Woke Up One Morning... Part 13

There's an energy around me that's been building since I woke up this morning. Within a few hours, we will have in Preventer custody several perpetrators and the first of many interrogations to come until we get the answers we need surrounding the selling of Glycaminum. [1]

Once we have a target to hit, we'll have more links to lead us to the people responsible for the Assembly attack. More than just those individuals, we'll know all past or potential buyers of the chemical.

It's sure to be a pretty involved game of connect-the-dots, but we'll be able to get a lot of very dangerous people behind bars with this one investigation. What we thought at first would be a closed case within days has opened a goldmine of information needed to make peace keeping a lot easier for the Preventers.

With such heavy stakes, I'm mentally preparing myself for our day ahead. Having seen the list of prisoners coming in, we're going to be talking to some pretty tough bastards. They won't want to cooperate.

But they will...one way or another.

Heero steps into the kitchen where I'm scooping up the pancakes and eggs I've been working on at the stove. On his way past me, he leans to plant a quick, soft kiss on my cheek before moving for the table. Smiling to myself, I finish preparing out plates and sit across from him without saying a word.

There won't be any discussions between us before we reach headquarters. Like every other time when we have had to prepare ourselves for a big day like this, we go off into our own little worlds in a way. That little kiss Heero planted on me was a pleasant surprise since he normally is too focused on his own thoughts to even notice me.

It's like he wanted me to know he hasn't forgotten me even when his instincts to serve and protect are kicking in.

As I continue to enjoy my breakfast, I note how the thin cut on my partner's face is hardly noticeable. For myself, after all of the kissing to make things better last night, I'm surprised the swell in my lips has healed up quite nicely enough that I hardly notice it.

Before my thoughts go further down the road of what transpired with all of that kissing, I mentally shake myself to focusing on what is going to happen today. There will be other times to recall our little fooling around under the sheets.

Last thing I need is to be showing up at headquarters with a... growing dilemma that I won't be able to take care of easily.

Breakfast is wrapped up and Heero takes care of the dishes as I clear off the table. Finished with his chore, he gives a couple of light tugs on the end of my braid to let me know he's ready to go. Grinning back at him, I take up the car keys and follow him out so we can lock up and head to the office.

The Perfect Soldier and the God of Death ride again.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Sitting at my desk, the pen loosely hanging in my fingers becomes my new drum stick as I tilt it back and forth anxiously while I look through the case file before me. Heero's occupying himself by constantly typing away at his computer across the room.

Between the tapping of keys and my pen, there is a steady and constant rhythm in the air. While it may drive most crazy, it's actually a calming thing to not have complete silence as we wait for Lady Une's call to her office.

It's been a long hour of restless sitting around, trying to keep ourselves busy. Still not a word has been spoken between 'Ro and myself, but this has been a welcomed, companionable quiet. Right now, we're so tightly wound up we're ready to spring any second.

Suddenly, the phone on my partner's desk wakes in a shrill ring that has my head snapping up while the rhythmic typing and tapping comes to an abrupt stop. Reaching for the receiver before another ring sounds, Heero grabs the receiver and places it to his ear with a professional, "Agent Wing."

I sit back in my leather seat and watch him patiently now, knowing that our wait is finally about to end. Nodding, he states, "Affirmative. We're on our way." As he lowers the receiver back in its cradle, his cobalt eyes meet mine and he announces, "Time to go."

Not needing to be told twice, I am on my feet and lead the way from our office. Out in the hallway, we do our standard locking up before heading for the elevator.

When the doors open, Wufei is inside the car and smirks at us as he steps aside to make room for us. The bruise on his left cheek from the fight has turned into a nice mix of greens, yellows and purples, but there is no further recognition of it than the first sight of it.

Together, we move out on Une's floor and greet her receptionist, Kathie. A bright smile on her face, she allows us to pass around her desk with a friendly wave. [2]

Filing into the Commander's office, we take up our seats before her desk. Already in full-business mode, Lady Une folds her hands and begins, "Yesterday, I had screened the names of terrorists linked to the higher profile attacks made with explosives. From that list, I narrowed the people of interest to interview down to one individual."

Well, it was no wonder she kept that much from us. I'm just about to protest her decision to put all of her eggs into one basket when I remember how calculated the woman is. If there is only one person to question, apparently she believes that this guy is all we need.

Especially considering the sensitivity of this case around the protection of the Assembly, Une would never make more work for any one of us in getting to the bottom of this.

Focusing on Heero and me, she grins, "I believe that you will remember Toby Harrison." The second she speaks that name, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on their ends. Beside me, I can feel Heero turn as rigid as I am.

Holy shit.

I can't believe that I almost forgot that son of a bitch! But then again, he was one of the first criminals that Heero and I were responsible for bringing into custody after my enlistment nearly four years ago. Along with that...

"You mean he hasn't been executed yet!" Wufei all but shrieks, his eyes narrowed thinly in rage as he voices the very thing I was thinking. "Normally I'm not one for the death penalty, but if any one deserved it, that piece of scum does! The whole grand jury that sentenced him thought the same!"

