The Wedding Date Part 17

As Heero reached the entrance to the garden, he paused, seeing Relena there amid the blossoming roses.

"Heero!" She greeted him with a warm smile, setting aside the rose she'd been admiring, and strolling out to meet him, her long gown swirling around her ankles.

He frowned, suddenly suspicious. Silvia had been the one who told him Duo headed this way, when the bathrooms were in the other. And now Relena was waiting here? It couldn't be a coincidence; he'd been set up.

"I'm glad you finally came to talk," she said with a sigh.

Fuck! Here it was -- the conversation he'd been dreading from the start -- hoping to avoid completely.

"I was beginning to think we'd never have a moment to ourselves."

He took a step back, tempted to just turn and run. But aside from being impossible to explain, it would be a cowardly way out of an uncomfortable situation.

"Actually," he said quickly, hoping maybe Duo would show up to save him again if he just babbled long enough. "I was out here looking for Duo. He seems to have gotten lost on his way to the restrooms, and Silvia thought he headed this way. If you see him could you just let him know I'm looking for him? Tell him I'll wait by the table, and --"

"Heero, shut up!" she snapped, rendering him silent.

She faced him, both hands on her hips, and a fierce look in her blue eyes. "Heero Yuy, I have been trying all weekend to get you alone for five minutes! You have dodged me, evaded me, sidestepped me, and been borderline rude to me! Why?"

He winced at her sharp tone. "I -- didn't want to hurt your feelings or anything --"

"Hurt my feelings? Don't you think avoiding me qualifies?"

"Maybe?" he hazarded.

She gave an unladylike snort, and then began to chuckle. "You are so transparent." She shook her head. "You think I'm still interested in you, don't you?"

He blinked. "Um, yes?"

"What an ego!" she said with a grin.

"Hey --you were the one who followed me to college," he reminded her.

"I know," she conceded, her expression softening a bit. "And while it was pretty obvious you didn't want a romantic relationship with me, I always felt like you were at least a friend. I mean, when we were kids, and you were Mill's best friend, we were able to talk about things, weren't we?"

"I guess so," Heero admitted, recalling that before Relena had developed a romantic interest in him, he had thought of her as a friend.

"I suppose I kind of ruined that when I got a crush on you, didn't I?"

"It would have been hard to remain friends at that point," he agreed.

"And now?"


"Now that you have a significant other, and I realize that you are off limits, don't you think we can be friends again?"

He eyed her warily. "Maybe. If that's all it is." He wondered if this was some elaborate plan to weasel her way into his affections.

She laughed gaily. "As I said -- that ego of yours knows no bounds! Heero Yuy, I am not interested in you romantically."

"You aren't?"

"No. As a matter of fact, I wanted to tell you -- before I even tell Milliardo or anyone else -- I'm engaged!" She pulled a chain out from under the neckline of her dress, and showed him the ring dangling on the end of it.

He stared, slack-jawed. "You're engaged?"

"Duh!" she teased.

"Since when?"

"Six months now."

"And why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked accusingly.

"Because with Mill's wedding plans, I didn't want to overshadow anything," she explained. "It was tough enough for him to get the Council to agree to his same-sex wedding. They went on about having an heir to the throne and stuff, until I think he and Wufei almost called it all off. If I waltzed in and announced my engagement, they'd have tried to play that up and tell the whole world that the Peacecraft name would live on, or some such political bullshit! I didn't want to muddy up the waters. Mill and Wufei deserve their moment, don't you think?"

"Well, yeah," Heero said breathlessly, amazed at her sensitivity. She was clearly not the immature princess he'd known back in high school. "That's -- damned considerate of you, Relena."

She smiled patiently. "I like to think so. Didn't know I had it in me?"

He gave a genuine frown of dismay, feeling guilty as hell. "Honestly, I didn't. And I apologize for underestimating you."

"Accepted," she replied, her face lighting up.

"So -- why tell me first?" Heero asked hesitantly.

