Marked for Death Part 4

There was no time for thought. No time to consider what had happened nor who had been involved and why. Instead all Duo could think about was that his childhood friend, the only one who had ever been allowed to talk to him for most of his life, was now in danger. And Heero was threatening him no less!

No, mustn't think about that.

Mustn't think about the fact that it was Heero.

Duo dove forward into the room, bolting for Wufei's bed as fast as he could. He completely forgot about the wounds on his back and completely ignored the fact that he left the door wide open. Instead he was counting on surprising Heero in order to stop him.

At the same time that Duo charged forward Heero whirled around and threw the small red blade in his hand. It made a whistling sound as it spun through the air, straight at Duo. The move had been reflex, done only in consideration of protecting his life. Only after he threw the blade did he realize it was Duo he'd thrown it at.

Luckily Duo threw himself to the ground in time to avoid the spinning red blade. It hit the stone wall behind him with a loud thunk and Heero winced in what seemed like pain. A second later Duo was back on his feet and he slammed his body into Heero, knocking them both to the floor on the other side of Wufei's bed.

Duo landed with a cry of pain as some of the nearly healed cuts on his back broke open, but he managed to mostly ignore it. Raising his fist he brought it down hard against Heero's face, causing the boy's head to hit the stone floor and his eyes to shut.

Heero was knocked unconscious.

Duo sat up and took a deep shuttering breath, forcing himself to relax. Adrenaline pumped through his body and he was now wide awake, but the pain from his now lightly bleeding back seemed to be what he needed to calm down and mentally retrace what had just happened. Panting lightly he leaned back against the side of Wufei's bed and ran a hand through his bangs.

Meanwhile Wufei slowly moved in the bed and leaned over next to him, his wide black eyes travelling from Duo to Heero's still body on the floor. Carefully he stepped out of his bed and knelt next to the fallen servant boy. Reaching beside him he took a candle from the bedside table and lit it, holding the flame so they both could see.

Before them they could now see Heero's markings in the dim light. Tattoos of various shapes and sizes now covered his arms, all artistic yet blade like in appearance. The strange designs were made with a metallic looking ink which had been tattooed into his skin. Most of the blades were of smaller size, though many were curved so they could double as throwing weapons.

Wufei frowned. "Those markings were not on his arms the day he arrived."

Duo shook his head. "I've never seen them... he didn't even wear sleeves. There was no way he could have hid them." He said in between gasping for breath. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, he didn't hurt me. I think he only intended to have me answer his question..."

Duo winced and sat up more, feeling the cuts in his back strain more. "Question?"

Wufei nodded. "He asked about Sorata-"


Both boys looked up to see a very worried Darrin standing in the doorway, holding a candle in his hand to light his way. Rumpled sleeping clothes hung over his tall body and his eyes blinked away his sleepiness. Yet, almost immediately his eyes fixed on the fallen form of Heero, whose tattoos were illuminated in the candlelight.

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped a bit. "A Marked One?"

Wufei's eyes narrowed and he stood up, meeting eyes with the surprised advisor. He feared he knew exactly what would come next.

"A Marked One has tried to assassinate the prince," Darrin murmured.

"OUT!" Wufei yelled at the advisor, causing the man to jump and jerk around to face him.


"I said OUT!!" Wufei nearly screamed at the man.

Darrin jerked once more, but this time he listened and raced out of the room, pulling the door shut behind him. Wufei growled out an angry curse and raced to his wardrobe. Throwing open the doors he quickly began changing into his clothes. He tossed a black shirt and a black set of pants to his very confused Shadow.


"Put them on, now! We need to get out of here as soon as possible. No doubt he'll realize exactly how to use this situation-" Wufei growled again and nearly ripped the shirt over his shoulders. Digging in the back of the wardrobe he brought out two thick cloth bags which jingled with coins and attached them to his belt.

Duo slipped on the clothes given to him, leaving his nightclothes to lie on the floor, still blinking in confusion.

"Can you carry him?" Wufei asked, gesturing toward Heero's still body as he rushed across the room to one of the tapestries that covered the wall.

"Why?" Duo asked in an angry voice.

"No time. We need to leave, now! And we're taking him with us!" Wufei pulled back the tapestry and slammed his fist into the wall. Duo watched in amazement as a section of the wall moved to reveal a long dark tunnel. A secret passage!

Duo walked over and picked up Heero's body, tossing it over one shoulder, but not before he'd taken two long belts of cloth and bound the boy's arms and legs. Wufei rushed over and helped him tie a gag over the servant boy's mouth, then beckoned him toward the passage, holding the tapestry aside.

