The Meaning of Life Part 12

It was a tense morning the day before the trial before the Supreme Justices was to begin. Danielle and Trent worked closely together in their shared office to be certain that they covered all of their bases in defending Duo once again. Going over their list of character witnesses that they had already met with over the last few days, they were feeling confident in their case.

"The biggest thing is to take the focus of the Justices off of what this case may or may not mean for everyone besides Duo," Danielle sighed as she ran a hand through her red hair. "It's easier said than done, but we cannot make them forget this is a unique situation and not a simple marriage between two men."

Folding his arms as he leaned back in his seat, Trent frowned, "Really, we've done everything that we can at this point. Our witnesses are fully prepared for everything and we have our opening and closing arguments. It's all in the Justices' hands now."

While his wife continued to page through their paperwork, he rose to his feet and rounded the desk to kiss her temple. "Let it go, love," he suggested quietly. "No point in exhausting ourselves before the trial even begins."

Reluctantly, Danielle closed her folder. "You're right," she replied. "This is such a different case from anything else we have ever dealt with. It's the first time I am going into a trial and still not know for certain how the outcome will go."

His smile saddening, Trent rubbed her back and commented, "The fact that this involves family certainly does not help, either."

Just when she had thought that she had managed to get a handle on her chaotic emotions over the whole hearing in check, those words nearly undid the young mother. Nearly losing her fight against the tears that threatened to fill her cobalt eyes, she looked up to her partner, whispering, "What if this is over our heads and we lose? We would have let those boys down."

At that, her husband knelt beside her so that their faces were close. "I don't see Heero or Duo ever believing that we let them down, regardless of the outcome of this hearing," he reassured while brushing her short bangs back. "They know that we have put every bit of effort in this that we possibly can. And whatever does happen in the next few days, they're strong and they will be able to handle it."

Taking a deep breath, Danielle regained her resolve and smiled lovingly at him. She leaned in to give her lover a chaste, but affectionate kiss of appreciation. That was more than enough to express everything that was in her heart at that moment.

Carefully securing all of their work in their briefcases, the pair headed out of their office and closed the door behind them.

Lunch was already prepared and being served by the time they reached the dining room. Bringing in a tray of hoagies and sandwiches from the kitchen, Heero grinned in greeting to his parents. "I was afraid that we wouldn't see either of you all day," he stated. "I was about to send a rescue party."

Snickering, Danielle approached her son and kissed his temple as he set the tray down on the table. "Well, your father had to all but pull me away before I went over the same reports for the hundredth time," she admitted.

"Good," the artist smirked to his step-father. "You saved me the trouble." Gesturing to the table, he said, "Have a seat." Duo came in just as his defenders sat at the table with a pitcher of water in each hand.

Zechs, Noin and Danny joined in soon after as they all discussed everything but the upcoming trial over their meal. Finishing his glass of water, the braided neko smiled as he announced, "Sally called this morning to make an appointment for me to go in for a complete ultrasound scan in three days. So, we'll have a better look at the baby."

Wide eyes and bright smiles turned towards him as the families reacted excitedly to the news. "Oh I can't wait to see them," Noin beamed, a hand over her chest. Tilting her head, she asked, "So when the time comes that the gender can be determined, have the two of you decided whether you want to know or do you want to be surprised?"

Sharing a look with his lover, Heero answered, "We both want to be surprised." With a shrug, he smirked, "Considering the fact that we never knew about the baby coming in the first place, we figured we can wait nine months to know whether we're having a son or daughter." Everyone around chuckled at that.

"All that we want is a healthy baby," Duo nodded. "We don't have a preference over the gender, so there's no need to ruin that surprise."

His tail swishing behind him, Danny questioned, "So, have you picked any names for the baby yet?"

Their faces turned towards one another again, the expecting couple almost looked surprised over the notion. Almost flushing in embarrassment, they looked back to the little neko as Heero replied, "To be honest, we haven't even started thinking about that yet. Things have been a bit crazy over the last few weeks."

Grinning, the child giggled, "Okay. Just don't forget that they need to have a name. It's pretty important."

Unable to hold back his loud laugh that joined in with the others around the table, Duo winked to his little brother and promised, "We'll make sure the baby has a name before they're born, Danny. Thanks for reminding us about that. You're already a great uncle."

The boy's face lit up in a smile that spread from ear-to-ear.

*   *   *   *   *   *

An hour later, Heero answered the front door at the sound of the doorbell. Smiling, he stepped aside as Trowa and Dorothy entered with a blanket and pillow under each arm. "Make yourselves comfortable," he offered as they walked past.

