Author: Zazu

Rating: PG-13

Pairings: 1+2+1

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, nor do I own the characters. I have borrowed them here for some fun and creativity, and this is not for profit. I do, however, own the plot mentioned here, and any instances that you may find similar to real life events are purely a coincidence.

Notes: Beta-read by Jana.

How could I not have fic on this wonderful Palindrome day?! Thank you, Sharon, for bringing it to my attention! Happy 01022010 day, everyone!!

This was one of my Christmas drabble requests. I wish my muse understood what 'drabble' meant, because this turned into a oneshot...

Written for sel_barton for the prompt, "1x2 Heero should try to explain the human holiday of Christmas to his other. Because this has produced the question in my mind as to whether or not such holidays exist for them."

Iia Disera Sidefic 4

It was rare that Heero found a project of his own to work on, so when Duo noticed his other with his head down and a writing utensil in his hand, he found himself torn between leaving Heero alone or pestering him to see what he was doing.

He admitted to himself that he'd prefer not to be disturbed, and Heero did look like he was concentrating fairly intensely. So instead, he busied himself with the computer system.

When he noticed Heero sit up, he couldn't wait any more. "What are you doing?"

Heero smiled a little and gestured for Duo to come closer. Once Duo was seated next to him, Heero showed him the charts he'd just drawn up.

"On Earth, we also count rotations. We called them days. But instead of just counting how many have passed, we use a calendar system in order to keep track of days. Each one has a name, and every three hundred and sixty five days is considered one year, with an extra day for every fourth year."

"Why is it three hundred and sixty five?"

"It's calculated by the Earth's rotation around the Sun. One rotation around the Sun is one year, which is three hundred and sixty five days."

"Okay..." Duo said slowly. "So what kinds of names do you have for the days?"

"Most names are just for counting. But we also have some special days, like birthdays. That indicates when a person was born, so they can celebrate it each year. Or things like holidays and other special days."

"Holidays?" Duo was getting more and more confused. The Arian system seemed much simpler; why should one keep track of days beyond counting a total?

"I calculated this a couple of times to be sure, but if I'm correct, we should be at December 21, counting from the day I left Earth I mean."

"December? 21?"

Heero quickly explained the calendar months and days in each month. "So that makes today the twenty-first day of the twelfth month in the year."

"But wait. You were talking about holidays."

"December 25 is a pretty big one. That's four rotations away. It's called Christmas."

"What's that?"

"There's a religious meaning behind it, if you're religious, and..."


"Well, the celebration is more commercial now."


"Christmas is a day spent with family and friends, where they also take the chance to exchange presents with one another."

"Why do they exchange presents?"

Heero paused in thought. "I-I'm not sure," he finally said. "I just remember that it was something we did. Or, something others did. I remember that each year there would be this party with lots of food. The other people would bring some of their families and bring a lot of food, and then we would all prepare a gift. They would all be wrapped up in a pile so everyone could draw a random number and receive that gift."

"So it's a completely random gift?"

"There were some personal gifts among some people, though J and I never really bothered. But..."

"But what?"

Heero tugged Duo a little closer. "I was just thinking that I used to look at the families that came to the party and wonder what really made them a family together. I'd wonder about seeing someone steal a kiss with their lover under the mistletoe. But now, I think I know."

Duo smiled a little. "You think you know?"

"I know I know." Heero leaned his forehead against Duo's. "I think it's what we have, this...this connection. I can see why exchanging gifts with a loved one can be such a happy thing."

"We don't have to wait for one day in every three hundred and sixty five to exchange a gift," Duo pointed out.

"No, but it's just...just different somehow."

They lapsed into silence for a moment before Duo pulled back, confused again.

"What's mistletoe? Why do they kiss under mistletoe?"

"Mistletoe is a plant that they hang up and...two people meeting under it should kiss."

"Any two people?" Duo asked, horrified. "What if I walked by one and I met someone who wasn't you?"

Heero chuckled. "Well, not any two people, I guess."

Duo looked thoughtful. "Does this mean that Hydrans actually will kiss in public?"

"Don't Arians?"

"Not really. Not unless they're sure they can stop at that, or at least, stop until they get somewhere private. What other holidays are there?" Duo asked curiously.

"Shortly after Christmas, there is the New Year celebration..."


