Author's Note: I'm posting tonight instead of in the morning because a) we've got rain and wind, and there's a chance of a power outage, b) I have horses, dogs and cats to feed on my way to work, so I have to leave early tomorrow, and c) I figured early is better than late, right?

"Annabelle came to visit today, and for the first time since Aaron's death, I have hope that Jacob will recover. They sat and talked for hours, sharing stories of their common history with Aaron. During the brief times I strained to listen in as I passed the door, I caught bits and pieces of laughter, tears, anger, and sorrow. They poured them all out in ample measure. I pray that perchance their shared grief will help them both heal..."

--excerpt from the private journal of Ephraim Barton

Smoky Hills Part 20
Suspicious Minds

It had been a couple of days since Trowa's visit to the post office, and Quatre had been raving about his green eyes and the hilarious shirt almost non-stop. Or at least it seemed that way to Duo, who found himself more often than not, thinking about blue eyes instead.

There was no rational reason for the way his thoughts wanted to gravitate towards Heero, aside from the fact that the man was gorgeous. He'd been abrasive from the start, though after the dog rescue and the return favor at Howie's, Duo had been treated to that truly breathtaking smile.

But that was hardly justification for the way the messy dark hair and piercing eyes of his newest customer stuck in his mind.

"--probably has a great sense of humor, considering. I don't think anyone would wear a shirt like that if he was the serious type," Quatre mused, while chopping up vegetables for a salad.

"Sheesh, are you still on about that?" Duo demanded, his concentration returning to his roommate, and the potatoes he was peeling. "It's been ages, and you've hardly stopped talking about him. You want to meet the guy, I can arrange it. After all, he invited me back--I could drag you with me and you could drool to your heart's content."

"No! I don't want it to seem like I'm being pushy or anything--"

"Just as well," Duo mumbled, recalling the glowing eyes in the barn. "He and his roommate are good-looking, but you gotta admit, the whole setup out there is just--weird. They're living there with a bunch of dogs, a crazy, screaming bird, and something out in the barn--"

"What do you mean, 'something out in the barn'?"

"I didn't get a good look, but when I drove past in the dark, the headlights caught something--" Duo frowned distractedly. "What kind of animal has eyes that glow green in headlights?"

Quatre pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Dogs are usually red, I think."

"I know bears are, too. And deer are an orangey yellow." Duo hesitated before adding, "Cats are greenish, I think."

"Cats? Well that explains it!" Quatre said brightly. "They probably have a barn cat. Didn't you say Trowa told you the place was full of mice when they moved in? They may have gotten a cat to help with the problem."

"Helluva big cat," Duo muttered, tossing the potatoes into a pan, rinsing them and then setting the pan on a burner. "The eyes were waist-high."

"Maybe it was sitting on a bale of hay or something," Quatre pointed out. "It was in a barn, after all."

Duo wanted to continue the discussion and point out that the distance between the eyes had been too great for a normal house cat. But he didn't think he'd win that one--or do any good for his credibility with his boss. Quatre would think he was back on the mountain lion subject.

But then...could it have been a mountain lion?

While a big cat might prowl around human dwellings, it certainly wouldn't go inside the barn--unless--since the place had been empty for so long, the cat had taken up residence there. In which case, Duo wondered if he should warn Heero and Trowa that there'd been mountain lion sightings in the area, and that their dogs could be in danger.

"What is going through that ever-so-active mind of yours?" Quatre wondered, carrying the salad bowl to the table and casting a suspicious look over his shoulder.

"Just thinking. I hope someone's told those guys about the bears and stuff out in these hills," Duo said thoughtfully, as he turned the heat on under the pan of potatoes. "I'd hate for Thor or Balder to get hurt by anything." He gave Quatre a sort of defiant look. "Even a bobcat or fisher could do some damage to a domestic dog--no matter how big it is."

"You're right. And maybe someone should caution them about such things," Quatre agreed readily. "As long as that farm stood empty, I'm surprised they didn't find those kinds of animals living there, right along with the squirrels and mice."

"Maybe they did," Duo said quietly.

"Why don't you stop up at the house tomorrow?" Quatre urged. "Since Trowa invited you, and Heero seemed very pleasant that time we bumped into him at the grocery store, it wouldn't be pushy for you to stop in and say 'hi.'"

Duo snorted wryly. "Yeah, it would. Trowa gave me that invitation before he knew I was gay."

"And from the way Heero acted, that didn't matter at all. Plus--" Quatre paused, looking down at his dinner plate, while idly straightening the flatware next to it. "Trowa specifically said to pass along a greeting to you the day he came into the post office."

"So he did," Duo smirked, seeing the little wrinkle on Quatre's forehead that meant he was bothered by something. "Like I said, buddy," he added gently. "You could come along with me and see those pretty green eyes up close and personal."

Quatre shot him a dirty look. "Which ones? Trowa's--or the ones in the barn?"

"The ones in the barn are my problem," Duo assured him. "Whatever was out there is probably long gone anyway. But I'd still like to be sure those guys know what kind of wildlife inhabits these hills. Heero said he runs with the dogs--"

It suddenly occurred to Duo that maybe Mister Yuy ran very early in the day, which was when a lot of wild animals were active--either waking and starting to forage, or heading back to their dens or lairs after a night of hunting.

