By the Red Moon Part 77

On the morning of the coronation, Howard whistled as he walked through the stable with a filled bucket in one hand and a mop slung over his other shoulder. "Good morning, friends," he greeted the large heads of the dragons peering over the doors of their stalls to smile at him.

As he approached the steeds of the Elite Nine knights-in-training of Sanq, the old man grinned widely to the riders that were already present to clean their dragons. "Big day for you lads, lass and scaly ones," he chuckled as he stopped at Nataku's door to lean against it. "I imagine that not one of you got a wink's sleep if you are all here at the crack of dawn," he threw in with a fatherly tone.

Shaking her head in the next stall over, Anna continued to sponge down Ingier's long back with a sponge in either hand and replied, "We have all been waiting a very long time for this... didn't even really expect that we would live to see it through the war."

Lightly tapping the blue-purple through the suds, she shifted along with her dragon when he lifted his right hind for access to the scales beneath that needed a wash. Resuming her work, she giggled, "So we were all a little too excited to worry about sleep." The other knights-in-training nodded their heads in agreement as they also kept with their tasks of making their steeds presentable for the grand event.

Wufei walked along Nataku's side in his washing her when he passed over a spot in her hide that had him freezing. Blinking his wide eyes, he lowered the sponge to run his actual hand over the scales to feel just how warm they were. Gasping, he spun towards the Head Squire and requested, "Howard, can you come have a look at this for me?"

A second later, the old man opened the door to the stall and hurried to the swordsman's side. Anna and Ingier shared a look before they peered over the wall separating them and the green steed in concern. Her own head craning back, Nataku tilted her head as her rider pointed out the spot in her side that he had become his point of interest.

Running his hand over the warm scales, Howard's eyes widened with a sharp bark of a laugh. "You are going to be a mother, missy!" he smiled brightly to the large face watching them. "They are only about a day in the making, but I would say that we should see eggs in a week or so." Nataku and Ingier chirped in shock and wide smiles spread across their long face as their tails flapped excitedly.

Anna's jaw fell along with Wufei's at the announcement. The first to recover from her surprise, the archer laughed and slapped her steed's back with a loud, "Ingier, you scoundrel! You're actually going to be a father!" His green eyes shimmering, the shaking beast lowered his neck into his partner's stall and they nuzzled each other affectionately, deep purrs rumbling in their chests.

Hopping down into Nataku's stall, the redhead reached her husband's side and their arms slipped around each other's waists as they watched their steeds have their little moment. "I feel bad for that poor girl of yours," Anna sighed. When Wufei frowned in confusion to her, she shrugged, "Before, she only had Ingier to worry about. Now she is going to have even more children to look after." The swordsman's head fell back with a laugh.

"Well, I should get going to wash Wing and Deathscythe," Howard announced, rubbing his hands together. "As busy as they are with the last-minute preparations for the day, I figured that I would give Heero and Duo one less thing to worry about this morning by doing at least that much."

At that, the married couple shared a knowing glance and smirks of amusement before Wufei nodded firmly to the squire, "Ah, well I will save you a little trouble there by informing that you don't need to bother going to Wing's stall."

His eyes widening, the old man replied, "What?"

Quickly stepping out of the straw-covered room, he headed right for the largest stall at the end of the stretch that had been designated as Deathscythe's space with the knights right behind. When he reached the door and peered inside, he gasped and let out a howl of laughter that was joined by his friends' snickering. "Well, it's about damned time, you two!"

Inside, curled together in the perfect picture of contentment, Wing and Scythe made no move to so much as raise their twined necks as they smiled up at the old man.

*  *  *  *  *  *

"...And if letting them into your mind wasn't enough, you actually let them cut you without leveling them like you could have!" Catherine shrieked at the end of her long-winded rant, her face as red as her hair. At the end of her rant, she brushed back a few curls that had fallen in her face and worked to calm her panting breath.

Standing in the center of the room as Noin finished helping him with the deep purple and brilliant gold sashes of his silk robe, Duo smirked over to the fire-starter, "There. Feel better now?" Over the busy few days, he was able to see the fact that she needed to talk and it was only right that he allowed her that after everything that she had done to teach him in the ways of his gift.

Along with simply giving his friend the respect to have her voice heard, having Catherine shout and rave as she had helped Maxwell keep his mind off of his nervousness over his coronation.