Heero didn't give the conversation any more thought; it wasn't like there was going to be a very different meal on Christmas Eve or anything, even if he personally did imagine the taste of turkey and stuffing when he ate his dinner.

He wasn't all that surprised to feel a tickle on his nose; if Duo woke earlier than him, it was unlikely that Duo would let him sleep much longer. Wrinkling his nose against the ticklish sensation, he turned towards Duo without opening his eyes and tried to burrow closer. Much to his surprise, Duo's hand rest against his shoulder, stopping him from getting too close. Opening his eyes slowly, he frowned up at his other.

"Don't give me that look," Duo huffed. "If you get too close you won't get the surprise I planned."


Duo nodded and pushed Heero back a little to put some more space between them. Clearing his throat, he solemnly handed something to Heero.

Heero propped himself up on an elbow to take it. "What is this?" he asked.

"A Christmas present."

Heero stared at the package, which was wrapped in what looked like some of Quatre's print outs, edges carelessly wedged in but hiding what was within. Then, he looked up at his other. "A Christmas present?"

"Didn't I just say that?" Duo asked with a smile.

"But...I don't have anything for you."

"Don't worry." Duo's grin was a wicked one. "There is something I want that I'm sure you would be able to give me."

Heero couldn't help but chuckle at that. He turned the gift carefully in his hand, hesitant to open it.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he quickly reassured his other. "I'm just...remembering this moment."

Duo tugged on a lock of Heero's hair. "Silly other. If this makes you happy, I'll do it every three hundred and sixty five days."

Heero felt around until he was able to begin unwrapping the present. He wouldn't have guessed that there was a box in there, given the shape of the wrapping, but he gathered that this was, after all, Duo's first time wrapping something up. Turning the box around and around, he looked at Duo. "How do I open it?"

Duo guided Heero's finger to what Heero had assumed was just a random design. It apparently read fingerprints, or maybe just a heat source, because there was a soft click and Heero found that he could lift the lid.

There was a black, braided bracelet with a single silver ball threaded on it. Heero studied it for a long moment before he looked up at Duo. If Duo made it, there was bound to be more to it.

Duo looked pleased. "This has a tracking system on it. It means that if we explore planets and get separated, I'll be able to find you!"

"You made me a tracking bracelet?" Heero asked incredulously.

Duo burst out laughing. "You believed me?" he gasped. "Heero, why would I ever do that to you?"

Heero raised an eyebrow. "Then what is it?" he asked.

Duo lay on his back and reached to slip the bracelet over Heero's hand. "Three guesses why it's braided?" he asked. "The silver ball should have a function. I haven't figured out what it is yet. I...I ran out of time."

Heero touched the bracelet. "It doesn't have to do anything, Duo."

"Why not? What use is it if it doesn't do anything?"

"On Earth, lots of couples wear little things like bracelets, necklaces, rings and watches that match. Like a symbol of one another, I guess. Just the bracelet is enough for me, because it'll always remind me of you. This is your first present to me. I'll always treasure it."

"Things that match," Duo said thoughtfully. "So I should make one for myself?"

Heero shook his head. "You should teach me how you made this one so I can make it for you."

Duo grinned and nodded. "So, since you don't have the present ready for me, does that mean I can take a substitute for now?"

Heero tilted his head. "Is that my cue to move closer?"

"Hell yeah," Duo said in English. It sent a shiver up Heero's spine and he took only a moment to set the gift box aside before straddling Duo and kissing him hard.

"Do Hydrans have Christmas sex?" Duo asked when Heero's lips moved lower onto his neck and clavicle. He moaned and wrapped his arms around Heero's body.

"I don't know. I never had a Hydran partner. Do you think Arians would have Christmas sex?"

"I don't know."

"They do now."

Duo laughed, then yelped when Heero nipped him. "Hey!"

"That was for teasing me about gifting me with a tracking bracelet," Heero informed his other.

"It was just for fun," Duo sighed. "But I'll do what you want to make up for it."

"We'll see," Heero said, rubbing their noses together for a brief moment.

"I mean," Duo continued. "It's not like I plan to let you out of my sight at all."

Heero might have had a retort, but he simply kissed Duo so he couldn't say anything else.

After all, he learned from the best when it came to being protective of his other, and there was no way he planned to let Duo out of his sight on an alien planet, either. Who knew what sorts of aliens there were out there?

On second thought, perhaps the tracking device was a good idea...



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