Song Bird Part 2

It was almost a week and half before Heero got back to the club. Classes, work and the need to keep track of his money kept him away for longer then he wished, but when he finally did return he knew it was worth it. This time, unlike the others, he'd actually attempted to blend in just a little. He'd replaced his jeans with a pair of black pants that weren't too fancy but yet weren't normal street wear. He'd also managed to convince himself to wear a relatively new sweater in a dark blue. He wasn't used to the clothing but it certainly seemed to help him fit in more among the tall and large businessmen.

After passing another wad of cash to the doorman he made his way to the same table he'd taken before, near the front yet off to the side so he didn't draw any unwanted attention. Settling down at the table he surveyed the smoky atmosphere and the people within. He hadn't expected them to change, but rather he was looking for certain people in particular. Eventually he found the ones who had made the most fuss the other night and mentally mapped out a plan of escape in case things erupted again. He knew he could get through the back entrance again where that strange room was but he wanted a backup plan just in case. He was used to coming up with backup plans for practically everything, it was part of how he was raised. One was supposed to be in control in all situations, so he usually tried to make sure he was.

Just as he finished mapping a possible escape route the lights dimmed and the room fell into complete silence. Heero's eyes widened and he watched in awe as the boy stepped out from behind the curtain. Everyone seemed to hold their breaths, he was magnificent.

With timid steps the boy moved across the stage to the center, the thin fabric of his clothing whispering around him. Like all the other times Heero had seen him he once again was wearing a dress in the traditional Japanese style. But this time it was completely black, with sparkling red thread embroidery. Designs of elegant feathers decorated the edges, falling from the top to sweeping lines along the boarders. His long hair was pulled back into an intricate set of braids, exposing the simmering blood red feather which hung from one ear. A scarf of matching red material was wrapped around his neck and traveled down his left arm.

Heero blinked in surprise as he realized that the boy's left arm was twisted slightly, hugging the side of his body as if the boy were in pain. Noticing this broke the small spell the boy had cast on Heero and he frowned. What had happened to the boy's arm? Had he hurt it? And if so why wasn't there evidence of him seeing a doctor.

No one else seemed to notice, or if they did they didn't seem to care. Instead all eyes concentrated on the boy as he just stood there, watching the crowd. His deep violet eyes scanned the crowd and he took one last breath. Then he opened his mouth and began to sing.

As before the sound was like a physical wave flowing lightly over the audience as they all watched in mute amazement. Heero smiled and leaned back in his chair, listening to the amazing music, even though he noticed it was different. At first he couldn't pinpoint the difference, it was so subtle, but after a while he couldn't help but notice.

The boy was acting timid, not just in his movements but also in his singing. It was almost as if he were afraid of something, for all his motions and notes were guarded, careful and quiet. And as the boy sang his eyes continued to scan the crowd, showing a child-like fear buried deep inside.

About the middle of the first song the boy's eyes finally reached Heero and he blinked in surprise, the emotion very apparent on his face, though it didn't interrupt his song. In fact, the moment the boy set eyes on where Heero sat a small smile crossed his lips and his notes seemed to strengthen. Heero couldn't help but flash a small smile back.

Whatever passed between them in those few seconds began a chain reaction. The boy's manner changed almost completely, his sounds becoming more sure and his movements not so guarded. It was almost as if Heero had broken down some wall he'd put up, and for the better.

The rest of the night the boy sang beautifully, growing more bold with each song, the notes dancing around the room with a tone enough to make the audience shiver. The notes were intoxicating, more so then any other drink or drug could be. Heero found himself hardly breathing, just leaning back in the chair and his eyes seeing nothing but the boy on the stage. The rest of the world faded out into darkness, leaving only the singing beautifully before him.

He watched every movement, every sway, his entire world consisted of nothing but the boy before him, and he found himself practically praying the boy would never stop singing.

However, that wish was one that could not be granted. After only a handful of songs the boy stopped, letting the sound drift away with a single sweet note. Heero watched sorrowfully as the boy regained his timid nature, leaning forward into a bow and then retreating behind the thick curtains.

Heero blinked and the world settled back in. His body felt stiff from sitting in one position for so long and he stood up, rubbing the back of his neck. Leaning against the table he watched the rest of the audience stand up and head for the door. The show was over and apparently there was nothing else worth staying for, so the majority of the men headed for the door. Heero was thinking about heading for the door but decided to wait. Instead he watched all the men filter out of the club until he was practically the last one, then he finally followed.

