Of House and Home Part 5
June 15
After seeing Heero off, Noin felt a wave of pride in Duo. The boy had obviously not wanted Heero to go. Still... it was good to get Heero away from the house. Duo needed to be around others. That was proved true as soon as they entered the house and Wufei headed for the back door stating he was going to do his morning exercises that he had put off.
"Hey... would you teach me those exercises? I've seen you do them from my window and I like how much balance is required." Duo smiled as Wufei tured to him.
"Why should I?" Wufei sneered at the boy. Duo was way too weak to even bother teaching.
Duo thought for a second, trying to put the request into words that would convince Wufei to teach him. He wanted to be stronger by the time Heero got back. "Oh I know someone as weak as I doesn't deserve such an honor, but it would be a privilege to be taught by a strong person like you. So would you please do me the honor of being my teacher?"
After a moment of deliberation, Wufei nodded. "Follow me."
June 17
I'm just sending this letter to the entire household because I don't know if I should address my letters to just one person.
The mailing address to the camp is on the envelope. I hope you all write to me and tell me how everyone is doing. Take care!
June 21
Heya! After reading your letter, Miss Noin decided that you could, and should, write to just me since she noticed that you crossed out my name when asking us to let you know how everyone is doing. I'm flattered that you're so concerned about my well being.
First off, Wufei has got me into an exercise regime (I talked him into it). Don't worry, the doc said it was a good idea for me to build up some muscle tone and get outside into the fresh air. You will be pleased to know that I put on some more weight. Dr. Po said if I keep this up, I'll be as good as new in no time and I won't have to pee in a cup once a week any more (BLEH! I HATE that!)
Let me know how you're doing!
June 30
I'm glad to hear you're getting some exercise. I hope Wufei doesn't tire you out... although he does have a great deal of common sense, so I shouldn't worry.
Camp is okay so far. We're each going to put our own computers together by the time camp is over. I asked if I could make my computer a laptop, and the answer was in the affirmative. You had mentioned once that you've always wanted a computer, but could never have one. I figured a laptop was better for you. It's lighter and if you get sick, you could still use it and not leave the bed.
Before you tell me it's too much, we have the option to buy more spare parts at a discount so we can build another one. I would not have come if you hadn't encouraged me to, so... it's only fair you get the computer I build.
Take care of yourself.
July 4
Happy Independence Day, Heero!
Wow! You're building me a laptop? I have never been so touched... not even when Howard and them sent me a card.
Oh! The apartment complex being built by the Peacecraft Foundation is going along good. I'm SO relieved to hear my people are gonna have a place to live by the time winter comes. Winter is always the hardest season on us. It'll be interesting to have a home this year. Quat and I are already making plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
SPEAKING of Quatre. It is now official. He and Tro are finally a couple! Quatre came down this morning looking flushed and rumpled and with this extremely pleased smile on his face despite the fact that he had trouble sitting. I'm happy for them.
And don't worry about Wufei. He knows my limits even though he pushes them a little. He's a very good teacher and actually tells me to stop when he feels I've done enough. Miss Noin and I have started a vegetable garden. I'm getting a nice tan. I can't wait 'til you see it.
July 10
Until I see what? Did you mean the garden or the tan?
I'm glad to hear everyone is doing so well, and I'm sorry to make this letter so short, but every spare minute I have is going towards designing the laptop I'm building you.
July 13
Hey... don't neglect yourself just to build me a present. I won't enjoy it as much if you make yourself sick over it. I'd like hear how you're doing... rather than how the progress is going on a piece of machinery. If you get sick because of overwork, I won't accept the laptop *nods*.
Sally finally left. She's pleased at how well I'm progressing, and she said that she'll only visit weekly to make sure I keep improving. I don't think I'll have to pee in a cup anymore which will be a relief. Why is it that doctors make you wait so long and then they ask you to do that urination thing two seconds after you went to the bathroom because you just couldn't hold it anymore? Is that the same mentality that prompts dentists to get you into a conversation while they're working on your teeth?
Just take care of yourself, okay? Don't make me take Miss Noin hostage so she can drive me out there. If you make me do that, I'll kick your butt so hard you won't be able to sit for a month.
July 17
I'll keep that threat in mind. I didn't mean that it was taking up ALL my time, just that I wanted it to be perfect for you. I figured you'd want a DVD-Rom on it as well as some games and a few art programs. Add to that plenty of memory so you can install a lot of other games, and you probably want the processor to be as fast as possible... as well as the modem speed. There is a lot to think of.
As far as graphics are concerned... do you have a theme in mind? A theme is basically the sounds, screensaver, pointers, icons, and background on your desktop.
