Author's Note: My deepest apologies for the length of time this particular update took. This transition chapter was a killer, cuz I didn't want it to be just a transition...and that took a lot of thought, which took a lot of time.
Boot Camp Part 43
Duo didn't magically forgive Trowa overnight, but his attitude softened just enough to allow the team to function as a whole. They stayed up well past lights out on Wednesday, planning every move they'd make on their way to their objective. And after grabbing a few hours of sleep, they went to morning calisthenics energized by their plan.
During the morning run, Trowa feigned another bout of illness and was excused, during which time he was tasked with going to the supply clerk and seeing if he could finagle some extra rope for the long climb they were going to make. They hadn't wanted to tip their hand to either Captain Chang or any of the other teams by making the request through normal channels. So the auburn-haired boy was supposed to make up a plausible excuse why they needed additional gear.
He'd acquired it, and safely stashed it in the barracks before heading to weapons class to meet his teammates. But before he cleared the compound, the warden spotted him and called out. Reluctantly, Trowa halted and approached the hated man.
"Haven't seen you in a few days, Barton," commented Kushrenada. It had been just a week since their last meeting.
"Chang keeps us busy," Trowa shrugged. "Matter of fact, I'm about due at weapons class, so can you make this quick?" He folded his arms across his chest, giving the warden a cold, appraising look.
"Oh come now. We aren't enemies, Barton," crooned Kushrenada. "Don't you remember? Our mutual enemy is Maxwell."
"I told you before, he's my teammate," Trowa said evenly.
"And I told you, either you play this my way, or your drug supply dries up and you get to explain withdrawal symptoms to Chang." Treize smiled coldly. "He'd have your ass off to prison in a heartbeat."
Trowa shrugged one shoulder. "Might be worth it." He was glad he'd already gone through the misery of withdrawal, so the warden's threat was impotent. But K. didn't need to know that...yet.
"Oh come now! Withdrawal's one thing...but what if I spilled the beans to Maxwell, about what you did to him? You know as well as I do that he'd carve your heart out himself. Seriously, Barton. Helping me is simply a matter of self-preservation for you."
"What do you want?"
"Well, actually, nothing just yet," said the warden. "At the moment, I have other--options open to me."
Trowa frowned at that. It couldn't bode well for Duo if Kushrenada had an underhanded scheme in progress.
"But losing Norton has put a bit of a crimp in my information flow," added the tawny-eyed man. "And Chang wouldn't even consider disciplining the little brat from L2. Fucking bleeding heart...just because a guard had a bit of fun with the street rat, Chang gives him special treatment." He shook his head. "Tell me something, Barton; Norton seemed to think Maxwell and Yuy were, er, involved."
"Yuy's our team leader," Trowa replied.
"Yes, yes I know. But is he--something more? To Maxwell, that is."
"A friend," Trowa shrugged. He'd be damned if he told the bastard warden anything more specific about the team leader's relationship with the braided boy.
"A lover?"
Trowa raised an eyebrow, wondering where the warden was going with the line of questioning. "Uh, we're four to a barracks, sir. There's not much privacy."
"So you'd hear any--activity? Wouldn't you?"
"Haven't heard a thing," Trowa replied truthfully. He knew damned well the two hadn't been fooling around; he knew about the nightmares, and he knew how emotionally fragile Duo had been since his time in solitary. "For Christ's sake, K., Maxwell was beaten up and raped less than two weeks ago. Y'think he and Yuy would be fucking even if they wanted to?"
"And before that?"
"Look," Trowa said flatly. "If you want to know what's going on between those two, ask them. I mind my own business, K."
"Well, from now on, you mind theirs," the warden said with a scowl. "The rumor mill says they're a couple. And the rumor mill is rarely completely wrong."
"So what if they are?"
Kushrenada's expression turned crafty. "Look, Barton, I'm just curious. I like to know what's going on inside my own prison. You keep your eyes and ears open, and feed me information, and I'll make it worth your while."
"I hate your fucking guts, K., and you know it," Trowa said with a scowl. "Why would you think I'd do that?"
"For this." Kushrenada held out a small envelope.
"Keep it," Trowa muttered coldly, glaring.