While Yuy had handled himself well enough at Howie's that time with Otto and Trant, Duo felt a twinge of worry that the guy might know nothing about the great outdoors. "Just a babe in the woods," he said, half to himself.


"Yuy. He didn't seem like he was real savvy about the forest," Duo noted.

Quatre smirked irrepressibly. "Oh--that kind of 'babe in the woods.'" He gave a teasing leer. "Maybe you should offer to teach him."

"What--hiking and camping tips?"

"Among other things."

"You, little blonde angel, have a very dirty mind," Duo pointed out, his own mind beginning to wander to pleasant things he could do with Yuy in the woods.

"Well, duh," Quatre shrugged. "I have to. Mind over matter, y'know--and with very few eligible guys around, I have to have a rich and varied fantasy life." He gave a sigh. "Too bad it's all in my head."

"Yeah, I'm sure there's other places you want it," Duo snickered.


"Hey--you totally started it."

"Yes, but--" Quatre sighed in resignation. "You're right. I did."

"Anyhow," Duo continued. "It'd probably be a good idea for someone to warn those guys about the wildlife around here, and what could happen to their dogs if they run off again--especially at night."

"I agree." Quatre went over to pick up the tray of marinating steaks. "And I think it should be you. You're like, the only person in town besides Hilde who's ever really talked to them. You've even been at the house."

"I suppose so," Duo sighed, wondering if he needed an excuse--like another registered letter--or if he should just be daring and go ahead and show up on their doorstep.

His musings were interrupted when Quatre shoved the plate of meat into his hands. "Get grilling, Maxwell. We can daydream about the hot guys later."

"Just before bed?" Duo countered. "Not likely. I'm not that much of a masochist."

Quatre gave a perfectly wicked smirk. "Whose turn is it to do laundry this week?"

"Mine. And don't you dare!" Duo shook a fork at his roommate. "If I see even the least little suspicious-looking wet spot on your sheets--!"

Quatre waved dismissively, heading for the refrigerator to find the steak sauce. "Give me credit, Duo--I'd use a towel."

"I have to wash those, too!" Duo groused. "There's such a thing as Kleenex, pal. Use it. And throw your own mess away. You are totally emptying the wastebaskets this week!"

He breezed out the door to cook their meal, while Quatre tended the potatoes and the remaining dinner preparation, a devilish gleam in the baby blue eyes.


Heero was both elated and anxious after the call from Wufei. On the one hand, it felt good to know the local cops would get their nose rubbed in the fact that he'd been right.

And on the other--he'd been right. Which meant that there were more bones out there somewhere, evidence of a crime that had yet to be discovered. It galled Heero to not know where the remaining bones were located.

It galled him even more when the day after Chang's phone call, the local cops showed up on his doorstep.

He heard the knock from the kitchen, and then it was drowned out by the dogs' barking. "Trowa?" he called to his roommate, who was still in the bathroom. "Expecting anyone?"

"Just the hot mailman," Trowa called back with a teasing lilt in his voice.

"Seriously!" Heero snapped.

"Nope. No one."

Heero pushed the dogs aside, and headed for the front door, pulling it open to see Officer Kurt there, with another policeman. "What do you want?" he asked crisply.

Ralph glared back at him. "A little cooperation would be nice, for starters," he growled. "Your big-shot forensic guy gave us an earful about investigating that bone your dog found. So we're here to do that."

"I filed a report," Heero reminded him. "All the pertinent information was in there."

"Yeah, except for the location of the rest of the skeleton," the other officer spoke up.

Heero eyed his name tag. "Look, Officer Brown, as I told your partner here--I have no idea where the remaining bones are located. The dogs got loose, and one of them brought that one home. I've no idea where he originally found it."

"Then you won't mind us taking a look around?" asked Ralph, his glance sliding around the yard and then settling back on Heero.

"Actually, yes, I would mind."

Ralph looked at him in surprise.

But it was Alex who spoke up. "Why, Mister Yuy? You got something to hide?" he asked with a scowl. "Maybe we should be having a look inside, as well."

Heero's dark look intensified. "Why would you need to look inside the house?"

"In case maybe the dog had help finding that bone--"

"That's it!" Heero snapped, taking a step forward and placing a finger squarely on Ralph's chest. "You scoffed at the very idea that bone was human, and now your asshole of a partner wants to imply I had something to do with it?" Ralph backed a step, and Heero followed, closing the distance between them. "You come back here with a warrant, if you want to conduct a search. Otherwise, leave me alone and go back to watching your ballgames!"

"There's no need to get belligerent," Ralph grumbled. "We're just trying to do our jobs here. Least you could do is let us take a look around the property."

"I've looked around the property. I canvassed the barn and outbuildings, the house and back yard, and all along the driveway and the woods on either side," Heero told him. "I don't even know if the dog was on my property, or state land. I see no reason for you to hang around insulting me and wasting my time. So get in your car and go set a speed trap, why don't you?"

