Treasure From the Sea Part 4

Heero held his breath like he had been taught... letting little trickles of air escape him.

**What are you doing?**

Heero almost felt relief that Duo had spoken to him. He let his sorrow be broadcast. **I hurt you without intending to. So I'm leaving my life in your hands.** His lungs were starting to hurt, but he would not untie the weight. He opened his eyes when he felt hands on the cord. **Don't bother. I'm the only one who know how to untie that knot.**

Duo looked up to meet Heero's eyes.

Heero smiled. **I'm sorry. I really didn't know what it meant. If I had, I still would have accepted.**

Duo's eyes widened. In sending, there can be only truth. **Heero?**

**Forgive me?** Heero reached out and stroked Duo's cheek. His vision was starting to get fuzzy.

In ecstatic haste, Duo forcefully expelled the water he had taken into his lungs out of habit and let them fill by using his gills. Then he surged forward and pressed his lips against Heero's.

Heero held Duo close and gulped the first breath in. As soon as he got his breath back, he changed it into another kiss. **I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.** He smiled as Duo pulled back. **I care about you, Duo. I will speak with my father on this later, but I would like to court you.**

Duo snickered. **Funny... I thought I was courting YOU!**

Heero shrugged. **Then we will court each other.** He bent down and untied the knot. **Let me hold you for a while.** He pulled Duo close and they alternated kissing with exchanging air.


Sally was starting to pace. "I WISH I could mind speak. What if Heero was wrong? What if..." She looked over at the sound of something breaking the surface of water, and let out a relieved breath. "Heero! What where you thinking?" She pulled Heero out of the water and handed him a pair of trousers.

"That I trust Duo." He turned as Duo surfaced and lifted the merman out of the water. He wrapped a towel around Duo's waist. "I am going to speak with my father."

Sally blinked. "He's in a meeting with his advisors!"

Heero nodded. "All the better!" Heero walked through the halls, not noticing the looks he was getting.

**What if they reject the idea**

Heero smiled at Duo, who was hiding his face. **They might, but I have a counter for every argument they can come up with. Trust me just as I have trusted you.** He kissed Duo's cheek. **Besides... all my father wants is for me and Trowa to be happy.** He nodded to the guard as he approached the door to his father's meeting room. "I have an urgent matter to address my father and his advisors."

The guard nodded and opened the door, letting Heero in.

Five heads looked up. Odin smiled at Heero and Duo. "Heero! What brings you here while I'm in a meeting?"

Heero gave Duo a reassuring smile. "I have chosen who I wish to court."

Norman, the eldest of the advisors, smiled at Heero. "How wonderful! Who is the lucky person?" He had not been blind to the caring Heero had bestowed upon the merman. Unbeknownst to Duo, he had an ally among the advisors.

Rojer beamed. "It must be that lovely lady from Sanc. Relena Dorlian, was it not?"

As the other two advisors murmured their approval, Heero looked to Odin, knowing the reaction.

Odin held up his hand to silence his advisors. He smiled as Heero let Duo stand on his own and used a skill that had become rusty with disuse. **Duo...** He smiled as the youth jumped in alarm. **Duo, do you love my son? Do you believe you can make him happy?**

Duo bit his lip. **I care about Heero... more than I've ever cared about anyone before. I was not taught love, but I want to stay with Heero. As for making him happy... only he can do that. I'll try to make it easier for him to be happy. Also...** He blushed a little. **He is the only one I've ever met that I'd actually WANT as a mate.**

Heero had caught all that, and blushed as well. **Sir... of all the women I've had Wufei paint... none of them showed the intelligence and love for life that Duo has. I told you long ago that I wanted someone who can hold an intelligent conversation and who won't see me as just another name.**

Odin nodded. "You may woo each other. Should you decide to make it a permanent bond... let me know."

Duo grinned and pounced Heero, not caring that his towel fell to the floor. Nor did he cared about the shock that was pounding through the room. All he cared about was that he had sole rights to Heero.

Heero smirked and bowed to Odin before leaving... not listening to the arguments that were being tossed back and forth.


As Heero approached the pool area, he frowned as Duo whimpered against him. "Duo? Duo, are you okay?"

Duo was confused. He'd felt fine a moment ago. Now... "I... I feel hot, Heero! Dizzy, too. I don't understand!"

Heero changed course and ran for Sally's room. "Shhhh... Sally will know what to do." Heero stopped when Duo moaned and started licking his shoulder. "Duo?"

**Heero? I'm sorry! I can't stop myself!**

Heero knocked on Sally's door and groaned as Duo caressed him. He bit his lip and gave the healer a pleading look. "What's wrong with him?"