The night he stepped out into the alley feeling strange. The echoes of the boy's song played over and over in his head as he headed back to campus. He couldn't get the song out of his mind, nor did he have any reason to. But something other then the song also bugged him. Something about the way the boy stood, his arm. What had happened to him to make him so timid? Heero shuddered to think of the possibilities but he wanted to know. He really wanted to know...

Upon reaching his dorm room he scolded himself for being so irrational. He had no business digging into the boy's life. It was someone else's life, not his own. He knew it was better to leave it all alone, and he would just have to live with that decision. Sighing he crawled into bed and fell asleep to images of the boy swaying on the stage, singing and dancing with him.


Duo sat in the back room of the club, one hand clutching the rope of the swing while he lay his head against it. His eyes were glazed over as he stared at the wall, his thoughts elsewhere. Behind him Zechs stood, gently pulling a brush through his long hair, meticulously making sure there wasn't a single tangle. The tall blond man hummed softly as he did this, attempting to echo Duo's beautiful songs.

The boy only vaguely heard the song. He remembered a time, very long ago, when Zechs had actually sung with him, teaching him how to use his voice to its full potential, but he never did that now. Now Zechs just took care of him, brushing his hair and dressing him up like some expensive doll that could still walk and talk. Well, walk anyway.

Since the incident that night Duo hadn't said one word to Zechs. It wasn't out of stubbornness or rebellion, but fear. He had nothing to say to the man and after what had happened he found it hard to sleep at night, afraid that while he was sleeping Zechs would open the bars again and proceed to hurt him. He spent the nights curled in his corner of cushions, his eyes staring at Zechs' bed until they hurt and he was forced to close them. He watched the man with haunted looks, afraid and wary of him. The daily and nightly rituals of brushing hair and changing clothes passed in silence, neither talking.


Duo blinked his eyes back into focus but otherwise didn't answer. He just waited for Zechs to continue.

The blond man sighed. "This has to end, this mood you're in. It's effecting your show."

Duo swallowed hard. He couldn't imagine going back to normal, not after what Zechs had done to him, not after what had happened. Not realizing it he shook his head and hugged himself tightly, wincing at the pain, which still flowed, through his arm. He froze as he heard the brush behind him drop to the ground and Zechs circled round to face him.

Timid violet eyes glanced up into the man's eyes and quickly looked away with fear.

Zechs growled in frustration. "This is unacceptable. You know how much your show means, if you fail in performances we lose everything, which means you won't have all this anymore. This attitude stops now!"

Duo swallowed very hard and nodded, he tried to form words with his throat but they just refused to come, he couldn't gather up the courage anymore.

Zechs growled and grabbed Duo's injured arm. Duo cried out and jumped forward, trying to minimize the harm done to his already hurt arm, he found himself leaning against Zechs and holding his breath in fear.

"This will cease. Understand?"

"Y-yes," Duo forced out, his voice sounded very weak, even to himself.

Zechs released his arm and Duo stepped back slowly. He paused for a moment to see if the man would react then retreated to the other end of the large cage, huddling in the corner and holding his injured arm, while wild and frightened eyes watched Zechs.

The man frowned and headed for the door, slamming it shut behind him with a loud clank of metal. "And get some sleep tonight, you're starting to get circles under your eyes, it's not good for your looks."

With those words Zechs hit the lights. The room was flooded with darkness, save for the small streams of moonlight, which crept into the room through the shaded windows. Duo cowered in his corner as the dark silhouette of Zechs stripped of his clothes and crawled into his large bed. The man rolled over on his side and soon was drifting off toward sleep.

Duo just sat there for a long time, clutching his screaming arm and biting his bottom lip. He hated his life. Hated it! Once upon a time he'd actually thought he was happy, but not now. He might have been before but all that was gone now. The night Zechs had hurt him he'd lost everything he'd ever treasured in his life. He'd always thought of Zechs as someone who cared about him, someone different from those nameless faces that always appeared at the club to watch him sing. He'd thought Zechs was different...

But now he knew he wasn't. Zechs was just like them, just like all of them. Well, almost all of them...