Heading into the living room, the couple found the remainder of their school friends gathered together with their own pillows and blankets. Quatre, Relena, Wufei and Sally all looked up to warmly welcome the two new arrivals.

"Just like old times," Trowa smirked as he settled himself down on the floor with his wife. "I can't remember the last time we had a sleepover like this."

Dorothy shuffled closely by his side, snickering, "I can't remember the last time that we had a night without Leslie. My parents really came through with the last-minute call for a babysitter for her."

This being the eve of the trial before the Supreme Justices, it had been suggested by the tight-knit ring of friends that they spend the night with Heero and Duo. It all started as a surprise when Quatre and Relena were the first to arrive with their duffle bags. By the time Wufei and Sally followed soon after, it was quickly figured out by the parents-to-be that the get together had been planned.

And they could not have been more grateful for their friends' thoughtfulness.

Moments later, popcorn and other snacks filled large bowls that were passed around. The light was switched off as a movie marathon rolled. Curled up in their pairs, the group made quiet comments and laughed during the films just as they would when they had such a sleep over during their high school days.

For that brief moment in time, they were kids again.

And as for the nekos joining them, it was the first time they had such an experience and they loved every minute of it. Never once were they not accepted into the group or excluded in any of the conversations.

While Heero and Duo were too moved to really express their appreciation, their friends no less understood with their visit meant. Had any one of them been in their shoes, they knew that they would have been there for them as well.

Late that evening, one by one, the group lay down to sleep on the floor. Duo was lost to the world by the time Heero settled himself down to spoon him from behind. Muttering in his slumber, the neko curled back into him.

A small smile on his lips, the artist leaned up to kiss his lover's temple. "Everything's going to be okay," he whispered. The tall ear by his lips twitched as if in acknowledgement that the sleeping teenager had heard him.

Not really sure who he was trying to convince, Heero lowered himself back down and repeated in a sigh, "Everything is going to be fine." His cobalt eyes closed at the lull of the soft purring in his ears.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Making their way up the steps of the pristine white courthouse of the Supreme Justices, Danielle and Trent led Heero and Duo amidst a wave of reporters and camera men. Hand-in-hand, the couple of interest had their heads lowered for the slight privacy that allowed them.

All around, their names were called for a comment as questions flew. Just keeping their gazes ahead, the quartet completely ignored the shutters snapping off and the voices around them with their friends close behind.

Besides the media on the steps, the streets were filled with picketers shouting in support of, and against the nekos' right to marry a human.

Members of the gay community and those that stood against them yelled back and forth to one another from their respective corners. Armed police lined the sidewalks as a warning to anyone who may think to step out of line by acting out their anger violently.

Swallowing roughly, Duo discretely rested his free hand over his abdomen. Overwhelmed by the clear sign of interest in him and this case, he did his best to block out the sounds and sights surrounding him.

Inside the building's main halls, they were finally able to shake the media off as only a few journalists were allowed under the condition of not harassing anyone involved in the case. Along with that, they were to only station themselves inside the courtroom, leaving the main halls nearly empty of people as a reprieve for the defense and prosecution teams.

Adjusting the green tie of his brown suit with his free hand, Heero sighed as he turned to his lover to ask quietly, "Are you all right?"

The butterflies in his stomach growing, Duo admitted quietly, "I'm as okay as I can be, I suppose." His lover gave him a sad smile of understanding and squeezed his hand.

Danielle stepped up, looking every bit the professional dressed in a deep purple, knee-length-skirted suit with a briefcase in hand. Looking to their support entourage, she announced, "You all best take your seats before they start opening the doors to the public."

Noin, Zechs and Danny were the first to move, approaching the braided neko to embrace him. Brushing down her son's red tie and gray suit coat, the young mother whispered, "You won't need to look far if you need us at any point. We'll be right behind you, as always."

A small smile on his face, Duo responded just as quietly as he wrapped his arms around her again, "Thank you, Ma."

When they pulled away, Zechs winked and rubbed the top of his boy's head as he swallowed past the lump in his throat that kept him from speaking. At the sight of the emotions in his father's gaze, the cat-eared boy nearly came undone as he hugged him tightly.

"I'm proud of you, you know that, right?" the tall man asked in little more than a breath as he returned the embrace. Unable to trust his voice at the moment, Duo nodded against his shoulder. Several of their members family and friends around looked away to dry their eyes over the sight.

Patiently waiting for them to pull apart, Danny walked up dressed in a little suit of his own and opened his arms widely up to his brother.

Chuckling, the taller neko bent down quickly to pull him close with their tails wrapping together. Both purring quietly, Duo told the little one softly, "You look after our parents while I'm busy, okay? They're going to need some support, too."