Sally sighed. She had a feeling this was coming. It was the right time of year. She reached out and gave Duo an innocent caress on his arm, nodding when he cried out. "It's mating season for the merfolk. He's in heat."

Heero's eyes widened. "In HEAT?"

Sally nodded and handed Heero a basket of jars. "Duo? You've never mated before, have you?"

Duo shook his head and trembled.

Heero bit his lip. "What should I do?"

Sally quirked an eyebrow at him. "Heero... I KNOW you've walked in on Trowa and Quatre once or twice."

Duo sobbed against Heero. **I'm sorry! I didn't know! I mean... I WANT you as my mate...** He groaned as a mental image shot through his head. **But not like THIS!**

Heero pressed a kiss against Duo's temple. **It's okay. It's not your fault.** He accepted the jars. "What are these?"

Sally smirked. "The one with the blue lid is a lubricant to make what has to be done easier. The others are ointments. You're BOTH going to be sore in the morning. Have fun!"

Heero stared at the door for a moment, then carried Duo to his room. He made sure to lock the door before carrying Duo to the bed. If he had doubted Sally before... one look at Duo's manhood dispelled that. **This is less fair to you, Duo.** He HAD walked in on Trowa and Quatre a few times, so he thought he knew what needed to be done. 'Lubricant... well...' He took some out and smeared it onto Duo.

**Heero? Wha?**

Heero smiled. **You're the one in heat.**

Duo nodded, and sobbed as Heero lay down... so trusting. Solo had told him what needed to be done. It was painful, but he took some of the lubricant on his finger and shoved it into Heero. **Hafta do this or it'll hurt!** Duo sobbed as the fire in his blood screamed at him. **Never wanna hurt you.**

Heero groaned as Duo was stretching him. **Duo... it doesn't hurt... it feels so good!** He gasped as Duo worked a second finger into him. **Duo?**

**Just a little more.** Duo was panting. **By the tide! I have to be inside you NOW!** That was all the warning he gave Heero as he removed his fingers and claimed Heero in one powerful thrust. He sobbed out as he started moving. **I'm sorry! I can't stop!**

Heero smiled weakly. **It's all right, Duo.** He yelped as something inside of him was touched. **Again! Duo... do that again!** He clenched his eyes shut as Duo brushed against it again. **Yes... there! Right there! Feels so good!**

Duo smiled again and made sure to keep his angle as he picked up his pace.


Outside, Trowa and Quatre started at one another before breaking into a fit of delighted giggles at the sounds coming from the room.

Quatre hopped up and hugged Trowa. "I guess Duo's going to be staying with us!"

Trowa nodded. "I guess so." He grinned and led Quatre to their own chambers.


Heero pulled Duo close as the merman shouted out. **Duo... that was amazing! I think our souls touched for a moment.**

Duo smiled weakly, but sobbed as he started to harden again. **I can't... I'll hurt you!**

Heero nodded and pushed himself into a kneeling position and shakily crawled around. He repeated Duo's earlier actions and kissed his trembling lover. **Shhh... it doesn't hurt, does it?**

Duo was beyond any sort of speech, and he shook his head to mutely tell Heero that it didn't hurt. Still... what he had done... what Heero was now doing. It had never been done among the merfolk. All Duo had known was the instinctive desire to plunge into something.

Heero pushed into Duo and gasped. **Duo... I never knew... that something could be this perfect!**

Duo could only whimper as Heero started a gentle thrusting. Something felt off... like there was something Heero wasn't doing right. He grabbed Heero's shoulders. **Heer...** "OW!"

Duo's yelp of pain made Heero freeze. "Duo?" He pulled out and lubricated his fingers again. He frowned in concentration and probed as gently as he could.

**Wha? What are you doing?** Duo squirmed, frustrated as the urge started to overtake him again. He sobbed in pain as Heero touched a spot inside him.

Heero blushed as he replied. **Trowa once told me that every male has a set of nerves that will bring pleasure in the case he is taken by another male.** He jumped as he felt a mental tap. **What's up?**

Quatre's mind voice was shy. **Ummm... Duo's in heat... Sally just told me that that gland will only give pain if touched during this time. It's to encourage merMEN to go to merMAIDS. Ummm... I'll leave you two alone now.**

Heero's eyes widened and he gathered Duo close. **I didn't know. I'm sorry I hurt you!**

Duo smiled and hugged Heero in return. **Like you said... you didn't know.** He groaned and pushed away. **Heero?**

Heero got on his hands and knees. **It's okay, Duo... it won't hurt me.**

Duo sobbed and hugged Heero as his instincts took over again.



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