Author: Tenshi-chan
Warnings: Lotsa sap and fluff and some chibi angst (*sniffles*) AU
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, OCx5
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own them... wish I did.
Little Treasures Part 1
Melody Manor, AC 202
"You sure about this?"
"Yup! We gotta get the prisoner outta solitary and away from the enslaving factor!"
Mariemeia rolled her eyes. She was a little older than the rest of the kids, so she was the one who was normally the voice of reason. "Ken... don'tcha mean that we have to get Mei outta her room to play even though her room isn't clean?"
Ken Hiyama rolled his eyes. "You take ALL the fun outta stuff sometimes! We're spies, Mary, not little kids, remember?"
Shaay Bloom shook her head. "I think Uncle Duo indulges you too much, Ken."
Ken snorted at Shaay's attempt to be a proper lady. "Like Uncle Quatre doesn't indulge YOU?"
Shaay shrugged. "So what if my daddy spoils me a little? My papa makes sure I'm never TOO spoiled. Same thing with you! Only one who has to go to someone other than their parents for spoiling is Mei."
A slightly annoyed voice suddenly spoke. "Kenneth Solo Maxwell Lonestar Hiyama..."
Shaay cringed. "Uh-oh! We're in trouble!" She turned and bit her lip as Harmony approached.
Harmony adjusted little Tien's weight as she gave Ken a stern look. "What do you think you are doing?"
Ken gave Harmony his best defiant look. "It's a great day out and you're not letting Meiran play!" He decided to try reason. "Aunt Sally would let Meiran Play!"
Harmony sighed at the boy's words. They often tried to pit Wufei's second wife, and her best friend, against her. "Your Aunt Sally isn't here right now... I am. I never said she couldn't play. I said that she could play when she finished cleaning her room. It's her own fault for throwing a temper tantrum. Wufei wouldn't tolerate that." With that, she bounced Tien Liu Chang, Wufei's firstborn son. He was also her firstborn son, making her first wife. She giggled. Counting her, Wufei had four wives now. He DID have a responsibility to rebuild the Dragon Clan, and they both accepted the fact that Harmony wasn't strong enough to bear as many children as was required to create a firm foundation. She had accepted it, but Duo was still irked that Wufei wasn't satisfied with just her.
"Muh... me wan' pway wif xie xie!" Tien reached for Shaay and wriggled.
Harmony shook her head. "Not right now, Tien. Right now... you're going to lie down"
Tien wrinkled up his nose. "No nap!"
Harmony smiled. "No nap. You're just going to lie down and watch your new mobile your Uncle Duo got you last time he had to make a trip."
After the last assignment, Duo had brought home a mobile that consisted of a rainbow array of tiny dragons with iridescent wings. Tien had been hypnotized by those fanciful dragons, and watching them never failed to put him to sleep. It was the only thing that would coax him into taking a nap lately.
Tien smiled at that. "No nap! Watch wings!"
Harmony nodded. "Ken... you and Mary go to the playroom. Shaay... you go tell Rashid you're sorry for running away again. You KNOW how he worries! Plus you forgot to take you vitamins. You know you get tired whenever you forget them."
"She slipped past them again, huh?"
Shaay looked up and squealed when she saw Quatre. "DADDY!" She ran forward with her arms outstretched and laughed as she hugged Quatre. "Daddy... guess what! Uncle Duo taught me a new song before he left!"
Quatre smiled warily, remembering the 'Little Dragon Feifei' incident. "Oh?"
Shaay giggled and slipped to the floor before she started singing.
"I'm a little tea pot short and stout..." She did the motions happily. "Here is my handle here is my..." She made another handle instead of a spout. "Ooops! I guess I'm a sugar bowl!"
Quatre laughed in relief and swept Shaay up. "Your uncle needs to learn not to teach you kids his songs. I bet his head STILL aches from teaching Meiran that 'Little Dragon Feifei' song."
Shaay giggled and then cleared her throat. "Little dragon Feifei... running through the forest... screaming about justice and blowing up Ozzie's suits!"
"I heard that!" Wufei snorted as he approached. "Shaay... I said I never wanted to hear that song again. PLUS the added fact that Rashid is about to have a coronary because you haven't taken your vitamins yet." He smiled at Tien. "Off to chase dragons?"
Tien nodded sleepily. "Watch wings, bahbah. No nap."
Wufei chuckled. "I don't blame you. Chasing dragons is MUCH more interesting." he held his arms out and smiled at Harmony. "May I?"
Harmony handed Tien to Wufei and watched as the pair headed down the hallway. She had to giggle at the picture they made.
Shaay rested her head against Quatre's shoulder. "I feel sleepy, daddy."
Quatre's eyes flashed with worry as has cradled her. "That's because you haven't taken your vitamins yet, baby. Come on... we'll have Sally check you."
Shaay sniffled miserably. "But I don't WANT any more of those tests! Please can I just take my vitamins and take a nap? I promise I'll be good for the rest of the day!"
Quatre rubbed the tiny girl's back. "Shhhh! No more tests, sweetie. I just want Sally to make sure you aren't sick." Unlike Ken, Shaay was not born from a surrogate mother. Her conception and birth were purely due to experimentation. DNA fusion combined with cloning. The only problem was that she turned out to be a very frail infant. She still had the air of a sick child even though she had stabilized due to her "vitamins".
"Hey... is the little teacup all right?" Duo approached and frowned at Shaay's pallor. "You'd better get her to Sally." He swooped Ken onto his shoulder and watched as Quatre carried little Shaay towards Sally's room. He smiled reassuringly at Ken. "So... what are you up to?"
Harmony snorted. "He was leading the others on a raid to spring Meiran from her chores."
Duo blinked. "Aw, Kenny, ya gotta behave when I'm not around or everyone will think it's my fault!"
Ken shrugged. "They don't know that otou-san is a worse example. HE'S the one who substituted watered down maple syrup for Uncle Fei's soy sauce."
Harmony laughed at her nephew. "Oh HO! So THAT'S why Wufei turned green the other day. I thought it was my cooking. Remind me to have a talk with Kamui later."
Duo smirked. "Awwww... give him a break. It's not like he pulls a prank all that often." He adjusted Ken so the boy was riding on his shoulders.
Ken poked Duo. "Dad... will you tell Aunt Harmony to let Meiran out to play?"
Duo shook his head. "No can do. You know Harmony has full say with Meimei. But... I think your otou-san will be back soon, so we can play until dinnertime. Sound good?"
Ken giggled and nodded. He waved to Harmony as Duo carried him off.
Harmony shook her head and walked to her daughter's room.
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