough, Heero would awaken.

He tugged, trying to reel his braid in, only to have the cat tug back. Duo snagged a part of the braid and held it to prevent getting his hair pulled out by the increasingly hyper pet. He watched as she rubbed her face against the braid and suddenly he was assaulted with images of Heero doing the same with his untied hair, as if he worshipped the chestnut strands.

Duo cursed half-heartedly. Here he was, awake before 4:30, next to his deeply-sleeping lover and unable to sleep, with the cat in his hair, and a hard-on to boot. What had he done to deserve this?

Heero sighed and rolled over, an arm wrapping around Duo's waist, his face against Duo's bare shoulder, a leg draping over one of Duo's. His thigh nestled against Duo's partial hardness and warm breath drifted across Duo's shoulder to his neck.

Again, Duo wondered what he'd done to warrant this treatment. The cat tugged on his braid again and he refrained from tugging back; he'd learned the hard way that doing so resulted in a tug-of-war that he really didn't want. Heero shifted closer and Duo stifled the urge to move.

4:30. Half an hour before he had to untangle himself and wash his hair. Half an hour wasn't too bad, right?

The cat shifted closer and onto his hip, nuzzling his body through the blanket. Oh no. The cat was going to sleep. On his hip. Claws came close, still clinging to his braid, as the cat tried to find a comfortable spot to sleep. Duo's hard-on vanished and he was glad that Heero's thigh was mostly protecting a very important part of his anatomy.

He tried to be optimistic. At least the tugging on his hair had stopped.


He heaved a breath and waited.

When 4:55 rolled around, Duo faced the dilemma of getting out of bed, and untangling his hair from the dozing cat, without waking Heero. He nudged the cat, pushing it off of his hip. Green, slitted eyes looked at him disdainfully, but luckily the cat offered no more protest. Duo then slid his own arm across Heero's waist and pushed lightly. Heero rolled onto his back, an arm sliding up to rest above his head and freeing Duo from his weight. Duo sat up slowly and took a minute to study Heero. His lover looked peaceful when asleep and so good with the arm flung up. Visions of asking Heero to keep his arms above his head filled Duo's mind and he shook it to clear it.

"Give it back," he mouthed to the cat as he reached to untangle the braid. When the cat refused to let go, he lifted her into his arms and carefully got out of bed. Hopefully, a little bit of water would discourage her attentions. He slipped into the washroom and turned on the light. Her eyes immediately closed against the brightness and he set her on the counter, rubbing her ears. The cat was sweet but this habit was something they had to get rid of. Snagging his towel, he dangled it by the cat, trying to entice her. She ignored the towel, lifting one paw to swipe at it before returning the claw to Duo's braid.

"I'm turning the water on," he warned the feline as he picked her up again. He moved closer to the shower and switched the water on.

The cat leapt to his shoulder; he caught her expertly to prevent her from falling. Kneeling with his back to the water, he worked quickly to untangle her claws from his hair. She finally let go again, dashing out of the bathroom and Duo sighed, staring at the mangled knot that was the end of his braid.

He stepped into the water and tried to unravel it, working the tangles and adding conditioner to straighten out his hair. He was so focused on his task that he didn't realize he was no longer alone until Heero's arms slipped around his waist and hands joined with his to work the knots free.

"She nicked you on the shoulder," Heero murmured, kissing a spot on Duo's shoulder.

"I didn't even notice," Duo sighed. "This needs to stop. Either we find a way to make her stop, or she doesn't get to sleep in the bedroom." The latter was fairly impossible; the cat would claw at the door all night if she had to.

"Sorry," Heero apologized. "Maybe if we got her a companion?"

"No." Duo nudged Heero with an elbow. "I don't want two cats in my hair."

Heero chuckled as the last of the knots worked free, but he didn't let go of Duo. "Thanks for putting up with her."

Duo smiled a little. "She's a good cat. Except for this habit."

"Well," Heero sighed. "I can think of one good thing about the habit."

"What would that be?"

"You wake up earlier and you're wet and naked with your hair down." Heero's hand rubbed Duo intimately as he ground his own hard-on against Duo's backside.

"What's in it for me?" Duo asked teasingly, leaning back against Heero's firm body.

"Everything I have to offer." Heero suckled on Duo's neck and worked his hand at Duo's groin. Duo moaned and tilted his head back, willing to let his lover do the work this morning.

Outside, sitting on Duo's pillow, the cat licked her paw and cleaned her ears before curling up, tail flicking lazily. Her ears flicked, picking up the sounds of movement and wordless voices drifting through the bathroom door. She purred and ignored her humans, content to sleep on the pillow that smelled of her favourite scent.



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