"I still don't understand..." Duo murmured, stepping into the dark passageway.

Wufei stepped in after him and pushed the piece of wall back into place. This cut off what was left of their light and Wufei had to grope for Duo's hand, before he could start leading them down the passage.

"Fei..." Duo said softly.

"Before the Burnings," Wufei said in a soft voice, low enough so the echo was minimal. "They used to assign a Marked One to each and every king. That Marked One was hidden among the king's men and was there to assassinate the king if he ever made a decree or endangered the life of his people so much that they warranted it right to kill him."

"Heero meant to kill you then?"

Wufei shook his head, though he knew Duo couldn't see the movement in the complete darkness. "I don't know. But I am quite sure that's exactly how Darrin will interpret it. Before, if a king were ever to survive a Marked One's attack and that survival was discovered he would be cast out. That's why all of the Marked Ones were chased out with the Izardl, they threatened the king's power."

The two boys stumbled over a small area of uneven ground as the passageway began to descend. Wufei grasped Duo's hand tightly and used his other to trail along the wall. He had never been more grateful of the fact that he'd memorized these passages when he was very young, because now they were most likely the only thing that would keep them alive long enough to escape.

Wufei heard Duo gasp slightly behind him. "Duo?"

"It all makes sense now. You told him you'd sent out messengers after your father didn't you?"

"Yes," Wufei murmured darkly. "He was probably the one who murdered them. Either he didn't want them to find my father-"

"Or he didn't want them to find your father's dead body." Duo finished in a harsh voice. "Then he planned all of this!"


Both boys froze in their steps as they heard voices beyond them, on the other side of the wall. Darrin's voice was very clear through the stone walls, above the sound of muffled guards and armor clicking together.

"Find them! The prince was attacked by a Marked One! Find him and his Shadow and bring them to me at once!"

Wufei's eyes narrowed and he gave a very low growl. Tugging on Duo's arm he urged them both to move faster. There were so close to the wall now. The problem was the passage didn't completely go outside, it would have been unsafe. So once they came to the exit they would have to find a way to cross the castle courtyard and get out of the gates. Or maybe he was wrong... maybe the passage would take him outside the castle. Perhaps the previous kings hadn't filled it in. He could only hope.

The two hurried as fast as they dared. Heero remained completely unconscious as he lay limply over Duo's shoulder, so he made no sound. The two boys were doing a good job of not stumbling in the complete darkness but it was taking a toll on their speed. They had to hurry. Every minute longer they were in the passage was another minute they could be found or caught. And that wasn't even considering the possibility that Darrin and his guards might already know about this passage and may be waiting on the other side for them. Wufei hoped desperately that wasn't the case.

"I smell water."

Wufei paused and sniffed the air, acknowledging that it had gained a musty flavor, the smell of a rainstorm. Their steps slowed as they continued and the smell of fresh but water air assaulted their nostrils. They were near the outside.

Both boys remained silent, knowing their lives depended on them not being heard or found.

Turning around a corner the sounds of dropping water and crashing thunder overhead grew quite clear. In front of them lightning flashed and for a moment the passage was lit up slightly. Both boys froze and held their breaths... but they saw no other signs of life.

Wufei ventured toward the opening first, sticking his head out and looking around. He nearly gave a cry of joy as he found that the passage had in fact led them outside the castle walls. The only problem was that they were several feet from the ground, and the jump didn't look to be hospitable at all. Still, there were no signs of guards or Darrin... only very deep mud and high growing reeds.

He turned back to where Duo was waiting. Touching Duo's hand he led him to the door and motioned that they would have to jump. Duo nodded and took Heero down from his shoulders. He set the silent servant boy on the ground and jumped through the opening first. His feet immediately caught on the mud and he was sent tumbling into the weeds, rolling over and over until he was nearly covered from head to toe.

Duo's violet eyes searched the landscape for any sign of movement. It took him a moment but he figured they were somewhere behind the castle, a good long walk from the city and the main gate. He wasn't sure if that would work to their advantage or not.

Standing up he made his way through the mud and pouring rain back to the opening. He held up his arms and grunted softly as he caught the limp servant boy. Then Wufei jumped out of the opening after him and the two took off away from the castle.

Wufei could scarcely believe they'd made it out with their lives.

Now they only had to worry about surviving long enough to find a place to hide and plan what they were going to do. Not to mention that they would have a whole new set of problems when Heero woke up...


The first thing he noticed was the pounding ache in the back of his head. His entire head throbbed from a hard impact he'd sustained earlier, but he didn't seem to be bleeding, least not as far as he could tell. Joined to that pain was the stinging burn of the torn skin on his arm.

