Woke Up One Morning... Part 24

A long piece of tape that had been applied to my back to secure the black wire running along it is ripped off without warning and I scream, "Yeeoooww!"

Glaring over my shoulder, I glare at my husband to shout at him, "I know you took hair off with that! Could you at least warn me before you do that again?!"

The corner of his mouth rising in a smirk, Heero shrugs, "Sorry. I had to readjust the wire so that it won't be noticeable underneath the skin-tight shirt you picked out for your date tonight."

Rolling my eyes, I sigh exasperatedly, "Come on, 'Ro. You know I have to keep him interested in me in case I don't get a chance to snoop around long enough at his place tonight." Just the mention of a possible second visit to Krutza's estate has my partner's nostrils flaring and eyes thinning in a glare of his own.

As endearing as it is to know that he is that protective and jealous over me, it's really damn annoying at a time like this! I really would like to keep as much of my skin as I can!

Shaking my head, I turn to face Heero fully and frown, "Listen, nothing..." I raise a finger to emphasize, "And I mean nothing, is going to happen. Not a kiss, not a hug, nothing to be remotely jealous of. This is just a job to keep the fishing lure going long enough that Krutza bites. As far as any threat of harm, you're going to be close by at all times in case I get in over my head- which I do not see happening anyway, since I can handle myself."

I reach up to cup the sides of his face and keep our eyes locked as I ask quietly, "Okay? Can we just move on so we can get this done with as much of my body intact as possible?"

That little bit earns me a smile that becomes a little more sincere as the rest of what I had to say sets in. Slowly inhaling a deep breath, 'Ro finally nods firmly, "All right. I'm sorry." Moving behind me, he gently kisses over the tender spot across my spine that had been assaulted.

Amazingly enough, the sting actually is better now.

Once again, I am thankful that we have our hotel room to ourselves. While I'm never a particularly modest guy, I would much rather only be in Heero's presence when I have to be handled like this while standing in only my boxers. Every little touch as he runs his fingers over the black cord along me sends chills along the way.

Still, the little bit of sensuality about the whole thing is in the background of everything else going through my mind in preparing for this meeting with Krutza. There's a lot on the line if anything were to go south.

"Finished," 'Ro announced quietly as he sets the last piece of tape in place. Looking down at myself, I see how carefully he had wound the wire to loop from the tiny pack on my hip, around the my waist from the front and up my back to fall over my right shoulder where the micro recorder rests.

I couldn't have done a better job myself. Grinning, I tell my husband sincerely, "Thanks." He nods and tenderly runs his hand along my spine in a silent form of another apology. Just to let him know I got the message, I completely turn to face him so my arms can wrap around him tightly.

Taken aback for only a second, Heero sighs deeply and holds me back, placing a kiss on my cheek before resting his head on my free shoulder. "I still don't like this," he admits quietly, a small smile in spite of his emotional conflict over the situation. Before I can request it, he adds, "And I do trust you. It's him I don't trust."

Nodding, I reply in kind, "I know." With one last tight squeeze, I pull back and bring our lips together in a chaste exchange. It's a promise, really, to let him know that everything is going to be all right. Somehow, it'll all work out.

By the time I lean back, it seems to have done the trick. Heero's eyes have lost a good amount of that concern. There's a lot more certainty as he bores into my own gaze.

In the back of my mind, the clock is ticking away. As much as I would love to just call this whole damned plan off and spend more time with my husband, I have to start getting ready to go.

Reading my hesitance like a book, 'Ro smiles reassuringly with a quiet, "Go on." A hand on my shoulder, he gently nudges me towards the bedroom along with him.

My short-sleeved, red, 'night-on-the-town' shirt is waiting on my bed along with a tight pair of dark blue jeans. For Heero, he has a midnight blue, long-sleeved top and black jeans laid out on his mattress. With our backs to each other, we change in silence while mentally preparing for this meeting.

When I'm fully changed, I reach for the end of my braid to remove the tie when my partner's hand stops me. Blinking in surprise at him, I'm caught off-guard when he grins, "May I?" I just grin back and nod before sitting myself on the floor between our beds.

Taking up my brush from the dresser, Heero sits himself above me and unravels my hair carefully. From there, he begins his diligent work of re-brushing and re-braiding it so that there are no loose strands coming out. Eyes closed, I hum in content at how soothing it all feels.

It is a little more than strange to know that my husband is helping me get ready to spend a date with another man, even if it is all for a mission. Then again, I suppose this is just another way of him showing me he does trust me.

Once the tie is set back at the end of my freshly-woven braid, I move to the mirror for a look over. Heero's methodical way of wrapping the wire around me paid off as there is not the slightest hint that I'm wearing anything under my shirt.

Satisfied with my appearance, I turn to watch 'Ro securing his 'utility belt' around his waist. Armed with a holstered pistol on either hip, a few sheathed blades of different lengths, a flashlight, binoculars and a radio transmitter, he is every bit at threatening as he is painfully beautiful.