The girl straightened and grinned brilliantly with a firm nod, "Much. Thank you for taking the time to hear me out." Quickly closing the distance between them when the queen stepped away, she gave her fellow gifted a tight embrace and kissed his cheek. "Next time you do anything half as foolish, I promise more than a verbal thrashing," she smirked as she pulled away.

Duo swallowed roughly, knowing that was no idle threat. "Don't worry," he chuckled. "I have absolutely no intentions of doing anything like that again." Stepping back, he appraised himself and asked, "So, how do I look?"

Before Noin or Catherine could answer, Heero appeared in the doorway and answered, "Absolutely beautiful." His violet eyes falling on his lover, the prince blushed as the ladies giggled and stepped past the new arrival to leave the room.

The knight's smile grew in his approach and he asked, "So, how are you holding up?" Gently cupping the side of the other teenager's face, he snickered, "I'm surprised that I haven't come in to find you wearing holes in the floor."

Snorting, Duo leaned into the touch and replied, "I would be by now if I didn't have the distraction of Catherine's tirade." He glanced down at the fine robe that he'd donned and frowned, "There are only a few hundred-thousand people gathered out there for this little thing of me becoming a king... which I'm still dealing with, I guess."

Heero rested his hands on his braided partner's shoulders and squeezed them. "You are going to make a wonderful king," he reassured quietly as he rested their foreheads together so that those downcast violet eyes would meet his gaze. Smiling when they did, he said, "There is not a person here who would ever doubt that."

With a laugh, the Commander added, "You are already one of the most beloved royals that has ever existed in our world. I never have heard of another leader who was able to bring so many people together from so many lands for a shared cause while wielding both sides of the gift, making an alliance with werewolves and come back from the dead after sacrificing his life as you did."

He planted a kiss on the prince's forehead and shrugged, "So, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to what anyone else thinks of you. Just aim for being someone who you're proud of and the rest will follow."

Blinking at that sentiment, Duo grinned, "Well, I have to admit that your logic there makes a lot of sense." Already feeling more assured in himself, he rolled his shoulders back and lifted his braided head a bit higher. Taking hold of his father's sheathed sword, he hooked it to the gold rope belt around his waist. "I think I can do this," he declared, nodding firmly.

"Very good," Quatre smiled as he entered the room. His eyes falling on the prince that was turning to face him, he came to a stop and folded his arms behind his back to announce, "We are all ready for the ceremony when you are."

*  *  *  *  *  *

The coronation was arranged to take place in the center of Sanq, atop a tall stone platform that had once been the steeple of the grand church. Along with the wide staircase that reached up the structure, there were strewn pieces of metal with large shards of stained glass where the windows had been that shimmered a multitude of colors in the brilliant sunlight that early afternoon.

Gathered around that platform as Duo made the climb to the top with Quatre were all the remaining members of the Alliance that had made it to the final battle including the werewolves, gifted, healers and dragons that had given their services to the cause of good.

With everyone raising their heads, the massive swarm of people watched in anticipation as the braided prince made it to the flat top where the High Priest of Virgo was waiting along with Scythe perched at the furthest ledge wearing a proud smile.

Sensing the braided boy's nervousness over all of the eyes on him when he approached, the tall man in the red robes of his religious status winked. His wavy white hair flowing in the gentle gusts, he leaned forward and grinned, "Courage, lad. We are all friends here." Maxwell gave him an appreciative smile and sank to his knees before him.

The gold sashes of his robes floating on the air, the High Priest opened his arms and turned himself to address the crowd gathered, "Welcome, dearly beloved friends, family, neighbors and creatures great and small."

Standing behind Duo, Quatre smiled and used his gift to pass on everything being said to all the minds present so that no one would miss a word of what was being said as the priest continued, "We are gathered here on this beautiful, joyous day to celebrate the crowning of the new King of Sanq, Prince Duo Maxwell." Smiles and nods spread through the massive audience.

As he came to face the kneeling youth before him, the priest grinned widely, "This is a great honor for me, not only as a native of Sanq but as a person who had once had doubts that we would ever see this day. In a time of great darkness for our world, you were a light that had helped see us through. So it is with a great hope that I ask are you, Prince Duo, prepared to accept the responsibility to rule with all fairness for your people?"

