Hogwarts Epilogue
Happy Endings and New Beginnings
Duo smiled as he turned his face to the warm breeze that blew. It was the perfect day for a wedding, and that made the day all the more perfect. He almost laughed when he saw how nervous the groom was, and he wondered if Heero had been as nervous on THEIR wedding day.
As if hearing that unspoken question, Heero placed a hand on Duo's shoulder and leaned close. "I was not that nervous, Duo. We had already been through bad times and came through strong. There is nothing I can't face with you at my side."
Duo leaned against Heero and sighed. 'Last year... was it just last year that I thought I'd never be happy again?' His life had gone a perfect 180, and he felt things couldn't be better. There was one thing he wanted... but his mother would be taking care of that when she got back from her belated honeymoon.
It had been awkward at fist... thinking of Aunt Kitty as his mother, but she was everything he thought a mother would be. The awkwardness faded quickly as he started calling his Aunt and Howard by Mom and Pops.
He watched the ceremony with little comprehension. The ceremony was so different than weddings he had seen his whole life. Of course it WOULD be... seeing as it was Wufei who was getting married. There was a lot of bowing and a lot of Chinese being spoken. Duo let it all fade away as he concentrated on one thing... how happy Wufei looked. His friend no longer looked cold and aloof, nor was his hair pulled back tight. Wufei looked relaxed with his hair loose about his shoulders.
Duo glanced over to where Trowa and Quatre were sitting. Due to the insistence of Quatre's sisters, Trowa and Quatre would remain merely engaged until Christmas Break the school year. They didn't seem to mind, though. They loved each other, that was the important thing.
As the ceremony came to a close, Duo reached over to take Heero's hand. He had Heero, Trowa and Quatre had each other, Wufei and Meiling were starting a new life together, and his adoptive parents were giving him the stability and comfort he had longed for his whole life. Duo sighed in contentment. He had a new life, a new school and a new family. As he leaned over to kiss Heero, he couldn't see how he could be any happier.
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