Duo closed his eyes and replayed the scene in his head, the scene before Zechs had hurt him. In his mind's eyes he watched the door to the stage swing open and a boy step into the room, glancing around nervously. He didn't know the boy's name, nor anything about him, but he knew this boy was different. Everything about him seemed very different. The boy was nothing like Zechs, and even better he came from outside the club, from a world that was completely different from everything Duo had ever known, seen or even heard about.

His violet eyes slid open as his mind entertained a wild thought. He could leave couldn't he? He could walk up to the door of his cage and undo the lock, quietly so no one would hear, and then sneak out of the room. He could leave the same way the boy had; it wouldn't be that hard would it? No, it couldn't be.

He shook his head quickly and glanced to where Zechs lay. No, it wasn't worth the risk, if he was caught...

Things couldn't possibly get any worse.

Zechs had already hurt him and the man could hurt him again, probably worse, but it wouldn't change things. His world had already been shattered once; you couldn't shatter what was already lying on the ground in pieces.

Slowly, and very carefully, Duo stood up from his place in the corner. On quiet, bare feet crept across the floor to the barred door. With a careful hand he reached through the small openings with his thin fingers, moving them over the lock. He could feel the latch and could almost reach it...

A click echoed through the room and Duo froze, holding his breath. His ears hurt as he strained to hear everything. Had it been too loud? Had it woken Zechs? But no, there weren't any sounds coming from the bed aside from Zechs even breathing, he was still sleeping.

Duo took a long breath, trying to calm himself down, and pushed on the door. It swung open slowly, guided by his hands until there was just enough room for him to squeeze out. He stepped out onto the floor beyond the cage and his eyes immediately moved to the door at the other side of the room. He knew that would make noise when he opened it, so his only chance was to open it quickly and race out, away from the club and not look back. Gathering up what little courage he could muster Duo walked toward the door, his long black dress brushing over the floor in soft whispers.

Upon reaching the door he thought of nothing else. Without even a glance back he threw open the door and raced out into the unfamiliar world. His feet hurt on the cold ground and the wind tore at his clothes and bare arms, but he didn't stop. He didn't even know if he'd woken Zechs nor if the man was following him.

He just ran.



Heero glanced up from the shelves of books to see his Professor standing behind him, a small pile of books in hand. Heero quickly set down the one he was glancing through and took the pile, setting it on the pile of ones he still had to sort through. "For the Psy 124 class, right?" He asked, after glancing at the covers.

The Professor nodded. "Right, remember they are due in a couple of hours."

"No problem, almost done."

"Good. Oh, and this is also yours." The Professor pulled a thick key from his pocket and tossed it at Heero, the boy caught it easily and pocketed it. "That's the key to the main reference room in the back. Now you won't have to hunt me down each time someone requests something from there."

Heero nodded and went back to work. He knew the Professor, having worked for him for a good year now. The man wasn't in the habit of ending conversations politely, rather his subjects just died when there was nothing else to talk about, which was fine with Heero. He didn't even look up as the man left the isle of books; he had a job to do.

Moving quickly Heero retrieved the last of the books from his list and placed them on the cart, double-checking the list once more. This was the final load for him to deliver and then he was done for the day, free to head back to his dorm room and finish off his homework.

After loading the entire cart he wheeled it down to the front doors, pausing to slide on his coat, and then pushed it out on to the sidewalk. His job included wheeling the carts to the classroom where the professors had their classes as well as putting the books on the carts. Lucky for him most professors didn't ask for carts during the winter, because wheeling them along snow covered sidewalks was a pain in the ass. However, it was still fall and it wasn't quite cold enough for snow yet. Zipping up his coat he pushed the creaking cart down the sidewalk toward the buildings for delivery.

Generally when he delivered books he let his mind wander on various things. Perhaps to homework he was supposed to do, or things that had to be taken care of for other parts of his job or books to read. Most of the time it was mundane things that really didn't require thinking about, but he did anyway.

However, lately, he'd found himself reminiscing about the times he'd seen the boy singing. It had gotten to the point where he had pictured the scenes so often he didn't even need to close his eyes anymore, the image of the boy singing just seemed to superimpose itself over the tall brick buildings, passing students and smooth concrete sidewalks.

Well, that certainly explained why he didn't see the person standing in front of him, the cart hitting their back. Heero snapped out of his daydream as the one he hit whimpered quietly and turned around. Violet eyes met cobalt and Heero gasped in surprise.



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