"I am," Maxwell nodded firmly.

Folding his hands before him, the priest questioned, "Will you lead with an open and honest mind in every decision that you should make, no matter its level of importance as every decision makes an impact to your followers?"

A deep breath filling his lungs, Duo replied, "I will."

The tall man questioned, "And do you swear to remain true to the Creator, turning to Him at times of need for guidance that you may always continue to serve the good of all."

Without hesitating to that, the braided teenager smiled, "I do."

Bowing his head, the High priest turned to face the two individuals standing behind him. "And now, by your words as representatives and witnesses to this coronation, do you agree that he is fit to be come King? Your peers have chosen you to speak on their behalf as the official witnesses and so the final proclamation of his readiness must come from you."

Their hands joined, Treize and Middi stepped towards the old man with wide grins on their faces. Dressed in silks of gold and browns, the king bore a tall crown of pewter. Her long hair swept up to fall at the sides of her face in thick ringlets and her brow bearing a crown of glistening jewels that wrapped her head, the queen was a vision in the form-hugging gold dress that she wore. It was quite the far cry from the tattered orange dress that she had worn throughout her captivity.

Meeting the blue eyes of the priest, Middi nodded firmly, "As the Queen of Libra, I declare prince Duo more than ready for the responsibilities of a royal." She smirked, "Along with his selflessness, kindness and courage, Duo had never desired the throne, making him the best possible candidate for the role of king." Blushing, the braided prince smiled back to her in appreciation.

When his wife turned her head towards him, Treize took a deep breath and focused on Maxwell. Smirking, he declared simply, "There has never been another soul in this world more deserving or more fit for the crown." Quiet hums and nods of agreement passed over the crowd at that poignant sentiment. Caught up by those words, Duo cleared his throat against the lump that had formed there with a sting in his eyes.

"Then it is so decided," the High Priest grinned. Nodding to Deathscythe, he made room for her to approach and lower herself beside him. Her tail removing the pillow on her back, the black steed gave it to the old man. Flashing her a smile, he took the crown with its gold rising in bejeweled peaks from the cushion. [1]

Watching with hearts racing, the Sanq knights-in-training held their breaths as the man raised the crown high over his head with both hands for all to see. "In the sight of the Creator, by the power vested in me as High Priest and through the witness of everyone gathered, I now name thee..." Slowly lowering the sparkling crown onto the boy's lowered head, he announced, "King Duo Maxwell of Sanq."

As the crown settled on his head to the explosive rise from the audience, the newly anointed king raised his braided head. His eyes shimmering, he rose to his feet and turned himself to take in the applauding, cheering mass around and they chanted over and over, "Long live King Duo! Long live King Duo!" Their heads falling back, the werewolves howled while the dragons roared at the top of their lungs in chorus.

Quatre wiped away a stray tear that had fallen on account of his own emotions as well as the ones that he was picking up from his dear friend. Once the king nodded to him, he used his empathic ability to urge the crowd to quiet after a time so that the Maxwell could speak.

Smiling widely, Duo scanned the hoard of those gathered and said sincerely, "Thank you, everyone. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of the support that you've shown me since my return to this world. This day wouldn't have been possible without all of your help and sacrifices along the way, so this is as much your celebration as it is mine." Proud grins flashed across the faces of the soldiers and creatures of the Alliance as another round of applause and elated shouts filled the air.

With a chuckle, the braided king raised his arms to call for quiet once again and was so granted. "Now, there are a few people here today who deserve as much acknowledgement as I do," he stated. "I made a promise to see to a wish of theirs as my first order of business when I was named king. So, I would like to see the knights-in-training of Sanq and their steeds."

Taking to their saddles and climbing through the air in a chain that wrapped around the podium, the team soared with Heero and Wing in the lead amidst a renewed burst from the crowd. In their landing, they formed a perfect line and stepped before their dragons. Each wearing billowing capes of the same shades as their tunics, the soldiers took to a knee and smiled brilliantly up at their leader.

His own grin warming, Duo greeted over the bellow that had begun to die down, "My Elite Nine. I know that this is something that you all have been waiting for." Behind him, Sand Rock rose to the platform top. In his saddle, Relena was guided down by his tail as her husband joined her assist with the nine great medallions that she had in her care.