Muttering under his breath, Ralph jerked his head at his partner, and the two headed for their cruiser. When Officer Brown paused and turned towards the barn, Heero cleared his throat. "Keep moving, you two! And don't bother coming back, either!" He knew full well that the report he'd filed would negate any grounds for a search warrant--unless the officers knew a crooked judge. But he figured if they could manage to acquire one, he'd have plenty of time to move Leon before they got back with it.

As he watched the officers drive away, he heard the screen door open, and Thor and Balder padded up beside him, followed by Trowa. "You have got to work on that attitude," his roommate teased. "How will you make new friends if you keep chasing them away?"

"First off, they weren't friends; they were cops. Secondly, they laughed about the bone right up until Chang straightened them out. And thirdly, they are complete morons." He turned to look at the auburn-haired man. "Why on Earth would I turn in a bone if I was trying to cover up a crime?"

"Um--to throw 'em off the scent?" Trowa asked, playing devil's advocate.

"Right," Heero scoffed. "They wouldn't know a scent if they were drowning in it. Idiots!"

Trowa put a hand on his shoulder. "Well, you did your part," he said soothingly. "You turned in the bone and it's their problem now. C'mon in and have breakfast."

"As soon as I feed Leon, and make sure the barn door is padlocked and the windows secured," Heero said darkly. "If those two morons come back, I want them to need bolt cutters before they'll have a chance of getting inside that barn!"

"We could explain it," Trowa assured him. "I have the letter from Catherine, and the veterinary records and all the paperwork--"

"Yes, but you don't have the permits in hand yet. We could still be cited for a violation, and it might prevent us from ever getting our license to keep exotics." He shook his head. "Not worth the risk."

"I guess not," his partner conceded. "Go ahead and batten down the hatches, and I'll have hot food on the table by the time you come in."

He was true to his word, preparing omelets for both of them, filled with sausage, vegetables and a bit of shredded cheese. Now that he was getting around more, and attending physical therapy during the week, he found that his appetite had increased along with his activity and energy level. He was grateful to be approaching what could almost be considered normal again.


When he felt the familiar, dull ache in his knee that indicated he'd been standing in one spot too long, he limped over to the table and pushed aside a stack of journals to put down his plate. Then he settled into a chair and stretched out both legs with a sigh.

Moments later, he heard the front door slam, and the patter of feet as Heero and the two dogs approached.

The Japanese man passed him and went straight to the sink, turning on the water and beginning to wash both arms. But the vigor with which he scrubbed them seemed like more than simply washing up for breakfast.


"It's nothing."

Trowa pushed back to his feet, hobbling over to his roommate in time to see him rinsing blood from a long gash on one forearm. "What happened?"

"I reached too far trying to take the leftovers out of the cage," Heero admitted. "He took a swipe and just nicked me."

"Heero! Let me see!"

Trowa tried to grab the injured arm, but Heero pulled it away. "It's a damned scratch, Trowa. Forget about it!"

"Like hell, I will! You should have stitches--antibiotics--"

Heero turned off the water, grabbing a paper towel and blotting the arm. Then he held it out, glaring into Trowa's eyes. "Look at it!" he snapped. "It's barely skin deep. If I get the first aid kit and scrub it with betadine, then put Neosporin on it and wrap it, it'll heal up in a couple of days."

Trowa reached a shaking hand out and gingerly examined the slash, reluctantly admitting to himself that it really was superficial. "But it could have been so much worse--!"

"Could have--but wasn't," Heero insisted. "I got lazy, Barton. It's as simple as that. Instead of using the hook to snag the old food out of the pen, I just reach through the bars. It was my own fault." He shook his head. "You know you taught me better than that."

"Jesus," breathed Trowa in an explosive sigh, his green eyes troubled.

Heero took him by both shoulders, forcing him to meet his gaze. "Stop," he cautioned. "It was a simple case of carelessness on my part. Don't blame Leon, and definitely don't blame yourself. I've had all my shots, and so has the mangy fleabag. So there's nothing to worry about."

"Nothing except that if we start a permanent rehab center here, we'll have liability issues galore--"

"Not if we do the caging and handling properly," Heero reminded him. "We're just getting started, and we were far from ready for Leon when he arrived. So he's a test case. We'll work out all our issues with him, and be better prepared for the next animal in need of housing and care."

"I--guess so," Trowa relented, feeling a mixture of relief and worry. He was glad the injury wasn't serious--but more concerned than ever about the practicality of what they were doing.

"Don't doubt yourself now," Heero cautioned. "We can do this. Don't let my stupid blunder make you question your goals."

"I won't," Trowa replied without a lot of conviction. "But we're going to make sure our safeguards are top notch, Yuy. Understood?"

"Yes. Very clearly." They settled down to breakfast, dropping the worrisome dialogue and just enjoying the meal. Of course Wing and Zero flew in from the porch to mooch some tidbits, and before the meal was over, both birds ended up locked in their cages for the remainder of the day. Wing had made the grievous error of grabbing Trowa's fork and attempting to make off with it, and Zero had foolishly placed a foot on Heero's plate, which was off limits.

Both birds knew better, but like any children, they seemed to delight in testing the boundaries from time to time--not entirely unlike their owners.



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