Author's Note: Heero's broom closet line was inspired by shevaleon. ;)

Boot Camp Part 36
Back on Track

The four boys from Team Wing didn't even make it to calisthenics before someone spotted Duo. The next thing they knew, Ben, Adam, and Troy were there to welcome him back, and tell him how much he'd been missed. Even some boys they barely knew called out greetings, as they made their way to the lineup.

Captain Chang's dark eyes narrowed, and he intercepted Duo before calisthenics could begin. "You did say you'd take it easy, Maxwell, and not jump right back into action," he reminded the boy, in an undertone.

"I will, sir," he said evenly. "I thought some calisthenics might loosen me up a little without killing me."

Wufei considered for a moment. "I expected to excuse you for a couple of days, but if you promise to stop if you get tired, I suppose I can trust your judgment." He eyed the boy sternly. "But under no circumstances may you return to sparring until next week."

Duo gave him a grim smile. "Y'don't have to tell me that twice, sir!" He had no desire to be punched or kicked even lightly until he felt the deep aches go away.

He made it through the calisthenics and the three-mile run, though he was looking a little haggard by lunchtime. The four boys were joined by Team Clip as they made their way through the food line.

"Y'look a little beat, Duo," Ben noted, passing the braided boy a tray.

"All that lying around in solitary made me soft," Duo joked bleakly, darting a glare at Quatre as the blonde put a bowl of soup on his tray. "I can pick my own lunch, Winner," he growled.

"Sorry. Team Leader's orders," Quatre shrugged.

Duo looked at Heero with a scowl. "Yuy? Explain."

"I did a little on-line research the two days you were in the infirmary," Heero replied calmly. "Soup is easily digested, putting minimal strain on your system. Here, milk is better for you than soda." He put one of the little milk cartons on Duo's tray.

Duo didn't know whether to be touched that Heero had cared enough to look that stuff up, or insulted that the team leader seemed to think he needed babying. While his mouth was still hanging open, and he was deciding what reaction to have, Trowa put a bowl of jello and a fruit cup on his tray.

"Et tu, Barton?"

Trowa gave him an inscrutable look, and tossed two pieces of bread and butter onto his tray.

Ben chuckled. "You L2 brats are all alike, Maxwell. Jason didn't like us waiting on him after his knee got hurt."

Duo paused just short of launching into a lecture to Heero, his attention diverted. "Hey, Doc Po told me he's gonna be okay. Jase, that is."

"Yeah. She stopped by our barracks, too," Ben told him.

"And Quatre told me about the little L2 pen-pick you loaned him," added the braided boy. He shook his head. "I owe so many people for keeping me from going to prison...dunno how I'll ever pay you all back."

"Baka," muttered Heero, picking up Duo's tray and heading for a table.

"Okay...that's where I draw the line!" Duo snapped, stalking after him and reaching for the tray. "I can carry it myself!"

Heero wordlessly handed it to him, although they were already at the table.

Duo glared, and then put the tray down, flopping into a chair wearing a suitable pout. "I swear, you all are worse than the doctor." But despite his sulking, he didn't really seem to mind that he was surrounded by teammates and friends who wanted to make sure he was well taken care of.


About halfway through the meal, Lieutenant Mikan came around handing out mail. When the usual stack of letters landed in front of Duo, he barely noticed, until the conspicuously pink envelope caught his attention.

"Heh--you made a mistake L.T.," he said, picking it up to hand back.

"I don't make mistakes, Maxwell," smirked the officer.

"Pink goes to Yuy," Duo insisted, waving the letter under Heero's nose.

The team leader took the letter and glared at it, and then his eyes widened. "It's addressed to you, Maxwell."

"Wha--?" Duo snatched it back, reading in disbelief. "'Duo Maxwell, c/o Camp Peacecraft.' This has got to be a mistake."

Mikan shrugged. "I call 'em like I see 'em, Maxwell. Ms. Peacecraft apparently wrote a letter--to you."

Duo looked at it apprehensively. "Why the hell would she write to me?"

Heero sighed. "I expect she wants to talk you out of pursuing me," he said wearily.

Duo snorted. "Fat cha-- Uh. Hmm." He looked away blushing at Quatre's snicker. May as well just take out advertising space. Duo loves Heero.

"Why don't you read it?" Quatre urged.

Duo looked indecisively at the envelope in his hand, and then at Heero. "Should I?"

