The Wedding Date Part 14

"Well, what the hell is he doing here?" Dorothy snipped in Relena's ear, when she saw Duo arrive with Heero at the rehearsal.

"Heero didn't want to leave him on his own today," Relena replied, her cheeks turning slightly pink at a certain recollection. "He doesn't know anyone else."

"Yes, but he's not part of the wedding party," Dorothy pointed out. "Why don't I drive him back to the palace and turn him over to the staff there? I'm sure they can keep him -- entertained."

"I don't think Heero would like that very much --" Relena said dubiously.

"This isn't about what Heero wants, dear. It's about proper etiquette. His pretty little sidekick isn't part of the bridal party; he's just in the way here."

Heero pulled Duo into a lingering kiss, and then sent him to sit in a back pew of the royal chapel, before walking up the aisle to join the other groomsmen.

"There," Relena said, sounding relieved. "Duo's found an out-of-the-way spot to wait. It'll be fine, Doro."

Dorothy laid a hand on Relena's arm. "Don't be so self-sacrificing, 'Lena. It's a slap in the face for Heero to bring someone like that to the wedding in the first place. But to parade him around --"

Relena turned a wide-eyed look to Dorothy. "Someone like --?"

"You know Heero's just playing hard to get, don't you? There's really nothing of consequence going on between him and that -- twink."

"Twi--?" Relena cut herself off sharply. "You do realize Milliardo is marrying a man, right? You might want to refrain from using words like that --"

"-- even if they're true?" Dorothy finished for her.

"True or not -- it's a vulgar term, Dorothy -- and beneath you," Relena said stiffly. "Furthermore, if what I saw this morning was any indication, Heero's more serious about Duo than you think."

"What you saw?" Dorothy demanded, practically drooling with curiosity. "Pray tell -- share with me, 'Lena."

"I'd rather not," Relena sniffed, turning her face away. "But it was sufficient to convince me Heero's not -- available. And furthermore --"

"Furthermore nothing!" Dorothy blurted. "You can't give up so easily, Relena." She closed her hand around Relena's arm, gripping tightly. "You said you wanted five minutes alone with Heero sometime this weekend, right?"

"Well, yes, but --"

"You'll get it. Trust me. Just leave it all up to Silvia and me, and you'll have your five minutes. Maybe even more. Just promise that you won't waste the time, once I arrange it."

Relena frowned in confusion. "I'm not sure I follow you --"

"Few people can, dear," Dorothy said with a sly grin. "Just, be ready for your opportunity to arrive."

Relena's gaze went to the front of the chapel, settling on Heero's face. The Japanese man was looking back towards Duo, a soft look in his eyes and a trace of a smile on his lips, and the princess gave a wistful sigh.

Dorothy followed her glance, and then looked back at her with determination gleaming in her eyes. "Don't worry, Relena. Sil and I will make this happen for you."

She released her friend's arm, and stalked away, plans churning in her head. As she passed the back row of seats, she nodded politely to Duo, before slamming out the doors and looking around for her partner in crime, Silvia.

The other woman was outside, directing the royal gardeners, who were smoothing the mulch on the flower beds. "No -- not so much there!" Silvia snipped. "It looks lopsided. Do try to get this right. Do you know how many newspaper photographers will be here?"

The gardeners spared her rather sullen glances and pretended to follow her instructions, while actually doing exactly what Relena had written in her earlier ones.

"Silvia," Dorothy said, catching her arm. "We've got to move on the Heero/Relena issue. And soon. I can't stand to see her like this; she's positively pining."

"What shall we do?"

"You stick with Relena and the wedding party, no matter what. I have to get Alex alone for a few minutes and remind him of a few blackmail photos I never got rid of. He'll do as I tell him, or be forcefully reminded that some mistakes can't be erased."

"Dorothy! That sounds positively evil," Silvia gasped. Then she gave a conspiratorial smirk. "I love it."

"Of course you do," Dorothy said smugly. "Now, be a dear and go inside. I need to make a call."


When the tedious and time-consuming rehearsal ended, it was already past noon, and the members of the wedding party headed out to the limousines for the ride back to the palace.

Heero stopped by the pew where Duo had been seated, watching the braided man stand and stretch. "Ready to go get some lunch?"

"Sure am!" came the enthusiastic reply.

"Good, because Milliardo mentioned Quatre and Trowa are flying in soon, and I volunteered us to fetch them from the airport. You up for a drive, and a stop for take-out?"