"You can't possibly have more than another couple of days' worth," said the hated man.
Trowa shrugged noncommittally.
Kushrenada scowled. "C'mon, Barton. Take it. You need this stuff."
"I don't need it, or you," Trowa snarled. "Now get the fuck out of my way and let me get to class."
"You'll regret this," warned the warden.
"Not as much as I regret being under your thumb," Trowa retorted. He brushed past Kushrenada and broke into a steady jog, barely making it to weapons class as it started.
With no time to share information, Trowa merely gave an enigmatic smirk and a thumbs up to the others to let them know he'd procured the needed climbing gear. Then their complete attention was required at cleaning and servicing their laser guns for the upcoming challenge.
At the start of the midday meal, Duo slipped into the kitchen to schmooze with Mitch, the head chef who'd allowed him to sharpen the survival knife. His job was to charm the man into giving him some cayenne pepper for a supposed 'practical joke,' and not let on that it would actually be used to make a variation on pepper spray for use against the 'enemy' soldiers at the mining shack.
Heero thought it would make an excellent diversion, temporarily incapacitating the sentries without causing permanent damage. And Wufei would never expect it, since he thought his recruits would only be working with the basic tools issued to them.
While Duo worked his magic, his three teammates got their lunches and settled in to eat.
"Why were you late to weapons?" Heero asked Trowa, glancing across the table at the green-eyed boy.
"Fucking Kushrenada stopped me on my way there," Trowa growled out. "He's up to something, Yuy. And I think it might involve you."
"Why's that?"
"He asked about your relationship with Maxwell...if you were lovers."
"What did you tell him?" came the tense response.
"I told him it'd be pretty damned impossible, considering we're four to a barracks and Maxwell's still recovering from what the asshole guard did to him."
"Good." Heero frowned it thought. "Did he say why he wanted to know?"
"Hell, no," sighed Trowa. "But he tried to get me to take more pills...threatened to cut off my supply if I didn't feed him information about the team."
"You didn't take them?" asked Quatre, frowning in concern.
"Of course not," Trowa told him with a steady, open look. "I promise you Quatre...I'm done with the drugs for good. Forever." He shrugged slightly. "My word might not mean much right now, but I'm telling you the truth."
Quatre smiled warmly at him. "I believe you Trowa."
"There's still the matter of Kushrenada to deal with," Heero scowled. "He's obviously not giving up on getting revenge on Duo."
"More to the point," Quatre cut in. "He seems to think he can use you to accomplish that." At his partners' questioning looks, he shrugged. "Obviously if he's that interested in your relationship with Duo, he's seeing you as a potential weapon to hurt him."
"I'd never do that."
Quatre gave a wry snort. "Well...duh," he said, using one of Duo's favorite snide remarks. "But it'd hurt Duo if anything bad happened to you."
"I'll watch my back," Heero said nonchalantly.
"We'll watch it," Quatre corrected him. "We need to be on our guard from now on."
"On guard from what?" Duo asked, sauntering up with his lunch in hand, and dropping into the seat next to the blonde.
"Kushrenada," Heero told him succinctly. "He's got something up his sleeve. He tried to get Barton to accept more drugs; no doubt so he could coerce him into another plot."
Duo's expression darkened. "Someone oughta just slip into his room some dark night and cut his throat," he muttered under his breath. He looked up at the startled expressions on his teammates' faces. "Just wishful thinking," he told them innocently, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"Sometimes, Duo, you can be a little...scary," Quatre said with a frown.
Duo leaned closer to him, indigo eyes gleaming. "Try living in some dark alley behind a dumpster for months at a time, Quat...then you'll know 'scary'." He gave a small, reassuring smile. "Don't worry...when it comes to K. I just like talking tough. I'd never seriously try to kill him or anything, tempting as it is. I'm not that way." He gave a wry chuckle. "'Course that doesn't mean I'd lose sleep over it if someone did..."
"Maxwell, did you get the pepper?" Heero asked, abruptly changing the subject.
"Of course." Indignantly.
"Isn't that a bit like, well, cheating?" Quatre wondered.
"Honestly," Duo countered. "What soldier doesn't improvise? You'd think that would be part of the mission parameters."
