By the Red Moon Part 22

Nearly pushing his way through the crowds of soldiers that had gathered near the edge of camp, Duo ran as fast as he could to reach the opening where the arrivals were walking up. Behind him, Heero and the others hurried to keep him in sight.

Finally, breaking free of the cover of trees and people, the prince fought to catch his breath as he came to a stop. Soldiers wearing the same colors of green and blues as a sort of uniform halted only a few feet before him. Recognizing the shades as those belonging to soldiers of Epyon, he could feel his heart begin to pound all the harder in his chest.

Duo called with a laugh when the army parted to reveal, "Hilde!"

A bright smile on her face when she saw him, the young woman raised the hem of her violet dress to run and meet him half-way. Spinning his cousin around when they embraced, the braided teenager continued to laugh.

When she was set back on the ground and stepped back, the princess stated, "I know that it has only been a few weeks, but it has been far too long for my liking. After being separated as long as we have in the past, I certainly do not mean to be away from you for more time than necessary."

The smile on his own face hurting, the prince gave her one more quick squeeze when he heard a woman's voice breathe, "Duo..." His back straightening and his eyes widening as he slowly turned his head, he watched as more knights stepped aside. Hilde giggled quietly and took a few paces back from her cousin to give him a bit of space.

Making their way forward with their hands linked together and complimenting bands that wrapped their heads, a tall man and woman looked onto the braided youth in awe and disbelief.

The man, dressed in silks of deep greens and gold embroidery, had straight blonde hair that reached the back of his booted legs and fell in thick bangs over his piercing blue eyes. Meanwhile, the woman wore a pale blue gown with silver embroidery at its edges and her dark hair was cropped short all around save for her long, defiant bangs that draped past her brow.

Everything about the couple was attractive... as well as intimidating. As he stood there, outright staring in wonder at them, Duo had to remind himself to breathe when he suddenly felt unsure on his feet in light of the emotions running through him.

Since learning that he had surviving family, he had wondered what his Uncle Zechs and Aunt Noin looked like. Now actually being in their presence and laying his violet eyes on them, it was unbelievably overwhelming.

Indigo eyes blinked after a long moment and the queen took in a sharp breath before she released her husband's hand to spring forward. Stiffening in stunned shock at having the elegant woman throw her arms around him, it took Duo a moment to respond and return the tight hold.

"You have no idea how wonderful it is to have you in our lives again," his aunt whispered in his ear. Closing his watering eyes, the prince sniffled and buried his face in her shoulder.

This was the same woman who had celebrated with his mother when she learned that she was pregnant with him. She was the same woman who had feared for him, prayed for him and thought of him every day since he was sent from this world for his protection.

For all intents and purposes, Noin was every bit a second mom to him as far as Duo was concerned. It was the closest that he would ever come to being with his true mother. And his body began to shake with a silent sob.

Pulling back after a time to reveal her tear-streaked face, the queen smiled brilliantly and gently wiped her nephew's cheeks dry. Her long hands cupping the sides of his face, she rested their foreheads together and commented softly, "Oh, your parents are not far from you, child. You have my sister's eyes and your father's handsome face."

"It is quite the remarkable thing to behold," King Zechs grinned when he stepped into the scene. Chuckling, his wife stepped back from the braided teenager to wipe at her eyes.

Clearing his throat as he looked up at the tall man, Duo was at a loss as to how he should greet such a striking leader. He opted for bowing at the waist. However, before he could complete his bend forward, his uncle pulled him into a tight hug against his chest. "Family does not bow to family," Zechs stated.

Quickly composing himself, the prince chuckled and returned the warm gesture.

From their place at the top of a hill a few feet back, Maxwell's group of friends and protectors watched on.

As Hilde approached to reunite with Trowa, the scout grinned and bowed to her. Relena and Anna wiped at the stray tears on their faces while Quatre and Wufei gently pulled them against their sides. And at the front of the pack, Heero stood with a small smile on his face.

When the prince stepped back to brush the back of his hand over his eyes that continued to shimmer, he laughed, "I don't even know where to start. I... it's just great to meet you both."

Patting his shoulder, Noin giggled, "We do have much to catch up on. Perhaps we can find a place a little more..." She gestured to the hundreds of soldiers behind them and suggested, "private where we can sit and talk."

Duo's mouth curled up as he replied, "That works for me. On our way to the tents, I can also introduce you to Deathscythe, my dragon. She's been resting since we just returned from Virgo earlier."

His light blue eyes blinking in surprise, Zechs smirked, "You have a steed already? Considering how you have not been home for more than a couple of months, that is remarkable. By all means, please take us to her." Beside him, his wife nodded excitedly.

