Author's note: Sorry this part is so short. And yes, be amazed, I plan to finish this story this week. Finally! Hehe, bet you al thought I'd forgotten about it. :P

The Vacation Part 3

Duo walked into the other room and found Heero sitting by himself at the window, staring out at the sky. Duo shut the door behind him and walked slowly toward his friend.

"You don't have to sneak around, I know you're here," Heero muttered quietly, not taking his eyes from the window.

Duo dropped onto the bed and looked at his friend. "So what's with the self pity all of a sudden? I've never known you to look so guilty before."

Heero shook his head. "I left CLAMP Campus to train as a pilot. I never planned on coming back..." he trailed off.

"Let me guess. You and Sakura had something going-"

Heero looked up in surprise and turned to face Duo, his eyes wide.

"Let me finish, k? You and Sakura had something going on and then you got assigned to becoming a gundam pilot. You left, without saying much of a good-bye, and went to train. During the war all you were trained to worry about was your mission and so you didn't keep up contact. And now we're back here and you feel guilty. Am I right?"

Heero nodded. "I feel like I owe her something."

"Well, Heero, you kinda do."

Heero's eyes narrowed just the smallest amount.

"Think about it? From what I've heard so far you and Sakura were pretty good friends, even if you started off as rivals. Whether there was something else to that relationship or not you do owe her an apology for leaving so quickly."

Heero snorted and walked away from the window, running a nervous hand through his unruly hair. "Since when did you start dealing out advice on emotional matters?"

Duo stuck out his tongue. "Since you started to look like you needed it. Now quit moping about and go apologize, or do I have to grab you by your tank top and pull you out there?"

Heero still frowned. "Duo, if I go out and apologize... I'm going to hurt her by telling her about us."

Duo nodded, solemnly. "Take my advice on this one Heero. Not knowing and finding out later would hurt her more."


Sakura yawned and stood up, walking over to the chair where Heero had been sitting. Kneeling down she picked up the three cards lying forgotten on the floor. Frowning she pulled her own deck out of her purse.

"Kero, how did Li- I mean Heero get three of my cards?"

Kero flew over and hovered near her shoulder. "It makes sense, kind of. I mean he is still a descendant of Clow Reed so he should still be able to call the cards. Though they aren't nearly as powerful for him as they are for you. Especially now that you've transformed them into Sakura Cards."

Sakura nodded and placed the three cards in the case with the rest of her deck. She and the others in the room all turned as Heero and Duo stepped back into the room. Sakura bit her lip.

"Yuy, you got tea in this place?"

Heero glanced to Wufei in surprise, but was glad that this Chinese pilot was still keeping Meiling occupied. "In the cupboard next to the fridge."

"Good," Wufei muttered as he walked past them, Meiling still attached to his arm. As soon as they left the room Heero turned back to Sakura.

For a moment the two just looked at each other in silence, with Duo, Kero and Tomoyo waiting for something to happen. Finally Duo nudged Heero in the gut with his elbow and broke the silence spell.

"Sorry," Heero muttered.

Sakura's eyes widened. "S-sorry?"

Heero nodded.

"For leaving and not telling, things... came up." Heero's voice faded out and he looked away, seeming completely embarrassed. Duo was trying his best to keep from laughing, the great and mighty Heero Yuy could take on OZ without a second thought but when dealing with girls he reverted to a shy little ten-year-old. It was almost too cute for words.

Sakura smiled. "Thanks, but you don't have to apologize, Li. Erm, Heero. I've seen the news, I've heard about the Gundams and the war. It's kind of nice to know that you were part of that. Doesn't make me feel so bad for just hiding here on campus."

Tomoyo stepped forward and smiled. "I wish we could have gone with you. Recording the gundams would have been so cool!"

Sakura laughed but then her smile wilted. "Heero, about us... before..."

Heero opened his mouth but bit back the denial. He knew he had to get this over with, and now was as good a time as any.

Sakura tangled her fingers together in embarrassment and concentrated on the floor, trying to gather her courage. Behind her Tomoyo stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder.