Quatre snickered quietly. "It might be if we were in special ops training, Duo. But this is basic stuff."
"Which is exactly why we'll be able to surprise the hell out of them by improvising," Duo pointed out.
"Alright," Heero cut in, lowering his voice and leaning closer. "Tonight we'll make the final preparations...prepare our diversions...and pack our gear." His dark blue eyes fairly glowed with excitement, and Duo had to fight the temptation to lean in for that long-awaited kiss that Quatre had so rudely interrupted. But they were in the middle of a busy mess hall, and Duo had no intention of spoiling the moment in front of an audience. He'd had that done to him once already, and the memory still rankled.
Then his attention was diverted as Captain Chang walked into the mess hall accompanied by a tall, elegant man with stunning waist-length platinum blonde hair and ice-blue eyes.
"Wow," Duo breathed, eyes wide. "Who's the hot guy with Chang?"
Heero's head shot up and his eyes narrowed. "Major Zechs Merquise." He recognized the renowned MSC Academy director from descriptions Wufei had written in letters to him while attending the school.
Wufei walked directly over to Team Wing's table, nodding a greeting. "Yuy."
The team leader stood up, gesturing his teammates to do likewise, and gave a polite salute to Captain Chang and his superior.
Major Merquise looked over the four boys with a raised eyebrow. "So this is your star team, eh Chang?"
"Despite the incident that ended the previous exercise, they are the front runners," said Wufei, trying not to sound like he was bragging. "Their individual scores--well, you've seen all the test results and evaluations from their instructors--not to mention the simulator percentages."
"Indeed." The officer's eyes lingered on Duo for a moment, taking in the brilliant indigo eyes and the gleaming chestnut hair. "Well, photographs just don't do you justice, Maxwell."
Duo blinked in surprise. "Sir?"
Wufei caught the smoldering glare Heero directed at the Major, and decided to intervene before blood was shed. "All he's seen are mug shots, Maxwell. Remember how you looked at twelve?"
The braided boy smirked slightly. "Oh yeah--two black eyes and bruises from head to toe--literally."
Zechs shook his head, glancing aside at Wufei. "Kushrenada and his thugs should have been fired and jailed for that."
Duo's smirk widened into a grin. "I like the way you think, sir."
Heero was still glowering darkly at Major Merquise, and Wufei deftly caught his superior officer by the elbow. "Allow me to introduce you to the other teams, sir."
The Major nodded to the boys, his gaze still lingering on Duo, and followed Wufei to the next table.
"Uh, what's with the Death Glare, Yuy?" Duo asked, settling back into his seat.
"I don't think I like Chang's boss," Heero muttered.
"Hm. Why not?" Duo asked grabbing the last quarter of his sandwich and stuffing it into his mouth.
"Probably because he was blatantly hitting on you, Maxwell," Trowa threw in, taking the opposite seat and smirking at Heero's dark expression.
"Hitting on me?" Duo echoed in surprise. "Shit, Tro', he's what? Twenty-five or thirty? A little old for me, don't you think? Besides, I'm already taken."
"He's twenty-three," Heero said curtly, apparently overlooking Duo's last sentence.
"Right. Well that's still too old," Duo insisted. "Besides..." he began again, while looking squarely at Heero.
"He doesn't seem to think so," Quatre interrupted, looking across to where Merquise had glanced towards Duo yet again.
"See? Age notwithstanding, he was hitting on you, Maxwell," Trowa smirked.
"That wasn't hitting," Duo argued. "At most, that was flirting."
"There's a difference?" Heero demanded, still standing with his fists resting on his hips.
"Sure." Duo glanced up with mischief in his eyes. "If I say 'Yuy, you've got the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen, and the most fuck-me-back-into-the-bed-I-just-rolled-out-of, messy, gorgeous hair,' that's flirting."
"Then what's hitting?" Quatre asked curiously.
Duo grinned evilly. "Hitting would be if I said 'Yuy, what'll it take to get you to make hot, passionate love to me all night?'"
"Not much," Heero mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?" Quatre smirked, barely catching the mumbled comment.
Duo batted his eyes teasingly at Heero. "Why, Heero, are you jealous? Of the Major?"