Keeping his violet eyes that had begun to shimmer on the lot before him, he said, "You were the first to experience the Keeper's presence in our world... you watched your homeland collapse and all within crushed. Instead of running, you stayed together and began to form the Alliance that we have now... endured countless battles and still made it to be standing here in the end, knowing that you had played a large role in seeing that the Creator and all that is good would overcome the darkness."

Tears streamed down the faces of the Sanq soldiers as they bit their lips and swallowed roughly. Behind them, their eyes of their steeds also watered over with the pride that they had in themselves and their riders. Throughout the audience, Sally, King Septum and Queen Marilee were some of many wiping their faces of wet trails.

Duo brushed away a tear from his cheek and snickered, "I get so much credit for being strong and courageous..." His voice cracking, he paused and shook his head to swallow against his parched throat. Instantly seeking out Heero, he regained his composure when the Commander smiled and gave him a firm nod of encouragement.

A grin spreading on his own face, the king looked to the whole of his Elite and breathed, "But I only am that because I followed your examples. You were all my teachers in how with faith and will, mountains can be moved." Resting his hand on the hilt of his family's sword, he smirked, "Now this has been long-overdue and I am not about to make you wait any longer."

Erupting once again, the crowd watched as Duo made his way to the left end of the line where the silver-haired Jack Dawson and Onyx rested. The young soldier bowed his head low while his king removed his sword.

Gently tapping the blade's curved tip against either of his shoulders, Maxwell announced, "Arise, Sir Jack." Meeting the silver dragon's eyes as the knight stood, he winked, "And you Onyx, the Medal of Valor that officially deems you a knight's steed."

Beaming, the dragon's tail flapped and he stretched his neck in. Relena handed over the large medallion of gold etched with hieroglyphics of the old language. Slipping the large ribbon around Onyx's head, Duo chuckled and patted the steed's smooth head.

One-by-one, the king went down the line to dub each soldier a knight and draped their scaly friends with their equally-earned medals. There was Sir Pete and Steed Scorch, Sir Larry and Steed Phoenix, Sir Daniel and Steed Lion, Jerry Ferkey and Steed Wedge. Next came Sir Juan and Steed Tiny, whom Duo made most proud by proclaiming her the dragon with one of the biggest hearts before dressing her with her prize.

And finally... there were the closest members of his team left.

Coming to a stop before the kneeling Chinese youth, the braided teenager smirked, "Ah, my faithful Sword. To one of the most honorable people that I have the pleasure of knowing..." Eyes reddened from the tears he had cried, Chang lowered his head and felt the taps against his shoulders as his friend urged, "Arise, Sir Wufei. Sergeant of the Sanq army and the Alliance"

Nataku was all aglow as her rider stood and stretched her head in to accept the drape of the red ribbon to her medallion. Rubbing the top of her Head, Maxwell smirked, "And congratulations on the new arrivals to come." With a purr, the green steed licked the side of his face.

Laughing, Duo moved on to the next person in line. In his approach, the audience grew all the louder in anticipation of this particular knighting. Practically vibrating with excitement, Anna kept her head down to keep from falling completely apart. Once her ruler was before her, the mass quieted to listen in.

"To my Shield," the king all but whispered. "This is a great honor for me to be dubbing the first female knight. As someone who goes against the grain to fight for what they believe in, we need more like you in this world."

From below, the voices of Commander Lewis, Sally, Lady Une and Alex's pack cheered as one, "Yea, Anna!" Immediately after, the crowd broke into more accolades for the young woman.

Raising her head, the archer allowed the tears to flow from her eyes as she laughed out a sob. At either side of her, Wufei and Heero were unable to keep their own emotions back as they reached in to give her shoulders a squeeze while Ingier gently nudged her in support. Resting her hands over the ones supporting her, she squeezed back and they fell away for her actual dubbing while the audience quieted.

Duo waited for his 'sister' to get her bearings enough to remember to bow her head. Tapping the curved end of his sword against her shoulder, he smiled brilliantly, "Arise, Dame Anna. Captain of the Sanq army and the Alliance." [2]

Quickly getting to her feet with the mass exploding to deafening cheers, the redhead did away with the proper form and threw her arms around the king. Nearly toppling over, Maxwell laughed and returned the tight embrace. Her body trembling, she whispered brokenly in his ear, "Thank you." Chuckling, her ruler kissed her cheek and murmured a 'congratulations' to her.