"Oh, if you think that's 'remarkable...'," the prince hummed to himself with a sly grin on his face. Turning on his heels, he led the way to where the others were waiting to take them through camp.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Deathscythe stretched her neck into the tent as far as she could, resting her head on the floor beside the chair that her rider sat in. Snickering, Duo reached his hand out to run it over her scales and focused back on his family across from him at the table.

To say that his family's introduction to the black dragon was entertaining was an understatement. Initially looking as though they were going to try and run, it did not take long for Scythe to win them over, especially when she lowered her head in a bow at having them introduced with their regal titles.

Noin's gaze fell to the steed's large head, she chuckled, "Never in my life had I ever dreamed of being this close with a black dragon. I still cannot get over it." She focused back on her nephew and said, "The prophecies were right in saying that you would be our best chance of defeating Dekim and his army if you are linked with such an amazing creature."

Suddenly, Deathscythe's head rose up with a sharp, loud moan to the fright of everyone gathered around. Craning her neck to glare back at the doorway, she pulled back to disappear in the blink of an eye and the sounds of a scuffle could be heard outside.

Turning in her seat after recognizing a couple of grunts, Anna yelled, "Ingier, you brat! Do not come crying to me if she decides to stop play biting!" With an exasperated sigh, she straightened herself and blushed at having everyone's eyes on her. Snickering sheepishly, she shrugged, "Dragons."

Duo laughed and looked back to his snickering family. "What ever happened to the survivors of Dekim's attacks that took refuge in Epyon?" he asked when the mood in the room sobered a bit again.

"Most of the men have joined the ranks of our army and are members of the reinforcements that we brought," Zechs answered, folding his hands on the table. "Those who were unable to defend themselves were given provisions and are traveling with our civilians as far south as they can. We offered several knights to go with them so that they have some measure of protection along the way."

Biting her lip, the princess wrapped her arms around herself against a shudder as she muttered, "It was the most unnerving thing to see so many people fleeing everything that they had ever known for their safety. No one has any idea what they will be returning to, if they get the chance to return home."

Noin reached to squeeze her daughter's arm and smiled, "When, not if, Hilde. When they return home." Scanning those around the table, the queen declared, "We cannot allow any uncertainty over this war to take hold... not with ourselves and not with our forces. Doubt will only serve as a poison and we will lose this battle before we even have a real chance to fight."

A small grin tugging her lips, Hilde nodded, "Yes, mother. You are right."

Taking note of his uncle and aunt's quiet confidence, Duo was reminded of Lady Une. It was just one of the many marks of a good leader. And it was something that he was still working on in improving himself as a prince.

He could always hope that a little of that would rub off on him if he stuck around them long enough.

Odin pushed his chair back to rise to his feet as he cleared his throat. Gazing on his knights and the gifted, he hinted his intention with his eyes before addressing the royal family, "Well, since we have gone over the formality and details of your forces, we will take our leave."

Understanding the undertone of his message to give the prince time to connect with his relatives alone, Duo's friends stood to move for the door.

"Actually," Zechs called, bringing the whole group to a halt as they faced him. "I would like Heero to stay with us, if you do not have a need for him right away, Commander," he requested with a political air in his deep voice.

Cobalt eyes blinking, the Captain straightened rigidly but nodded all the same as the others filtered out of the tent. Equally taken aback, Duo anxiously watched his uncle to get a hint to why he'd requested Heero remain.

Holding his hand out to the empty chair beside the braided teenager, Zechs urged politely, "Please, have a seat, young man." Quietly obeying, the knight glanced from the corner of his eye to his friend before focusing on the king again.

The tall man smiled, "I want to both thank and commend you, Captain Yuy. The task of delivering Duo to the portal safely was a great responsibility to have to have fallen on any shoulders, let alone those belonging to one as young as yourself. For you to volunteer and successfully carry out such a duty, myself and my family will forever be in your debt." Both Noin and Hilde grinned widely as they nodded.

Completely caught off guard by the royal family's sentiment, Heero's eyes widened at his initial shock. Duo smiled at him and gently nudged his arm when he remained speechless for a moment.

Shaking his head at being startled, the Captain bowed his head and replied, "Thank you for such recognition, your highnesses. But in the end, it was an honor to be the one to carry the task."

"A true knight, through and through," Noin giggled in amusement. Tilting her head, she commented, "There is no need for such modesty, Heero. If there is anything that you should ever need, though we may not be your direct king or queen, do not ever hesitate to ask for our assistance."

Zechs smirked, "In fact, one thing that I would like to offer is to knight you as well as the other knights-in-training of Sanq. I know that such a thing is what you all strive for. And you all have more than earned that."

It was the first time that Duo ever witnessed Heero's jaw actually drop in surprise as he stammered, "I... I do not know what to say." There was absolutely no question of how much he had hoped for the day he would actually be a real knight judging by the swirl of emotions behind his gaze.