The deep blue eyes met his for an instant. "So long as you don't let her influence you--feel free," he shrugged.

Duo gave him a wary look. "Does that mean you want me to, er, pursue you?"

Heero stood up, leaning so his lips were next to Duo's ear. "Not 'pursue,'" he whispered. "'Catch.'" He was gone the next instant, taking his tray up to the table while Duo sat slack-jawed, imagining how nice it'd be to 'catch' Heero Yuy.

"Mine," he murmured under his breath. "All mine." He folded the letter and shoved it into a pocket, smiling contentedly as he started on his jello.

"Does that mean you aren't going to read it?" Quatre sighed in disappointment.

"Maybe later."

"Aw, c'mon!" Quatre urged. "There's no time like the present. It'll provide dinner entertainment."

"This is lunch."

"Fine. Lunch entertainment. C'mon, Duo!" Quatre gave his most pleading puppy dog look.

"For fuck's sake...fine!" Duo burst out in exasperation. He pulled the letter out of his pocket and ripped it open, wincing at the faint scent of perfume clinging to the pink pages. "Holy's all pink. Ewww."

Quatre laughed. "Y'gonna read it out loud?"

"No way. Not 'til I know what's in it." Duo pulled out the pages, smoothed them on the table next to his plate, and began reading.

"Dear Mr. Maxwell:

After our rather sudden introduction a couple of weeks ago, I did a great deal of thinking.

First, I think you should know, I have nothing against you personally. I can understand your infatuation with Heero completely, as I have adored him for years. He's quite gorgeous, really." No shit, Sherlock.

"But you should also know that I truly love him. I'm sure, being from L2," How'd she know that? "you know nothing about that emotion, and that your 'feelings' for him are merely based on lust." Whoa...bitch! "Again, I don't really blame you--you can't help where you came from, and Heero truly is desirable.

As for his so-called 'feelings' for you...I can even understand that. He's trapped there, away from me, away from all female company. And being young and virile, he must have urges."

Urges? Duo nearly snorted milk out his nose. God, I wish!

"Admittedly, you are probably the most girlish individual he could find in a place like that." Hey! Who you callin' girlish, bitch? "So clearly he's using you as a substitute for what he really"

Quatre pounded helpfully on Duo's back as he choked on his milk, coughing helplessly for a few minutes. "Fuck, Quat! She's tryin' t'kill me!" he sputtered, before continuing with the letter.

"I write this only out of concern for you. I don't want you deluding yourself any longer than necessary. Knowing the harsh truth now might save you much heartache later. Heero doesn't love you...will never love you. He may use you for sex and companionship in that awful prison," And that's a problem how? "but as soon as he's released, his use for you will come to an end. I hope you can come to terms with that, and I do apologize for the pain this truth must cause.

But you must understand, all you are to Heero is a convenience. You can't possibly have a future with him. You are L2 street trash," Again, where is she finding this shit out? "and he deserves better. Why would he settle for you, when he could have a woman with money, power, and aristocracy? Surely you can see the logic in that. As soon as his time has been served, he will take his rightful place beside me.

Ms. Relena Peacecraft

P.S. If you do care for him at all, you will see how much more I can give him, and you will graciously bow out of his life for his own good."

Duo dissolved into hysterics, tossing the letter to Quatre and doubling over.

Quatre read the letter, his eyebrows slowly rising to his hairline. "Virile?" he said with a snicker. "Urges? Girlish?!" Soon he was laughing as helplessly as Duo, and passed the letter to Trowa before he dropped it into his soup bowl. The auburn-haired boy soon joined in their hysterical laughter.

At that point, Heero walked back over and grabbed the letter out of Trowa's hand. "Okay, Maxwell. Enough already."

Duo waved a hand helplessly, gasping for air with tears running down his face. "R-read it!"

Heero scanned the page, his face turning an interesting shade of red. "Oh for fuck's sake!" he exploded finally. "Does she not get the message?" He crushed the letter in his hand and tossed it onto one of the trays.

"Ah--s'okay," Duo wheezed, trying to get himself under control. "I know when I'm licked," he grinned. "I'll be 'gracious' and 'bow out' if you like."

"You do and omae o korosu!" Heero growled. He took Duo's wrist, pulling him to his feet. "Come with me." Firmly pulling the braided boy along with him, he stalked out of the mess hall.

Once outside, he turned and pinned Duo to the wall beside the door, blue eyes intent. "I don't want Relena," he said firmly.