Take care, Duo. I'll be home in 41 days.
July 21
Dear Heero,
Duo would be writing, but he got this crazy idea to go playing outside while it was raining hard and caught a cold. Miss Noin had to drag him back inside, so I'm basically relaying the information Duo passes to me.
As you can guess, he's miserable. He's stuck back in bed and he's gotten three lectures so far. He asks that you please don't add a fourth. It's just a cold. (Even though he does sound miserable, Dr. Po said he isn't as bad as he would have been had he not been improving. She thinks he'll be fine after a couple of days bed rest.)
Despite Duo being sick, Wufei is sticking with the training on a different level. He's teaching Duo how to meditate. Wufei isn't such a bad guy, Heero. We think he put on that front so it wouldn't hurt so much when we rejected him.
As for the theme, Duo doesn't really have a preference at this moment. He's too tired to care. Sally has him on a cold medicine that knocks him out, and he just fell asleep. I wish I could take a picture of him, Heero. He's changed so much in such a short time. I'm sure he leaves a lot of his pranks out of the letters he's been sending you. He made my hair pink and tie-dyed almost all of Wufei's shirts in an effort to get him to loosen up.
Take care of yourself, Heero.
July 25
I'm hoping this letter finds you well again. Please try not to do anything so foolish again. If I have to look after my health, you have to look after yours. Okay?
Tell Quatre I said thank you for the letter. It concerned me at the different handwriting, but I know I would have been really worried had I not gotten anything at all.
I would like to know how you managed to dye Quatre's hair pink, and I hope someone got a picture of it... as well as one of Wufei in one of those tie-dyed shirts.
I started the laptop today. Not much else to do here since it started raining. I would have followed your example, but the camp counselors have rules against that saying that they don't want to be held responsible if someone gets hit by lightning. Sometime, after I get home, we'll play in the rain together.
Take care of yourself.
July 30
Mwahahahaha! I'm back! I'm bold! I might even go so far as to say I'm beautiful! Thanks for not writing a 3-page lecture.
Everything I did was temporary. The tie-dye washed out with water and Quatre's hair was back to normal after the next shampoo, but pictures WERE taken for posterity. *g*
Playing in the rain sounds good! I'll try not to push myself too far until the doc gives me a clean bill of health. (She threatened me with that cup... saying if I pulled a stunt like that again, I'd have to pee in it for a month. BLEH! She was just kidding, tho. She had that 'SYKE!' look on her face.)
See ya in about a month!
August 3
You sounded more energetic in the last letter. I don't know if I should be pleased or worried about that. *g*
I decided to do a little socialization and ran into one of my old foster siblings. I told her she could visit if that's okay with everyone. She came to this camp for something interesting to do and her brother bet her that she couldn't build a decent computer. My guess is that since she's blonde, he automatically assumes that she's an idiot. *shakes head*
I'd better let you get back to whatever it was you were doing. I don't know if I'll write again. Not real point because I will be home in 24 days. I miss you all, and I'm looking forward to seeing how well you've progressed, Duo.
August 8
A girl? I think I'm jealous. Don't stop writing now. I don't care if a letter gets here after you do. I look forward to your one-page letters as much as I HOPE you look forward to mine.
Not much to say in this letter. See you soon.
PS - Noin says a visit is fine.
August 11
Are you okay? Your handwriting seemed a bit off. Oh... I think I know. You weren't kidding about the jealous part. Don't worry too much about 'Lena, Duo. She's only a sister to me... no more, no less. Perhaps you would feel better if I told you she wasn't my type. She's missing the... equipment... if you now what I mean. I know you won't mind about me being a homosexual since you were all for Trowa and Quatre being a couple. I was going to wait until I got home to tell everyone.
I do look forward to your letters, Duo. More than anything else.
August 17
Hey... did a letter get lost in the mail? Did something happen? Are you upset with me? Come on... write back to me, soon!
August 20
Sorry about that, Heero! There's been so much hubbub and confusion lately that I just plain FORGOT to write to you. Miss Noin has been busy getting me enrolled in school and also getting all my legal papers together. Dr. Po also brought me to her clinic (I STILL hate cars) and gave me a thorough examination. And then gave me a clean bill of health. So long as I take care of myself, I shouldn't have a problem. I hope you get this letter in time! See you in a few days!
August 25
Heero smiled as he packed the letters among his other belongings. It had been quite a relief to get that last letter since he was worried his confession had made Duo back away. It made sense that Duo would let a letter slip his mind since he had been so busy, and Heero was glad to hear that Duo was in full health. He slung his pack over his shoulder and carefully picked up the laptop he had assembled. It had been a good summer.
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