And I'm right there with 'Fei on that.

Harrison was the mastermind behind countless hits throughout the Colonies and the Earth. All of his targets went after innocents. Children, elderly, hospitals. There was no rhyme or reason and he was fucking hard as hell to track.

When we finally picked up the scent and cornered him in his main hideout, he got a lucky shot in with a special bullet that cut through Heero's bulletproof vest like it was made of butter. He was lucky nothing vital was struck.

Damn lucky, with how close he had been to needing immediate medical care.

Instead, we managed to regroup and capture the fucker. I hadn't been too gentle with him between the handcuffing and handling of him after seeing my best friend nearly taken out right in front of me.

Really, the guy was lucky to be walking at all by the time I was done with him.

Looking as though she was fully expecting that question, Lady Une raises her hands in defense and answers, "I knew that no one would be thrilled by this news, inside or outside of the Preventers. So, I saw that it was never released that Harrison's death penalty has been lessened to a life in prison sentence."

"What?!" I actually do shriek, nearly rising to my feet out of my shock and rage over the news. How in the hell is it that possible? Keeping my wide eyes on the Commander as I shake my head, "Please tell me I didn't just hear you right!"

Still not showing the least bit of nervousness, Une informs calmly, "Harrison's life was spared by the unanimous decision of the powers that be so that he may be used for information. No one knows his world better than he does. Before his death sentence was to be carried out, he provided details on how to find some of the more elusive criminals that law enforcements have been after over the years."

"In other words, he offered just enough to keep his ass out of the chair," Wufei grumbles. Running a hand over his hair, he frowns deeply, "That coward killed children... helpless people."

A knot forms in my throat thinking back to the child's daycare that was leveled by the bastard. As one of the first Preventers to respond to the attack, there were things I saw that still occasionally give me nightmares.

Lowering her head a bit, Une replies, "There is no one who would love to have seen his initial sentence upheld. I was every bit as surprised and disappointed to see his name on the list I obtained yesterday and voiced my displeasure while demanding why he was still alive. However, my hands are tied in the matter. All that I can do is go along with the orders made by those calling the shots. At the very least, we can do our best to use Harrison to possibly get what we want in this case."

This whole time, Heero has been perfectly still as he listened in. However, I know him. Behind those blue eyes of his, a storm has been building. The fact that he could have lost his life because of Harrison is undoubtedly the last thing on his mind. He was every bit as relieved that the man had been taken off the streets for the public's safety.

But, Une's words seem to have cooled my husband down a bit as the torrent behind his gaze fades. Taking a deep breath, he nods firmly, "Alright. Then we use him. If anyone would know about this Glycaminum, he would. The Assembly's protection comes before anything else."

You know, sometimes I hate it when 'Ro's right. But, he is in this case.

Clenching and unclenching my fists, I finally manage a cool, "I'm still not thrilled about this, but I can't argue with the logic that the bastard is sure to have some names we can look up. Someone as high up as he was on the ladder in the terrorist world must have some knowledge that the chemical exists."

Even 'Fei is relaxing a little- albeit as reluctantly as Heero and I had. Folding his arms, he offers a shrug as his only sign that he's onboard with the plan.

Her lips curling up in a small smile, the Commander says quietly, "Thank you. Of course, your cooperation in this is most needed for the process to go as smoothly as possible." Turning to my partner and I, she orders, "I would like the two of you to lead the interrogation as Agent Dragon records and sits back in the observation room with me."

That grin on Une's face turns into a sadistic smirk as she adds, "After your experiences with Harrison, I would have hated to give the pleasure of utilizing the Assembly's Code Warrant to another pair of investigators." Heero sits upright, wide-eyed along with me at that little tidbit.

Code Warrant?! No shit!

Well... just like that, all is almost forgiven.

*   *   *   *   *   *

From the observation room, I watch alongside 'Ro, 'Fei, Sally and Une as Harrison is brought into the interview room in handcuffs and a bright orange jumpsuit. He's ever bit as tall and foreboding as I remember the son of a bitch from the last time I saw him.

An ex-military man now in his late forties, he's kept up his muscular physique in the maximum penitentiary gyms. Tattoos along his neck, arms and over his cleanly shaved head only add to his menacing appearance. Looking right at us through what appears as a mirror on his end when he is sat at the table, he gives us a smug smirk that would scare most but only serves to piss me off all the more.

When the guards that ushered him inside step out, Sally turns to face me and my partner. "Ready whenever you are," she grins while moving to the video camera.

Looking over at me, Heero waits for my curt nod before leading the way out.

Not a word is said as my husband opens the door to the white-walled interview room and steps inside. When his head snaps in our direction, I catch the initial surprise on Harrison's face as I follow on Heero's heels. His shock disappears back and changes into a look of rage particularly centered on me. So, he does remember me after all.

How cute.

