Hogwarts Part 20
A Not-So-Dreaded Visitor

Once the initial objection was out of the way, Duo took to announcing like he had taken to being the Seeker. Things lulled for a few weeks, and the group managed to concentrate almost solely on their studies.

They remained in a study group together.

Duo nodded at a point Quatre made. "So you really DO have to be careful of when you add the foxglove."

Quatre nodded and was about to say more when a pleased-sounding voice called out.


Duo dropped his quill and gave Heero a horrified look. "HOW does she do it? I swear that girl would follow you into Hell itself."

Wufei nodded. "And probably talk the Dark One into converting to pacifism."

Heero rolled his eyes. "She's not THAT bad."

The object of their discussion approached and smiled brightly. "What a pleasant surprise! It's been a while. OH! You're ALL here! Good!" Relena straightened her skirt. "It means I only have to say this once. Heavens know I do get tired of the same thing over and over again." She cleared her throat. "I apologize to all of you. During the war, as I look back on it, I was a bit self-centered. I put you in danger and didn't realize the consequence until it was almost too late." With that, she smiled at Duo. "Duo... I want you, more than anything, to know that what I felt for Heero was never love. I admired him and his strength... and I valued his friendship if nothing else."

Duo blinked and cleared his throat. "Wow! I never thought..." He shook his head. "Then what was the deal with you following him around asking him to kill you?"

Relena flushed. "I... I didn't mind if he killed me. As long as I was the last person he killed, I didn't mind the idea of him killing me. I as much as said so to him during the dance." She smiled at each of them and blinked when her eyes rested on Meiling. "I'm sorry... I don't believe we've met."

Wufei glanced at Meiling in askance, when the girl nodded, he smiled brightly. "Relena... this is Meiling Kwan, my betrothed."

Relena's eyes sparkled as she bowed to the both of them. "I'm so happy for the both of you.

Duo smiled. "So - and I NEVER thought I'd be able to ask this to your face - you're a witch?"

Relena blinked and then shook her head. "No, but as a minister of the peace, I feel as if I should get to know of all the people in the Earth Sphere. Regardless of... whatever. I'm sure my press secretary will come up with a suitable list of things for me to say." With that, she rolled her eyes. "It's not an easy or a fun job, but someone has to do what I do or we'll have another Project M. on our hands." She nodded as the five boys shuddered. "So I'm going to ask what I need to open a Wizarding school in Sanc besides the building and the teachers."

Duo shrugged. "Students, maybe? Muggles are none too fond of us."

Relena sighed. "I know... I told Milliardo about my idea when I found out about the wizarding community. To say that he was not thrilled would be an understatement." She grinned impishly. "Noin slapped him, though."

Quatre blinked. "Miss Noin? Whatever did she slap him for?"

Relena giggled. "I may not be a witch, but Lucrezia is. She's just never been a very powerful one. She does have a knack for potions, though." She checked her watch. "Oh dear... I am terribly sorry to run off like this, but I do have a meeting with the headmaster in five minutes."

Duo grinned. "Another thing I never thought I'd say... will you join us for dinner later? The teachers kinda set up a small table for us since we refuse to eat with our houses most of the time." He shrugged. "Although none of us is alone in our houses... we kinda got used to eating together."

Relena smiled sadly. "I truly wish I could, but I leave right after my meeting."

Quatre smiled warmly. "Well... you can always stop by my wizarding home."

Duo nodded. "Yeah! You can pop by my home as well. You can visit during the holidays. I'm sure Aunt Kitty won't mind."

Relena blinked. "Aunt? Oh, Duo... does that mean you have a family?" At Duo's nod, she smiled brightly. "I'm so glad! Now I really wish I had time to eat with you all later. There's so much I need to catch up on with all of you." She sighed. "I'll probably take the two of you up on your offers to visit. Take care."

With that, Relena was gone.

Duo was silent for a moment before grabbing his quill. "Submitted for your approval... a girl obsessed with spandex-wearing soldiers goes from being a total idiot to someone who can actually think. You have entered... the Twilight Zone." He started singing the theme to the ancient series, having to stop when Heero nudged him. "Well come ON! This was the first time she's ever been polite to me."

Trowa shrugged. "There wasn't much time to be polite during the war. My guess is she's had a lot of time to think... it's good to see her a little calmer."

Duo shrugged, but nodded in agreement. "Now... about that foxglove..."



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