Indigo eyes looked up challengingly. "Who do you want?"

"You." Heero leaned in to kiss him, but the sound of someone clearing his throat interrupted. "Chang." He sighed in irritation, turning around to face his friend.

"Not a very private place for that," commented the officer, who had just started up the steps. "And probably not the best of times, either," he added, glancing at Duo with a trace of concern in the dark eyes.

Duo scowled back at him. "I'm a big boy, Chang. I think I know what I can handle."

Heero winced at that. "No, Duo. He's right," he admitted. "Now's not the time to rush things."

"Aw, fuck this!" Duo snarled, pulling away. "Every goddamned time I think I'm getting somewhere with you, shit like this happens, Yuy! Or you get all focused on the mission. There's always something!" He glared at the team leader. "I'm going back in to finish my dessert." He turned and stormed back into the mess hall, leaving Heero and Wufei regarding each other warily.

"It's too soon," Wufei said gently. "You need to step back a bit and give him time to get over what happened in solitary."

"I know," Heero admitted, walking down and sitting on the steps. "He got a letter from Relena today."

Wufei smirked, sitting beside him. "Not surprising," he noted. "She can be very presumptuous."

"I just wanted to show him that what she said wasn't true...that it wasn't her I was interested in."

"I think he knows that," the Captain pointed out.

"But I've been telling him we should wait until after boot camp to work out our--relationship--and she's trying to say that when it's over, I'll run back to her." He snorted wryly. "Back to? I was never with her to begin with...the bitch." He shrugged slightly. "Duo likes to flirt and tease, and that's all I meant to do...just to show him I'm still interested."

"You sure you could have stopped at flirting?" Wufei wondered.

Heero nodded. "Look, 'Fei, if I could handle sleeping in his bunk last night, I think I can restrain myself from fucking him on the steps to the mess hall, all right?"

"Sleeping in his bunk?" came the startled reply.

"He had nightmares. We talked. We fell asleep," Heero said flatly.

"Nightmares," sighed Wufei. "See why he needs time?"

"I know. And honestly, I'm trying to be supportive without overstepping. But he's..." He glanced over his shoulder at the door to the mess hall. "God, 'Fei, he's gorgeous!"

"I suppose so," shrugged the Captain, a teasing gleam in his dark eyes. "I mean, if you're into lithe, athletic, smart, charming..."

"Stop already." Heero was having enough trouble controlling his libido without Wufei reminding him of all the things he found most attractive about Duo.

Wufei chuckled quietly. "You are hopeless, Yuy." He shook his head. "I'll warn you though. I've become quite fond of that stubborn little shit. You hurt him, and I'll take you apart piece by piece."

Heero eyed him skeptically. "You and what army?"

Wufei's eyes narrowed. "Oh, Yuy, I don't need an army." He gave a feral grin. "Perhaps I should demonstrate in sparring today."

"You're on," Heero asserted.

"And what do I get if I win?"

"Anything but Duo."

The smile widened. "Good answer." Wufei stood up, dropping a companionable hand to Heero's shoulder. "I think you should get back inside with your team, though. And just remember to take things slow until Maxwell's dealt with all his demons."

"Is that an order?"

"Friendly advice."

Heero grinned back. "Don't worry, Wufei. He means more to me than you realize." He shook his head. And clearly, more to me than I realized...

Duo didn't look up when Heero and Wufei walked in. He had finished his dessert, and was leaning on Quatre's shoulder, reading his letters from Howard and Hilde.

Captain Chang walked over and stood looking down at the boy. "Tired, Maxwell?"

Duo looked up with a weary grin. "Just a little run-down," he admitted. "Maybe I'll catch an hour's rest before obstacles."

"Sounds like a sensible idea," Chang said approvingly. "I'll tell the duty officer not to penalize you if you're a few minutes late."

"Thanks," Duo said with genuine gratitude. As proud as he was, he realized he was worn out from the ordeal in solitary and the morning's workout; he needed a little rest, and since he'd promised to take it easy, he thought he better do just that.


The boy did take a nap, while his teammates studied the plan for the capture the flag exercise they'd be participating in for the next two weeks. The first week was dedicated to research and planning. They would be provided with the mission parameters, the starting point, and the destination. In short, all the necessary information would be available to them.

