Operation: Lost Boys Part 16

Harmony grinned the instant Duo and Heero walked in. "Upstairs, first door on the left. Bathroom is all the way down at the end of the hall. DO save some hot water for the rest of us, if you'd be so kind?" She smiled sweetly.

Duo mock-glared at his sister. "You're just pissed 'cause your braid got blasted!"

Harmony shrugged and went back to her cross stitch. "Same thing could happen to you, bro. Don't piss me off or I'll put Nair in your conditioner."

A soft snort that sounded suspiciously like a chuckle being denied came out of Wufei. And Duo noticed that Wufei's mouth was trying not to smile. "I surrender to the better wit! Now I just wanna go somewhere and thaw out."

Heero nodded and swept Duo off his feet. "Ryoukai!"

Harmony giggled at the sight of the two of them. "Poor Duo! He really doesn't like being cold!" She resumed stitching.


Duo smiled as he cuddled closer to Heero. "You know... I could DEFINITELY get used to this." They had long since showered and tended to other necessities. Now they were dressed and simply enjoying a quiet moment together.

Heero inhaled deeply and tightened his arms. "I already have gotten used to this... and it worries me. With J leaking info to Oz, it's only a matter of time before they use you to get to me."

"Pessimist!" Duo sighed and his smile vanished. "I don't think he knows the depth of it. If he did, I would have been the target and not Harmony."

"What makes you think you weren't?" That was the thought that frightened Heero the most. "At first glance, Harmony did look a great deal like you. Especially if you were looking at her from the back. J could have given your description and neglected to mention that you had a twin sister."

"Don't go there, Heero. All speculation will do is make us worry. If we worry, we won't be able to do our jobs properly." He closed his eyes, fully intending to get some rest.

The sound of a glass breaking got their attention. After looking at one another, they scrambled out of bed and ran down the stairs. The first thing they saw was Harmony, on her knees, with a shocked expression on her face.

"Harmie! Harmie, what is it?" Duo knelt beside his sister and frowned when she pointed. "What?"

"T-tell me... I'm not imagining it!" Harmony's voice was shaking as badly as her finger.

Heero frowned and looked to where Harmony was pointing. The word "PEACE" caught his eye and he walked over to the TV and turned the volume up.

Relena was speaking. "How many more children must become orphans before we realize that war is no more the answer than total pacifism is?"

On stage with her were the various leaders of the colonies, Treize Kushrenada and other figureheads of Oz, as well as some different factions.

One reporter spoke up. "What about the Gundam pilots? They're a group of terrorists!"

Relena shook her head. "They are soldiers who were trained to follow orders. More to the point, they are children. Not even the oldest of them is old enough to drive a car."

Triton frowned at that. "I'm old enough. I just... need an adult in the car with me." His cheeks flushed slightly. "Ummm..."

Relena continued. "The reason I'm having two separate talks is to assure the pilots of our good faith. This talk is simply to sign an agreement that none of the parties involved will make any move to harm the talks. A representative of the pilots has already signed the agreement. The second talk will deal with all groups and we'll see if we can come to a peace settlement."

Duo frowned. "I wonder which one of us signed it."

Heero raised a finger. "Relena approached me with the idea while you were out of it after your little swim. I signed just before we left the estate earlier."

The group watched the rest of the report with light hearts. If this stunt of Relena's worked... they wouldn't have to fight anymore. Duo let out a laugh as Treize and Zechs begrudgingly shook hands. As the agreement was signed, the group started packing for the trip. They'd leave in the morning.


Harmony sighed as she snuggled closer to Wufei that night. "Peace! Oh, God! It's almost too much to hope for, airen!"

Wufei smiled at the young woman in his arms. "True. It seems impossible. We saw it, though. They are willing to talk civilly."

Harmony nodded. "I'm glad! I'm glad that our baby isn't going to be born during a war."

There was a pause that had a distinct 'She did not just say what I THINK she just said, did she?' feel to it. He tightened his arms. "Our what?"

Harmony blushed. "Baby... Madame H insisted when I blurted that you and I..." She peeked up. "Well... it was one of the outcomes of unprotected sex, airen. You... you're not MAD, are you?"