"What she means to say, Heero, is that, well..."

"Tomoyo and I are..." Sakura and Tomoyo both dropped into awkward silence as Heero raised a curious eyebrow.

"You mean you two are... a couple?" He asked quietly.

Sakura and Tomoyo nodded.

From behind Heero Duo let out a laugh. "Oh man, would you guys stop with the emotional angst? Its gonna kill me here."

Heero shot Duo a glare, but he couldn't resist a small smile. He turned that smile back to Sakura and Tomoyo, silently very happy Duo had managed to lighten the mood.

"You... you're not mad?" Sakura asked timidly.

Heero shook his head.

Sakura's eyes brightened up. "Great! I mean I thought you'd be angry or something after you left and I'd promised to keep that bear and all."

Duo stepped forward and placed a hand on Heero's shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. "Heh, you're not the only one who's got a new koibito."

The eyes of both girls widened and Kero flew right up to Duo's face, his small button eyes growing huge. "You're kidding right?! You and Li are a couple?" He turned to look at Heero. "You and that jokester are a couple?"

Heero's eyes narrowed. "Not that a stuffed animal should care."

Kero growled angrily and jumped forward to bite Heero's finger, instead Heero snapped his hand around and caught Kero by the tail, keeping him a safe distance away.

"Are you really a couple?" Tomoyo asked Duo.

Duo nodded. "Have been for a while now."

"Great!" Tomoyo clapped her hands together. "Then everything's solved and everyone is happy."

Heero shook his head. "Not quite." He turned to Duo. "I wouldn't suggest telling my cousin in the other room that we're a couple. If she finds out she may want your head on a pike."

Duo swallowed hard and nodded, his grin only wilting slightly. "Note taken. And I retract my comment from earlier. She is worse then Relena."

"You have no idea."


Akira looked over to Quatre with a big grin as he set the tea down at the table. "So you're actually fighting in the colony wars with a gundam?"

Quatre smiled and took a sip of his tea. "Yes, but its not that exciting. In fact it's pretty scary at times."

Nokoru closed his fan and reached for a small piece of cake that Akira had also brought. "As guilty as I feel about it I'm glad we have enough funds to keep the campus free from the war.

Quatre nodded. "I agree. No need to feel guilty. It's nice to know that when this war is ended the students here at CLAMP Campus can step in and help repair the world. Relena Peacecraft has great intentions, but in reality we'll also need the students from this school to help rebuild everything."

Souh rubbed his chin. "It does seem the best way of going about things. In any case it seems to be working."

Behind them, on Nokoru's student council desk, the phone rang. Akira jumped out of his seat and raced to answer it. He set it back down a minute later and smiled. "It seems the circus has completed set up. They request that we look everything over before announcing they are open."

Nokoru smiled and stood up, flipping out his fan, which now held a smiling blowfish face. "Good, shall we head down?"

Quatre and Souh both stood up, nodding their agreement. Souh took the lead with Akira bouncing along happily behind him. Nokoru fell into step with his slightly older cousin. "And you can introduce me to this 'Trowa' I've heard so much about."

Quatre looked away quickly as a blush covered his cheeks. Nokoru chuckled and just smiled innocently.



Fuu looked up from her book to see Hiraku and Umi racing toward her, smiling happily. She smiled back and stood up, brushing the stray sakura petals from school uniform. "What are you two so happy about?"

"Did you hear?" Hiraku demanded as they stopped in front of her. "There's a circus today! Nokoru-senpai just announced it over the loud speaker. And all classes have been cancelled so the entire campus can attend!"

"We should get good seats," Umi added in.

Fuu dropped her book in her bag and nodded. "All right, lets go then."

"Puu puu!"

All three girls turned to look at the sakura tree Fu had been leaning against, to see Mokona bouncing on one of the branches. The white rabbit bounced around a little more then jumped down and landed in Hiraku's arms. All three girls laughed.

"I guess you can come too," Hiraku said, hugging the little ball of white fluff.


"Come on, or there won't be any seats left."



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