"Oh, I have my reasons," she said with a bit of a sigh. "Doro and Sil would blab it to the world, you know. And Mill had too much on his mind, of course." She stepped closer, laying a hand on his arm. "You, on the other hand, were always someone I felt I could confide in. When you agreed to come to the wedding, I was both excited and nervous. I wanted to tell you about my fiancé, so you'd know I grew out of my silly crush. I hoped that maybe we could go back to being friends like we'd once been. But then, Dorothy made some comments that led me to believe maybe you'd changed your mind and were interested in me, and I was hesitant to hurt your feelings --" She gave a little shrug. "But when I saw the way you looked at Duo, I realized I needn't worry about that. You've obviously found your soulmate, too."

Heero felt a blush warm his cheeks. "Well, I don't know that I'd call him my --" He paused, unable to say the word, and wondering if she could possibly be right. "Why do you think that?" he asked.

"It's obvious," she assured him. "You look at him the way I look at Edward."

"So," he commented, regaining a bit of his composure. "Your knight in shining armor is named Edward?"

She gave him an impish grin. "You'll always be my knight, Heero," she reminded him, referring back to the time in grade school that he'd beat up a bully who was tormenting her. "But he's my prince charming!" Her eyes were shining now. "And I owe it to you that I even met him. If you had returned my affections back then, I would never have had the chance to look further -- to meet someone so perfect for me. As wonderful as you are, I don't think we'd ever have been truly compatible; in fact, I know it. So -- thank you for keeping me from letting a silly obsession prevent me from seeking out the love of my life."

"You're -- very welcome." He looked down at the ring, sparkling against the front of her dress, and a warm smile touched his lips. "Relena -- congratulations." He bent to place a kiss on her cheek, and she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you," she whispered in his ear. "Thank you so much."

Neither of them noticed the slender, tuxedo-clad figure peek around a corner at the far end of the corridor, watch for a long moment, and then turn away and disappear into the shadows.


Duo made his way quickly through the crowded ballroom, eyes downcast, only to be collared by Dorothy just before he'd have made his escape.

"So --?" she asked in a silky tone, catching his arm and tugging him off to the side. "Was I not right?"

He looked up, and the tears in his eyes glittered in the light from the elegant chandeliers. "You were right," he admitted in a husky voice.

She grinned victoriously, clapping her hands together. "You see? Heero and Relena have always been meant for one another."

Silvia appeared at her elbow, and took hold of Duo's hands, casting a scolding look at her friend. "Don't be heartless, Doro," she chided. "Can't you see how this is affecting poor Duo?"

He jerked his hands free, glaring. "Just leave me alone," he growled. "I don't need your patronizing attitudes."

Silvia looked stung, blinking her eyes in a semblance of innocence. "I never meant to be patronizing," she said.

"That's my specialty," Dorothy cut in with a smirk.

Duo turned away and headed for the exit, but two sets of high heels clattered along after him. He paused and turned back with a scowl. "What do you want?" he demanded.

Dorothy and Silvia exchanged a look, and then Silvia fumbled in her purse. "Why, to help you, of course," Dorothy said smoothly.

Silvia held out some folded bills. "Cab fare, dear. So you can put this all behind you." She looked up with a sly gleam in her eyes. "If you hurry, you can get to the airport and catch a flight out tonight."

"There's nothing available until tomorrow," he said bitterly.

"Well then -- a hotel room," Dorothy suggested. "You can have a bit of privacy for tonight, and perhaps there'll be a cancellation so you won't be stuck traveling with -- him." She laid a gentle hand on his arm. "You poor dear. I truly feel for you."

He flinched under her touch, and then quickly grabbed the money Silvia was holding out, and bolted out the door.

Dorothy grinned evilly at her cohort. "Worked like a charm," she cooed.


"And once Alex does his part, even if Heero has second thoughts about Relena, he won't dirty his hands on the little whore again."

"Alex?" asked Silvia, looking less thrilled. "What's he got to do with this?"

"Never you mind, dear," Dorothy said soothingly, gliding back into the ballroom without a backwards glance.


Duo walked briskly along the sidewalk, one hand clutching Silvia's money, and the other clenched into a fist.

The nearest hotel was apparently a long hike from the royal palace, and not a single cab had passed during the twenty minutes the braided man had been walking. But it was just as well, for the cool night air had a calming effect.

Then a sleek sports car drew alongside, and a too-familiar voice called out. "Duo -- is that you?"

