Author: Zazu

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, AU

Pairings: 1+2+1

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, nor do I own the characters. I have borrowed them here for some fun and creativity, and this is not for profit. I do, however, own the plot mentioned here, and any instances that you may find similar to real life events are purely a coincidence. All of the characters depicted in this story are adults.

Fancy Restaurants

The purple lighting made the atmosphere a little more feminine than he liked, but given the intended clientele, Heero decided it was appropriate. The bed he sat on wasn't too soft; comfortable enough that he didn't have to fight from sinking back into it. That was important; Heero couldn't imagine other customers clinging to the tables, trying to eat, and at the same time, trying to be romantic.

The menu was set for him that night; all he had to do was wait. Soft music played in the background and Heero looked around, noting that the 'tables' were spaced out far enough to ensure that everyone had privacy.

"Here, try the calamari appetizer."

He looked up to see Duo setting the plate down in front of him. He wore black jeans and a button down shirt, the top two buttons undone and giving Heero a glimpse of his clavicle. He licked his lips. "Looks good."

Duo chuckled. "I was hoping it smelled good too."

Heero was sure Duo did smell good, but he focused on the calamari and nodded. "It does smell good." He tried it and nodded his approval.

"You tried the soup last night, but I'll be back in a few minutes with the main course."

Heero snacked on the appetizer as he waited and he reflected on this new restaurant. It would be boring to eat alone here, not to mention pretty lame, given that it obviously catered to couples. Still, the concept seemed new and given its location in town, Heero was sure the restaurant would have a large number of patrons. Quatre had been smart to come up with such a differentiated dining concept.

The main course arrived shortly after, and this time, Duo sat down on the other side of the small table to eat.

"What are you doing over there?" Heero asked.

"This is where the second seat is supposed to be." Duo picked up his glass. "Cheers."

"Cheers. And I think you should sit over here."

"Your job is to taste-test the food and be a good customer, so you sit over there and I'll sit over here."

Mentally, Heero wrote out a list of negatives in terms of seating arrangements. They weren't that far apart, but aside from holding hands while eating there wasn't much else a couple could do in that bed. They couldn't even play footsie, as far as he could tell, not unless they could somehow be creative about it while ensuring the items on the table wouldn't be knocked over.

"How does it taste?"

Heero sighed. "Duo, I've been eating your cooking since you started culinary school four years ago. You're an executive chef now. Have I ever complained about your food?"


"When?" Heero tried to recall the incident.

"When I tried to make sushi and you told me there was too much vinegar. And it wasn't rolled tight enough."

"When have I ever complained about food you're used to cooking?" Heero amended his question.

"" Duo grinned. "Okay, fine."

The rest of the main course passed with comfortable conversation before Duo cleared the table and rushed off with the promise of dessert. He appeared a short while later with a tray, and he set down a large slice of chocolate cake with two forks along with two mugs of coffee.

Heero smiled at the cake, remembering the first time he'd had it.

"What are you smiling at?"

"The first time you made this cake was for the first dessert course you took at culinary school."

"Mm, you remember it?"

"I remember you put less sugar in it because you thought I didn't like to eat sweets."

"I would never have guessed that you didn't mind sweet cakes and pastries."

This cake was special to the both of them; it marked the first time Duo had asked Heero on a date. It meant enough to Heero that he didn't want it to go on the new menu.

"Is this going to be on the new menu?" he asked.

Duo offered him a forkful of cake and Heero chewed it slowly, savouring the taste as he waited for an answer.

"No," Duo finally said. "It's not. But hey, I figured I hadn't made this in a long while and this seemed like it could be a pretty special date, being the one-thousand-two hundred twenty-first day since we started going out."

Heero smiled. "I'm glad you made this cake."

When Duo returned from putting the dishes away in the kitchen, he found that Heero had moved the table from the center of the bed. In fact, the man was missing; he wondered if Heero had gone to the washroom.

Arms slipped around him and he stiffened, only to relax when Heero whispered to him. "Happy one-thousand-two-hundred-twenty-one days, Chef Maxwell."

Duo turned in those familiar arms and kissed Heero, tasting the chocolate and the coffee. He yelped as he fell back onto the bed and pushed half-heartedly at Heero's shoulders as he was thoroughly kissed.

"Let's go home," Duo gasped, feeling Heero's arousal against his leg. Heero shook his head and leaned down to nibble of Duo's neck. "Heero, this is a bed but it isn't exactly private."

"Quatre said we're the first official customers here, aside from him and Trowa."

"Yeah, and official customers don't get to make out on the beds."

"The restaurant is closed, Duo, what are you afraid of?" Heero moved above Duo and rocked their hips together. "You don't want me?"

"I'm not an exhibitionist," Duo moaned as his hands betrayed him and grasped Heero's hips.

"Neither am I. It doesn't count if no one is watching." Heero's hands wandered over Duo's body, touching sensitive spots and unbuttoning his shirt. He rubbed his thumbs over Duo's nipples as he grinned down at his lover. "You can't give me an aphrodisiac and expect me not to jump you."

"What, the cake? It was supposed to be a sentimental thing, not an aphrodisiac!"

"I don't believe you." Heero lifted his hips far enough so he could undo the buttons on his and Duo's pants, exposing them quickly.

"Heero, the sheets!"

Heero rocked their hips together, loving the feel of Duo's hard flesh against his own. He grinned wickedly at the man writhing below him.

"Here's a secret if it'll ease your mind," he breathed, dropping a kiss onto Duo's lips. "While you were putting the dessert dishes away I found the place where they keep the spare sheets. There's enough in there that I don't think Quatre or Trowa would notice a missing set." He delved his tongue into Duo's mouth and refused to let him up for air.

But he knew by the way Duo grabbed at his waist, kneaded his ass and arched up into him that his lover had no further protests.



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