Quickly pulling himself together, he frowned, "Actually, I do know what to say, and I hope that you do not take offense, King Zechs." The long-haired man's face fell into a confused expression.

Heero took a deep breath and stated, "I know that I speak for Wufei, Anna and all of the other under Odin's mentoring because this is something we have discussed many times over in the past."

"After having waited this long to be knighted, we would all much rather have that honor ordained upon us by Duo when he is ordained the king of Sanq. Though it may take time before that happens, it would just feel more... fitting if he were the one knighting us."

Swallowing roughly against the lump that formed in his throat, Duo took in the wish for the true sign of respect that it was. No one knew what would come of them in light of the war. And yet those who had defended his homeland saw him as their leader.

Even if they may never live to be ordained knights as they all wanted, they would wait until he would be the one to carry out the job.

The king smiled and nodded, "I admit that I am not the least bit surprised. And I understand." Pushing himself back from the table, he covered his mouth to muffle a wide yawn. "If neither of you mind, it really has been a long journey," he said while turning to his nephew. "I look forward to speaking more with you once we have had a some time to rest, Duo."

All but jumping to his feet, the braided youth grinned, "Sure thing." Pointing to the door with a thumb over his shoulder, he insisted, "We can lead you to where your living quarter tents have are waiting."

*  *  *  *  *  *

Once his family was settled into their living arrangements, Duo headed back through the camp alongside Heero. For a while, they walked in their usual, companionable silence until he stated, "You know, there is one thing that has always bothered me."

Pausing in his footsteps, the Captain faced him. Slowly reaching up to remove the silver pendant from under his tunic, Maxwell stared down at it in his hand. "Why did you leave this to me when you took me to the portal?" he inquired, raising his braided head to lock onto the cobalt eyes watching him.

Heero cleared his throat and turned his head away. Taking a deep breath, he looked back to his friend and replied quietly, "You were being sent from this world with nothing of yours. As you grew in another realm, you would have no recollection of who you or anyone who loved you were. I..."

When his voice cracked at the end, the knight shook his head and swallowed roughly before he tried again. "I just could not do that to you, since leaving you was difficult enough. So, I decided that you should at least have your name to hold onto," he said softly.

It was a simple... beautiful explanation to one of the biggest mysteries in Duo's life.

Releasing the pendant, he lunged forward at the sudden surge of emotions running through him and wrapped his arms tightly around Heero. Stunned for a moment, the Captain blinked in surprise before a small smile tugged his lips and he returned the embrace as his eyes closed.

"Thank you," the prince whispered in his ear, then realized how reluctant he was to pull away. Still, he forced himself to step back and grin, "That really... means a lot that you cared about me enough to do that."

Raising his finger when his friend's mouth opened, he added, "And don't tell me that it was all because it was your duty to think of something like that, because I'm sure that it was more than that."

His mouth tugging up in a smirk, Heero chuckled deeply. "Alright," he nodded. "Yes, it went beyond the realms of my responsibility that I was worried about you."

Laughing, Duo slapped his shoulder and exclaimed, "There, you see! It's not that bad to admit to being human with your feelings! You really shouldn't be so focused on being some kind of perfect soldier all the time. You should be comfortable expressing yourself, too. And you definitely don't have to be anything but who you are around me, even if I am your prince."

"Very well," the Captain replied with a small smile. "I will work on that." Gesturing to the sword at the other teenager's hip, he asked, "Shall we try and get some more training in while we still have sunlight?"

With a shrug, Maxwell answered, "Probably not a bad idea." As they walked off for their usual sparring opening, he grinned, "You wouldn't happen to have any specific teachings on how to remember to draw your sword when a winged tiger suddenly appears, would you?"

Shaking his head, Heero actually laughed.

*  *  *  *  *  *

It had taken several tests to confirm that it would be enough of a sample as it almost seemed too small to work. But, she was absolutely thrilled with the results in learning that she was wrong. Filing away the small, glass container bearing the scrapings of skin and hair that her pet had brought back with her other containers of collected materials, Dorothy smiled.

Her guest leaned his back against the doorway to her Spell Room, which he never completely stepped into. "I still do not understand why you could not have just had your beast kill him," he frowned. "Why chance that there is any truth in the prophecy by letting him go with just a scare?"

Chuckling, the sorceress faced him and smirked, "My dear Commander Treize, you know as well as I do that sometimes there are some things that are far worst than death."

As she peered over her shoulder to look on her prize, she thought aloud, "I may not know exactly what I will do with this sample yet, since it is too small to use on more than one spell. But I will think of something."

Though he did well to hide it, a shiver ran up Treize's spine when she giggled menacingly.

Whatever it was she would do in the end, he had no doubt that it would make the prince of Sanq wish that his life had been taken by that creature of black magic.



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