He glanced over a shoulder without breaking stride. "Go away, Alex."

The car continued to parallel his course. "What's the matter?"

"None of your business. Now buzz off!"

Alex pulled ahead, and then parked, hopping out and jogging to intercept. "Duo, please! You look upset. What's the matter?"

Duo stopped, rolling his eyes in exasperation. "Nothing that concerns you. So why don't you just go on back to the reception and leave me alone?"

"No." Alex stepped closer, frowning in concern. "I saw you run out, and I knew something was wrong. So please, tell me what it is."

Duo gave a cocky toss of his head. "Didn't like the shrimp cocktail," he quipped. "And it was a boring party. Now, you wanna get out of my way?"

"Where are you running off to?"

Heaving a sigh, Duo put both hands on his hips. "What's it to you?"

Alex started to reach out a hand, only to pause when he saw the other man tense. "I told you before -- I find you very attractive. Is it so hard to believe I care?"

Duo snorted. "Yeah, I've heard that before."

"What happened back at the reception?"

"Again -- nothing that concerns you." Duo started to step around him, and Alex reached out and caught his arm. "Let go of me!" Duo snapped.

"Only if you let me help!" Alex retorted.

"You can't!" Duo jerked away, turning to face him. "Just leave me alone."

"To do what?"

"To get on the earliest possible flight out of this godforsaken country that I can find."

"I can help."

Duo scowled at him.

"I can drive you to the airport," Alex said evenly.

Hesitation. And then, "You'd do that?"

"Of course." Alex took a step back, raising his hands halfway. "I'm not trying anything here. Just offering -- as a friend -- to give you a ride."

Duo paused, frowning skeptically, clearly recalling Alex's prior attempt at seduction.

"A ride. That's all."

The braided man sighed and nodded. "Thanks," he mumbled, shoulders slumping in defeat.

"C'mon," Alex said gently, opening the car door and gesturing Duo in.

When Duo had climbed in and secured his seatbelt, Alex walked around to the other side.

"No luggage?" he asked as he slid behind the driver's seat.

"I didn't go back for it," Duo admitted.

"You'll need your plane ticket and passport, won't you?"


"Don't worry. You can send for it once you reach the airport," Alex assured him. "Call the palace and ask the staff manager to have your bag brought to you."

"They'd do that?"

"Of course. Nothing but the best for royalty," Alex said with a grin. "And the staff is expected to cater to guests."

He started up the car and pulled away from the curb.

They drove for awhile in silence, before Duo pulled his gaze from the darkened scenery and looked at his rescuer. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Alex hid his smirk by glancing in the side mirror. "Any chance you'll tell me what happened back there?"


"That's okay."

Another few miles passed in silence, and then Duo frowned as they bypassed an exit on the highway. "I thought the airport was that way --"

"There are plenty of ways to get there," Alex shrugged. "Thought I'd take the less congested route."

Duo looked around them at the empty highway. "Congested? We're like the only car on the road."

"Yes, but closer to the airport that won't be the case."


More time passed, and Alex flicked on the radio, tuning in some quiet music. And he watched out of the corner of his eye as Duo gradually relaxed against the back of the seat and half-closed his eyes in weariness.

But when they pulled into the darkened parking lot of a seedy-looking hotel, the braided man jerked sharply awake. "What the fuck --?"

Alex threw the car into park, and slid an arm across the back of Duo's seat. "Good idea," he said in a husky voice. "How 'bout we get a nice room for the night, and head for the airport in the morning?"

Duo's eyes widened, and then narrowed viciously. "No way in hell!" he snapped. "D'you think I'm that easy?"

"On the contrary," Alex murmured, edging closer, as Duo fumbled to release his seatbelt. "You've played a hell of a game of hard to get." His hand closed over Duo's on the belt release. "But the game's over now. I know what you do for work -- so all the coy little hesitations can stop now."

"What I do for work?" Duo choked out angrily, straining against his hold.

"You were Yuy's whore -- why shouldn't you be mine?"

"Maybe because I don't want to," Duo snarled. "Get your fuckin' hands off me!"

Alex's grip tightened, and he threw a leg across Duo's, pinning him in the seat. "Scream all you like," he whispered into his ear. "They're used to that around here. No one will care."



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