Heero looked away and gave a non-committal grunt of "Hn."
"But know you're the only blue-eyed hunk in my life," Duo assured him, the steady look from his indigo eyes in direct contrast to his bantering tone.
The team leader looked back at him, and a faint blush crept up the braided boy's face; but he didn't look away, or try to hide the sincerity in his expression. And after a moment, Heero allowed a faintly pleased smile to cross his face. "Baka," he murmured, covering his momentary awkwardness by gathering his dishes to take up to the counter.
Duo smirked in response. "But your baka," he murmured quietly--hopefully. Yeah, he kind of had the feeling that Heero's possessiveness was a clear indicator of genuine interest. And sooner or later, they were going to get to that long-awaited kiss...and if Duo Maxwell had a say in the matter, a whole bunch more.
"C'mon guys," Heero ordered curtly. "We've got a lot to finish up this afternoon and evening if we're to succeed with our plan."
But as the four boys crossed the compound, they stopped in amazement; their barracks door was wide open, and Kushrenada and several of his guards were systematically rummaging through everything in the building.
"What the hell--?" Duo started forward, only to have Heero catch his arm in a firm grip.
"Maxwell, you and Quatre go get Chang."
"Heero, it's my--"
"Now!" Heero spun the braided boy around, giving him a shove that sent him stumbling forward several feet in the direction of the mess hall. "Don't argue with me right now, Maxwell."
Amazingly, Duo obeyed him without further question, having seen the overwhelming concern in the deep blue eyes. It was obvious that Heero wanted to protect him from whatever Kushrenada planned, so he set off at a brisk walk, with Quatre at his side.
"What do you think Kushrenada's up to?" asked the blonde, brow furrowed in concern.
"I don't know, but it can't be good," came the terse reply.
Heero and Trowa continued on to the barracks, stopping when they came face to face with Warden Kushrenada.
"Is there a reason you're ransacking our barracks?" Heero asked curtly, dispensing with politeness to the man who'd made Duo's life so miserable.
Kushrenada's gaze went to Trowa, tawny eyes narrowing. "Ask Barton why don't you, Yuy? I'll bet he's got a clue."
Trowa crossed his arms, glaring. "Can't imagine what you're talking about, K.," he said icily.
"Really?" The warden's smirk was knowing...intimate. "We'll soon see."
The two boys stood watching, as each foot locker was forced open, and the contents strewn across the bunk of its owner. Kushrenada's men sifted through every item.
"What's the meaning of this?" a stern voice demanded. But it wasn't Captain Chang; it was his superior officer Major Zechs Merquise.
The warden spun in surprise. "Who the hell are you?"
"This is Major Merquise," replied Wufei, his dark eyes snapping with anger. "And you are out of bounds, Kushrenada."
"I'm well within my rights to conduct surprise inspections, Chang."
"Not any more," countered the Major, his eyes brittle with fury. "I personally approved the documents giving Captain Chang complete autonomy in the supervision of Maxwell and his teammates."
Duo and Quatre were at the door, having trailed along behind the two outraged MSC officers; they exchanged a puzzled look, not having realized their team had been singled out for Wufei's personal supervision.
"The documents merely gave Chang supervisory custody of Maxwell," retorted the warden with a scowl.
"It also specified that he could counter any order you gave concerning any of the recruits, if he felt you were overreaching your authority. And it noted that any direct interaction between you and the inmates was to be approved in advance by the Captain...including, but not limited to, searches of premises or persons, interrogations, and punishments of any kind."
"You've got to be kidding," snarled Kushrenada. "When I get a tip that one of my inmates is doing drugs, I have the right to investigate."
"Actually, you don't," came Merquise's calm reply. "You have the right to ask Captain Chang to investigate, or to give you permission to proceed with an investigation yourself."
"That's absurd!"
"So was what happened to Maxwell in solitary," Wufei spat coldly. "Your failure to provide adequate housing and supervision for a juvenile inmate caused irreparable harm, and cost you the privilege of overseeing these boys...any and all of them."
"Privilege?!" Kushrenada's voice rose in outrage. "You think riding herd on this bunch of little cutthroats is some kind of privilege, Chang? It's a dirty, thankless job they were lucky to get me to do!"