His eyes meeting mine, I grin, "Well, let's get this show on the road." As soon as we step out into the living room, there is a knock in the door. Peeking out to see who is on the other side, I pull the door opened and allow our team to enter without a single word exchanged until the room is closed off again.

Trowa quickly steps towards me, his hand holding out a tiny, invisible ear piece and a micro-camera thinner than a piece of paper. For all of the wonderful technology of this day and age, you would think that they would have thought of a way to make a wire transmitter a hell of a lot easier to deal with!

Handing over his offerings, my tall friend informs me, "The emergency door alarms for the hotel have been turned off. We'll be watching everything that happens in the house when you get there along with listening to what the wire picks up. Of course, you won't be able to talk to us with this, but we'll be able to let you know if we see something we don't like. Even with Heero outside, it'd be best to have as many eyes and ears involved as possible."

I'm certainly not about to complain over that. Neither is Heero. From the corner of my eye, I can see his shoulders sag a bit in further relief. Smiling, I take up the ear piece and slip it into my right lobe and pocket the camera. "Thanks, Tro," I nod firmly.

Both my partner and I look to see that we have fifteen minutes to get to the restaurant. Just enough time to be fashionably late. I can hear 'Ro take a slow, deep breath to center himself before he turns to face me. "Ready?" he asks, cool and calm as he settles into the soldier that he has to be now.

Nodding, I reply the same, "Ready." On our way out, I wave to the others as Heero closes the door behind us. Together, we slip for the emergency exit door and down the empty stairwell lit only by the emergency lights.

Outside, we make it to the parking lot completely unnoticed and part ways silently so we can each take one of the rented cars signed to our aliases. I take the white one, Heero the black.

The first real sense of panic over the concern of something going wrong doesn't hit me until I'm on the main roads, heading for the shoreline. Really, there are a lot of ways this whole crazy idea of mine could backfire. Everything that we've been working for up to now could be for nothing if there is a slip or a feeling that tips Krutza off to the fact that he's being watched.

All of those fears have to be put aside so I can just focus on what I have to get done here- build his trust and get information that links him to Ivanov. It's as simple and as complicated as that.

Suddenly, I realize that I'm pulling into the parking lot of the Lugano Lake Restaurant. Blinking my wide eyes, I only briefly wonder just how the hell I got here so quickly and unbuckle my seatbelt.

Casually as I can, I open my door and step out into the cool air. Instantly, my senses are filled with the sounds waves and the smells of the water less than a mile away. Only having seen this restaurant by the sands once, I take note of the tall trees and vines wrapped around the quaint building located at about the only spot with greenery along the beach.

This is good... plenty of foliage for my partner to take cover behind while watching and listening in from outside. Between the darkness that is getting thicker and the foliage, he can take it a little easier in spying in on my dinner with Krutza.

Even though I know I won't see Heero since he would have lost himself in the crowd and the darkness by now, I can't help but look around the crowded streets for the black car he had been driving. Hell, he could even already have ditched the car to hide in the plant-life around.

Maybe it's that little bit of anxiety that has me wanting to see his face again before I go inside. For now, I'll just have to content myself in knowing that he is close by, keeping his eye on me in case I need him.

With a deep breath, I push back the slight heartache in my chest and run a hand down the length of my braid to keep it smooth. Turning on my heels, I move for the brightly lit front of the stone-made restaurant.

The smartly-dressed hostess opens one of the glass doors to me, smiling brightly and greeting in English, "Welcome, sir." Leading the way to her podium just beyond the entrance, she asks, "Table for one, or do you have reservations?"

I give her a pleasant smile back and reply, "Actually, I believe that there were reservations already made for me with a Mister Krutza."

Her green eyes widening, the petite brunette really gives me a once-over from heat-to-toe at the mention of that name. No doubt Jesse has been using this place as a regular set-up place for a date with the tourists. The glance was subtle enough for anyone else to miss, but it tells volumes to a trained eye. Quickly recovering from her brief pause, she beams, "Ah, yes. Right this way, please."

Rounding the podium, I follow the hostess to one of the back rooms past the brightly lit, larger section of the restaurant that is pretty filled. When we reach a room draped by thick red curtains on either side, my stomach twists at the more intimate setting inside. The window has a breathtaking view of Lake Lugano's beach and waterfront while the space is brightened only by candles on the walls and the lone table in the center.

Seated at that spot already is my 'date' for the evening. Dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeved gray top that almost shines in the candlelight, Krutza rises and grins widely, "Glad you could make it, Jeffrey." Glancing to the waitress, he gives her a small nod that she gives back before disappearing quickly.

Holding out his hand, my target's grin spreads further as he states, "I thought that you might like a room with a view."

I clasp on to give him a firm handshake that I release before it becomes a little too uncomfortable and look back out to the window.

As beautiful as the sight of the water is, with dozens of twinkling lights on it from boats floating on it in the distance, I only take note of the fact that there are several thick trees that flank either side. Inwardly, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Heero is no doubt in one of them. Just realizing he is only a few feet away has taken away whatever little edge my nervousness still holds.

Turning to meet Krutza's brown eyes, I smile, "It's breathtaking." Not missing a beat, Jesse smoothly walks around the table to pull my chair out for me. Playing a little shy, I bow my head in appreciation and take my seat as he secures me in.