The second week would consist of a cross-country race to a predetermined site. The first team there would win. They got to choose their own way, but the terrain necessitated a river crossing, some climbing, and some fairly arduous hiking. When they got near the goal, there would also be guards, booby traps, and obstacles to overcome. It was as close to a real infiltration exercise as the MSC trainers could manage without seriously endangering their young recruits. And it would count heavily towards the final team standings.


When it was time for their afternoon activities, Heero went over and reluctantly woke Duo from his nap. "C'mon, Maxwell. After obstacles, you can come to sparring and watch Chang kick my ass."

Duo blinked sleepily down at him. "Why's Wuffers gonna kick your ass?" he mumbled through a yawn.


The braided boy's lips curled in a small smile. "Yeah, Wuffers."

"When did you start calling him that?" Heero asked. "And more to the point, why are you still alive? Wufei hates nicknames."

"He didn't seem to mind it the other day at the infirmary," Duo shrugged, rolling out of his bunk and stretching.

Heero tried not to look at the bare stomach that the long stretch revealed, but it was hard not to. It was even harder not to reach out and touch it. "Do you do that on purpose?" he asked bluntly.

Duo blinked owlishly, lowering his arms. "Do what?"

"Never mind," Heero sighed. "Just hurry up and get ready. We're due at obstacles in ten minutes."

Knowing that Duo was going to participate, Captain Chang had instructed his lieutenants to keep obstacles fairly easy that week, so the braided boy had no real trouble keeping up with his teammates. And although he suspected he was being coddled a little, he was too worn out to fuss about it. In all honesty, if asked, he would have had to admit he was still not up to full strength...not by a long shot.

After obstacles, they were scheduled straightaway for sparring. And even though Duo couldn't participate, he was keenly interested in watching. Not that he expected Chang to actually spar, but he did love watching Heero get sweaty and breathless. Mmmmm. And it might be nice to help Heero get sweaty and breathless, too...

They made it to the gym with time to spare, and Duo's face lit with a smile when he saw Captain Chang dressed for sparring. "You weren't joking, Yuy! Chang really is sparring."

"I think he plans to demonstrate on me," Heero sighed.

Duo edged over a little closer to him. "This isn't cuz of earlier, is it?" He sounded just a little worried.

Heero eyed him coolly, holding back a smirk. "Don't flatter yourself, Maxwell. We aren't dueling over your honor."

"Pity," Duo muttered. "I was gonna reward the winner with a big kiss." He gave a sly glance out of the corner of his eyes.

"What if Wufei won?"

"That's what I was counting on," shrugged the braided boy, looking away so Heero couldn't see the completely teasing expression on his face.

Heero gaped for a moment, and then decided he liked it when Duo was cocky and playful like this, and he didn't want to spoil his fun. "Well...I could probably throw the match, if that's the case."

"Psh...yeah, right!" Duo scoffed, eyeing his team leader skeptically. "You couldn't lose on purpose, Yuy. It'd kill you to try."

The team leader allowed himself a smile at that. "You know me much too well Maxwell." He leaned a little closer, dropping his voice to a husky whisper. "But not nearly as well as I want you to."

Duo shot him a wary look. "Then next time you pin me to a wall, you better be ready to follow through. And nothing better interrupt."

Heero nearly groaned at the image that created. Where the hell's a handy broom closet when you need one?

Captain Chang did, indeed, win the sparring match with Heero. But only barely. And Duo teasingly lamented the fact that there'd been no wager on it all the way to supper at the mess hall.

After the meal, the boys from Team Wing went to their barracks. From there, Quatre and Trowa headed for the showers, while Duo pleaded exhaustion, and Heero elected to stay with him, using the excuse of having work to do on the laptop.


As Quatre and Trowa reached the shower building, a guard walked up to the auburn-haired boy. "Barton?"

Trowa eyed him coldly. "Yes?"

"Message for you." He passed the boy a slip of paper, and walked briskly away.

Trowa scowled, wondering what Kushrenada might be up to this time. All the note said was "Urgent message for you. Warden's office asap."

"What's it say?" Quatre asked.

"Nothing." Trowa stuffed it into his pocket. "Kushrenada wants to see me, but I don't want anything to do with that bastard any more."

Quatre frowned thoughtfully as the two headed for the showers. "Won't you get into trouble if you ignore his note?"

"I don't care."

"Trowa, I can tell that something happened between you and Kushrenada."

The green eyes widened in alarm. "Quat--"

"I mean, you were okay with him right up until a couple of days before the adoption." Quatre's eyes were filled with concern. "Did he threaten you? Or threaten to refuse the adoption or something?"