"In the limo?"

Heero shook his head, smirking and holding up a set of keys. "Milliardo's Bentley."

"Oooooh," Duo purred. "You bet I'm up for that."

Heero held out a hand, and Duo took it, a sort of disbelieving smile on his face. "This is kinda weird," he said quietly, as they walked toward the exit. "Feels like stepping into a fairy tale -- flying across the world and falling into the arms of a gorgeous guy." He shook his head. "I keep wondering when I'm gonna wake up."

"You are awake," Heero said firmly. "And so am I -- for the first time ever, I think."

"You romantic sap," Duo chuckled, bumping his shoulder into Heero's as they walked.

A short while later, after riding in the limo back to the palace, they were flying down the road in Milliardo's luxury convertible.

Heero had one hand on the wheel, and the other clutching Duo's hand. He felt like a kid on his first date, and found that he really liked the sensation.

"What's the goofy grin for?" Duo asked, leaning in close to be heard over the rush of the wind.

"Just enjoying life," Heero asserted. "You want fast food, or healthy?"

Duo's gaze dropped to Heero's lap, and a perfectly devilish smirk touched his lips. "Why can't I have both?"


"What?" came an innocent-sounding response. "I heard it was very high in protein -- and we are traveling pretty fast --"

"Do not even go there!" Heero warned, a deep blush on his windblown cheeks. "If I wrap Mill's car around a telephone pole, he will absolutely demand an explanation!"

"Tell him you had a problem with your shifter --"

Heero glared briefly at him. "And you called me a tease?"

Duo smiled serenely. "Yes, but I never said I wasn't."

They arrived safely at the airport, after a brief stop at a sandwich shop, and waited by the curb for Quatre and Trowa to emerge from the terminal.

"What're you gonna tell 'em?" Duo asked, finishing up his drink and tossing the empty into a trash can next to the building.


"Your friends that we're picking up."

"What am I going to tell them about what?"

"Us, Yuy. You and me." Duo gestured between them. "First off, they don't know about the mix-up with Miss Winner, do they?"

"No. I haven't talked to Quatre since we got here."

"Then they have no idea you're going to have a male date for the wedding, let alone that we'll be seeing each other when we get back home." He looked shyly up from under his bangs. "You still wanna do that, right?"

"Of course I do," came the quick, decisive reply.

"Then you better figure out what you're going to tell them."

"I'll think of something," Heero said with a shrug. "Maybe I can explain it during the drive -- kind of let them down easy."

Duo snorted. "You do that."

"There they are now." Heero pointed to two men just emerging from the terminal with their suitcases in hand.

"Wow," Duo murmured. "First Milliardo and now these two. Do you know anyone who isn't gorgeous?"

"I never gave it much thought," Heero shrugged. But he frowned a little as Duo's eyes followed the pair. "Thinking of trading up?"

Duo spun to face him, looking shocked at the very suggestion. "Hell no!" he said vehemently. "First off, it's not just your looks that interest me, you know. And secondly, I'm pretty sure 'trading up' would be impossible."

He grinned at the brilliant blush that suffused Heero's face. "You're adorable when you're embarrassed."

Quatre and Trowa were within earshot by then, and both stopped in their tracks, staring at Duo and Heero.

Heero rolled his eyes, and then walked over and firmly yanked the suitcase from Quatre's hand. "Nice to see you. How was your flight? By the way, meet Duo Maxwell, the 'date' your sister mistakenly procured for me, who is now my boyfriend."

Duo burst out laughing at their pole-axed expressions, doubling over against the side of the sleek car. "God, 'Ro! Way to let 'em down easy!"

Heero stuffed the suitcase into the open trunk, and held out a hand towards Trowa, wiggling his fingers impatiently until the auburn-haired man handed over his bag as well.

"Heero --?" Quatre murmured hesitantly, glancing at Trowa as if seeking assistance. "Could you -- repeat that?"

"You heard 'im, blondie," Duo said with a teasing grin. "I was the stand-in for your sick sister, and ended up in way over my head with your hot friend here." He held out a hand. "Duo Maxwell. And you are --?"

"Qu-Quatre Winner," came the stammered response, as they shook hands.

There was a chuckle from beside him, and the other man offered a hand as well. "Trowa Barton. And believe me, it is a pleasure to meet someone who could sweep Heero Yuy off his ever-so solid feet!"



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