"What's up?" I smile while closing and locking the door behind me. "Long time no see, asshole. Can't say I'm exactly thrilled to see you're still alive."

Snorting, our captive quips, "Your Preventers' organization never ceases to amaze me with their sending boys to do a man's job. And that's not how you talk to a fellow defender of the peace, boy." He opens his wrists out as far as he can and puts on a forced smile. "I have done my part in putting away some of the Earth and Colony's most hardened criminals. We're practically one in the same when it comes to looking out for the innocent. Shit, I deserve a medal for my efforts!"

It takes every minute amount of strength I have to restrain myself from strangling him right here and now. My hands balled into tight fists at my sides, I can see Heero holding back as well. Although my partner has a much better way of not letting his building rage show.

This son of a bitch is looking for a rise out of us. Hard as it will be, I'm not about to give him the satisfaction.

Moving to the table, I take one of the two seats across from Harrison and flip it towards me so I can straddle it. In the meantime, my partner leans against the wall behind me and folds his arms. I rest my own folded arms over the back rest of my seat and smirk, "Well, you certainly are a piece of work, pal. I'll give you that. So, as a so-called 'defender of the peace,' we're looking to you for some more information to help the cause."

Just as I was hoping, that grin returns on the scumbag's face. Of course, I already know that he's not going to be very forthcoming. The fact that he had already provided enough information to keep himself from frying and now his being questioned by the two agents that brought him to justice wouldn't exactly make him very willing to talk.

But, we'll play this little game long enough for him to feel comfortable before we tighten the noose around his neck that he does not even know is there.

Tilting his head, Harrison shrugs, "I'll certainly help out any way I can." There is nothing in his tone that says he's sincere in that. Again expected, as he has been through the system enough times to know how this all works. I'll let him continue to enjoy himself.

I lean forward over the back of the chair and get to the point while watching my prey very closely. "We want to know the names of distributors of the chemical called Glycaminum."

And it's a very subtle widening of the brown eyes watching me that give it away. He knows something.

Quick to relax his eyes, Harrison shakes his head with a mocked sadness in his frowned, "Wish I could help you, friend. But, never heard the of the stuff before. Doesn't look like I'll be able to be of assistance to you."

Grinning, I look back to catch 'Ro's amused glance back at me. Yea. He caught the same little telltale sign that I did.

Now it's time to start tightening the rope that our 'friend' is about to hang himself with.

With a deep breath, I focus back on the bastard across from me and snicker, "See, the funny thing is I don't buy a fucking word out of you right now. I know you're well aware of what we're talking about and no one is leaving this room until we get the answers we're looking for."

All of a sudden, that nice act disappears as Harrison's eyes narrow with a fire behind them. His face slowly reddening to the from the top of his bald head down, he hisses, "Listen, you little shit, I never heard of that Glyc-whatever you're after. And you will not be able to do anything to me because of my own protected rights in this process by the Detainee Treatment Act that was created after the wars."

Oh yes, he does know the system well to throw that in our faces.

Leaning back in his chair, the prick concludes, "So, this interview is over."

I snicker humorlessly and reply, "Ah, Harrison, you're wrong there. Yes, the Detainee Treatment Act protects prisoners like yourself from any harsh treatment during investigations. However, there is a clause to that act that was amended on after it was passed through. Our assembly is calling the amendment to come into play." Raising an eyebrow as he slowly digests that, I comment, "I'm sure you know all about what that all means if you were quick enough to mention the act in the first place."

His brown eyes widening in a growing panic, he stammers, "A-amendment? What amendment?"

Throwing in my own poor acting, I gasp and look back that my partner with wide eyes. Shaking my head, I frown in put-on concern, "Aw. He doesn't know about the amendment. Why don't you tell him about it, Agent Wing?"

Still staring a hole through Harrison, Heero informs coldly, "The amendment allows the Assembly the right to call for a hold on those rights if there has been a clear threat to their safety or the public at large. At that point, they can order that the rights of the detainee possibly withholding information needed around such a threat are voided. Answers are to then be obtained by... Any. Means. Deemed. Necessary."

A chill runs up my spine at that nice touch of his to slowly emphasize the end there.

Very slowly to further send the point home, I turn back to watch as realization hits our captive like a bolt, his eyes widening and skin paling. Jaw hanging, he opens and closes while he struggles to find his voice.

Leaning further over the back of the chair I am in, it's my turn to grin smugly. "Translation- you're fucked."

Harrison actually lets out a small whimper and swallows roughly when that sentiment hits home. You know, there would have been a great justice done if we didn't have to deal with him at all anymore...

But this is going to be a hell of a lot of fun.


[1] Before, I forgot to mention that this chemical is completely made up. ShenLong had asked and I only now noticed the question in one of her beta returns. *hugs* Sorry for the late response, hon! :0)

[2] In an earlier part, I mentioned the name of Rose for the front desk Preventer after Rose Walker, one of my most loyal reviewers and friends. This Kathie as Une's receptionist is after another such reader. *hugs both ladies* Love you, gals!


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