Skilled in his fluidness, he walks back around to his own chair gracefully while running a hand through his wavy, black hair. When he takes up his menu, I follow suit and take the plunge into starting a casual conversation by asking, "So what do you recommend from here?"

Perking up at the question, my 'date' grins, clearly eager to begin our discussion.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Yes, I always preach how I always tell the truth. And when I'm myself, I am very good at upholding that.

There are rare cases, however, where I can lie with the best of them. And in a case like this, where I am trying to be someone else in order to get information, I overlook my little motto.

Every question that Krutza's asked me over the course of our dinner, I've had an answer for without a second of hesitation. I told him about Jeffrey's line of work, his friends, where he grew up, a whole damned history on a man who does not exist. But those things that I have been sharing I've also left vague enough that there would be no way for him to go back and try to research for proof on his own.

Now finished with desserts, I decide that it's about time I turn the direction of the questions around. "Your family apparently did very well for themselves, considering how you're retired and living off of your share of the wealth."

Smirking, he responds, "Well, between our ties into the paper and oil industries, we have been quite fortunate." A vague, but believable story- much like I've been feeding him. And he's had years to memorize it by heart. The way the answer rolled out of him, he is more than used to having that one brought up on these get-togethers.

I tilt my head and fold my arms with a smirk of my own. Checking my watch to see that we have been here for over three hours, it's time to move things along here. "Well, I have to get back with my team pretty soon here," I sigh forcedly.

His back straightening instantly, Krutza frowns, "Do you think you could hold that off for another hour?" The side of his lip curls up. While most of the tourists he's seen would find the smile charming, I can see what else it is suggesting. "I would love to show you my place," he comments in a friendly enough tone that is completely transparent to me.

Oh, I'm sure I know what else he would love to do.

Fighting the urge to shudder, I smile all the wider, "All right. At least this way I know how to find you while I'm here." If only he knew that I'm already well aware of where he is and what he is doing at any given time.

Through the transmitter in my ear, I can hear a round of snickering from the lot back in the hotel room. Glad that they appreciated the little inside joke I had thrown in for their sakes, I rise from my seat along with Krutza.

*  *  *  *  *  *

A glass of wine in hand, I laugh at the bad jokes that Jesse had been working on me to lighten the air as we sit together in his lavish living room. "Well, I have to say," I snicker, looking for a way to change the subject, "You have a beautiful house."

"Thank you," Krutza smirks, bowing his head dramatically on his half of the couch we're seated on. Reaching for the bottle on the table behind him, he announces, "Now that you helped me finish what was left in this, I believe that I will go and get another- something white this time." Bottle in hand, he winks, "I'll be back soon."

I hum and nod, all too happy to watch him stand and leave the room. Finally away from him for the first time in hours, I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly in relief. Getting to my own feet, I lower my glass onto the central table and begin to pace the room. My ears strain as I listen to the sounds of those footsteps disappearing down the long hallway.

Just as those falls disappear, Trowa's voice tells me, "He's in the basement. You have time to reach the study a couple rooms away." Not needing to be told twice, I am out of the room and heading down, moving in the opposite direction from where Jesse left.

Since bugging this place, my team and I were able to make up a blueprint layout of this estate. A few key rooms showed the most potential of holding information. This study that I am approaching is one of them, with its locked file cabinets and other storage spaces that we were too much in a rush to break into the first time.

Opening the door, I rush inside and move right to the closest cabinet. With he pick that I have been carrying, I keep my hands steady while working the simple lock. It's a quick job and I pull the top storage bin open. Peering inside, I find a long row of file folders neatly hanging together.

There is no time to really pay attention enough to read. I just grab the first folder while removing the micro camera to take images of the pages inside. When I am half-way through the drawer, Trowa urges, "Krutza's heading back to the stairs. Get out of there."

Stacking the papers back together and setting them in their proper folders, I rush to put them back in the cabinet in the same order they came out. A single bead of sweat rolls down the side of my face as I close the paperwork away and reset the lock.

On my way from the room, I pocket the camera and pick while closing the door behind me. Quickly and quietly returning to the living room, I can hear Jesse making his way back up the steps. In the living room, I wipe away the thin layer of sweat along my hairline and retrieve my half-filled glass.

With no time to return to the couch in hearing those foot falls only a couple of yards away, I turn around and stare up at the painting on the wall as though I've been admiring it for some time. "Sorry to keep you," my 'date' apologizes as he steps back into the room with a new bottle in his possession.

I face him with a grinned, "That's all right." Wincing, I comment, "Actually, I should have checked the time before you left. I really need to get back with my coworkers before they start enforcing a curfew on me."

Pouting, Krutza lowers the bottle on the small table beside the couch and stalks towards me. "Pity," he frowns. "And I was so looking forward to really getting to know you more."

The way he half-purrs those words with that sly smirk on his lips has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on their ends.

Locked in place, my eyes widen when he suddenly closes the distance to crush his mouth against mine.

And all I see is red.



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