Torn skin?

Without moving or showing any sign that he was awake Heero retraced his memories. When had he torn the skin from his shoulder? The pain was like a red-hot coal placed against his skin and the cold air didn't make it any better. He remembered sneaking into the prince's bedroom and asking the question he'd come to learn. He remembered removing his weapon from his shoulder... and he remembered it hitting hard and painfully into the stone wall of the prince's bedroom. That's where his torn skin had come from, from the fact that he hadn't returned the weapon to its rightful place.

Heero turned his attention to his body and what else he could discern of his current situation without moving or opening his eyes. He knew he was still wearing the tunic which had been chosen as his disguise and he could feel a cloth stretched over his mouth. He was gagged. He couldn't be sure but he had little doubt that his legs and arms were tied as well. He suppressed the urge to growl in frustration.

He shouldn't have been caught off guard by Duo. That wasn't how things should have happened! Duo should have stayed in bed from his injuries; the Shadow shouldn't have gotten involved!

He could smell the night air and the sweet strong scent of hay. He knew he was lying on hay, but it wasn't the kind one used to line a dungeon. Not to mention that if he'd been in a dungeon he most likely wouldn't have been bound and gagged.

Where could he be?

A stable?

It took concentration, but eventually he could make out the sounds of horses nearby. Yes, a stable.

He could also hear two people.

One of those people moved and Heero could hear the footsteps approaching. Then something hit him hard in the gut and he couldn't keep in the small cry. He groaned, trying to roll away and protect himself. However he ended up rolling over and letting the hay touch his torn patch of skin. Heero bit his tongue to keep from crying out from the pain.

"Wake up."

The voice was cold and quiet; full of anger and hatred but Heero immediately recognized it. Opening his eyes he stared up in surprise at a very angry looking Duo, partially illuminated by low candle light from behind him.

"Duo," Wufei said almost in a scolding tone. "Don't hurt him."

"Why not?! He nearly tried to kill you! Not to mention that we're now being hunted down because of him, I think I have the right to kick him at least."

Heero blinked in confusion. He understood part of what Duo said, about him trying to kill Wufei, but them now being hunted? What had happened while he was unconscious?

Wufei stood up in the light, his royal clothes covered with a thin layer of mud, as was Duo. The prince knelt down next to the servant boy and narrowed his eyes. "I'm going to take away the gag and I suggest, for all our sakes, you remain silent. If we're found all of us will be killed. All of us." He put quite an emphasis on the word 'all' and Heero nodded slowly, hoping to show he had no intention of calling for help.

The prince reached behind Heero's head and untied the gag, letting the coarse cloth fall away. Heero immediately gulped up what air he could and swallowed a few times, trying to clear his dry throat. But he remained true to his word and didn't say a single word, he simply watched the two boys with careful eyes. He hadn't intended to get caught.

"You had better explain yourself and fast," Duo bit out.

"What happened?" Heero asked in a soft voice. He knew the voice wasn't at all like the one they were used to from a servant. There was no point in him pretending any more so he discarded the act easily. He spoke to them in his normal, cold and dead voice. He wasn't a servant, they weren't his superiors and even though they may have control of the situation currently he wasn't about to treat them like they'd won.

"Why did you try to kill Fei?" Duo shot back.

Wufei raised his hand to silence his friend in a quiet gesture. Duo let out a sigh of frustration and dropped onto the hay next to them, giving a small wince of pain. Heero noted that whatever they'd been through probably had hurt Duo's back, causing a few of the cuts to reopen. He couldn't imagine how bad the damage was though, he'd been unconscious the whole time.

"Why were you in my room?" Wufei asked in a calm voice, still the anger showed. It was just calmer in his eyes. He had obviously been trained on how to deal with those who couldn't be trusted.

"I was sent to find Sorata. Where is he?"

Wufei's eyes widened lightly. From behind him Duo's face turned curious and he glanced at the two.

"I don't know," Wufei replied softly after a moment.

"What happened to him?"

Duo turned away and closed his eyes, as if entertaining a memory. "He disappeared... nearly eight years ago. One night he was there and then when we woke up the next morning... he was no where to be found."

Heero closed his eyes and took a few low breaths to calm himself. Yet inside he was screaming. He had taken this mission knowing what the worst possible outcome was but he had hoped it wouldn't be true. In the end it had been too late.

"Sorata is dead then," he said softly.

Wufei nodded. "Most likely."

Heero just cursed.


hm... i think it's safe to say Duo is pissed at Heero, heh


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