'Baby... Harmony is going to have a baby... Harmony is going to have OUR baby! Sweet Nataku!' Wufei curled around Harmony in an embrace that protected and reassured. "No, Nataku, I am not mad." He released her hand and placed his palm over her flat belly. "The start of the new Dragon Clan. You honor me, my Goddess. I hope the child is blessed with your beautiful eyes and silky hair!"

Harmony smiled brightly as she curled against Wufei. "We have to tell the others."

Wufei chuckled. "Not quite yet. Let me relish the idea of being a father without your brother teasing me, all right? We'll let him wonder why I'm smiling like an idiot like I know I am right now."

Harmony looked up and shook her head. "I think you look gorgeous."

Wufei laughed and kissed her forehead. "Let's get some sleep now. I want you to tell me again in the morning so I know it isn't a dream."


"Quatre? What is it?" Triton sat up groggily and gazed at the smaller pilot. "Something wrong?"

"No... nothing's wrong. Wufei... Wufei is really happy for some odd reason. I wish I knew why." Quatre shrugged and settled beside Triton with a tiny smile. "I'm glad, Triton... he's been so lonely for a long time. He deserves some happiness." He rested his head above his beloved's heart and sighed happily as the gentle beat soothed him to sleep.

Triton watched his golden treasure a few moments and smiled. 'A combination of silk and sunlight... all the colors of the desert. At one time, I would not have thought that the desert could be beautiful.' He placed a kiss on Quatre's forehead. "My desert jewel... I could never do enough for you to repay you for the joy you've given me." He closed his eyes and sent a prayer of thanks to whatever God might be listening. "Peace! Please let it be true! He deserves to live in a peaceful world." He ran his fingers through Quatre's hair and smiled in contentment as he followed the petite pilot into the dreamscape.


"Anyone need to go to the bathroom... best do it now, 'cause we are NOT stopping!"

Harmony giggled from where she was sitting... cuddled up next to Wufei. He had not stopped smiling once so far, and she was not about to try and wipe the smile off his face. She had been left breathless that morning when, instead of donning his white outfit, he had dressed in a deep green shirt and black slacks. The rest of the team, except Quatre, seemed not to take note of the change. Harmony, however, was content in her knowledge that Wufei had allowed himself to end his mourning.

Heero tugged gently on Duo's braid. He hadn't been blind to Wufei's change in wardrobe, but he decided that Wufei would tell them when he was ready. "Get in before you catch another cold, koi."

"Awww... you're no fun!" Duo climbed into the front passenger seat.

"That's not what you said last night!" With that, Heero closed the door and walked around to get into the driver's side as Triton and Quatre got into the backseat.

Triton pulled the sliding door closed with a solid thump and settled down. "What's our ETA?"

Heero started the van and waited for it to warm up a bit. "About an hour and a half. If we hit traffic it might take two hours." He turned to Duo, who was currently huddling under a blanket. "It's not that cold out."

"Listen... when you nearly die of drowning and hypothermia... THEN you can tell me when to feel cold or not." He winced at the acid in his own voice. "Sorry to snap at you, Hee-chan."

"Shh!" Heero snagged the end of Duo's braid and just held it for a moment before releasing it. "I'm turning the heat on in a moment. You don't need the blanket."

"Gotcha!" As the warm air hit Duo's skin, he removed the blanket and settled down, leaning into the gentle hand that caressed his face. "Let's get this show on the road."

"Acknowledged." Heero put the car into drive and pulled away from the house.

"You know... there's gonna be reporters there asking us a million questions. And they STILL see us as the bad ones." Duo fiddled with his braid a moment and then dropped it. "They don't really care that we're just a buncha kids."

"Actually... that statement isn't entirely accurate." Wufei combed his fingers through Harmony's hair. "They'll be more intrigued that a bunch of kids could best some of Oz's top brass. They will more than likely ask questions about the type of training we received."

"Aw MAAAANNNNN!!!! We're gonna be drilled and I'm not sure of all the answers!" Duo sank into his seat and pouted.

Heero quirked a grin at Duo. "You'll be fine. We'll all be fine. As long as we remember that we're all in this together."

Duo smiled back. "Gotcha. So... are we there yet?"

A chorus of voices groaned. "Duo!"



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