"You have no business in the juvenile justice system, Kushrenada," said Wufei, his chin lifted so he could look down his nose at the pompous corrections officer. "Not only are your methods too harsh for under age boys; your objectivity is sorely lacking. Since your brother's death, every career move you've made has been an obvious attempt to somehow get even with what you perceived as the cause of his death...juvenile offenders."
"Not just any 'juvenile offender'," retorted the warden. "That one!" He pointed to Duo, who was still leaning in the doorway, watching the altercation with more than a little interest.
As if suddenly realizing they had a rapt audience, Chang and Merquise exchanged a sharp look.
"Out, Yuy!" Wufei ordered quickly. "Take your team outside until we're done."
Heero nodded, and he and Trowa went around the two MSC officers and out the door with Duo and Quatre, moving over towards the next barracks to wait.
Wufei turned his onyx eyes back to Kushrenada. "Surely you didn't stay in the juvenile system merely to wait for a chance at revenge on Maxwell," scoffed the Chinese officer. "You couldn't possibly have known you'd ever end up in charge of a facility where he'd be incarcerated."
"Of course not," sneered the other man. "That was sheer luck...until you bleeding hearts got involved. He's a killer, and you're too blind to see it." His tawny eyes narrowed. "Or is it that you want killers? You are, after all, looking for boys to turn into soldiers."
Wufei glared at the man, but then his superior cut in smoothly, his tone considerably calmer than both of theirs. "Warden Kushrenada...this discussion is pointless. If you'd be so kind as to tell us what 'tip' prompted your unauthorized search of this barracks, Captain Chang and I can decide whether to continue the investigation. Meanwhile, tell your guards to clear out now."
Sputtering with rage, Kushrenada gestured his guards to leave, his cold glare matching the ice-blue one from Merquise. "I have reliable information that Trowa Barton has been using illegal drugs while here at Camp Peacecraft. A search of his foot locker, bunk, and this barracks should turn something up." He left out the information that in his own pocket was the envelope of pills Trowa had declined. Not being sure how many the boy had left from the last transaction, he'd made sure to bring evidence to plant; but he hadn't had the opportunity before being interrupted.
Wufei gave a skeptical snort. "With all the barracks inspections I've conducted, that would be impossible."
One of the retreating guards had handed Kushrenada the little prescription bottle from Duo's foot locker on the way out. "What about this?" demanded the warden, holding it out.
Wufei snatched it from his hand, glancing briefly at the label. "This is a prescription Doctor Po gave Maxwell so he could sleep through the nightmares your goddamned guard caused!" he snapped in a voice so cold it almost seemed to crackle.
"My guard acted in self-defense..."
"Your guard acted criminally!" Wufei shot back.
"Gentlemen!" Major Merquise interrupted their quarrel by stepping in between them, seeing in Wufei's dark eyes the beginnings of violence. "This argument is both pointless and redundant. Warden Kushrenada, please return to your office and re-read the paperwork Captain Chang provided, explaining the scope of your responsibilities and jurisdiction. And Captain Chang, please finish giving me my tour of the facility so we can retire to your office and go over the plans for the next exercise."
The two combatants subsided, and Treize stalked out of the barracks without a backwards glance. Sighing wearily, Wufei ushered his commander outside, where they found the four boys waiting anxiously.
"Sir?" Heero said with a searching look at Wufei.
"Show's over, Yuy," the Captain said with a shrug. "Kushrenada seemed to think Barton was in possession of drugs." His dark eyes landed on Trowa. "Care to respond to that?"
Trowa looked back steadily. "I have no illegal substances of any kind, sir. Nor do I intend to procure any."
Wufei smiled wryly. "I told the warden as much. But he's a stubborn man." His glance traveled to Duo.
"And he wants me out of here," the braided boy said unhappily. He was beside Heero, all but leaning against the team leader for the reassurance provided by his solid presence.
"Fortunately, Captain Chang and I don't," said the Major.
Duo eyed him questioningly. "What did K. mean about Captain Chang having 'supervisory custody' of me?"