"Or something," Trowa admitted, tempted to just come clean with the blonde. "Look, Quatre, you know how much Nanashi means to me, right?"

"Yeah, you told me all about the animals you raised and trained at the circus. I know how much you love animals."

Trowa nodded, feeling a knot in his stomach. "I-I really needed to save Nanashi."

Quatre took his hand, smiling encouragingly. "And you did, Trowa. That's all that matters." A slight frown creased his forehead with worry. "But you don't seem as happy about it as I'd have expected."

"Because Kushrenada made it so--hard. Everything went so wrong," Trowa said vaguely, feeling his resolve slip away as he looked at his hand in Quatre's. If he told the blonde what he'd done to Duo--to his best friend--Quatre would hate him. "Aw, fuck. C'mon, Quatre...the others will be expecting us back. Let's hurry up and hit the showers."

Sighing at the realization that the auburn-haired boy was still withholding something, Quatre nodded.

The shower building was busy, so Trowa went first, while Quatre waited for a spot to open up. And when it was Quatre's turn, Trowa decided to obey the warden's summons and see what the man thought was so urgent. He didn't tell Quatre, but made sure a couple of the military liaisons were there to keep an eye on things, and then slipped away.

The secretary seemed to be expecting him, and gestured Trowa into the warden's office. He walked in, tossing the note onto the desk, and fixing a cold glare on the warden. "What the hell's that about?"

"Barton," crooned the tall man, smiling icily. "Good to see you."

"Bullshit, K. We've got nothing to talk about."

"Ah, but we do," insisted the warden. "Maxwell's still here."

"That's not my problem," Trowa said flatly. "The bargain was for me to cut the rope, and I did. End of story."

"No, it's not." Kushrenada strolled the length of his office, hands crossed behind his back. "Now you need to get rid of Maxwell as much as I do," he said firmly.

Trowa gave a skeptical snort. "Why on Earth would I need to do that? He's my teammate."

"He's much more than that," said the man, scowling at Trowa. "He's a murderer and a thief. And now he's under Chang's protection, which makes it all the harder for me to exact justice."

"Justice? You call letting a guard rape Maxwell justice?" Trowa asked in astonishment.

"No, I'd call shipping him off to L2 justice. And for you, it would be self-preservation. He's killed before, Barton. Do you think he'd hesitate to kill you if he knew you were the one who got him thrown in solitary? The one who set him up to be beaten and raped?"

Trowa stiffened at that. "I'd think I deserved it, if he did," he said quietly.

"Bullshit!" snarled Kushrenada. "See if you think that after I make sure he finds out what you did."

"How will you do that?" Trowa scoffed. "He wouldn't believe you anyway."

"I won't tell him. I'll arrange for him to find out," shrugged the man.

"Go the fuck ahead," Trowa challenged. "Hell, I'll save you the trouble and tell him myself. He'll believe me." He knew it was true; Duo would believe him. Duo trusted him. Poor, foolish Duo trusted a teammate who'd sold him out for the sake of a dog. And Trowa felt sick to his stomach about it.

Kushrenada's eyes narrowed. "So you aren't afraid of him. You're a fool, Barton. At age twelve he stabbed a man to death. Piss him off, and he won't hesitate to do the same to you." His tawny eyes gleamed. "Maybe I should provide him with the weapon, as well as the information. If he killed you, I'd be rid of you both, because then he'd go to L2 no matter what Chang wanted."

Trowa felt a twinge of unease as he thought of several ways the warden could dispose of him and frame Maxwell for the deed. "You try setting him up," he cautioned, "and you better make it perfect this time, because Chang won't be fooled by a slipshod frame job like the rope cutting."

The warden's chuckle was malevolent. "I'm tempted, Barton. But that would be a last resort." He shrugged elaborately. "I have other ways of making you work for me." He turned and pinned a tawny glare on the boy. "How would you like your supply of pain killers to dry up?"

The widening of Trowa's eyes gave him away.

"Yes, Barton, I know about that," Kushrenada crooned. "Who do you think has been supplying your supplier?" He smiled slowly. "As a matter of fact, you must be running a little low right about now."


"Me." Kushrenada incorrectly read Trowa's expression as fear and desperation. "So, here's the deal. You help me set up Maxwell, or I cut you off, and you get to enjoy the rather exquisite pain of withdrawal."