"Okay," the child smiled widely as he stepped back, excited to have an important role. Smirking, his big brother patted the top of his head between his large ears.

A familiar voice called, "Well, well, well. So many familiar faces on this fine day." Brief case in hand, a smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes, Septum approached slowly. The sounds of his flat shoes echoed off the marble floor as he neared the large group turning to face him.

Their eyes narrowing along with everyone around them, the defense lawyers straightened their backs. "It has been a long time, Danielle, Trent," the representative of the people commented, his eyes trained on his challengers.

Danielle smirked back, "Sadly, I cannot say it has been nearly long enough for us, Septum." Chuckling, the tall man bowed at the waist as though he was given a compliment.

Never taking his eyes off the smug man, Trent moved for the closed courtroom doors and held one open. "Time to take your seats, everyone," he suggested. "The case is going to be called shortly."

Reluctantly, the nekos and humans filtered inside, many of them keeping their glares on Septum until they were out of sight. If anything, those faces only made the man smile all the more.

Once only Heero and Duo remained, Trent closed the door behind the others. "So the snake resurfaces from his cave after all this time since we last met under these circumstances," he shot. "Considering how badly you lost to us the last time, and the public humiliation you endured as a result, I'm surprised that you are bothering a second attempt."

Snorting, Septum retorted, "That's because I actually have a case. The Justices painted themselves into a corner with their initial ruling. And we all know what allowing a marriage between your client and another young man would mean politically. You haven't a chance to win this." Nearly trembling with rage, Heero had to bite his tongue from saying anything. Beside him, Duo's chest rumbled with a deep growl.

"I wouldn't be so certain," Danielle warned, a deep frown marring her face as her cobalt eyes narrowed once more. Resting a hand on the neko's shoulder, she stated, "Our dear client is a very well-known and loved member of society now. I believe that will weigh heavily on the Justices' mind when it comes time to make their ruling in this case."

At that, the dark-haired man shrugged, "I suppose only time will tell, my dear." Before the young mother could snap at him for the snide endearment, he looked to his watch and sighed, "I do apologize for cutting this short, seeing as how wonderful it has been to catch up with you all."

Lowering his arm, he announced, "But the trial will be beginning shortly." His smirk returning, he waved with his free hand and headed for the door. "Best of luck to you, friends," he called as he opened one of the double doors and entered the courtroom.

With the door closing behind him, Danielle let out a muffled shriek. "I swear, if I did not have to contain myself, I would have smacked that bastard!" she hissed, red in the face.

Trent smiled and patted her back, urging quietly, "Much as I would have loved to have seen that, let's not let him succeed in working us up before going before the Supreme Justices. Let him play his games and we'll focus on what's important here, namely the trial."

Slowly inhaling a deep breath, his wife's face cooled as she sighed and smiled up at him, "You're right, dear." Focusing on her son, Danielle rubbed his arm and told him, "You should be heading in before the halls fill up with the crowd waiting outside. We won't be far behind."

Nodding firmly, Heero turned to face his partner as he opened his arms to him. His breath hitching in his throat, Duo all but fell into that waiting embrace and clung on tightly. "I love you," the artist whispered by a tall, brown ear.

"Love you, too," the neko whispered back. Turning his head, he kissed the other boy deeply. Only when he needed air did he pull away.

Heero offered him a warm smile and a wink before pecking his cheek. With a tight hug for each of his parents, he offered a quiet, "Good luck." Glancing to his partner one last time, he made his way to the doors and stepped into the courtroom.

Focusing on her client, and future son-in-law if she had any say in it, Danielle rubbed his back and urged softly, "We don't want you pushing yourself in there. If things become too difficult to hear or deal with, I need you to tell me right away so we can call for a recess and you can collect yourself. No one would fault you for needing some time."

Glad for the understanding, Duo smiled brightly, "Okay. Thank you." Cupping the side of his face, the young woman grinned.

Trent gave the teenager a firm nod and said, "We're ready whenever you are."

Looking to the closed courtroom doors, the neko could not help recalling the last time he was in the same position. The circumstances were very different this time around. Unlike before, many more lives besides his own were about to be affected regardless of the outcome of this trial.

Against the unsettled feeling in his stomach, Duo took a deep breath and looked back to his defense team. Nodding, he told them, "I'm ready."

Instantly flanking him at either side, Danielle and Trent moved for the doors and pulled them open. To the quiet mutters of the people already inside as heads turned in their direction, they led the way down the walkway to the front of the courtroom.

Head high, Duo followed close behind, ready for whatever fate had in store for him this time.

Because there was no turning back now.



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