"After we found out about Kushrenada's personal grudge against you, Chang and I petitioned the Peacecraft Foundation, social services, and the Prison Review Board to appoint Chang to supervise your incarceration and rehabilitation. Basically, they granted him total control over what happens to you from now on."
Duo had a wary and slightly confused expression on his face.
"For all intents and purposes, Chang is your warden, parole officer, and legal guardian until you turn eighteen," Heero explained to him.
"What?!" Duo demanded, turning a shocked look on the Chinese officer. "You--you can't be my guardian!"
Wufei smiled grimly. "Believe me, Maxwell, it's only a formality. But it provided legal grounds for me to act in your best interests."
"And legal responsibility for you, as well," Major Merquise pointed out quietly, wanting Duo to know how much Wufei had done for him.
Duo eyed the Chinese officer questioningly. "Isn't that a lot of responsibility to take? What happens if I screw up?"
"Then I will have failed you," shrugged the officer, looking away with an almost embarrassed expression on his face.
The indigo eyes turned to Heero, and then back to Wufei. Duo shook his head. "I don't know why you'd do that for me, Captain."
The Captain's dark eyes glanced fleetingly at Heero, who realized Wufei had done it partially for him. "Relax, Duo," said the team leader, smiling gently at him. "It just means that you can't be shuffled off into the system without Chang's approval. So be grateful, and behave yourself."
Duo nodded, digesting the information, and finally smirking slightly. "You're my legal guardian, Chang?"
"I thought we established that, Maxwell," came the dry response.
Duo grinned impishly. "Does that mean I can call you 'dad'?"
The Captain's eyes widened in surprise, and his jaw dropped, as all four boys and his superior officer began laughing. "Over my dead body!" Wufei exploded in outrage. "I am not your 'dad', Maxwell. And I have no intention of being called one."
Heero gave his long-time friend a wicked smile. "But, Chang...that would enable you to call him 'son', or 'sonny-boy', or any number of equally obnoxious pet names."
Wufei's outrage subsided into humor, and he quirked a dangerous smile at the braided boy. "He's got a point, Maxwell."
Duo raised his hands in surrender. "Captain Chang it is!" he asserted.
Major Merquise gave an amused chuckle, and then gestured over his shoulder at the ransacked barracks. "Chang--would you like to let your team get back to work? They've got some tidying up to do before they'll be ready for tomorrow's competition."
"Aw, crap," Duo muttered, recalling the disarray Kushrenada's guards had caused.
Wufei nodded in agreement with his commander, and then turned a slightly apologetic gaze to Heero. "Yuy, you and your team may as well get to it. If you hurry, you can just finish the clean-up before afternoon calisthenics."
The Japanese boy gave a brisk salute, and then led his team back to their barracks.
"What a mess," Duo sighed, walking over to his bunk and starting to gather his rumpled uniforms.
Trowa sighed, righting his foot locker and beginning to place his belongings back into it. "Sorry guys. This is my fault."
"No, it's not," Quatre insisted.
"If I hadn't turned Kushrenada down this afternoon, he'd never have pulled shit like this."
Duo turned around, fixing a look on his teammate. "You should know by now, Barton, Kushrenada will pull whatever shit suits him." He shook his head. "Don't play his game, even to appease him. You'll lose."
Trowa nodded. "You're right."
"We should just tell Captain Chang that Kushrenada's the one selling the drugs," Quatre said angrily.
"But then we'd have to explain how we know," Heero pointed out. "No. For now, we keep quiet about it." His deep blue eyes were brooding. "There'll be time for dealing with Kushrenada after the upcoming mission."
Duo raised an eyebrow speculatively, cocking his head to one side. "Might be kind of fun to set him up for a change," he noted. "What if we got Chang to slap a wire on Barton and tape Kushrenada giving him drugs?"
Heero nodded approvingly. "That's a definite possibility; but not until we're close enough to graduation that Chang won't go ballistic over the issue of Barton's drug use. First things first. We have a flag to capture."
Duo sighed to himself, thinking how sexy Heero was when he got all focused on a mission. And, hey, hiking the woods, climbing a mountain, and camping out could provide ample time and privacy for that long-awaited kiss...right?
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