"You fucking bastard!" Trowa spat coldly. "I could just tell Chang you're dealing drugs and be done with it."

"Ah, yes, and you'd promptly be on your way to L3 for possession of narcotics, while I pleaded complete ignorance. Believe me, Barton, I've covered my tracks very well."

Trowa hesitated at that, knowing what the warden said was true.

"I see I'm getting through to you," Kushrenada observed. He walked over and tucked a small envelope into the auburn-haired boy's hand. "You go on back to your barracks, Barton. I'll be in touch when I'm ready to use you. Understand?"

Trowa frowned in thought, his fist clenching around the packet of pills. If he flat-out refused, he stood no chance at all. But if he played along, he could at least buy time. And maybe this time, he could maneuver his way out of the mess he was headed into. He nodded reluctantly.

"And, Barton? Don't even think about reneging on this deal. I could order a random barracks search at any time, and issue you a one-way ticket to prison on the spot." Kushrenada smiled smugly, feeling that he had the boy neatly cornered yet again.

Trowa made his escape as quickly as possible, hurrying to get back to the showers before Quatre noticed him missing.


Shortly after Quatre and Trowa left, Duo started getting ready for bed, more exhausted than he'd realized. Deciding it might be another long night if Duo's nightmares returned, Heero went into the bathroom to do the same.

When he came back out, Duo was sitting on the lower bunk, comb in hand and hair half-unbraided. The boy from L2 was yawning widely, eyes half-lidded, with the fingers of one hand tangled in his hair as he worked at it.

With a small smile, Heero walked over and plucked the comb from Duo's loose grasp. He settled onto the bunk beside Duo, who was looking at him from under heavy lashes. There was a faintly quizzical look in the indigo eyes as Duo stifled another yawn.

Heero disentangled the braided boy's fingers from his hair and took it in his free hand. "May I?"

A trace of a smile touched Duo's lips, and he blinked sleepily. "Y'want your hair combing privileges back?"

Heero nodded. "Please." His deep blue eyes were filled with longing.

Duo's smile widened, even as a faint blush crept up his cheeks. "Since you asked so nicely..." he murmured, giving a small nod. He kept his eyes on Heero's face as the Japanese boy carefully loosened the braid and began gently combing. And as sleepy as he was, Duo was tempted to reach out and run his hands through the messy brown hair on the head that was bent over its task so studiously.

Instead, he folded his hands in his lap, and simply watched as the team leader skillfully worked his way up the long chestnut locks. And when he got to Duo's shoulders, he gently turned him around so he could reach the rest of the thick hair.

The braided boy made a pleased sound as gentle hands ran through the sides of his hair, followed by the comb. And then Heero pulled him back against his chest, turned just far enough sideways that he could keep combing.


When Quatre and Trowa arrived a while later, they found Duo curled up sound asleep against Heero's chest, with the team leader stroking the smooth, flowing hair, his expression as peaceful as they'd ever seen it. In fact, he looked almost asleep himself, his eyes half-closed in bliss.

The motion he made as he looked up at the new arrivals made Duo awaken just enough to grumble and bury his face deeper into Heero's shoulder.

"Baka, you need to go to bed," Heero said quietly.

Duo smiled to himself, loving the way the other boy's voice rumbled in his chest. "Don' wanna," he mumbled, snuggling closer.

Quatre cocked his head, amusement in the aquamarine eyes. "Just lie down, Heero, and let him sleep. He looks exhausted." He walked over and pulled the blanket off Duo's bunk, draping it over both boys. "Go on. He needs you there," he said gently.

Heero carefully eased down onto the pillow, keeping an arm around Duo to hold him close as he wrapped them in the blanket. He glanced up at Quatre, giving a small smile at the thumbs up the blonde gave him. "I don't want to hear anything from you two in the morning," he whispered.

"Psh, yeah right," Trowa muttered, smirking and shaking his head. He looked at the sleeping boy curled up against Heero's chest, his green eyes softening. Suddenly knowing exactly what he had to do, he walked into the bathroom, pulled the small envelope from his pocket and tossed it into the toilet. He flushed twice to be sure it was gone for good, and then looked at the mirror. "Well, asshole," he said in a whisper. "Kushrenada's got nothing to use against you now, except the truth. And as soon as you get the balls to confess, he won't even have that."

He ran a hand back through his hair, sighing deeply. Then he walked out and went to his bunk to try to get a decent night's sleep.



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