Ingier craned his head in to snag Duo's swinging braid in his mouth. Laughing along with everyone gathered, the pair pulled away so that the beast could have his moment. Anna latched onto her husband for a deep kiss. Resting her head on Wufei's shoulder, she watched with him as the king wiped another tear from his face and shook his head to her steed, "Oh, we do call you trouble for a reason."

Patting the large shielded head, he grinned, "But while you live up to that, you also were appropriately named True One. Loyal and reliable through even the most adverse of times, you deserve this moment to shine as well." The blue-purple chirped as his brilliant green eyes began to shimmer.

Duo accepted the medallion from Relena and placed the ribbon over the dragon's head. "Well done, Steed Ingier." Once again, he nearly fell over only this time when the tearful dragon nuzzled him.

Snickering, the king patted the steed's head again and walked to the last pair awaiting their turn. Nearly losing himself when he looked on Heero, he waved his hand and announced, "I need to start with Wing or I'll never get through this." The Commander joined in on the quiet laughter that rumbled through the air and nodded in understanding as he looked back to his trusted companion of many years.

Taken aback at being mentioned first, the white dragon blinked and pulled his head close to his braided charge. Moving in to wrap his arms around the long muzzle, Duo closed his eyes and said, "I would not be here if it had not been for you, my friend. Thank you for being my protector as well as the guardian to the most precious person in my life." Sniffling, Wing pressed back against the boy and wrapped his tail around him in his own form of a hug as Heero fought a sob at the endearment.

When he stepped back, Maxwell turned to Relena and took the red ribbon of the last medallion. "I am very proud of you, Steed Wing," he whispered as he slipped the award around the white steed's neck. Beaming, the white beast's tail flapped as he raised his head high so that the shining medal fell against his chest.

Clearing his throat, the king focused back on his lover and breathed, "Heero... you already know everything that is in my heart." His partner smiled lovingly and gave a firm nod before he bowed his head, Touching his shoulders with his blade, Duo told him, "Arise, Sir Heero... Commander of the Sanq army and the Alliance."

The audience reached a deafening clamor as Yuy stood, his face wet with tears. Taking the last step onto the platform, he pulled the king close and their lips met in a deep kiss that was more than appreciated by those watching.

*  *  *  *  *  *

That following evening...

Lips parting, Heero and Duo opened their eyes to the candlelit top of the platform as the High Priest raised his opened arms and announced, "It is my great honor and privilege to give to you King Duo and King Heero Yuy-Maxwell!" One last time, the massive crowd gathered applauded and cheered below the podium.

With the newly appointed Commander Wufei standing for his long-time friend and Captain Anna for their braided king, the tight-knit foursome shared a round of embraces before they descended atop their steeds to join the countless people in attendance to begin the reception.

Once the meal was finished, the newlyweds took to the center of the city where a ring was opened in the audience. As the string and wind band played a hauntingly beautiful waltz, Heero's pewter crown made in the likeness of Duo's, shimmered while he wrapped his arms around his lover and led them in their first dance in the clearing. Both glowing with bright smiles as the held onto each other, they engaged in several kisses and quiet laughter.

Bowing at the waist when the space was opened further for more couple to join in on the dance, Trowa held his hand out to Princess Hilde. Eyes wide, she blinked and a wide smile spread across her face as she accepted his hand. Looking on, a very pleased looking Catherine and Heavy Arms exchanged smirks.

Continuing on in their spinning as the rest of their friends flowed into the ring to dance around them, Duo rested his forehead against his husband's and sighed deeply, "I can't wait to start writing about all of this in my journal tomorrow."

The knight-turned-king tilted his head and smirked, "And how exactly would you end such an entry to sum up this momentous night?"

Already knowing the answer to that... since he already had planned exactly those words that he would write for that addition to his book, Duo grinned, "The same as any good story... 'And they lived happily ever after.'"

Stunned by such a simple, wonderful phrase, Heero smiled, "I like that." Their heads leaning in and eyes drifting closed, they kissed through the remainder of their dance.

...And high overhead in the clear night sky, the full moon shimmered a flash of red.


[1] Here is a pic to go by for the crown:

[2] I did research on this. While there has yet been a female knight, Britain did declare that were there one their title would be Dame.


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